STA TE OF OREGON (» a l.a u , O a p lta l; Governor...................................T. T . le e r Ksrretary ol M a te . . . . . . . . . F. L . Dui bar Hiate Treasurer.. . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 8. Mt >ra Hupt. Hul>lto Instruction J. H . Ackerman Atty General........... I>. It. N. Blackburn B u te P rin ter.........................W . I I . Leeds JA C K SO N the official rate 12.60 for $ I gold. Drugs, Druggists’ Sundries, S ta t’oncry. St ool CO UNTY ( ja u a s o s v i t x a , County S e a l) Suppl'es, H ig h Grade Stationery, P c r ftm is .P t'c * , fikeriff............... ...................... Jos. Rader J u d g e . . . . , , . , . . .................Charles Hrlm | < rk .......... ............................ . .John Orth Recorder.........................Peter Applegate Treasurer.................................Deve M illar A s e e a a o r...................................... W ither Jones Burvayor . . . .................................... ...C a r l Jonaa D O N ’T Commissioners.......................... Patterson, Kiley O o ld Tree. ol Council................... A. C. Stanley IC .F . Young, W. I I . Caine. Councilman tC . C. McClendon, (A . E. Kellogg; Recorder................... Geo. K. Hammersly M arshal.................................... J. W . Hays Treasurer............................... J. I.. Harvey Attorney.....................J. L. Hainmersley Council meets 1st Monday io each month. □SSKSSSSSSBESESOB SHAYING. O PARLORS ltK .H I’ ASH notice« printed and on hand for sale at the pub lication ofBce of T h e News I Z i O TO K ellogg A D a rlin g for a ll kinds of "■ black«m lthing, honte shoeing, wagon *ud f T $ it rlana • workmen employed * carria g e work F in nod a ll work guaranteed a t reasonable prices. inn khopson “ D street Kt ‘ the beat q u a lity K Deboy aiio u i II. V I N K F A R M of Ilk scree 44 m iles from Hold " H ill, on (Jail creek. SH scree In c u ltiv a tio n ; sm all bearing orchard; house, barn and o u t­ buildings, anil very rich, n il under fencs; good out range adjoining; thia place at a bargain If Sold soon. Inquire of I* Horn on the premises or S t the office of The News. I f o R T Y A C ttr.R . N R W R O U R K tain * aovtloa 4». m w n s i.ip » r y in ilea from Sam V a lle y post office, 4 m ile from school, livin g w ate r, good w ell, good barn, sm all bearing or- shard and th irty acre* w ell Improved In q u ire o r’aara W ebber on Good Pastu re place or Geo G F . Ila m m raiy A Hon. G old H i l l, ore. M ill.... Feed — I C A R R Y IN CO NNECTIO N A N IC K L IN E OF I Gold M ill. Or. J. I I . G old H il i « W !» 11 1' Manufacturer and Dealer In f Harness, f Saddlery, Leather, Whips, Robes, Blantets, Etc. H o o 1 T a b le . L a te s t Tow n Property Sold or Rented. Farm in g Lands, Mine» or other property Sold on Commission. C ol­ lection« made. Prom pt Remittances. Reasonable Charges................................. i--- ä I>K!IALTT who held np the Rock JW Eugene has seen red an additional m ail carrier for city delivery. Ti e new elertefe car line from Gresh­ am rate PorHand will b» r«» ly Tor* operatiou la about two w-oka. Barglars entered a \? dap, residence and ransacked tlie pt «¡e, ssm : .ring a s n a il amount of «tab auri tome ysgu^ry, Tsrtrer E lty wBl4 « od» { e *B' a i , J , j * ' ■ main io darkness fer a while longes owing to the non-err val ef the trans- 'ormers and street lights. A six-karnp m ill wh a capfkrity of 50 tons a day has been parch.-eed f i r tb f. Red, W hite and Bine mine in the Malheur district. The mine J a owned by a Boston syndicate. A number of cities throughout the state w ill hold municipal elections De- i ember 1. Considerable local interest is being taken on account of factional Pittsburg Switchmen Sent Out 05 Trains fights, prohibition measures, etc. Inside of Five Hoars. The Faker C ity lodge of Elks baa Pittsburg, Nov. 26.