A PASTOR &HW THE CARDIFF GIANT. with a EE w ire brush and to fffito It an old appearance. He i secthUy sacked It and elilpi>ed It marked " p a t t o L’hloU. N. Y„ F A M O U 8 H O AX REC ALLEO BY T H t In the fall s ' UhKL From there It D EA TH O F IT 8 MAKEH. waa taken h> vrsgoa lu the night to Cardiff, uaar IfFacure. where “Stub” Newell, a reodn of Hull, had a farm. T w e lv e F r e t U l< h ass.l A p p a r e a t lx Ik e . They had Rxr-I M lip between them to t*elrlH<->l Hods o f a M .n - X » l lv e r W e n ­ bury H, which they did. and planted a d e ll llulsstt-a. Ewsereow e n d U tb e e a crop of grain dtor the sp o t The next H e I la te s t I , G e n u i n e . year Newell ’Sd Some nelghlsira dig a well ou tls spot, and they discov­ The Cardiff Giant, the moat famous ered the g*»i . Then the fun coui hoax of the nineteenth century, '•» re- rneaeed. allod by the recent death at Bingham NEWS' k fitR G R O W TH . ton of George Hull, who gave Marvelous Mr-<-tcuaian« of t h a Assart* tlio thing promi­ Peaaa. nence aud galnsssl Weed. Beni. tt. Greeley, Preutlee and notoriety for him Ka.viueud-dh> grand "we” of the old self by means of school— wap* to ■ small company it. The whole when they »r oally ruled public opin­ country w as dup­ ion. says tha h I .mile Republic. There ed. Oliver Wen were only •>< dally |Mtp«rs lu exist­ deli Holuie» and ence In KAO. i'o-day ’here are 2,22tL Kalph Waldo Km In 1850 the imblued circulation of eruon believed In the papers ffn- TNS.-UH. while lu Ukkl the thlug. Judge the circuldllo, o f the RJfcid waa 15.- glom us u i L U William C. Hager said: “No one can 1112,150. Tb- segregate nuuilier of look upon that calm, graud siulle of copies Issued <' ring the year 1.850 w hs mingled aweetneea aud strength with­ 42d.4toi.p78i; w I Is In WHO It wna 8. out. being convinced that the giaut .*78.248.740. It nust be admitted tliut this growth In 'Ireulatkin has follow ­ ouce lived and liad a being.” Cardiff, where the giaut was found. ed a change In the ao-vnllcd mission Is In Onondaga County. New York nt the newspaper. A half century ago Slate, a few tulles from Syracuse. Near no statcsiugB.f- It secure unlras he had by Is a depreaaloa In the earth known the editorial * i'P«rt of the |ut|M>ra. as Onondaga Hollow. In this hollow T l* peons d ll not then, na now. ex­ are to be found |>etrlfiod fish and rep- press ftud “'».ikpuldlc opinion, but form ­ tlles. Geologists say this hollow once ed It. ■ t o JgyYhbe highest calling of formed the bed o f an ocean. the ne- >pape$r 1« to truthfully furnish It was here, on the Newell farm, the n- an. Nh dally .-an make editorial that the giaut was ostensibly discov­ egpr- »alou tha leading feature aud sur- ered ou OeL lti, 1SH0. while William rlvc Railroad, telegraph and cable Newell, ulekuamed "Stub” Newell, and bar niadaiom m uali-stloo ao easy that Ills men were digging a welL To at­ the -lealre o f *'to people for tbe latest test the authenticity ot the find at the news baa madR toe rtrcnlatlou of the time. Newell. Gideon Emmotis, Henry better pap- ra Increase by leaps anil Rev. H. Btubenvoll, of Elkhcrn, W ia., i» paator of the Evaneelieal I.n- Nichols, John Parker and Smith A. boun-la. theran 8L John’. Chorch of that place. Kev Stutenvoll is tha poaaeaor of two Woodman solemnly m u le allldavlt •» W ith the betterment o f trail 'porta- bib es presented V, him by Emperor W illiam of Germany. Upon the tty the eireunistauees In order to be able leaf of one of the bibles the Emperor has written in his own handwriting a to meet any one dble charge of fraud. tlon fhcllltled the weekly press lias failed to keep pare with tbe dally. text. The news of the discovery of the From 1880 to 18W> the lucreasc In the This honored pastor, ir a rerent letter to the Pe-nna Medic ne Co., of giant spread across the country In an dally was 25.» per rent: fisnn 181«! Io Columbus, Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Penina: