NEW S OF NOTED STARS AND LIGHT YEARS, PERSONS Clarence Lexow. who, as chairman of the senate Investigating commit tee, hared a scandal in New York's police department in 1894 that shocked the nation, died at bla home In Nyack. N. Y.. of pneumonia The estate of Henry O. Havemeyer, of the American Sugar Refining Com panv. la appraised at >17,107,165 In the report of the transfer tax apprais sr tiled In New York. Andrew Carnegie brought his bene- faction« to the enormous total nt >180,710.000, by a gift of >1,250,000 to ♦he foundation for German lif-sa v er a Mrs. Mary Heniehe, widow of the late Chief Heniehe, of the Chippewa tribe of Indians, died at her home at Ba sea Mich., at the age of 115 years. S multaneously with the signal of ""30" ro his last sheet of copy for th e Atchison «Kansas) Globe, Fdgar W a t sor Howe, or " Ed" Howe, for 35 years editor of that paper, severed bis con­ nection with the publication Mrs. Isabella Martin was for the saocod time given a fife sentence In the courts at Oakland. Cal., for the dynamiting of Superior Judge Ogden’s home. Judge W ells denied her m o , . , , . . . . , tion for a new trial, but granted a ! CATCHING H i i .I h j S. P ractically the Sam * Methuwfl Far a Thousand Vaaca. A Useu Peep In to th s E te r n ity of T h a t S u rro u n d « U v Space THE POTATO D UEL ITALIAN HUMOR. L a u g h a b le B a ttle B etw ee n a B ad M e n a nd a P re a c h e r. B«ory af the Ingenleua NaptMw and Mta Witty Unela. PAUL OF RUSSIA. HU Treats Ending W a s LU U T h a t a f Jullua Caaa*v, While it is interesting to know While tins perhaps has nothing to Not all the duel» fought in Ken­ Tint 15th of March, I *01,' aa the the distance of some of the stars in The Ixiwcstoft fishermen *a\ that tucky have tn'en bloody or even dan­ fio with current literature, we jot it day on wh ieh th«* Eutperor Paul of the m ethod o f e u ti'liiu g h e rrin g * miles, when stated in that way the gerous. Many years ag«» Bill Bow­ down because it impressed us as be- Russia «»a* aasnssinatial. Paul had numbers are so large that they fre­ has scarvelv change«! «lunug the last man, c noted circuit preacher and a itig particularly good and het ause received wane whispers of liw plot fhiWsand rear* or more ami ill.,, quently convey very indistinct con­ muscular Christian, once employe«! it itfuatratca as well as any story against hia life and h.ul arvung>'«l their l ets mast he the same ui p r i l l ceptions to the mind. For this rea­ unique weapon* with effect ivonemi. that we have ever heard the p«'eul- to leave St. Peter burg the follow­ eiple a.» those which were employe,! son it is customary to estimate At one of his meetings a local iar quality of ltnliau humor. Fa ing day anil go to Moscow, where be.'nre Richard the l.ion licartts! stars’ distances in "light years.” A desperado had « rented a disturbance sola«'i"i is a youth of much elegance lie fancied he might be safer. Oil and his Crusader* sailed for the light year is the distance that light, and on being publicly rebuked by and little discretion, lie has been the evening «4 the 25th he retired Holy Land. The statem ent has moving at the rate of 186,300 mile« Bowman sent him a challenge to s|H*ntliiig right and left, and one I«» rest at an early hour that he much of tru th in it, and when we per second, travels in one year. fight. Bowman as the challenged dav he finds himself anaIde to pay might thoroughly reet himself I*- d rift at our net* on the lonely sea This amounts in round number* to party had, of « ours«», the clioiee of his hotel kill. Owing to the avarice f.»re eoiiiiueiK-ing hi» journey. At with our great lamplike riding light 5,880,000,000,000 miles. The dis­ weapons, lie selected a half bushel of his futher, he appeal» to his 11 o'clock about a score of the con­ burning steadily amidships, w • pre tance of Alpha Centaur is 4,35 light of Irish potatoes as big as his fist uncle: spirators — offletws holding high1 ®®Bt much C e s lit t e spectacle that years; that of Sinus, the dog star, for each man and stipulated that "Dear Unde— If von could see rartk in the army—appeared at the ould have Imcn witnessed m an' is almost