THE GOLD HILL NEWS. T h e o n ly paper pu b lish ed in th e fa m o u s C o ld H ili M in - tn g D istrict. VOL. 3. (JO L I) H IL L , OKKOON, NOVEM BER 8, A newspaper devoted to the mining and agricultural inter­ ests of Southern Oregon. Non-partisan tn polities. 1902. NO. O F F IC Ifiü Ç ¿ L iv e r y , F eed , T r a n sfe r > ST A BL ES D IR E C T O R Y GTATE OF OREGON FAVORS RESERVES A . a . P . E S T A B WEALTHY INDIAN ROBBED, Had R s 22.000 HM la an OutbulMlag, which 288. NEWS OF OREGON Three Whit« Men Discovered. Butte, Montana, Nov. 6 .— a special ITFKS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS BER LAND ACT IS OBSOLETE. irom Plains says that one of the most I h e L e a d in g D r u g g is t o f Gold OP THE STATE. sensational /ohheries that has ever oc­ Stute Treasurer............H. Moore curred in the history ol Western Mon­ Sept Pulitit- Instruction J. II , Ackerman H EA D Q U A R TER S FOR E V E R . Condition, arc Different Now from When tana was enacted near Plains yesterday, A lly General............0 . It. N. Blackburn L.T5-: of which bas just readied this I Crenaercbd u t Ftoanciai Happeotogs t t K E P T IN A F IR S T C L A SS D R U G It was Unacted. and Government Nt t l <>’ P r in t « .........................W , I I . I^ h I i the Past Week—B r M RevMw «4 Uw place. A wealthy Platbead Indian Receives ■ Sum Far Below the Actual named Machell was robbed Saturday Orowth utd Developoacat • ( Verteos JA C K SO N CO UNTY Value of Timber - Would Repeal Law night of ♦22,000 in cash, the money Industries Throughout Our D ru g « , D r u g g is ts ’ Su n d ries, S ta tio n e r y , 1 4 4 'U j o s v i u . » Couuly B a at, If Reserves Cannot be Created. consisting of MOO bills and ^20 gold wealth- Latest Market Report. S u p p lies, H ig h G rad e S ta tio n e r y , P er fu m e pieces. Sheriff................... «ja w . » . . . Jo«. Hailer City Drij u d Trtnifer. Opp. Depoi Macbell was a visitor in Plains Sat­ J u d ire ............................. ...d ia r ie « Prim Washington, Nov. 6 — The moat im ­ M a c h in e O il, Im p orted a n d D o m e stic O f ■ in , The grain fleet now in the river a t urday night, and daring 14» absence, at ( I ik ....................... John Orth G O L D B I L L , OR. H ig h G rad e W in s» an d W h is k e y for M cd h tn a l portant feature of iauid Cornmitwioner about 10 o’clock at night, a man Portland ia the largest on record for the ------ - llecortler.........................Voter Applegate P u rp oses. Q u ic k silv e r in A n y Q u a a t it y . ¿fc-h H erm ann’s annual report, submitted dressed aa a e p a w called at b it home I “ n‘e- IKLLOOO « DABLIHG, »«prltton Treasurer....................... .. Dae« M tiler A fte r e v«ral today, is a recommendation for tne im ­ on Camas P rairie and engaged in con- for P a in t s , O il a n d K a ls o m in e . - ----- weeks’ snspeosiun of A -srssor............... W ilber hoirs mediate withdrawal fro-n diapoaal of a versstion w ith M achell’s squaw. Mrs. woj k “ Í • { « f t of the W illam ette pulp Furvuyof.................................... O tri Jon«« -------------- ' part or all of the public land« which Machcl] noticed that tha visitor was not M w o H lu p t................. , . . . .P: H . Daily O reara tor bucala«. e c r r la iM are more valuable lor forest purpoae« a squaw, but a white man, as be could D O N ’T F O R G E T T H E P L A C E . ’ - Corn miss ¡onere........... . ,l'^ttar«oe, K ilo/ than for other one». Tills step it not talk good Flvtheijtl, bat tbe d id » a t S t-.'