Incredibly short time, and soon vehi­ 1900 It was 30 2 per rent; w hile the In­ The P e n in a M edicine Co., Colum bus, Ohio. cles of nil sorts were headed for the crease In weekly circulation dropped G en tlem en:— " I had hem o rrhages o f the lungs fo r a long tim e, pit, loaded with people curious to look from 2tL7 per cent between 1880 and a n d a l l despaired o f me. I took P eru n a a n d was cured. I t gave me upon the face of this wonder, thia pre­ 1890 to 14.7 per cent In the last de­ stren gth an d courage, an d made h e a lth y , p u re blood. I t Increased historic giau t With admirable promp­ cade. m y w eight, gave m e a h e a lth y color, an d Z fe e l w ell. I t is th e best titude. Newell erected a tent over the There was $102.443.708 lurested In m edicine in the w o rld . I f everyo n e kept P iru n a In the house It pit aud charged an admission fee of 50 newspapers and periodicals In 1900. cents. In this way he made over. <7.- They had 27,579 salaried employes, w ould save m a n y fro m death e v e ry y e a r .* '— f l. S T U B E h V O L L . 000 In a few weeks. He sold a three- who received $27.015,791, aud 94.004 Thousands of people h i .s catarrh If you do not derive prompt and sat- quarter Interest to some Syracuse men, wage earners, who receive $50.333.051. who would be surprised to know it, be- ¡»factory results from the use of Pern- one o f whom was Dr. Westcott, father Material coat $60.214.904, and the mon­ c a s e it has been called some other na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv- name than catarrh. The fact is ca- in a full statement of your case, and he of the author of "David Harum.” It ey value of products w as $222.993.560. tarrh is catarrh wherever located; and will be pleased to give you his valuable Is said that Newell got $30,000 for tills There Is no w sy of promoting the ac­ three-quarter Interest. tual value of tbe product In promoting another fact which is of equally great advice gratis. It was not long before the giant be­ advancement and saving tbe cost of importance, is that Peruna cures ca- Address Or. Hartman, President of gan to attract the attention of eminent mistakes which Ignorance makes at tarrh wherever located. : The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O, scientific men. One of the first to every turn. view the giant was Prof. Hall, tha CO-OPERATIVE PIANO CLUBS. F o r bro n ch ia l troubles tr y Piso's Cure LAUGH AT THE "TO M M iES.'' New York State geologist, who pro­ fo r C onsum ption. 11 is ft go.nl cough claimed It to lie the petrified body of m edicine. A t druggists, price 25 cenia. A New and Popular Move by the Famoux a man. The newspapers and niaga- M o e r P ris o n e r s P ls x s d a C le v e r J o k e on T h e i r B r i t is h G e s r d s . Ellers Plano House. ‘■Uneasy Lies the Head.” lin es of the couutry went Into a learn When tbe 5,000 Hoes prlsouera were Thia house, whose progressive meth- ed discussion of the subject. Heated A chiropodist now in Berlin adver confined on tbe Islands of the Great tisee that he “ has removed corns from ods are coming to he known and recog-1 arguments between scientists were aised throughout the Northwest, has published, some declaring that the Sound. Bermuda, there was a constant all the crowned heads of Europe.” recently inaugurated a system of piano giant was a petrifaction, others deny­ rivalry between tbe w its of the burgh­ club selling which exceeds anything ing this, but asserting It to be an Im­ ers and those of their guarda every ever attempted in this country in the age of great antiquity. Among time» wblt as keen as that displayed by the way of providing the people with who held to the latter theory were a contending generals on the far-off Afri­ F o r In fa n ta and Children. can hattle-Belds. Now It waa n “take­ standard piauos at low price». committee from the Geological Society, By this method