exactly twice as great, or his opponent must stand fifteen my shame whil«' I write you would gate of the palace. It was dosed, centuries ago. It was at night whet* 8,6 light years— in other words, paces distunt and that onlv on«' po­ pity me. I)»» you know whv? Be­ lint the officers presented an order, the herrings were caught, ami night light requires 8.1» years to come to tato at a time should h<* taken from cause 1 have- to ask yotl for 100 signed by the eniptwor huosclf—or, And these are the measure. Tin' desperado was ini lies and know not how to* express rather, with a forgtil signature at- on the vast ami melancholy waste ns front Sirius. of '•niter hid«'* that mmlornitv among the very nearest of the stars. furious at being thus insulted and nty humble gratitude. tnclieii - and, informing the sentinel which onlv dav reveals. There ar" Some whose parallaxes have been made an indignant protest, but “No, it is impossible to cirll you! that they were called to hold a other r.ding lights and h, re am! rather estimated than measured ap­ Bowman reminded him that the I prefer to die. council! of war with nil« exar, were there the masthead and side light* peared to be situated at a distance challenged man had a right to **I semi you tJhis bv a inesatMger, admitted. of a steam er going north or south, which light could n«>t traverse in c h o o se his own weapons and threat­ who awaits an answer. The eror’s aid db-oamp was but the steel am! iron hulls are onlv less than one or two centuries. The ened to denounce the "tail man" "Believe me, dear unde,, your one of the foremost of the con­ guessed hv *'m e chance glimmer great star Arcturus, for instance, as a coward if he failed t«> come to most obedient and affectionate spirators and went in advnncc of has a parallax of only eighteen- time. As there was no way out but ncplnrer, from a port or deck house. F A S O l.A t't’L ” tlie oilier» to Paul's hedel»- iber, "1*. S,—Overconsc with shame* tor before tli» door of wlich* wo» n And the men have changed hut thnnsandths of a second. Its dis­ to fight the desperado relnctantly what I have written, i have lan'ii Cossack »tidier on guard', "The little surelv! T heir dress for work tance must in that case be about i consented. The fight took place on the o u t­ ’ running after the messenger in er- emperor sleeps.” said th«' man. “I is primitive, hiding , all that is sug- 181 light years, or more than a ' . , , , ... " gestive of the modern landsman.! thousand million million miles. skirts of the town. Everybody wus I dcr to take the lctlitr from him, hut must rou *e him. T here is fire in And if its distance is so great, then, present to set« tho fun. T he sec­ I 1 could not catch* up with linn. the city,” replied the treacherous _________________ i There is a jumper which the skip- ; per and crew wear—a garment made ! since light varies inversely as the onds arranged the two men in po­ I Ileaveu grant that something may aid. The Cossack, teeing others B r.F NEWS f*F THE WFFK of stout canvas and barked with the square of the distance from its sition. bv the side of each being a i happen Io stop him sr that this let­ push forward1, shouti'd out alnrtn 1’’.” ---------- sail cloth. It covers the amis and source, it can be shown th at Arc­ half iinshel measure filled with, po­ ter may be lost. the emperor and immediately fell, Occupying a whole tloor of the Mer- trun(; nearly to the knees, almost turus must actually give forth 5,04)0 tatoes hard as hriteks. The uncle receive» the letter, i» pierced by tti» swords of tiie con­ ’■ants' Exchange building at San as j,le coar«e smock garbed the serf or 6,000 times as much light as the Bowman threw the first potato. touched by its coutimts, consider» spirators. l’lwtl attem pted to bolt It struck, his opponent and (lew into and replies: Francisco, with 200 stenographers ’ of ol- dence heard your prayer. The mes­ he demanded '«f Count Plutvi Zou- dorsement of Congrass Its short form is generally favored. known to have a parallax large tato flew wide of the mark. Bow­ senger lost your lettun. Goodby. boff, “and what the K0“ 1- browsing Toward’ in it? ” ties in the Spanish cortes have meet the father she so devotedly Then Tommy rose and in a grace­ The Baby's Bath. “Jack and Gill” was popular at the ™ the P™88 dlrectlJ below. Saul brought forwa. d a bill for the pay­ loved, but the mystery of Iter death ful attitude, with a thumb on eauh The baby’s bath should not be too English court between 1567 and 1“ ® JP® to himself: ment of members, the suggested sal remains ns it was the day she dis­ knee, answered: hot. On the other hand, it should old Whiskers in 1578. How far back the English { ought to let ary being >1,200 per year. “ Please, teacher, I toward my appeared.