“ 1* - urged in view of the heavy inroad« suspect what was wrong u ntil she saw Baleai hopgrowurs and dealers expect TOW N o f g o l d h il l p . lining made npon the public tim ber two men run from an oatbuilding, car­ rying something with them. Then it to see some liv e ly hujlng ot hope I» and the resulting damage to water Tre«, ol Council...............,. A. 0 . Manley that market i» the next three week», supply. I t this step cannot be taken, was that her suspicion was aroused, as florae« fed by the month, week or day 0 .F . Voting, W. U . Caine, the wealth was stored in that building. and an advance of 6 cents in the price it is urged as absolutely neceeaary that a t raaaonable prlcaa Tha b m t of car« Councilman < 0 .0 . McClendon, would not be a great «urpritw. taken to prevent accidents, anti w ill not tlie tim ber and stone act, panred 30 The robbers jumped on their horses, (A . E. Kellogg; be raaponalble for auy th a t m ay occur which were near by, and the one that L a rg est L in e o f T a b le ts in S o u th e r n O re g o n . A new corporation w ill begin bnsinesa years ago. lie either re|>ealed or mater Recorder................... Geo. It. Hum triers! y ially modified. Two dollars and a half had teen talking to her joined them, in Baker City next spring, to be known M arshal.................................... J. W . Hay« and the three rode hurriedly away. as the Heilrier wool pressing and grad­ an acre for tim ber land is a mare nom­ Treasurer............................... J. L. Harvey As soon as she reached the Plains ing company. The new company w ill inal price, when the land is often wort). < * ’/ * / * > * / < ' < / * / Attorney ................... J. L. Iluuiinerslcy with the news, several of the white ♦ 100 per acre. erect a stone building to be equipped Council moot« let Monday in each 11 I f the tim ber and stone act is to citizens of that place accompanied w ith tbe latest machinery for cleaning, month. continue in force,” said Commissioner Machell to hie home to see if tho story grading and pressing wool. r V V V V V V W y nF V ' V 1 W ’IF Hermann today, “ i t i.'ionid be modified was true, which was proved on their The incendiary attempts to destroy to allow the government to get a fair arrival there. A score of young In ­ buildings at the Fort Stevens barracks A S h a re of th e P atron age of th e P u b lic is R e sp e c tfu lly S o lic ite d 1 S P E C IA L N O T IC E S O ne D oor E a st o f price for it« tim ber lands. Since the diana started out to try to locate the still continue, altbougli a double guard robliers, hut no clew has lieen found. enactment of the present law, 30 years H a y s ’ B la c k s m ith S h o p Machell is the wealthiest fall-blood is maintained and every precaution •*Tbc l it t le s p e d a ' nolle»» and .ha re c u la r ad •go. the government has reaiiezd but are gante, Indian on the reservation. He has taken to prevent a repetition of the ♦ 13,000,000, when the lanus dispowxi T h e r m cheap, and p ia la to look a t, but they The officers are at a loss to ex­ large herds of cattle and horses, and fires I l o lir t i « v i there putt the «ante ” of were worth ♦130,000,000 at the G raham plain the reason for the blazes. was always known to have money, bat lowest figure. I believe free use of few people knew that he kept it at lln r lr y J. M . Clark, brother of Senator Clark r j ’ K f ■ tees i>«inswu printed «nu and o n d u for F l o u r •••• public tim ber in lim ited quantities • not ........ un n b n a an ror home. I t develops, however, that the Montana, has purchased the Pooth- ' l ,n1«« ol Tbe News Done wUll neBtnM, , nJ dl>paU.h. should be allowed settlers and miners old Iudian was afraid to treat his Dysert hydraulic placer mines in the H ill..., for domestic purposes, but a ll timber M’ v i'io .N blaoka ccnform lng Io tip» require* C o r n ...... I meni» of ihr’ o*w tulniutf law of O io e g u foi money in tbe bank, and kept it in an Jump off Joe district. Southern Oregon, taken from the public domain tor com­ aulu a l thu office of The Newa old trnnk in an