member, joining the of Boston, composed of Oliver Wen­ off” on the Tammies, now a laugh on t h e hirsute t,Jrg tie rs , n n d U iln g s h u d clubs secure their piauos at strictly Bears the / J ? ¿ ¿ f T T T ” wholesale prices by paying dowu an dell Holmes. iT ’if. Jackson and others. slimit spin even until the eventful Judge Huger gave the delightful tea exceedingly small sum. The piano is timonlal already quoted. Powers, the night when no' only the whole English Signature of C d L a ^ 7 r. immediately delivered and they ar* sculptor. Whose statue. The Greek- camp hut the Cugllah fleet as well fell New Turkish Edict. given a wide lim it of tim e io which to Slave. Is known all over the world, victims to th»- plotting Boers. A Brltah aet try waa stationed on a OwlDg to a Turkish imperial order finish their purchase. declared that no chisel could have promontory overlooking tbe sound, The principle is merely that applied the teaching of Armenian history has carved such a man. to wholesale purchasers, the club when something suspicious caught Ills been prohibited in Turkey. F a m ili e s Q n a r r e le d O v e r I t . standing in the light of the wholesale eye on the calm surface of tbe water It Is said that lu central New York buyer. High grade as well as medium between hlias-If anil a battleship ly­ grade pianos are included in these families were virtually disrupted by ing at anchor Not wishing to arouse clubs. The world famed Kimballs, the aggressiveness o f the dlscussloD tbe whole eat: p on a false alarm, he Chickerings and Webers can be secured over the genuineness of the giant. It watched the o iject for some minutes. by this method at a saving of from one Is doubtless true that the four or five Buddenly his heart Jumped Into Ills hundred to one hun Ired and fifty dol­ men who became the owners and ex­ mouth. The o >Ject waa not only mov­ lars. All the p.anos included in ths hibitors of the giant were as badly de­ ing slowly th ongb tbe water, hut It club are on the floors of the sales rooms ceived as the public, the originator of had taken th' shape o f a man ou a at Eilers Piano House in Portland, and the humbug having In that way made raft. Wna It ■> prisoner escaping? prospective club joiners may thorough­ a master stroke. One of these was “Guard ture out! Round the alarml ly inspect tbeir instruments before Dr. Amos Westcott, the father of the Hearchllght: F archllgbtT* he shouted. G e n u in e author of "David Hamm." Dr. W est­ making their selection. AU the in­ Tbe Kngllsi camp waa astir In a struments in the clubs are standard cott w as a gentleman of the highest m om ent The alarm was sounded and m ates and are brand new. In addition respectability In Syracuse, aud when the armed B r ’ons rame flocking from to those above mentioned, there are the giant was finally shown to have every qnnrter Signals were mnde to the famous Decker Dol, Hobart M. tieen a fraud, his health gave way aDd the battlaebir and In n fen- moments Cable, Weser, Lester and many others. he died shortly after. It Is said, of a she w as a a tie of commotion. Her Pianos are delivered to club members broken heart. He felt the world great searchl vht waa turned on the upon their making their first payment, would never believe him Innocent of ocean and He ted up the promontory and a written guarantee for five years an Intention to hoodwink It. with the brig osas of noonday. Boats M u s t B e ar S ig n a tu re of comee with each piano, signed by its At the time the giant flourished P. tilled with art '8l soldiers shot out a f­ manufacturer and also by Eilers Piano T. Barnum had a museum In New Í House. The clubs are four and each York, and he recognised the worth of ter the escaptu Boer. Then the search­ numbers 100. Members of Club A pay the giant for Ills show. He offered light fell upon ibe reft, as it did so a | but $5.CO and fini.h their purchase $60,000 for It for three