[WO AVIATORS F/LL TO INSTANT DEATH Hoxsey ai o IWo.ssant Killed In Twin Accidents— Spsctators Arc Horri icd. Meat «H berat* e r r a t ic ' uenta * • • • m ad e to ««uiertaln «ha v »<« '<•« during th eir atay In «he rtty and a large com i ilttee c i rt‘P’’e»*nta«lve< and active cltlaena a ttc .d e d to th eir ro-cptlon At c « >•« Y ork.- F a l 't ’i » ' ' *on«c1oue lu the criut n >• aria build­ ing Just b e tc .e his arraig n m en t ta r he all«-ted tbe*t of 1.-i’:> front th e .i th em H ack oi Net* York, Joseph it n e a rtj tiev>-. ed In etullr..; !. t e e. Physician» » e r e ruahed to i.iru and a stom ach pum p » a s used viitorously before he could t»« revived, I’ .ieit he adm itted th a t he had takeu m orphine and tried to kill h mself. D a n k e r R o b in N«>» John B. Mo . nnt and Arch H oxaaj. Atu« . a fer« . «.at aviators. were killed S aturday. M Ussitst m et hl» death w •le at” te .ii.t.i.s ;o ¡anti ti :i ¡ aid several ti. troni New Or! ans. Hex 5« y, d " l \vm g n s sk.il before P otato P rise s Co Mich. r ci o v a c- tiix u sands in Les «!.■ Stockton. U it — U1 :h price* for po- a, . * all over the United St res are bh ’ | to r the coming y ear by t, Wa’.S • »•«•« •hat the pr e» will advance to worm .thk'h v n a » :c <.d i« >t lor sm all f r r th v r and ta rth e r ittfo the rea qu an tities as much as t r« m s a poun 1 re» «i of e a d e i 'o t of th e h irdi . to re- j €<• n ' • “»n s fatal will have to be paid Kin,I of roil to let n» I I or. Anti for niililtng «nil to end the sul* Irrev­ I, *1 should ocably when the winds nib out. your aitio of it,’ 1 think vou’4 want or uf ««runon to This saved ••<»„. iltrton and diMUta. lint little The auctioneer** glasses in ll • Phil­ yoursclvca to do ip mending yon have n,| «o on. adelphia collect it» are niete «eque. the go nil One t* of tort,, -<• »he,l anti ii">tli*r •• ‘Folks c«n*t I the week withonl it ..g worn out.' of-pearl other is f a mb, r and! Pigtail» In B ritla h A rm y . I told her. and then I spoke a little gold A I , f • 1 end ’o r ’. Chrcr :fp cf Important Events Pigtail* survived in our army un­ firmer. til well into the nineteenth century, “ ‘This isn’t a fashionable vil­ ci Interest to Our the Welsh fusiliers being the last lage.’ I said to her. ’and so there ust o l is h e d to abandon them. Sir Algernon won’t be nnvhodv leave a card at ¿readers. | West relates how he heard an argil- | v,mr house that day. just when you W A .H r’. »BW INTERNATIONAL Mr- j nieut once as to whether the blues ------ ]■ (C * f . Coos County tt'.* its Nova Game Law. did or did not »cur pigtails at I »ant to he quiet.’ I said. ’I'll P»»« Ma,«.) •»»»<••» I* « « "« « * 1 •• j the word around, anil vonll have Bandon.— In i t effort to place the Waterloo. One of the disputants, •w ell a» Iks» t.- k il» «T"*“ «««®' ‘ Fridavs dear to yourself. We can CMiic laws cf « -e g n ,-nrtre'y will,In who had seen them on their «ay to IS <).» old f ^ . l i e a » ••I*»r«lr»«iurt in. tow k«i!t. Tk. rwoaitractlae k.» b..» the a u 'h - ilty <» the county nfllelalj. Dover, was convinced thut they did. i do oirr neighborhood calling other «.med »a Ihrwtgk »««I y.»r» ky » •»»»• a *sf also Io provIJu funds for th e pay- Ttie other, who had been a mid­ i dnv».’ few. «g Iratacd wnrksr«. aad«r tk« «»p«r- “She opened her mouth, and then iu .n i o ' c o u n tlv i on datrgwrooa w Id shipman on the transport which v i i ì m • ! Dr. W. T. Harri«. f«o»« U»l«i she stint it. Then she put her head anfena’s. sev eral duer h u n te rs ot Coos etwiveyed them to Oitend, wwa $1 C«MMni>".»