GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1910 VOL 18 NO. 35 This is Gold Hill’s Destiny: Metropolis of Southern Oregon NOTES EROM THE NATION’S CAPITAL “D on’t M a r r y a Girl W h o D oesn’t Dress In S ty le .” Lorimrr’s Seat in Senate May Be Attacked by Resolution B y t h e R < v , H t H B t R T ». J O H N S O N o f B o .io n thirl» Cases on Docket, 'mluding Fifteen Relating Io New Corporation Io«: Trusts Under Fire tDWARD C. WMITt Clrvated to Chief Justiceship of Supreme Court by President Taft A G IR L W HO , ON T H E O TH E R HAND, DOES NO T CARE ABO UT DRESS AND L A T E S T FA SH IO N S IS NOT A N O RM AL G IR L. THE YO UNG M AN W H O C O N T E M P L A TE S M ARRIAG E N O W ADAYS M AY F IG H T S H Y OF T H E G IR L O F FA SHIO N, B U T H E M AKES A M IS ­ TAKE. HE M A Y BE A G A IN E R A T FIR ST F IN A N C IA L L Y , BUT IN T H E END HE PAYS A T E R R IB L E PRICE FOR H I8 S H O R T S IG H T E D ­ NESS. T H E G IR L W H O IS LAX ABO UT H E R PERSO NAL A P P E A R ­ A NCE IS LA X M E N T A L L Y ANO M O RALLY. per cent Io Idaho and Montana and 12 per cent In Arlxona, Colorado and New Mexico. This leaves only 5 per cent elsewhere. la the order of their Importance the five states containing the bulk of national froreet timber are Oregon, California, Waahlngton. Idaho and Montana. She is not made of the stuff that turns out self respecting children. The total cut of timber last year She is either a visionary and as such an unreliable element in a com­ » as 464,412,000 feet, tn Increase surer munity or she is downright LAX AND SHIFTLESS. In either "Resolved, That W illiam Lorim or the previous year of 26,773,0000 feet was not duly and legally elected as Of the former 379,616,000 feet was cut case she is NOT A SAFE PROPOSITION FOR THE ORDI­ senator of tho United States from under sale and 104.796,000 feet under NARY YOUNG MAN. the state of Illinois.** ree use The amount of timber sold A resolution phrased aa above w ill n the fiscal year 1910 was 674,655,000 be presented to the senate within a eet. valued at 21.400.992. Aroused by mad ccyotes that have slon. This Is tbe last report which few days. If a report accompanied by Members oi s good roads legislative bltteu children, sheep, dogs and hogs, that road w ill file because o f ita re­ such a resolution Is not submitted by committee. In wblcb each Oregon tbe men and boys of W allowa county cent reorganisation Into the Oregon- Senator Beveridge, who has the nat­ Railroad A Navigation county w ill have two representatives, have organized Into an army for tbe Washlngtoo ural right to take the Initiative by Company. were appointed Monday by Dr. An extermination of tbe beasts. reason of his place on the committee At a spa- .al meeting of tha varsity Seumor Ci-autbeilein has procured drew C. Smith, p isldent, and Judge on privileges aud election, the duty Lionel R Webster, chairman of tbe a favorable report from the commit­ student body tbs students, by unani­ o f formally challenging the title of executive committee, of tbe Oregon tee on the 315,000 appropriation for mous vote, pledged financial and Lori me r to his seat w ill be assumed Good Roads association. One of the the Chsmawa Indian school, for build­ moral support to an Interscholastic by Senator W illiam E Borah of Idaho. track meet to be held In Eugene next duties of tbe committee will be to win ings aud Improvements. Borah., It was learned, has reached Dividends amounting to 35,445,649 spring. A ll of the prominent high favor among leglslators-elect for the a conclusion on the Lorlm er case and five good roads bills which sra to be were declared during the year by the schools and academies o f the state has determined upon his course of submitted at the next session of the I O. R. & N „ according to Its report w ill be Invited to send four or more action. I filed with the state railroad commis- representatives. legislature. The supreme court of the United States reconvened Tuesday for what promises to be one of the most import­ ant sesslune In the entire history of that body. There are about 30 Important cases heard at the last term which are on the docket for reurgument. Many of the Cases wtU be heard at the same time. The IS Involving the' constitu­ tionality of the corporation tax were heard as one case and doubtless will be so presented at the next hearing. These cases were brought to deter­ m ine the legality of the new tax, which Is bringing In revenue at the rate ot 325,000,000 a year. The law went Into effect June 30 of this year. Should the supreme court after rear­ gument declare the tax not constitu­ tional, the money already collected must be refunded. Of equal