— After 36 hoars purchased a site and w ill erect a two of the most ’strenoous activity on the story stone and brick building 50x100 part of the greatly augumeuted forces When complete the structure of men and locomotives, the Penn­ feet. w ill cost about *26,000. sylvania railroad system has made a comparative cleaning up of ita congest­ Three prisoners under detention at ed taiminals. The car movement the county ja il at Union, made their breaks all records of a similar kind. I l a ape by sawing through the bars of is estimated that SO,000 care were their celle. The nrisooers were await­ moved in and out of Pittsburg. In five ing a hearing before the grand jory, houre 95 trains were started for Altoona two charged w ith assault and ona w ith by the Pennsylvania, 20 per cent heav­ mayhem. ier than the record. The Oregon dairymen's association Tonight the Pennsylvania railroad ill n e t in Corvallis Derember 16 yards are freer from obstructions than and 17. Cream separator and other at any tim e w ithin five months, but the dairy su; p'y firms are invited to make receipts of eras destined lor Pittaburg exhibits of th eir goods. Addressee of shippers w ill fill them up before tomor­ intere-t w ill be delivered bv well known row is passed. The cars w ill be moved iairymen. Special rates will be given in from the outlying sidetracks which, by the transportation companier. for 30 miles along every approach to the The noted Bowden mine and Braden city, have been stac -1 with care laden w ith a il manner of crude pro­ m ill, situated near Gold H ill, w ith its water power, has been transferred to a ducts. lu the yards of the Pittsburg A iaike corporation capitalized at $600,000. Erie and BaltimorwA 'thio also good The purchase price was in the neigh­ work was accomplished, and tonight borhood of $100,000. Southern Oregon their terminals are can>|>aratively cioee is coming to the float se a mining to normal conditions. Before 6 o’clock country and the purchasers of this eight trainmen had b> a taken to the mine aie "going to pw in r*w and heavy hqiyitel injured at various poi puin nts. INOTON. (JATHEItlNO f> at WASHIM The report of Consul Oenerel McNaf ty on the Hunter-Fltsgerold sffair In Members ef Congress Arriving and Pre­ Guatemala puls it in the aspect of a paring lor the Coming Session. cold blooded mwrdcr. Washington, Nov. 26.— Senators and Matters ere proceeding favorably for members of the house of representatives au agreement between the coal m iner. are beginning to arrive in Washington and operators. An increase of 10 per preparatory to the meeting of congrees next Monday. Most of the leadere will cent in wages is assured. The body of J. W . Fuller, who dis­ be here during the early part of the appeared from his home j n Portland week, as the presi lent desires to tonfer October 27, has baen found. There with tbem before putting the finishing Today's ar­ was a bullet hole in his rig ht temple touches on his wests?«. and a revolver w ith one empty cham­ rivals included Senators Spooner, A lli­ son, Fairbanks and Bailey, and Speaker ber lay alongside the body. Henderson. Senator Spooner spent T h irty people were drowned by the some tim e at the white house tonight sinking of a steamer in the Danube in conference with the president. river. Speaker Henderson expressed the Reports from the district in Guate­ opinion in an interview tonight that mala devested by the volcano place the there would be little legislation at the coming short se.