outbuilding at his and the adjoining farms of Pollock and F r e d ... i I C A R R Y I N C O NNECTIO N A N IC E mercial and manufacturing purp- aes ranch. Davis. Tne consideration for the farms < should be purchased at a fair price L IN E OF , < t i TO a K a rlin s tor a ll k in d , of snd placers is ♦25,000 cash. M r. Under tlte present law tim ber valued ' I lackt m u h ’ »• honte atuse i ng, wagon *nd TONE TO INSPECT MINES. F l u e F a m i l y F l o u r Clark has a large crew making exten­ r it n i.tffo wt . k I | im ( elusa workmen employed Ï at not less than ♦100,000,000 has been • ’ »! a ll » ” • k guaranteed a l rcaaouable price*, sive improvements which w ill doable stolen or destroyed. Under a revised nhopa on O airt i t. J . J . IIO C C Is, M a n a g e r ................ V o lti H i l l , O r e g o n Commission to Spend Four Days More In the oatpnt of the mine. law properly enforced by an adequate Various Coal Workings. k^W A A A A A A A A A A A A , ^a. , And B ICYC LE E X T R A S . ( j l f A V K f l ln l r e u tf Your w atch cleaned or ranger force, this could not continue.” One of the richest gold mines in the L .I ,u r .f ’.k ’ ,c ,n rr.p a ,r’* n 1 M - D»bor doee Scranton, Pa., Nov 5.— The mine United States is the North Pole, located The new rule of the department a l­ a n theae thing« anddooa them w ell and cheaply, I. E. DEBOY, lowing the Woolgrowerg' association to strike commissioners have gone to about six miles north of Sumpter. i' ca t q u a lity le «■*-■*■•*.-m. ■ m . - w - W W . - w . -m.-m- take charge of the allotm ent of sheep Hazleton to spend four days in farther About ♦ ’ 50,000 has been expended on ■* greet va rie ty He«» I B. Deboy about It. Call and see me. Gold H U I. Or. and range in forest reserves where acquainting themselves w ith tlie phys­ external improvements and underground shvepgrazing was allowed during the ical features of mining. They had not development work since the miné was part season did not always prove satis­ decided, up to the tim e of leaving, how discovered. The property is controlled L E A L ESTA TE y Manufacturer and Dealer In factory, and caused more delays in issu­ they would divide their time while in by English capitalists. The actual I t value of the Nort i Pole |is problemat.'« ing permits than under the former sys­ the middle and lower districts. I . ' I N F » ' HM I.f II» aeree « 4 m llee from Hold was definitely decided, though, that not H ill. ci. t .a ll c r . .k . Mt a c r ... in cu ltiv a tio n ; J tem. Investigations made by forest ad- The management, of course, ie am ali t-rarlng (irritarti, lio n *., barn an.' oul- S A L O O N inspectors indicate that generally too more than four days would be devoted fam iliar with the value of the ore found 1‘K'IU«. Miti T .r r rich, a ll titular frana; eou« F u r n itu r e a n d ‘ ¿ n t lg S W G oods. to the trip . Assistant Recorder Neill otti ram ie »,ljn ln ln e t h i. plaoe a t a i t . r . a l o many sheep were allowed in the re­ in the wonderful pay shoot«, bnt it * ' ■ D. luir* f I) I loru on the proutiaea < H a rn ess an d F u r n itu r e R ep a irin g . a t in., on Of i he N e w . P * serves, and that the number must be was left tab in d to receive the miners’ doe« not know the fu ll extent of the pay statement from President M itchell. J. H . M c C umdo «* Prop. A F u ll S u p p ly of U n d e r ta k in g G oods. F u n e r a l Car to th ose w h o m aterially decreased next year. shoots. Development work is being Attempts to prosecute fraodn'ent On Thursday it is expected that the pushed to determine the richnese and W a n t I t. S o u th S id e , G o ld H ill, O regon. G old H ill , - O rkooh i f - W H O V R E « . , » >000 operators’ counter statement w ill b e ____ _ ___r -r|t|| body of ore. I f , aa \ ,ih ! .” * J V ” ’ ? “ ’ .! 