importance w ith the cor­ poration tax cases are the suits brought by the government for the dissolution of the Standard Oil Com pany and the so-called tobacco trust. Attorneys for the Individuals In­ dicted as members of the so-called "bathtub trust” for alleged violation of the Sherman act came to tho De partment of Justice In the Interest of their ollenta. Those, In the event of oonvletlon, are threatened with jail sentences. It was held at the department that they had been given no reason to be- 1'eve that the attorney-general would consent to the acceptance of a plea of guilty and the Imposition of fines rather than Imprisonment. They were given to understand, It was said, that Jail sentences w ill be Insisted upon and were Informed that their clients w ill be expected In the United States court In Detroit on January 4 to give 34,000 ball each. Attorneys for the Indlc'ed men Indicated they would not make It necessary for tbe govern­ ment to start 50 removal suits to get the 60 defendants together on that day. According to the report of Chief Forester Craves about 62 per cent of the total estimated stand on tbe na­ tional forex's, exclusive of Alaska, Is In the three Pacific coast states, 21 Twenty-Seven Killed But Federal Troops Victorious C SUPREME COURT IN SESSION W ashington— When Congress re­ sumes its business after the holiduy recess (he exportation I* that the real work of the session will be taken up and dlapoeed of with all the rapidity that circumstances will permit. Even­ ing sessions of the houae are likely to be held, with a view to facilitating the administration's legislative pro (ra m . One of the moat Important pieces of leglalallon that la to be Immediately started w ill be the ship subsidy bill. It Is to have the right of way on the senate side of the capitol, and under an agreement made last spring It la expected that a vote will be taken be­ fore the end of January. There Is going to be a hard fight over the measure, notwithstanding that President T aft Is with It and that a South American mall subsidy Is one of the thlnga he has upon his legislative program Still, the leaders In the senate are hopeful of passing it. ITERE is no more potent influence for good in the modern community today than feminine fashion. Not only are the ever changing fashions of women ONE OF TIIE CHIEF DELIGHTS OF CIVILIZED COMMUNITIES, but it is a safe statement to make that we have today no more CONCLU­ SIVE KEY TO A WOMAN’S MENIAL AND MORAL DE­ VELOPMENT THAN THE CLOTHES SHE WEARS. Much has been said of the high cost of living. The immense sums of money spent annually in this country on apparently useless articles of women’s personal decoration are cited as arguments in favor of American extravagance, when as a matter of fact this ITEM IS ONE OF OUR SMALLEST NATIONAL EXTRAVA­ GANCES. A girl or WOMAN WHO IS SELF RESPECTING WILL ALWAYS DRESS FASHIONABLY AND WELL. The hobble skirt, the peach basket hat, high heeled shoes and all the thou­ sand and one foibles of the feminine sex are entertaining and products of good. st st x MEXICAN REBELS ON THE INCREASE OJINAGA EXPECTS ATTACK Revolutionists Massing Around That Ctty and Government Forces Antici­ pate Trouble JAMES E. MARTINE Favored by Governor Woodrow W Ison for Sete.'-v from New Jersey TMC MARKETS Portland. W heat—T .x c k prices: Club, glc; bluistem , 83c; red Russian, 80c. Barley— Feed, 323; brewing, 224. Oats— No. 1 W hite, 328 per ton. Hay— Tim othy, W illam ette Valley, 319®2o per Ion; Eastern Oregon, 321®22; alfalfa, 314. Butter—Creamery, 35c; ranch, 24c. Eggs— Ranch, candled, 3gc. Hops— 1910 crop, 16%c; 1909, 10c. Wool— Eastern Oregon 13® 17c lb.; Valloy. 17®19c lb. Mohair— Choice, 32®33c. Mexico City.— Twenty-seven killed, three missing and 28 wounded is tbs official report of casualties during the fighting at Mai Paso when that etra- i teglc point of the revolutionists la the state of Chihuahua was taken by the Federals. Of the dead, 13 were Federals and 14 revolutionists. The three unac­ counted for were Federalists O f the regulars 28 were wounded. Including a lieutenant-colonel. The number of revolutionists Injured Is unknown, as they were carried away by their com­ rades. A special to E* Pals, from M arfa. Texas, says that revolutionists are Increasing In numbers in the vicinity of OJinaga and that already there have been four encounters between them and Federal troops, the most serious one having occurred a t El Mulato, a nearby town on tbe Rio Grande, where there are said to be about 500 rebels, well provided with horses and provisions. OJinaga. garrisoned by some 80S I : men. Is In daily expectation ot aa at­ tack by revolutionists who have been encamped about tbe town fo r several days. Many Legislatures Meet Chicago.