months. This roar from S,««1" Boers told the British i with weekly installm ents of $1.25. offer waa rejected, hilt Barnum was that they had tieen taken In as Brit­ t— PscSfaalte Wrapper B«Sww. Club B members psv but $7.50 upon not to be defeat«! thus easily. There ish soldiers h. d never been taken In delivery of th» piano and finish paying was a chemist In Syracuse named tM‘fore. ta taka aa aagaas The snppoe»' prisoner escaping, says at the rate af $ 1 6 0 weekly. Club C Otto, who knew something about mod­ make an initial payment ot 12.00, and eling. Barnum commissioned him to tha Detroit News-Tribune, was a dum­ FOI HEADACHE. balance in $2.00 weekly. Club D make a plaster giant as near like the my dressed up in burgher's clothes and FOR O in iM U t. members pay $20 down and the re­ 'led to a raft. original as possible. Otto produced a it t i r F t* BIUOUSHEtt. mainder oí the purchase price in $2.00 duplicate giant, made of plaster on a Did P e le e Rob Oil W e lls7 IV F R FOR TORRD LIVER. weekly payments. Thoee desiring to wire madel and weighted with Iron to 8peaklng of tbe decrease or almost PI IL S FOR C0HSTIPATI9R. pay all cash will save the additional give the weight of the original. This to t« ilisappi^irance of tbe gas pres­ r — * * FOR SALLOW SKI H. interest. Imitation Barnum exhibited in his mu sure which /w a s so long one of the Pianos that sell regularly lor $225.00 i i FOR THECOMPLUIOI seum. and many who saw It wonder great peculiarities of tbe Beaumont go to club mem'■ere for $137.00; , Jew»’ Twrsly ▼agwtaMa-x<^^^^i¿ ♦ 275.00 instruments for $168.00; ed how such a composition could de field, there la/a novel theory advanced. $ Í00.00 ones lor $187.00; and the very i-elve the learned men even for a mo­ Homo men who study such things say __ ___CURE SICK HEADACHE.____ that Just alsiut the tim e of the erup­ beet medium grade pianos that cannot ment. Meanwhile the original giant was tion of Moot Pelee and the destruc­ be sold under the regular retail condi­ tions (or less than $350.00 will go to shown In different cities, causing no tion of Bt. Pierre the gas pressure be­ club members for $218.00. The raving end of wonderment. On one day In gan to lessen and In a short while al­ throughout is equally great and these Syracuse 4,(«XI people paid 50 cents most entirely dlsapepared. The theory Is that the gas which contemplating the purchase of an in- apiece to see It. The Mayor and all stromnet will do well to investigate the public officials of Rochester made was under the ground at Beaumont ex­ an official Journey to Syracuse to see tended lat -ally under the earth all the this proposition. I f WR haven t a regular, healthy movement o f thfl IL Trains on the New York Central way dowi through the Caribbean Hca Oowels every day. you're Rick, or trill be. Keep yonr flood Cakes and Biscuits. roail stopiied ten minutes at Syracuse and wbeti It accumulated In large bowels open, and be well. Force. in the shape of violent physic or pill poison. I r dangerous The The finishing touches which the good to afford passengers an opportunity to quantities m der Mont Pelee the ex­ amootbest. easiest, most perfect way of fceepin« the kow sis clear and cleau to to take housewife gives to a cake or pie or pan run across the street and see It. Even plosion ca it and the supply was ex- of biscuits or other dish is what makes tunlly the fraud was discovered and hnusted tl re. In support of this won­ CANDY it either delicious and healthy or in­ then Hull made a confession that he derful the ry attention Is called to tbe v C A T H A R T IC sipid and unhealthy. If Monopole was the originator of the gigantic fact that be famous oil pool In the Spires and Baking Powder are used no “fake.” Gnlf of MRxico. south of Beaumont fear need he had shout the result. The Idea of the Cardiff Giant Hull many mil' % ami which has Imen tbe Monopole Spices are stronger ami more TUA D l MAAN »R O IV rtetO got from nn argument he had with a a-onder of mariners for years ecd fragrant and Mouopole Raking Powder Methodist minister, In which the mill years. Is on a direct line lietween Bean better in every way than any other Ister claimed the earth was at one time inont and Most Pelee. Ho the people brand. You’ll thank us for calling synrllnes and monoclines peopled with giants, ns the Bible says. who deal Pleasant. Palatable. Potent TMteGood. Do Good, your atten’ion to it after you try them. His resourceful mind grasp.