«r «f tifatati««. «adj««n- on one side and looked nt me. and County a re new w orking eosatlior equally certain th at their hair waa fon»l ky mù»»a* «e«i"l passed, will e n title each county to all friend who had served in the blues ' “ We till like them first mfe. .ckelwty lakor. TU l.»s»M. •< E»»li* th e .«vs col!« c i from th e h u n te rs' at Waterloo. “Roth your friends Thev’ve learned our wavs, ami they I u t« « t» . <«» •» « ».«a ..atari.«, »li. t« - llc e n e's and this Money »ITT he re were right." he said. " f i r were re fit right into ’em now. I have »«een | analogy of Ik. M t. »it «ie«,'««. »»<7 , iar l-MM.f 4............. ¡„v; , | , C! ¡wy to r r u i t' is living out* de the and at Dover we had them eilt olT •tun» hv special X *«*»1 isisr „«-■«>«. «st in rv-*v ->•«*<« af liiu i'a .«' count.* :» p y a llcctrac before our embarkation."—ï.ondon Youth's Companion. «uiultxi»«. ti.« !• <»’X Mt« * m" k • ie. Klrhiiu th e county before they Chronicle. loiicoirapk)’. ! tee !7tLS CF INTEREST T K S R C iJ T OREGON It la claim ed W the "w eta" th a t (here was not a p ro p e r »um ber of alg natucaa affixed to the petition by I which the w a te ry question waa placed th e ballot. J P hU rs ” ro w e r 3I in an autom obile from a hn sllty e r c a m p cooker)- c o o s c r y : . ■ ................. - ,. r of camp York tor c » n s th«' . g aniied pos e. are being so u g h t bv P la n t T re e Seed in Curry County. re c e ir îy in «Soldier» in camp have a right to ing Io h is u-u-ient c a llin g . I le ha». the sheriff s forces. T h e robbers g m « I x I I . . . . - . » l . . w * f V i i t t i «t l Ik VI I Gold' B each.— Four pounds of »« cd of L iberty frhtu IL'itn n Park. g tr expect nourishing am! palatable among o tlu r thing», an interest mg ng Grwhaa;e*Whllc, oi Vng and. ■ blew open the vau lts of the C ltlren s' ot the big tr e e have been rcceH ed by food. They m u sU l't e x p ec t h o w ­ set of Iuucticmeers’ hourjgoMM« The de . S ta te Bank a t W aterv ille and to.** a S upervisor Prom m e tn»m Hot Springs auctioneer tt eentury or so ago end­ Wh.. k Led w hen h ‘s monop an« ipped j sack of money From th ere they wen« for planting In C urry County. T he ever, French ‘plats.’ They mastn « ed a sale not by saying “Going— “o r i s nos«»” « rd dropped in «ine i be overparticular, like tha man «t to th e W aterville S la te Bank a n * dy­ redw eud, w hich Is chmely relal«et to going—gone!" and rupping the^ •w ) ’o ea«”th. T he pilot's neck was ■ the quick lunch counter W r it . » tk« » « U O . . . I m J » « « nam ited tha safe. with his hammer, lmt it - was this tree. Is found in Oregon ,«i!.* ton n. • “ ‘Give viive me.’ me, said wuu the uic man. nun». ‘two - aunter ......... along th e coast Its southw estern new laid, brown shelled egg» fried In» hettcr.n* tl2"*‘ e^d of Hwr was over 50b feet in th e Curry C ounty, with Its north ern [lain on one ride and mounted on a running gin»* tuward «lit tttd ot tne •ir. u here he had Rone to b e tte r, if 1 the C hetco River. ie, hi« w orld’s altitude record ' grilled slice of Virginia peach fed ; e ,, po- JxÄLVjk *Z îi Y. T en dollars » u i.u a .« is the c.vfae tt is th e Intention o f the supervisor ham—be sure it is peach fed, mind • within the week, of 11.4 74 feet j m.t New York Jury has attached t « th e to sow th ia seed on i favorable- sd e T he rear control of his blplnne evi • you.’ _ . .. In the redw ood belt to see If It 1» not dently failed to answ er his touch snd “The waiter roared down the poss'hle to extend t'te range of the »peaking tube: naehine turned over several the office building for false im prisct.uient i big tree so th a t It c an be succeseAiRy tl “ ‘Two- new laiil, brown sltelled tin s. crash in g to th e e arth . because he w as locked in a rooen 10 I grown over a larg«*r area. T he seed eggs, fried ot»— fried on — deu. I> was «n.'t.in;an«'ous. m inutes by a Janitor. T he Jury gave ) is sufficient to sow atlout five acres. “Then he turned to the man Drop in and Bee our select stock of him a nf again. H ilt IN RIG rnRPGFATION C ustom s inspectors discovered 75 | Round-Up Association b uys Hem*. “ ‘Excuse me, sir.’ he said, ‘but tin s of opium , valued a t t-tOOO, on the P endteton.—W ith an e n th u sia stic which side will you have them fried Indtcat.ons Po t» «u coup for C ontrol lin e r Asia. shout of “ L et 'e r buck." th e alockbold- on, please ? ''’—Philadelphia Bulle-1 o f W e s te r n P a c ific . Many public m en o f note effended • r s of th e Roumf-up A ssociation tin. ________ _____ San Francisco.—The in co rp o ratio n th e b an q u et of th e Illinois Society of have adopted the m otion to purchase of all kinds, which includes Bed A New Method. of th e U nited P r o p e r tie s C a m p M V of th e W ar of ISIS in Chicago, a t which th e M atlock ground» In the w est end ..«j Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Carpets, To those interested in the train- ( C alifornio, a corporation w i t h $?en. p lan s for tk e building of a g re at rae- of th e city for a p erm an en t park in Rugs, Ianoleums, etc., in fact every­ aOO.'iOO a t itg disposal «for railroad m orfal for C om m ander P e rry a t P u t- w hich to co n stru ct a stadium fttr the ing of the memory by the associa­ thing necessary to completely tion of ideas the following will ap­ building Io and in C alifornia, goes far in-Bay w ere discussed. annual wild w est s»ow. T he .\Tatlo«*k furnish your home. peal. A young lady of the south to prove th e fact, w hich has been a Led by th e U nited S ta te s G overn­ grounds Include Ute alto w heruan the suspicion In rallrtyad circles for some m ent. ft Is the belief in Wall s'.rt-et [ round-up w as h e ld la st year, but com ­ was teaching the alphabet to a little I w eeks, th a t Ja tr.e s Hill has acquired th a t th e country is about to e n te r an prise in all 17 acres, which ia approxi­ pickaninny who seemed unable ever to recognize the letter F. control of the W estern Pacific Kail- an e ra of e n tren ch m en t and econom y m ately th re e thus« a s much as is at One morning, however, after hav­ road presen t w ithin tk e fence. T he pur­ A ccording to th e wise men of the T h e C o m p le te H o u se ing successfully named the first five S ta rtin g w itn th e consolidation of stre e t, the ra ilro ad s and g re at Indus­ chase price for the tra c t Is J7.COO letters, he passed on to F, which F u r n is H e r th e Kay ro u te. Oakland T rac tio n and tria l c orporations a re to tak e th e lta d he called.out nt once without the L ew is w a t e r and Pow er properties, In th e cam paign of economy. STATE FAIR WANTS $110,000 usual preliminaries. one with an actual cash Investm ent F or the first tim e In Missouri th ere Well done, Caesar!” said bis tTNoeri’Vkwfsrti • f 135.000,00« th e re a re at th e disposal w as no C hristm as tre e a t th e egecu New Stock A rena Building and Main teacher. “But how did you manage ' **f -his T 'nited P ro p erties Company of Pavilion A re Needed a t Grounds. tlve m ansion for th e pleasure of the it?” CMUfornla resources of foreign capi­ little children of Jefferson City. An Salem .