— January w ill see the leg­ islatures In 37 states starting Into ac­ Seattls. tion Thirty-three of the asserabt’ -s W heat— Clues tern. 83c, Club. Sic; will elect or re-elect United States the electors polled on 32 Initiative and referendum measures. Newsy Paragraphs Gathered from A ll Sections o f Oregon Albany's 340,000 armory was form­ ally opened Januury 4. Albany Is the first city in the state to secure au armory under the new plan by which they are erected. II. L. Hunt, formerly of Condon, Oregun, has been appointed a member of the Oregon S.ate Board of Phar­ macy to succeed George C. Blakeley, of The Dalles, whoso torni has ex­ pired. During the 21 months in wnlch the water code has been In effect 1110 applications have been tiled with the state engineer lor perm ts to appro­ priate public waters, where the esti­ mated cost of the propose^ works will exceed 35,000,000. Asserting that one death In East Portland and three In Hillsboro within a month were due to diseased meats, the slate authorities and some of the United States officials are becoming aroused by the lack of proper precau­ tions. The r raor In circulation at Eugene and the ight to have spread over the state that the University of Oregon w ill close Its doors for the balance ol the present semester or until Eu­ gene's w ater filters aro completed. Is unfounded. The farmers' union of W allowa has Invited the business men of that city to meet with them and discuss the re­ lation of the union to the business Interests of the city. The matter of permanent roads In this county will also be considered. The small epidemic of scarlet fever In W allowa Is now well under con­ trol. Despite rumors to the contrary, only 19 cases have actually occurred and only seven are now under quar­ antine, according to the statement of the city physician. Opponents of capital punishment w ill make an effort to wipe the hang­ ing law off the statute books of Ore­ gon at the oorolng session of the legis­ lature. A bill has been prepared, Lake county has the largest per which It Is expected w ill be Intro­ duced In the senate by Hal D. Patton capita wealth of any county in Ore­ of M arlon and in the house by G. W. gon. There Is more than 31,000,000 on deposit in the banks of Lakeview Johnson of the same county. Insurance Commissioner S. A. Koxer and much more Is banked throughout announces that the license fees to be the country In the smaller towns. Tbe collected from the Insurance com­ estimated population is about 4,000. panies doing business in Oregon for This makes a total of about 32,500 for the year 1911 w ill be about 323,000. every man, woman and child in the The Oregon law provides that the fees county. There Is no poorhouse and for the ensuing year must be paid dur­ not a pauper in tbe county. According to the nearest estimate ing December. All but a few com­ that may now be made with several panies have compiled. There was expended by the H ill of the smaller public service corpora­ system In Oregon In 1910 approxi­ tions missing from the assessment mately 314,000.000 in the construction reports received so far at the offices of new lines and In Improvement In of the State Tax Commission, the to­ the several properties throughout the i tal assessed taxable valuation of state. Of this amount more than j Oreg m for 1910 w ill be 3825,000,000. 39,000,000 Is represented In the Ore­ an Increase of more than 3130,000,000 gon Trunk line building from Clarke, over the assessed valuation of 1909, on the Columbia River, south to Bend. which was 3694,727,631.90. Commander John M cN ulty, of the The grand Jury brought In an In­ dictment against Thomas O'Rourke, a Oregon naval reserve, has received convict at the penitentiary, who as­ a letter from Commander C. C. saulted Guard Simpson a few weeks Marsh, chief of naval reserve affairs ago with a knife and stabbed the In the navy department, stating that guard several times. Under a statu the department has practically de­ tory provision O'Rourke must stand cided to lend the cruiser Boston and tria l for his life, this being one of the the gunboat Concord to the Oregon and Washington naval reserves. .'Tom three oapltal offenses In this state. Last week marked a new era In the the text of the le tte r It la taken to bistory of Baker. Mayor-elect C. L. mean that the Boston w ill be assigned Palm er and Commissioners Henry to the Oregon reserve and that the and Finley have taken tbelr oath ol Concord w ill go to the Washington office and for the next four years that organization. A compilation ot the membership