e ffic» Hill VOL. 13. GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JU N £ 25,1910 NO. 7 New Railroad up Kanes Creek Now in Actual Operation LOCOMOTIVE NO. 1 A Brief History of the Braden Mine W rit ¡un fo r The N t u t .b y H. A. M ears MINCED THE MAIL Arrives and at Once Emulates the Shasta Limited Makes Hash of T hi Braden mine wan discovered us the Braden mine ever since. ! reasons for not making known the Papers Twice Recently ' nearly forty year» ago by one of This mill was run by the owner I output, no record has ever been ATYPICAL LOGGING ENGINE the Swindon Brothers It afterward» and various lessees with varying ¡kept of the production of «'»'«¡SACkS SI W KFn R A Fk I iMHFO pa-sed into thn hand» of John success for quite a number of years, property. It is safe to say that its | OUvrtLL, D/CVIK U lrU tn Capable of Taaily Handling Kane* Creeit Swindon, owner of ihe Swinden The policy M the tehees during all I production has aggregated several1 Aft_ Th«, Tfcr^wJ r „ m u .a r.,. Traffic — JoM-ph King anil I ril > ranch, now held in conmctiori with this time was simply to “gut" and hundred thou-and dollsre. la«fi«Home Journal Soiled; Jeff HaminerMy the Crew * the mine. To giro a full hiatory of "gouge” the property for all there' One important h e t to be taken and Mutt Bo(h Injured I bin property would make very In- wu» in it, with no regard for the fu- .into consideration is, that -with a ll ' ------ — Locomotive No. ! is now at work , treating reading, but would ro- ture of the mine. This policy, pur the development, constsiing of | Twice within a week has the sack on the Gold Kill Railroad A Lum-¡quire inure space than could con- sued for any grtat Jertgth of time, «everal thousand feet of tunnel», Jconta.ning the paper mail for Gold b»r company a Kanes creek line It gicteiitly be asked for in one ieeue It is needles» to say, is ruinous to . winze«, upraise» and »hafts, the Mill hern chewed up under the arrived from Portland Monday, J of *pbe #ew s. the best of mines ir. any country. most favorable point tc. look for pay hurrying wheels of the Shasta and was placed on its own rails The original dircovery was mads A» an instance of the gross mis- ore on this prcpAty bss never yet Limited, a» it tore through town Tuesday, since «hen it has been on ndint is now known a» the management which the Braden been opened. Any practical, e x -■ e-Uthb mnd in the early morning, busy transporting machinery and north and-aoulh ledge. This is a has suff«red, and what the mine perienced naming man will coincide of the mail as ba» been recov- material to the mill, tnd ban.¡ng contact vein ljiog between elate could do to recover from this mis- with me in the statement th a t the ¡®r«d »Tier this experience has h«J out rails f. r extension ol the line. and diorite formation, and cropping management: Home outside parties most favorable place <•» look for the appearance of having g rp uly a '‘romance number," but consist mostly of log» for the recently hauled into Gold Hill to ’ Rouging out all the pay ore they j laid down in mining, and holds' reeched Gold Hill it h .p . when it reac roil! and limestone f.r the kiln. pave the streets, furnished the rich thought was in sight, and « leaning good in all mining districts and 'every appearance of having beer ( It« first job o. any extuit. however, o{ ore f„unj by uiany up the proceeds from the mill, they i with all kinds and elapses of ore. khipwreckcd, hit by joy rid«r.r and will be to bring out four carloads of o'f our citiew'oa of late quietly took their departure between j Now, the junctifio of these two pay played with bv a young staghorn.d. wood t > the main line for shipment n - •*-- On the itrengih of the showing two days with the amalgam, leav- ing veins on the Braden property i Romance had turned to tragedy, The engine is not the only roll found in thif vein, soon alter it» ¡ng an indebtedness of about $4,000 hs» never b-en prospected. Some 'A t h a st that was the w ay'w ith ing rtX k possessed by the ne* ¡dircovery an arastra was er eted or more. The owner, seeing that time, some mining man with th e iTony Olsen’s copy of the Bokbooi. Pat car, branded a„d worked for a number of years the boy« as well as himself had courage of hi» convictions and tbs railway. A A new new Qat car,, branded It is no new experience for Jeff "G. II. R. R A L. t o ’ arrived with very satisfactory results. beers buncoed, turned the mine over capital necessary to carry out hi- »«“I Mutt to be thrown off a tra in , iurs< ay. It will >e followed by During the time (bat this work was to the men to make good their pay. plans will siuk a shaft