1 } * m ile« from Ham entry men have been greatly hampered extent of thi« rich 1 / J Li M from achool. livin g resented. The comroies'oner« w ill there is every rearen 1» h »l i« re. ALÁ, Ld I'a a tu re place or Geo W ines, Liquors and Cigars cers, either from intim idation or other vemher 14, by which tim e the two the mine is easily worth ♦10,000,000. G . F . llam n t rely A Hou. G old H U I. ora. parties w ill be expected to have com­ causes. To overcome this, the com­ to. to. to.-to-to. -to--to.-to.-to-to.-to.-toe to.-to.-to to- The state pi inting office is now work­ G o o d F *o o l T a b l e . L a t e s t missioner renews his recommendation pleted the preparation of th e ir cases, i ) N.K »ud tw en ty aerea on Toot ereek ing on the last form of the new Oregon J Q U A R T Z , In the heart of the placer m ining d istrict; P a p ers an d P e r io d lo a li for tiie enactment of a law compelling and to be ready to go on w ith the hear­ P»r Dozen J 35c ? W '" 4 V“ * ° u , H r» tlo n ; good bui Id Inga Tbe commissioners w ill also de­ code, and the two volumes w ill be seDt the attendance of witnesses in ench ings. riiuat i»e aold; boro la a bargalu T a lk to Geo It ’ and PLACER to the bindery next week. I t is ex­ AT T i l l C a ll a n d see m e Ilem u io raly. cases under penalty. A forcible argu­ vote the interim to preparations for the NEWS OFFICE J ment is made on the necessity of ex­ hearings by acquainting them«Ives with pected that the new code w ill be ready MIRE LOCATION for distribution about the middle of public surveys to Alaska. I t the details of the two statements. itt farm on H a ll nrnok; b n .i In th a t arctloni Gold Hill, Oregon J tending ( -jiM cheap, November. Geo. It Huium oraly w ill sell It. is shown that the lack of these surveys NEW FRENCH AIRSHIP. is greatly retarding the development of The present year w ill be the greatest from a business standpoint in the his­ lumbering, agricultural, coal and wc h a re (S) acres In tka suburb« of Gold III1 I e t a Bargain** mineral development. Homesteaders Constructed In Secrecy, but Reporter Saw tory of the state land departm ent. First Successful Trial. During the first nine months of 1902 also are anxious to acquire lands in F R A T E R N A L Alaska, hut dare not without they can Paris, Nov. 5. — I t has been known tbe receipts from payments on sales of T o w n P ro p er ty S o ld or acquire title . for some tim e past that the Brothers state land exceeded the total for any R e n te d . F a r m in g L and«, Lebaudy and an engineer named Julliot previous year. F C O N F E C T IO N E R Y ( J R A N D A R M Y O P T H E R E P U B L IC . 0 R D E R O F PENDO. CHINA’S DARK WAYS. M in es or o th er p rop erty have been constructing a steerable bal­ J S T O R E ................ W illia m Baldwin and his son, J i m N L u t t r e ll Post No. 71, O. A R , of S o ld on C o m m issio n . C o l­ loon, but such secrecv has been ob­ George, were sentenced to serve two Gold H U I, Oregon. meets the first S a tu rd a y In each month E webb oommander; Oro F ln o Council N o »57, Order of Pendo, Government Officers Elevated for an Act le c tio n s m ad e. P ro m p t served that little or nothing has been years and one year, respectively, in the ® C IG A R S J J Staoey, vloe oom dr; J w Dunkln Jun­ « » e ta a t the i p . O F H a ll every other Forbidden hy Imperial Decree. published about the new flying ma­ penitentiary, the one for aiding and ior rle a com’dr; H e nry M c N e il, w .m ; A. J. R e m itta n c e s. R e a so n a b le frh ursday w a ite r Dungey, Councilor; A l ­ C IG A R E T T E S Su -lth , ad ju tan t. fred L ew is, S ecretary. A newspaper reporter now- abetting, and the other for striking tha London, Nov. 5 .