— A pproxim ately gl 10,000 wll) “ *Twas mammv. Miss Ella,” Cae­ ta ) am ounting to tlfin.OOO.000 epidem ic of sc a rle t fever prevails In be asked ot the leg isla tu re by the sar explained. “She say tub me, the city and th e physicians requested S ta te B oard of A griculture to be us«*d she sav, ‘Caesar, ef you tries, you Hay W ill Attend Meeting. G overnor and Mrs Hadley to abandon tor b e tte rm e n ts at th e Salem sta te kin remember.’'”—Y ouths Com­ fair grounds, according, to decision of panion. Olym pia. W a s h —G overnor Hay has the an n u al C hristm as tree. are those who make provision the board. announced th e appointm ent of a legis­ for old age. When you make T his m oney will b e expended tor a la tiv e com m ittee to accom pany him NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS THEIR DAY AT H0ML a bank account, you feel a pride new stock a ren a building and a m ain w hen he holds his oonterence this pavipon to replace the p re sen t a n ti Q u a in t A d v ie * th » N «w eo m « r» Gel in adding to it; you feel your­ w eek w ith th e Oregon a u th o ritie s at A fter spending 18 years In Folsom From tha Old Inhabitant. A storia to fram e up a se ttle m e n t of C alifornia, prison on a life sen ten ce quated stru c tu re . self to be a better citizen and When the first city faintly bought Special a p p ro p riatio n s will be asked Ute C olum bia R iver boundary ques­ for tra in robbery. It Is probable th a t a better man; and at the same Chris. E vans, one of the lea d ers of for the p urchase of additional land a place in Luncslforo anti went up tions. time you are m aking provision there to spend four months the for th e enlarg em en t of th e present the famous highw ay band know n ca pure w a te r system w hich was inaugu denizens of the village looked nt for the time when your bank Sontag and E vans, which terro rlz"d Recall to r Gill Is Filed, rated a com paratively sh o rt tim e ago them askance, but before the season account will be all you will have g e a t'le .—T he petition for the recall the San Joaquin valley In th e nine­ E special In tere st Is tak en by the was over the new resident» were on of M ayor H iram C Gill, who Is ac ties, will be paroled. to depend on. As soon as you friendly terms with every one. Mrs T he petition of A braham Ruef, the board, as th e fair will m ark the semi oused of aaiacondnet In office, w as car Deacon Holland explained the mat­ have n small sum to spare, start centennial of th e founding of the In title d to the city council as containing torm er San F rancisco political boss, stltu tlo n and it Is hoped to m ake It ter to a visiting cousin that au­ an account with it. under sentence of 14 years for b rib ­ th a re q u 'slte num ber of nam es, the th e biggest sta te show ever held In tum n: c ity controller having carefully ery, to r a h earing of his case before “I gave them a little hint, that’s the d istric t court of appeals, w as de­ Oregon. •h ac k ed every sig n atu re all,” she said cheerfully. “The nied by th a t tribunal. Ruef now faces neighbors had all been to see them F ru it Crop Pay» Grower». W ILL TEST ANTI-TRUST LAW his la st re so rt—th e suprem e court. and show their good will, and they’d M ilton.—N early half a million dol­ Some of th o se who th in k they are returned the call—tiic Copes had— J . L,. H a m t n e r s l y lars re p re se n ts the business done thl» Alleged O w nership of P a te n ts on Ma- gifted w ith political arophetlc vision y ear by th e Milton fruitgrow er« in their runabout, ns they call it. C a s h ie r th in k they see an effort to m ake F ra n ­ “They were running about them­ eh ln sry Used to E xtort Money. union. T he fru it sales m ade brought cis J. H eney. backed by W illiam T oronto. O n t—As the firs