five or six but the shreds of the Portland Jour- ot ler i a-s as they sre needed. bema prosecuted, an ea-t nnd-west With a few weeks' work they real- hundred feet deop, then prospect nal which were recovered were p opf Joseph K in g is engineer of the ledge was discovered with equally ¡¡ted sufficient to pay them th e ir' by drifting a few hundred feet on ' ®nough that Bud Fishcr’eentertajp- entertain­ kanee I reek r Iyer, as the train rich surface ore. The continuation , back wages. The merchants who this junction to the four points of ing heroes met quite the worst mi»- has already been christened, while of lhie vein would ¡nterBect the i had furnished supplies to the de- the compass, and open a mine that Bap of all their unlucky career Fri'z Hammersly, ns fireman, north-and south ledge at nearly ; linquent lessees then took theprop- will make history for southern when they were dumped off th^ keeps her hot. right angles. Large bodier of good ertv and took out sufficient to Oregon. |Shasta Limited at Gold Hill We^- Tubers WM Ba Good Crap milljng ore were found in this vein, reimburse them ., A good record As an instance of the fertility at or ne-day morning. Potatoes grown on G. H. Pat- The * fHer !«•" l>ee" Wliably in- for a property suppose« to have near a junction of mineral bearing Gld home papers from back east, rick's tract just west of town are al- fort»'*d parties who worked on everything in sight worked out veins: The Red Elephant mine at w*,h their terrible lake of drouth In fact, this mine has had to Georgetown, Colorado, consists ol and heat prostrations, and their most matured and are a splendid the property in its early history crop, 'fhey have been big enough that $35 to the pan has been make good for every dollar -pent three veins forming a junc’ion. sympathetic accounts of births, to use since the first week in May, washed from the surface dirt taken on it for a good many years, or Within a radius of 600 fiet from d-aihs and marriages, suffered the and are of fine quality. Mr. from this vein. About this time until the present owners took pos this junction these three veins same cruel fate The Shasta shred­ Patrick ha- about an acre in arti­ sufficient money had been taken session. Now, a mine that will pay j have produced $5,000,000. Thisis ded ’em, along with the Police chokes which he expects to yield from the mine and sufficient ore for its own development from grass but one of dozens of like instances ’ Gazette and Everybodys and other nearly five tons. He considers opened to justify the erection of a roots down, pay for installing an that have been brought to the • leading iziaga/inee. artichokes the very best feed for ten-stamp mill. Ibis was placed arastra and stamp mill, and all attention of the writer in many dif- j The thing has happened several nrilch-cws. All manner of vege­ at the nearest water on the property the attendant expenses of opening j terent mining districts of the west.1 b'mes, and it may happen again, tables are doing well on his place, on the county road betweeu Gold an extensive mine, is a phenomenon . And no one can give any valid , The sack containing the p ipeg ¡reason why the same conditions mail « heavy, ar.d the mail clerk* which is irrigated with a pump Hill and Jacksonville. Soon after in the best of our mining states. the placing of this mid the mine Owing to the faot that the Bradeh ! should not exist in the mines of I cannot always throw it clear of the from Rogue river. He has a two- was bought by Dr. Jos. Braden, of has been worked by so many differ- ¡ southern Oregon. ' envelope of air which accompanies year-old orchard of which he is Indianapolis, and has been known ent parties, many of whom had 1 a fast train, so it is sometime» justly proud. H. A. M ears . , sucked back under the wheels, Water Mains laid Io School Grounds 1 1 where its contents sre speedily- Water mains have been laid out made into literary ha-h as fine as to the site of the new high i-chool . can be found in any of Elbert Hub- building the past week, Fouy inch The first newspaper printed in | Milo P. Ward, well known in I A. J. Messner, though but ghe i bard’s publications. Unless the pipe bus been put down, as it is Gold Hill was the Gold Hill Miner, i mining circles, is now in San ninth part of a man, is giving Shasta slows down a bit in its pas- anticipated that tho next lew years and its first issue appeared May Francisco. everybody fits in the merchant BaKe thr0UgB this burgeoning met- will see many residences erected 3d, 189», T. Roberts being the { The Tolo pump is doing good tailor line. ropolie, our morning mail may be in