city w ill try out the new plan ot of the coming legislature shows that commission form of municipal gov the Republican members are evenly ernment. This plan originated with divided on the question of assembly the city of Galveston following the de­ and anti-assembly. there being 42 struction o f that city. Immense Increases are shown in assembly Republicans and 42 anti-as­ various branches of banking, accord­ sembly Republicans, Including In the ing to a statement Just prepared by anti-assembly list those bold-over sen­ Bank Examiner W rlgbt. W hat is con­ ators who signed Statement No. 1 at sidered as a splendid showing by the the time of their election In June, bank examiner Is tbe total of Individ­ 1908. T here are four Democrats In ual deposits, which reaches to 2147,- the senate and two in the house, mak­ 618,528.07, or the enormous Increase ing a total Democratic representation of 820,302,918.15. The cash reserve In the tw o houses of 6, aad, conse­ shown Is 41.1 per oert of all ot the quently, leaving a Republican m ajor­ ity of 84 on Joint brnlot. There ars individual deposits Oregon News Weshington 12 assembly senators and 18 antl-as Approximately 9,280 acres of land samblv senators, giving an antl-as in Oregon recently have been desig­ sembly m ajority of 6 in the senate In the house there are 30 assembly nated by Secretary of the Interior i Ballinger, under the provisions of tho and 30 anti-assembly representatives, > leaving an anti-assembly m ajority of enlarged homestead act, as not being susceptible of successful irrigation. 6 on Joint b allo t A t the governor's offices a letter Senator Chamberlain has appealed was received from the treasury de­ to President T a ft to overrule Secre­ partment at Washington stating that tary Ballinger and p erm it A. C. Shaw, this state Is entitled to 338,635.87 for recently a law officer o f the forest use of public roads or schools in the service but now a practicing attorney counties In which forest reserves are in Portland, to praatice before tbe located from the receipts from such interior department. I t was Shaw who, by direction of Pinchot, met Gla- forest reserves. W ith only a big shepherd dog and I vis in Chiasgo and aided him in prep­ her pony as companions Miss Alberta aration of the charges which Glavts Claire arrived In Portland on her way j filed w ith President T a ft. For this to San Francisco and New York. The offense Shaw was dismissed from the young woman left her uncle's ranch, forest service and later when he lo­ near Buffalo, Wyoming, April 8. Miss cated in Portland waa denied the Claire Is making the trip to settle a privilege of practicing before the In­ wager between two Wyoming ranch­ terior departm ent ers. She Is allowed two years In The senate has passed the Bourne which to complete the Journey. She senate Joint resolution, amending the must earn her own living while on ' act for the Improvement of the Slue- the trip. law River, so that the secretary of The mining Industry w ill war may contract for the work and be given a good tryout In Cooa m aterial necessary to complete the County tbe next year. Charles A p ro ject and m aintain the same during Phelps, a mining man of San Fran­ the time of construction, not exceed­ cisco, recently took a ton of black ing 3185,000. I t Is provided furth er sand, from tbe W hisky Run mieea. that the port of Sluslaw shall provide north of Bandon, to San F'rencleeo, 8115,000 for the work before the con­ where he w ill have It assayed, and If tracts are let by the secretary of war, there proves to be sufficient gold, tbe and that the port of Sluslaw may pro­ mine w ill be worked at once, as Mr. ceed w ith the construction of the Phelps has a machine for saving tbe south Jetty, and the amount to be gold from black sand which, be says, furnished by the port of Sluslaw may has proved very successful In every be reduced by the amount expended Instance where It has been tried. under this centraot, not exceeding Edward L. Naylor, the wealthy goat 31M.M0. ralsor of Forest Grove, who was dan­ gerously wounded by Frank Lenocker. Thomas O'Rourke, comml'-ed to the .Yamhill fru it raiser, whd after­ state’s prison from Multnomah county ward« committed suicide, Is reported Novem ber 12, 1909, and serving throe as being very low, and that his re­ years for assault w ith a dangerous covery Is doubtful. Naylor was shot weapon, attacked E. Q Simpson, a on the evening of December 8, and guard In the shops a t the peniten­ was taken the same evening to St tiary , Inflicting several wounds ot Vincent’s hospital, Portland, where an 5 serious nature, but probably not fatal. operation was ponunueu upon mm