— Giving an instance chine. C h a rg es..................................... C A N D IE S an d of the Chinese way of fulfillin g treaty claims to have witnessed the first ex­ fatal blow that killed Frank Carson in N U TS. obligations, the Pekin correspondet t of periment w ith the new balloon, which Portland a short time ago. ^ y O M E N 'S B E L I E F CO RPS. the Times notes the issuance of an im ­ he says occurred yesterday at Robert Fresh F ru its In Season t J |E G It E E O F H O N O R . A new 'edge, with a good w idth and perial rescript in response to a request Lebaudy’s country honse uear Bon- A ll kinds of Soft D rinks J a m » , L u t t r e ll uom eu'a R e lie f C o rp , at G old H U I, O r., m e e t. In the School H u ll on made by tlie governor of Kwang Si sieres, where the airship was con­ of a very rich quality of free m illin g P aradlae Lodge No. Tl. Deyree of Honor, a f o r 8. F . a n d P o r t - flret and th ird F rid a y tn ta c h month N e llie The balloon ascended to a ore, has teen uncovered on the Lucky province, elevating fourth grade officials structed. m e tta every Tucaday In Sohool H a ll. V t¿ K a rlin » pres; M ra Dunkln; arnlor vloe- d ln u d D a i l y P a p e r s . K ing m em b er, co rd ia lly luylted to attend. prea ; M r» Ca Inn. Junior ric e pre» : Mra. to the rank of first grade Mandarins for height of about 20 yards w ith two Boy mine, in the Blue river district. M r a T ild a H a m m eraly, C. of H .; M a r tin ¡ r Curry, aecrctary; M ra M y ra M c N e ill, tre a t. their patriotism in smuggling into persons in the car. I t was held down Î McDouough. recorder. M a g a zin ea , A. J. Nielon, ex-sheriff and tax col­ SA LEM Kwang Si 1,000 Manser rifles and 300,- hy ropes, anti tlie motor drove the a ir­ lector of Lake connty, who was found a P e r io d ic a ls . ship against a stiff breeze. A fte r man­ 000 cartridges, which were placed at guilty of defalcation in office by a ju ry (iivo nm a cali the service of the governor for the euvers lasting half an Lour, daring at the May term of ^xiort, has been P IR E DEPARTM ENT. L N C M I E E N N . T O R D E R — O » ■ F U N I T E D WORK- which several circles of the park where suppression of rebels. This was done, S a m u e l M orris, sentenced to four years in the peniten­ N ugget Lodge No.M>. A O. Ü . w . mecte says the Times correspondent, although the experiments were conducted were tiary aud ordered to pay a ♦fl.OOO fine, Gold H ill. Oregon. ( AGENCY nig conlla'iiy h t In Sclmolhoure Ha ll V ‘ — l a t y f ln M j onday brojftara’ In v ita d to "at t H **“’ L «i»der Company No. u lia -- .— . — an im perial decree issued in August, made, tlie airship was replaced in its to cover the amount of defalcation. » -to e « to ® ** • to to w to e -to s to t tend J A. H a rv e y , m a tte r workm an, 1 meeta on the flret Tueaday evening I d each Thoroughly Up to Date in All 1001, in accordance w ith tlie protocol, shed. m onth O rrla C ran fo rd , president; w. A H . H a rv e y , reoorder. An appeal has been taken to tbe su­ Things essential to the prompt C a rte r, aecretary, C a rl Phelpa, foreman. forbade the importation of arms. preme court. execution of First-Class Work at MUST ACCEPT SILVER FOR DEBT. rates not to be lowered by any SLAIN BY LADRONES. other entableahment far or near PORTLAND MARKETS. United States Supreme Court Passes on P R O F E S S IO N A L Case Involving Bland Act. American School Teacher In Philippines la Agency at th« office of the Gold Wheat— W allaW alla, 6 8 « 7 0 c ; bine- Washington, Nov. 5 .— The United H ill News. Gold H ill, Or. Murdered for His Money. ...... '» I........... I...... . ' ............ ................... stem 74(j|76c; valley, 71c. A.anila, Nov. 5 .