-J the Idea and ant Id lips, says the New Orleans ■ever Sloten Weaken, or Gripe, wc. 60c W rite Get them from your grocer. Wadhams for free samp e. and booklet on healtn. Address of a great and grand sell, and he at Picaynne, to d comfort In believing MsrOae BsasCy ( M^«sy, Chics«», hostrssl, irw lark. I2SS A Kerr Bros., Mfgrs., Portland, Ore. once set to work to materialize It. tlint the emptlon of the volcano Is P|YO PwWftn-'tnr Ctirva So Ms or »<-r.li«lA>s; better q u a lity and low er price« Utan you cast flint elsewhere, te n d lor our ApecUtf Ktdlday Price Islet, or w rite us am i we w ill < all ou you. TO OMOW NKflt We always l»uy egg« butler, cterse, apples, peats, oulotta and spuda. Ila»a you any t o s e llt l e t ua hn>»w, If you w ant a good f t Ida. T h r I’ K K FK t’T X D ran lly I * llg h tw l w ith a parlor ■kftt’h It | h r i I»» lim es the lig h t ot • I’oiiiiiioii krrtteliit* lauip B t bgli the expense mot t * r e It has s N ickel Htlvor gen •rs io r w hich ti oes not stslt» tw in the action of hi «I m id •log »hr tip, ns bras« does W r h»*e M m rti lig h tin g Lain id iron» I? TA up. W ilt# for circular« anti prices Probably you know of cough medicines that re­ l ie v e l it t l e coughs, all coughs, except deep ones! The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep c o u g h s for s ix t y y e a r s is Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Thro« alatMi: He., •nouah for $n ordinary • • Id ; Mt’.. Just tight for •ronchltta. braarso* BOM. hard Folds, Sto., f l . most OOOUttoBlSal tor ohrvutc c.ASos sMd to k««r on us mt P r e p a r in g fo r H o lid a y T r a d e . h> t «ISS W O L F A SONS. JTEWIRT I 6URT LICHTINB 00. Wholeaala I rulta and Produce. 100 I ’lfONT MT.. IH»MTt.ANI>. OH. IiH « n to re «I M’P r £«5BGBnceBO< 44 Third X I.. POMTTANU.OHI!. Lull IHstaucg PhvOVS There Is always a “bent UH.I, Powder It's nama ta ln g Baking I the aun 111 -j l" In » »" e v I a rrth Oregon, N o rth JM L uluuit4A, OrM. A g g n te«an ted In every tow n lu V. H. M O NO PO LE Lasx9se»a99K r. m . v. Y o u r d ea ler hatnllcs them or can gat them (or you. 0 WAÜNAMH A KHHH IIHO fl.. Mfrga. Il RX wrftfag ta» «4e«taia»ra |»l$»«aa I ► P o rtlan d , nragon i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ « « » « « « ♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •4 A F IN E U M B R E L L A la the beet piesent In Oregon or W ashington you ean g ire your wl e, yo u r daughter, your lady friend, or y o u r* If for < h ru tin a « We s«’il biaullw «, u< i«»t o q u a lity , at very rea«otiAlda prleus IWo M ttrw ALI I SINA. Portland, Ora. A t o. I 2 * W ashington * t . Near W oodard, d a r k » i Morrtaon At., near Meter A Prank < o D ID N ’T P o rt I nd L . M . DavU, Pres. A B IT ! Wa extract, crown and bridge teeth w ith o u t In flic tin g p alit. O ur inathodB are m odern and m eet w ith the approval of the moet exacting, t a ll and ere ua. K s atu lnatlon free. Pre« r « as . 'liable. D iv id e n d C o m p a n y i l l and SI A t'ointn erclal Fldg. 242 W'aahtngtow Street. Portland. Or « fe n . 02A w ill earn you ....... ....... tl.flfl per m onth >.» w ill earn you ............ . 0.’ ■'*» per m onth lieu w ill earn you *■•»*> per m onth Payalda m o nthly, t a ll or w rlta. HURT Both ’phones: Oregon Houth ¿291 Co­ lu m b ia AUL. open evening« t il l 9. Holi­ days from • to P l W IS E B R O S . , D e n tis ts >■/ » , » » . 