t te st of K ent's money, th e U nited S ta te s se n ­ 8440,000 to the member» of the union selves, Mrs. Cope and her daughter, th e new C anadian a n ti t r u s t law a to r from C alifornia to succeed F rank One of th e strik in g feature« of Mana the whole time, it seemed to us folks that have our own housework w hereby p a te n ts used to estab lish re- P. Flint, w ith K e n t coming In to suc­ ger L am b’» re p o rt was the item ized to do. They’d drop in mornings a tr a ln t of tra d e may be voided, the ceed S enator P e rk in s tw o years sta te m en t show ing th a t In the bus! when we were busy as could be and suit again st th e U nited Statqp Shoe ness done every dollar but 8200 has th ere afte r. earlv afternoons before we got the M achinery Com pany, charged with be­ Joseph W endllng. convicted of the been collected. work done up, and then they’d go ing a n Illegal com bination, la to he The b e st grade of apples grown In riding off, scouring over the coun­ m u rd er of A lm a K ellner, eight years pressed In th e courts here T he suit old, a t L ouisville, Ky., a y ear ago, was the valley n e tte d the grow er 81.75 per w aa brought at the Instance of a num ­ box, w hile prunes brought the frult- try- “Well, one day they came in on denied a re tria l. b e r of m an u factu rers In Quebec, who E very lab o rer In the »mploy of, the men 830 per ton net, a n d stra w b errie s me right in the midst of strawberry alleged th a t tha m achinery company jam. and Mrs. Cope said, ‘We’re New York City P a rk D epartm ent re ­ averaged 82.03 n e t to th e grower. bad combined to boost price» In re ­ thinking of having an afternoon nt ceived a brig h t, new »5 gold piece as s tr a in t of trad e If the c ourts find The Crystal Barber Shop a C h ristm as gift from Mrs. Russell Lum ber Company P ractices Economy. home every week, Mrs. Holland— th a charge» sustained, th e patent Eugene.—Beginning with Ja n u a ry 1, Fridays. We thought the good peo­ assu red ly! rig h ts held by the com pany may be Sage. S tan d in g upon a flow er-banked p la t­ the Booth-Kelly L um ber Company will ple here would he pleased with the revoked and the protective duty on , form e rec te d n ear th e fountain given reduce th e wages of Its sawm ill em ­ idea.’ the a rtic le s It m anufactures may b" m ua “ Mow, we read the papers here in Jim i to San F rancisco by L o tta C rabtree, ployes tw o and one-half c en ts an rem oved before 50,000 persons, Louisa T etraz ­ hour. T h is comes alm ost as a second Lanesboro, and we keep up with the zini sang to th e people ot San F ran reduction In a very sh o rt tim e, b e ­ times some, but I saw my ehnnee W o o lg ro w e ra M e e t In P o rtla n d . then, and T took it. T looked nt hor Sisco, as h e r C hristm as offering. ; cause only a few w eeks ago the w ork­ ing day w as cut from 10 hours to 8 Innocent as a lamb, nnd I said: P o rtlan d , Ore.—The annual conven “ ‘As long ns you’re spankin'* hours. T he low est wage Is now 81-65 tlon of th e N ational Wool G row ers’ Bank Doors Closed. A ssociation opened lr. Tortland Vancouver, W ash —The Com m ercia a day, w hile two m onths ago the low fi -k to me. I’ll h" the same wit' you. They will he real pleased. D ' W ednesday It Is considered the i Bank of V ancouver, th is city, failed to a st w as 82. , course we all like visitors, btlt ft larg est convetlon ever held In the city open Its doors Monday, owing depo.u- I yon do have n kind of a comfo«* Coos County Still Wet. nnd lo sstb ly in the e n tire Pacific to rs 841.068.10. J. L. M ohundro, sta t ■strain­ able feeling to know there’s a