Ginghams, Calicoes, Percales, Galatea, Serpentine, Outings, and Chambrays at Cost 25 P E R CENT OFF WOOL BLANKETS W hite, size 70x80. regular $>.00; S a l e .............. Fancy Bowknot. 70x80, regular $4.00; Sale Heavy Brown. 60x80, regular $5.50; Sale Heavy grey, 60x80. regular $4.50; Sale ... $4.70 $3.00 $4.30 $3.50 COTTON BLANKETS W hite Alamo. 11-4. regular price *1.50; Sale Fancy Bowknot. regular ] rice $1.65; Sale Mixed colors, regular price $1.25; Sale Comforters, regular price $1.50; Sale Comforters, regular price $L25; Sale $1.20 $1.30 $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 On our entire line — of •» G ents’ T D ress Shoes. All Muslins, Cambrics, Sheetings, Ready Made Sheets, Pillow Tubing, Pillow Cases MUST GO AT 20 P E R CENT 0FF- M en’s All Wool U nderwear a t Cost; M en’s Wool Over- shirts at big discount. Everything- in M en’s Underwear and overwear a t a greatly reduced price. DRESS SH IR T S FOR MEN $1.75 Cluette ........ .........i........... :............................. $1.25 M onarch.................... ....................................... $1.50 Monarch ................. .-..................................... $2.00 Cluette .................................................... . Men’s Flannelette Night Gowns, $1.25 a t.............. will buy any of the following during this sale L A D IE S’ SHOES We have a nice new up-to-date stock of Ladies’ Shoes which we are offering a t a big discount. Don’t fail to see them. P atent Colt, Goodvear welt. Stock 526; regular price $3.75; S a le ............. ..... .......................................................... $3.00 P atent Blueher Oxfords. St«x-k 699; Reg. pr. $3; Sal«- $2.50 P atent Fashion, one of the best, Stock 806; Reg. price 75; Salt- $3.00 P atent Colt. Kid Top, Stock 564; regular price $3.75; Me ................................................... $3.00 P aten t Colt Button, Stock 568; regular price $4.00; Sal. $3.10 Kid Top Oxford, Stock 536; regular price $3.75; Sale $2.95 Angelo, Stock 615; regular price $3.00; Sale $2.45 Russia Calf, Stock 527; regular j rice $3.75; Sale 2.95 Alpine High Cut T a i, Stock 1035; regular price $5.00; S a le ................... ......................................................... $4.00 The John Strootman, regular price $4.00; Sale $2.90 John Strootman, regular price $3.50; Sale $2.50 John Strootman, regular price $2.25; Sale $1.75 We will give big discounts on any brand of Ladies Shoes in the store. Come and see them—our time is yours. LADIES Silk Waists, Wool Skirts, Kimonos, House Dresses, U n­ derskirts, Silk Hose, Cotton Hose, Wool Hose—in fact everything th a t we carry in the ladies’ wearing apparel m ust go a t a big discount. When we say big discount we mean from 20 to 50 per cent. 17 lbs, best granulated Sugar 50 lbs. Liberty Bell Flour 6 lbs. good Coffee Did you ever hear this word BUCKINGHAM H EC H T— and do you know w hat it means? I t means one of the best shoes m anufactured on the P a ­ cific Coast. - * We have them in stock. Hold Fast Loggers, regular $7.50; Sale....... ?.............. $6.00 Oregon Loggers, regular $6.00; Sale.. .........................$4.95 Indian Tan High Cut,'regular $7.50; Sale................. $6.00 We have many of the good ones in stock, which we are going to offer during this sale at a big reduction. You miners take heed and don’t pass this up. 25 P E R CENT O FF ON M en’s Suits and E x tra P a n ts, B IG DISCOUNT on Suspenders, Ties, Gloves, Etc. Our Prices Are Always Right on Groceries M ISSES SHOES New Stock Easy W alker, Style 1025. regular pii<-<- $2.50; Sale $1.95 ’I’rue Blue, Style 767, regular ju ice $2.50; Sale $1.95 Box Calf, double sole, Style 810; regular pri-e $2.25; Sal«- .........................$1.90 Maver Custom Made. Stvle 2175; regular price >1.75; Sal«- $1.25 Fluffy Ruff le, Style 250; régulai- price $2.00; Sale $1.00 Fluffy Ruffle, Style 250; regular $1.75; Sale 95c Be sure and bring the little girls and have us fit them with a pair of these nice up-to-date shoes. 15 PER CENT OFF on Trunks and Suit Cases, M EN ’S SH IR TS TABLE LIN EN 60 72 54 60 inches inches inches inches wide; wide; wide; wide; regular regular regular regular Monarch, soft front. Style M 234; regular $1.25, a t.......50c Monarch, fancy, Style L 62; regular $1.25, a t.................45c Standard. Style L2568; regular $1.25, a t .......................40c 5 dozen $1.25 and $1.50 Monarch Negligees a t...............50c 75c yard; S a le ....... $1.35 yard; Sale...... 65e yard; Sale........ 90c yard; Sale........ RED DAMASK 60 ita lics w ide; re g u la r 50c y a rd ; S a le ............. 60 inches w ide, cheek; re g u la r 50c yard; Sale. Napkins to match. All Good Goods— No Shoddy $1.20 90c $1.00 $1.15 85c 35c 35c BIG DISCOUNTON MEN’S HATS 5 .5 0 Wool Golf Rugs at $ 4 .0 0 J- and a host of other big bargains Remember the dates, Monday, January 9, to Saturday, January 14 E P Ï OLD HILL if I