210. t i t . y i t tin . F a llin g Bldg. < ur. T h ird and W ashington Htg. P D I t f l . A M > . O ltK tfO N . 11, AL. T H E C H IL D R E N E N JO Y L ife out o f door* and out of the gam ea which they play and the enjoy­ m ent which they receive and the efforts which they make, cornea the greater part of that healthful developm ent which ia ao essential to their happiness when grow n. When a laxative ia needed the remedy which ia given to them to cleanse and sw eeten and stren gthen the internal organa on which it acta, ahottld be such aa ph ysicians would sanction, becattae its Component parts are known to be wholesom e and the remedy itself free from every objectionable qu ality. The one remedy which p h ysician s and parents, well-inform ed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, i t s gen tle action and ita beneficial effects, la - Syrup of F ig s and for the sam e reason it la the only laxative which should C A S T O R IA The Kind You Have Always Bought b * used b y fa th e r s a n d m o th e rs . Syrup of F ig s ia the only remedy which acts gen tly, pleasantly and naturally without grip in g, irritatin g, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of th e old-tim e cathartics and modern im itations, and against which the children should be ao carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them m edicines, when m edicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way o f a laxative, give them only the sim ple, pleasant and g en tle Syrup o f F igs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence o f the com bination o f the laxative principles o f plan ts with pleasant arom atic syrup s and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and aa you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the su bstitu tes which unscrupulous deal­ ers som etim es offer to increase their profits. The genuin e article may be bought anyw here of all reliable d ruggists at fifty cen ts per bottle. P lease to remember, the full nam e o f the Company — C A L IF O R N IA F IG S Y R .V P C O . *• printed on % the front of every pack­ age. In order to get Its beneficial effects it ia al­ w ays necessary to buy A • the genuine only. Sci ABSOLUTE SECURITY, C a r t e r 's w > .....-< A ct ........ Little Liver Pills. »' ■ • V Æ - taüUNMi. \ r.......I. •• \ CARTERS BESTFORTHE BOWELS O o -O p r r a (lv o P l a t o O luba, tho l a t e a t /» P la n o B u y in g AU Ofub T o i e l l e r O boapon th a P r ic e to Caoh. A L L A B O U T T H E PIAN O C L U B S It w ill c o s t y ou n o t h in g to in v e s t ig a te an d w ill s u r e ly sa v e yo u m o n e y . If you a r e In ter e ste d a n d c a n n o t ca ll in p erso n , p le a se fill o u t t h e a tta c h e d in q u iry b la n k a n d se n d to th e P ia n o C lub M a n a g er, E ilers P ia n o H ou se, P o r tla n d , O regon . C a ta lo g u e s, p rices a n d a ll p a r tic u la r s w ill be p ro m p tly su p p lied . E N Q U IR Y Out-of-town residents m ay join any of the i clubs now form ing . . . B U A I N K —“ X ” E IL E R S PIANO HOUSE, Portland: I’laaae »end me cataloguée and all Information about the new Plano Club» to N a m e ....................... '............................................................ Addreva.................................................................................. a KEEP YOUR BL63D CLEAR NIO to N O TE. b la n k . If In ter e ste d In O rgan s, p le a se sp e c ify “ O rgan C lu b ” In a b o v e It c o s ts y o u n o t h in g to in v e s t ig a te t h is m o n e y -s a v in g o p p o r tu n ity . W e g u a r a n te e t o su p p ly P ia n o s a n d O rg a n s t o C lub m e m b e r s a t a b on a fid e s a v in g o f m a n y d o lla r s . E IL E R S 351 W ashington S t., A tten d t o t h is to d a y . P IA N O H O U SE (Both Phones) Portland, Ore. O th e r S to r e s a t S a n F r a n c isc o , S p o k a n e a n d S a c r a m e n to .