-’ ion aside from the loss of life at 10.000. passage of the appropriation bills. He The famous eating house at Meacham, added, however, that the president on the O. R. A N ., which burned a few would have the first inning. The days ago, w ill be rebuilt. speaker expressed his belief to some of his callers that a constitutional amend­ Prominent citizens ol Denver have ment would be the only means of deal­ started a movement for the establish­ ing w ith the trust question. ment of a sanitarium for actors. A *- ® ee-«*.« F R A N K E. A L L E Y The he*t Geo. R. Hammersly & Co. Oold Hill, , Oregon. I O il is to he'used as luel on the steam­ er« ol the Furness lirve, one of the largest English steamship companies. F R A T E R N A L Give me a rail r r is, S a m u e l M o orris, H err Krupp, the greet German gun maker, and J he wealthiest man in Germany, is’dead from apop'exy. F u rn itu re and ‘J ndgfgT* Goods. Harness and F u rn itu re Repairing. A Fu A F u ll ll Supply OUppi of U ndertaking Goode. Funeral Csr to tbo«e who " 'a n t I t . South Side, Gold H i l l , Oregon. M c C lxkoom * Prop. • O rboom R EA L ESTATE Ì,A gent for 8 . F . a n d Port* 'la n d D a ily Paprrv. M a g a z in e s, P e r io d ic a ls . 1 The American Federation of Labor re-elected all its officers, and voted to meet in Boston next November. T h e B est of W ines, Liquors and Cigars CO NFEC TIO N ER Y ST O R E ^ mmmmmns . C IG A R S C IG A R E T T E S C A N D IE S a n d ‘J NU TS. : Fresh Fruit« In Season All kind« ot Soft Drinks Wheat bsa reached the highest point at San Francisco since 1898. I L L J P R O SP E C T SALOON v s have (S) acres In the suburbs of oold U H I A t a "Bargain** I' M IL L S I. E. DEBOY, OOD farm on G a ll creek; ta n i In th a t section; cheap; Gao. K liaiutnoraly w ill sell It. 11 <» John L M itchell, judge of the su­ perior court ol Pennaylvania, w ill be retired on h all pay until the expiration of hie term in 1910, on account of ina­ b ility to perform the duties ol his office through sickness. Great Britain and Germany are co­ operating in seriona measures to bring Venezuela to time. N E hundred and tw en ty acres on Foot creek P a p e r s a n d P e r io d ic a ls J QUARTZ, the Im art of the placer m ining d is tric t; O Ai In aeree In line c u ltiv a tio n , ffotxl buildings a tod PLACER must lie nold, here 1s a bargain T a lk to Gao. U. C a ll a n d see m e H sminerai y I MINE LOCATION I' R IV E R And BICYC LE E X T R A S . O ood 0 Coal miners and operators hold tiu G first conference towards a peaceful set­ tlement ol their tronbles in Washing ton. Only the preliminary arrange­ ments were discussed. R O tïin î F lu e F a m ily F lo u r J . » O l l i a , M a n a g e r .............. « o ld B ill, JEWELRY, FISHING TACKLE, la Call and see me. R E A L ESTATE R o lled B a r le y Done with neatness and dispatch. o i l A V K t H a ir e u tf Your w atch cleaned or n to u r bicycle rep aired ! I K. Debny does Sil these IblngM and does them w ell and cheaply. IIIN O T A C K I.F . of r ¡M H great Wee 1 variety a distinctive garb for marines and en­ listed uwfi serving tim e in prison. Heretofore they have worn their old • liforms. A Share of the Patronage ol the Public ie Respectfully Solicited H a ir C u t t in g & S h a v in g T O C A T IO N blanks conforming to the require- i m enis of the new in lui ng law of Oregon foi isle st the ofBce of The News. H ill, O r e g o n . Largest L ice o O ne D oor E a s t o f H ays* B la c k s m ith S h o p * T h » H ills spsclsi no tics anti tbs rs c u la r a4 are game, T h e y 're cheap, and p ie ln to look a t, b v t they get there just the cams ” FORGET A . P . ESTA1 T O W N O F G O L D H IL L N O T IC E S Signs lor a better government lor Ire ­ z in e s o i ¿ le x ic o n s ilv e r a r e c o m in g u e r e ! from China, as it is believed that much land have appeared. I gold in being circulated here on account President Roosevelt bat bis message of government expenditures. The fayt all ready lor the senate. ie that American trade