that p irt of town wlpoh will publisher. Mr. Roberts was an j work. Each day the yellow trees- j Will Hays is showing some very mincemeat any time, need water connections. able editorial writer, and his first ure is bpipg uncovered in large fine specimens of gold from his ■ Perhaps an Ice factory fo r GoM HM f mine on Rogue river. Some of th e ' Ed Weston, who was formerly in issue, the only one in the pcBeession quantities. A. J. Olsen is considering the of The News, is a very creditable Cards are out for the marriage o f 1 slugs weigh five or six dollars, business here, but now of Medford, installment of an ice-making and E. Roten, the well-known and was in tttwn Wednesday. He ex­ number. At that time the city Mr. S. D. Swacker, of the Douglas cold storage plant in the cement council was composed of G. S. I Hotel, and Mrs. Jessie Williamson, most successful miner, is again in pects to instal) a bowling alley here building on Main street, owned by Hammersly, J. W. Marksbury, T. The happy day is to be Wednesday, the hills and closing up rapidly on soon. John Hammersly. H. Pankey, A. C. Stanley and G. I May 8th. a rich trace Wben in o ch g8tB g Yet . Another Local Angler _ , w - 8teeie- J- H. Griffis was Horace Pelton, James Pelton, trnce of the bidden treasure he Gold Hill Will Soon Have 18 Wroth at Ament Dam recorder, and F. M. Parker mar- Miss Hattie Sizemore ijnd Mies never stops to eat or sleep until the Up-to-Date Cigar Factory ---------- shal, J. W-Masterson was Noble Rose McClendon, of Sams Valley, game ¡g bagged> ‘‘I have fished in all the streams Grand of the Odd Fellows, Miss amended the May Day festivities at Reinhart & Oliver are drifting A cigar factory is the latest, of any note from Washington to Ada Parker was president of the | Gojd Hill. __ . . .. ¡on Gold Hill and are in about one . -------------------------- — J. A. Alr.utt, of Ashland, has de- southern California, and Rogue W. C. T. U., and Bart Carter was _._.**amine L hHodred feet. It is their purpose to cided to locate such an enterprise river is, or was the best that I ever president of the Loyal Temperance ¡known raining man, has engaged in reach a point about one hundred in Gold Hill, as this is just as threw a hook in,’’ said L. S. Noe, j Legion. Curtis Miller was super- farming. What does it mean? ft feet below the old works and then good a distributing point as any who blames the Ament dam for the ¡ntendent of the Sunday school, means that pumpkins will be cross-cut in search cf treasure. in southern Oregon, and rents nlmost fishless condition of the H. a . Cryder, cow a resident of worth $60 a dozen next fall. Tom Lawrence is working with Little Busy Bee stream at present. Mr. Noe is in favor of the commercial olub’s taking some action to aid in the effort being made by the Medford commercial club to have the nuis­ ance which is responsible for this condition abated. He believes that if the attention of the proper auth­ orities is directed to the matter the dam will either be removed or a fishway installed which will make it possible for fish to pass it. Twin Falls, Idaho, was postmaster. The following paragraphs of local news will show what some of the citizens were doing fifteen years ago: Joe Hamncerslv Bundayed io Gold Hill. Mrs. M. A. Pryce spent Tuesday in Jacksonville.. S. Rosenthal, of Medford, has purchased the stock of goods for­ merly owned by A. C. Stanley. have not yet acquired the aeroplane Joseph Cox and Bart Signioretti them. habit, as they have in some of tho are preparing for an extended pros­ Jas. U. and W. J. Smith, of larger towns. The factory will be pecting tour. These men are thor­ Snohomish, Wash,, came to Gold located in the Beeman building on ough practical miners, and knew Hill last fall. It did not take them Main street, next to Caldwell’s a good thing when they see it. long to discover that was a local meat market. Complete equip­ W. C. Thiele, of Medford, has con­ demand for a lumbering concern in ment and a large consignment of cluded to oast his fortunes with the vicinity. They selected Sar­ high-grade stock has been ordered. Gold Hill. He accordingly pur- dine creek, four miles from towD, as Mr. Alnutt has not yet decided on chased an even half dosen lots on ' the site their enterprise. On De- the names for the several brands of one of the main street» upon which cember 15, ’04, they began sawing, ! cigar» which he will put out, and may give at least one of them a he will immediately erect business i and the mill since then has con- title that will carrv advertising and residence buildings. tinued singing its song of prosperity. value for Gold Hill.