—New Y’ork American. on these good things, and I will.” _ _ i_ Trouble Is again becoming __ acute In not be “ too , cold. If the . baby screams T nursery rhyme with this title dates In d ia n S u m m e r, trowsis.”—London Aaswers. Acting upon this generous im­ Macedonia. Hands of Macedonian in- it is a sign that all is not right. In is not known, though every school Indian summer in North America pulse, he leaned over and let drop that case, dip the hand quickly into child is familiar with the lines. surgents are active In tne hills and Clovsrer Than Ho. is a period of mild, balmy weather an armful of cocoanuts, which. are carrying on a particularly Irritat­ the water to ascertain the tempera­ The confirmed bachelor ciwne —usiailly occurring in November— Most Valuable Faculty. landing in quick succession, like ture. The defect may then quickly ing system of guerilla warfare. “The late William James,” said a shots from a rapid firing gun, right back to tke club lunch from the end characterized by a clear sky and a be remedied. If too hot, add cold In order to be prepared for any Bostonian, “used to smile at the in the middle of the goat’s bamp of the earth, and we all asked him hnzv or smoky atinosjdtcre, espe­ water; conversely, if too cold, add ! em ergency, which may arise In the if he was married (he is nearly fif­ cially nenr the horizon. The name hot. Avoid the use of sand soap or brain fag that so often attacks the of knowledge, broko his neck. far east, the British admiralty have American business men. Professor Moral.—More men are done by ty). “ I shall marry a clever wo­ is derived from the custom among of chemicals. Frequent baths decided before the new year grows should render such heroic tre a tm e n t1 James had his own opinion of the their friends than undone by their man if I do,” ho replied grimly. the Indians of using this delightful m uch older to send a number of sub- “Thought you didn’t like those clev­ time to harvest their corn. Accord­ average business man’s hard work. enemies.—Judge. unnecessary. jearine boats to Chinese waters er women,” said the youngest mem­ ing to one of their traditions, they I Great care shonld be exercised to ■ He thought that brain fag camo ber simply. “I don’t,” said the always had a second sninmer of nine No Cause For Alarm. keep the baby’s face constantly, more frequently from an excess of “I have decided,” said the the­ bachelor, whose views are well days just before the winter set in. whisky and tobacco than from an 1 Hit It Right. above water. Enough may be swal- atrical manager, “to give you a trial, known and widely spread. “ But if Indian mtmmer corresponds to a Kegan Paul in his reminis- ,owed in a few minutes by the little excess of mental application. Miss Arlington. Please be ready to ever I marry it’ll be an infernally similar season prevailing during the “ Apropos of this he used to tell a cences speaks in one case of his stranger to cause chronic bilious- begin rehearsing Monday after­ clever woman who does iL”—Lon­ late antnmn in England and the story about a little boy who asked bishop as “an astute and insincere ness-—Judge. don Chronicle. noon.” Mediterranean countries, called “St. his father: man,” giving this instance of his in- ~ .. _ Martin’s summer,” from St. Mar­ “Thank you so much. But before “ Tapa, what is executive abil­ sincerity: At a meeting of the cler- “ orUI't/ °f ‘h* 1H'""’ n R*e’ " Th« Marechal Nial Rota. tin’s festival, which falls on Nov. we go any further I must inform ity?’ r j a t Clapham his chaplain told him Thl^ - th2®e mi,llon , P®°P’eft d* When Nicl, the French general, 11.