is going to Three hundred Negro colonists w ill Chios, and the losses in silver arc sert- go to Liberia from Georgia In January. ooaiy affecting the insular tre.o-ury and business interests generally. The rap­ Knmor has it that the czar may abdi­ idly changing rates emharrars the busi­ cate the throne to b it uncle, Grand ness houses, making it almost impossi­ iadim ir. Duke Via ble to fix prices. The native officials Gould and Harriman have fallen oat are beginning to petition for the pay­ over the control of the Colorado feel ment of salaries in gold, and the de­ mand for stable curency is nniveraal. and iron company. The secretary of finance says: The government survey for the Pa­ “ There is nothing to indicate a more cific cable lias been turned over to the Lspeful fntnre lor the currency ques­ Commercial cable company. tion. I t w ill probably be as bad a» A message received from Dr. Hunter, now, if not worse, until congress acts from Guatemala, states that the killin g and gives ns a stable currency.” ol Fitzgerald was in evil defense. CLEARED THE FREIGHT YARDS. The navy department has decide! on M achin e O il, Im ported and Domestic H ig h Grade W ines and W h is k e y for Purposes. Q uicksilver in A n y Q u a n tity , for Paints, O il and Kalsom ine. atekaol .ttuPl..,...................................... H. «ally S P E C IA L The Albany w ill' hold Its regniar city election Monday, Deceml’er 1. to n -, siderable local interest is manifested. The Methodist chorch in Oregon City is being raised high enough to permit of a store room being b u ilt on the ground floor. This arrangement w ilt bring the chnrch people about $ 150 per month. The heavy rains have washed out a large portion of the dam of the Condor water and power company, at Yoto. Eighty men of the crew have been laid off and work is practically abandoned for the winter. The farmers of Linn connty w ill hold a farmers’ institute November 28 and 29, under the aospicee of the experi­ ment department of the Oregon agri­ cultural collge. The meeting w ill be b«lc* a t Grange H a ll No. 10, near A l­ bany. The tides of t’ e past few days have done many thousand dollars’ worth ol damage to the diked lands on Yonng’ s river and the Lewis and C lark. How much cannot yet be estimated, b at H is believed that it w ill reach a t least $10.000. Three weeks ago J . J . Jackson, a Negro charged w ith breaking open a freight car a t Huntington in August, sawed through the bare in the connty ja il and escaped. The fact wae only made public a few days ago. Jack­ son’s tria l was scheduled for next week. MORE MONEY NECESSARY. Augustin Chacon, one of the moet desperate outlaws in Arizona, has been hanged. During his career he had Increase in Prices of Building Materials Delaying Government Work. taken at least a score of livee. Washington, Nov. 28.— The attention A serious financial problem is con­ of Secretary Moody was directed today fronting G erm an-. : e government to the fact that it would he impossible expense deficit is ¡».rger t an ever be to complete the buildings at the naval fore and the people can hardly afford to academy w ithin the lim it of cost fixed PORTLAND^MAItKETS. pay more taxes. by congress, owing to the very large in- Wheat— W allaW alls, 7O «71ct bine, Advices from South China state that create in the price of material. When buildings were atom 7tf«77s; valley. 