Second A nnual . y* < r J Beginning Monday morning, January 9th, and continuing until Satur-lay evening, the S4th, at eight o’clock, we will offer to the people of Gold Hill and to the people of Southern Oregon, what, we believe absolutely, without a shadow o f a doubt, to be the greatest general dry goods sale ever before attempted in this vicinity BARGAINS ARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS Don’t, let anything keep you away, come on the brain; if you can’t get on the train, come in a wagon; if you haven’t, a wagon, come on horseback; if you can't get a horse come a foot,. Come any way to get here. Don’t, let, anyone persuade you t,o stay away. This is a Money Saving, a Money Making opportunity th a t may come but, few times, so don’t, fail t,o let us prove to you that we mean every word we say. Remember we have to clear these goods from our shelves. In taking our annual inventory, we figure we can count, the money easier t,han t>he goods.