—New York American. “ ‘Executive ability, my son,’ the you that I shall positively refuse to th a t old Dr Blank, who had been •nnnally. This is equal to 90,410 wear tights or u gown that is cut was returning home from the scene many years in the diocese, Was deaths per day, 3,767 per hour and father replied, ‘is the faculty of Dredging to Begin. low in the neck.” , of his victories in the war between vexed at having been forgotten. 62 per minute, or one in less than earning your bread by the sweat of Msrshfleld.— Dredging In the chan “Oh, th at’s all right! In the part France and Austria he received other people’s brows.’ ” *Yes,” said the bishop, “I have not €very second of time. One-fourth that I’m going to give you you will from a peasant who wished to hon­ nel between Marshfield and the nceae, the smallest recollection of him, but of all the people born into the Tit For T a t merely have to stand behind a shed or the hero a basket of bcantiful for whlob the Port of Coo« Bay will I trill make it all right and will go world die before arriving at the age and help to scream when the cy­ pale yellow roses. Ono of the stems collect a tax of >300,000 and the gov- Here is a story in which the bish­ and speak to him. Which is he?” ° f Beven year8- One-half die before clone strikes town.”—Chicago Rec­ the general took to a florist in Paris, eminent has appropriated >50,000, has He was pointed out, and the bishop reaching the age of seventeen. The op alluded to is supposed to be the ord-Herald. in whose care it remained until it been begun, and It Is expected that bishop of London. The eminent made his way to him. “My dear Dr. average duration of human life i s , became a thriving bush covered by the time the Panama Canal le ecclesiastic was staying the week Blank, I have not had a moment for about thirty-eight years. Of 10,000 Judging by ths Looks. with blossoms. Niel then took the completed Coos Bay w ill b M o n u a end with friends, and on Monday real conversation with you. I need persons one attains the age of 100 I Little Margaret has the usual in­ plant as a gift to the Empress Eu­ seaport of Importance. morning he was playing a young not aak you how you are after all years, one out of 500 reaches the I quiring min«l of youth. Recently genie. Sho expressed great admira­ these years. Do you still ride your ot ninety years, and out of 100 I man (whom he could usually beat) her Great-aunt Charlotte was vis­ tion for the exquisite flowers and 50 Years le Age Lim it. a single at lawn tennis and was far­ grey mare?” “Yes, my lord. How ®nly one will live to be sixty, iting the family, and Margaret bold­ on learning that the rose was Olympia.— No fraternal or benefici­ ing badly. good of you to remember her!” etc. ary society In the State of Washing nameless said: “I simply can’t stand your serv­ ly asked the lady’s age. The chaplain, who was within ear­ “ How old do you think I am ?” "Then I ’ll name it. I t shall bo fun h«s any power or authority to ice today, my boy,” said the bishop, Storms Kill Filipinos. shot, said when he again came near returned the aunt. admit to its membership any person The Marechal Niel.’ " with frank generosity. Maalla.— Unprsoodontsd the biahop, “Then you did lemem- , _ s t t a r m s The little girl gazed at her ear­ over 50 years of age, by dispense “T it for tat, then,” replied the At the same time she bestowed bar Dr. Blank after all?” “Not a fcasa awapt Mladaaao and Bamboaaga, impertinent youth, “for I couldn’t nestly for a moment and then said: upon the astonished general the tlon, by-laws or otherwise, according Wt of it,” said the bishop. “I saw * * * * « » • “ un‘^ - Tw« 5 Ur" , “Well, I don’t know, Aunt Char­ jeweled baton that betokened his to an opinion handed down by Attor stand yours yesterday."—London the grey hairs on hia coat, and I «*’ • lo8t »ni ; M. A. P. lotte, but you don’t look new I”— promotion to the high and much ney General Bell, who maintains that «banced the sex.” | * tk'’ - 1*0.006. Woman’s Home Companion. coveted rank of marshal of France. the state law Is mandatory.