725<073e. the Boxer movement is spreading the new academy ljtrge bands of rebels are marching planned congress fixed the lim it of Barley— Feed, $23.00 per tan ; brew­ Secretary ing, $23.60. through the country devastating every­ cost at $300,000, and Long apportioned this sum among the thing as they go. Flour— Best grade, grah­ various buildings and improvements, Secretary Moody has announced that Since then it haa been decided to erect am, $3.00^ 3.50. Millstaffy— Bran, $19.00 per ton; employee of government navy yards are hospital and a>so to do certain to be allowed to present in person to dredge work in the Severn. Captain middlings, $23.60; shorts, $10.60; the board of wages any question affect­ Brownson, superintendent of the acad­ chop, $17. ing the rate of pay. emy, who was at the academy today, Oats— No. 1 white, $ 1 .1 2 ^ 0 1 .1 6 ; calied the secretary’s attention to the gray, $ 1 .10 0 1 .1 2 )$ percental. Venezuela complains of European Hay — T im oth y, $ 1 0 0 1 1 ; clover, fart that since 1900 tha price of bnild governments aiding her revolutionists. ing material had increased on an aver­ $8.00; «heat, $ 8 0 9 per ton. Potatoes— Beet Bur banks, 60090c This, he told The sultan of Morocco has given $6, age of over 30 per cent. 000 to the widow of an English mis­ the eecretaiy, would make it impossible per sack; ordinary, 60066c par cental, to complete the buildings w ithin the growers’ prices; Merced sweets, $ 1 .76 0 sionary who was killed by natives. I t is prob­ $2 per cental. Three Ch cago saloons were dynamit lim its fixed by congress. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, $ 3 .6 0 0 ed by unknown persons, breaking win able that the secretary will call the at­ 4.26; per ponpd, 10c; hens, $ 4 0 4 .6 0 per dows and doo.-s and causing other dam tention of congress to the matter in his dozen; per pound, 11c; springs, $3.00 annual report. __________ _ age. 0 3 .6 0 per dozen; fryers, $ 2 .60 0 3 .0 0 ; Prominent physicians testified be­ Major Reed Dead. broilers, $ 2 .0 0 0 2 .6 0 ; dneks, $ 4 .6 0 0 fore the coal strike commission that Washington, Nov. 26.— Major W a l­ 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, young, 12% coal mining is an unhsalthful occupa­ ter Reed, an officer of the aurgeon 0 1 3 c ; geese, $ 6 .0006.60 per dosen. tion and greatly shortens life. general’ s department of the a- my, died Cheese— F ull cream, twins, 1 6 0 Friends of the N iesraguan route for an here last night. Major Reed was sent 16c; Yonng America, 1 6 % 0 1 6 % ; isthmian canal are picking up courage to Havana to investigate the yellow factory prices, 1 0 1 %o leas. from the check to the negotiations with Fever question, and it was largely Untter— Fancy creamery, 300 32 % « Colombia relative to the Panama canal through his researches that the deter­ per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, >0 A well dressed individual accosted mination was reached that the disease 0 2 2 )$ c ; store, 16018. E ggs 26030c per dosen. the sentry on guard st the German cm was communicable through the mos­ Hope— New crop, 22036c per pound. peroi's palace and said he was his ma­ quito. His death was due to appendi­ W o o l-V a lle y , 1 3 % 0 1 6 c ; Eastern jesty’ s son. H e was arrested and citis, for which an operation was per­ Oregon, 8 0 1 4 % c , mohair, 26028c. searched and a loaded revolver tound formed last Monday. Beef— Gross, cows, 3 0 8 % « pas The man has been placed in the insane Ex-Que«n Lit In Washington. pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 90 7 «. asylum. Vssl— 7% 08% c. Washington, Nov. 26.— Ex-Queen A large Minneapolis flouring m ill hss Mutton — Gross, Se pat ponnd; agreed to to grind nothing but Canadian I.iliuokalani, of Haw aii, arrived In 6c. wheat. I t w ill be shipped to the m ill Washington last night, to remain for Lambs — Gross, J%c per ponnd) in bond, ground and the flour shipped some time, bhe was accompanied by eased, 6% c. to the A tlantic coast in bond and sent her maid and by John D. Aimoku. Hogs— Grees, 8% 06 % cp er ponnd; to Liverpool. Heretofore the wheat has She ia seeking favorable action by con- 707% «. gress on measures for her relief. been sent to England ami ground