— D. C. Montgomery, States supreme court today dismissed, Barley— Feed, ♦21.00 per ton; brew­ W . A. CA RTER ! | DR. CHAS. E . M ORRILL ! superintendent of schools in Oriental on the ground that no federal question ing, ♦22.00. Negros, was murdered by ladroneg three was involved, the w rit of error in the case cf Fred A. Barker vs. Stephin Floor— Best grade, 3 .2 0 9 3 .6 0 ; grah­ miles front Bacolod. M r. Montgomery A tto rn e y a t Law ] P h y sic ia n & S u rg eo n | P ild -vin , both of Michigan, involving am, ♦? » 0 9 3 .2 0 . was going to Bacolod was going to Bac- W ill practice in all tbe courts of = 5 Millstnffs— Bran, $19.00 per ton; o k d for a consultation w ith the re tir­ the constitutionality of the Bland- Office at Residence, j. W . HAYS tbe atate. Oflice at Kcsidenco, 5 5 Allison coinage act of 1878, providing middlings, 223.50; shorts, ♦lO.SO; ing superintendent and to assume con­ for the coinage of silver dollars. The chop, 217. E GOLD H IL L ................O REGON = | GOLD H I L L ................. OREG O N S trol of the division. H e had a large New Fall and W inter Patterns Oat«— No. 1 white, 2 1 .0 6 9 1 .0 7 X ; niMNiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimimitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimmiin ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIUHHUIIIIHi; sum of money w ith him . Six natives, case arose out of the refusal on the part in Domestic and Imported Good«. of Baker, to whom Baldwin owed 8338, gray, 21.O2X@1-O6 per cental. Well Made, Perfectly Fitting. Styl­ armed w ith bolos and spears, attacked to accept silver dollars. The case was ish Garments at Keusunaine Price« H ay — Tim othy, 2 1 0 9 1 1 ; clover, Wacoii Wtrk a Speialty |lflllllHIIIMHNIIMIinilllll|i||||i|||millll|l|||||||i ^IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIimiUlllllll the superintendent, quickly killed him decided in B aldw in’s favor by the su­ ♦ 7.60; cheat, 28 per ton. and then mutilated and robbed him . GOLD HILL, - . OREGOIf GEO. R. HAMMERSLY | I E . B. D U F U R S The constabulary have offered a re. ard preme court of Michigan, and Baker Pctatoee— Bert Burbanks, 6 0 970c bronght it to the United States supreme per sack; ordinary, 60965c per cental, for M r. Montgomery’s murderers, and A tto rn e y a t Law N o ta ry P u b lic | 1 it is believed they w ill be captured. court on a w rit of error. The former growers’ price«; Merced sweet«, 2 1 .7 6 9 decision was sustained by today’s de­ 2 per cental. Sontii Sido, Gold Hill, Oregon 3 W ill practice in all the couita of = Robbery is understood to have been the cision, but the court did not enter into Office; Gold H ill News Poultry— Chicken«, mixed, 2 3 .5 0 9 s Oregon and in U. 8. courta "" motive for the crime. the merit« of the controversy. for diatrict of Oregon - 4.25; per pound, 10c; hens, 2 4 9 4 .6 0 per GOLD H I L L ................. OREGON f I G O LD H I L L ................. OREGON | dosen; per pound, 11c; springe, 23.00 Foreign Mall Service. Outlaws Slain by Deputies. 9 3 .6 0 per dozen; fryers, 2 2 .6 0 9 3 .0 0 ; IWNIIIIIIIIIinjIlllllllIlllllllfilllllllllllllllllllllllR äiiiiiiiumiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff Washington, Nov. ♦ .— The report of G uthried, O. T ., Nov. 6.— Bert Casey, broilers, 2 2 .0 0 9 2.50; ducks, 2 4 .6 0 « H . M . Brooks, superintendent of for­ an outlaw leader, and Jim «Ibis, one of 6.00 per dozen ; turkeys, young, 1 2 X äiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniniiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuu eign mails, for the fiscal year, shows u , geese, 2 6 .0 0 9 6 .5 0 per dozen. U y S p o p S I ä L U T O f w . P. chisholm m d i ¡ JO SE PH L. HAMMERSLY | that the total weight of mails dis­ his lieutenants, trapped by two deputy 9 i o Cheese — F ull cre«m, twins, 1 4 X 9 sheriffs near Cleo 8prings, in Woods 1 5 X c ; Yonng Am erica, 15 9 17. patched hy sea to foreign countries was A R C H IT E C T AW . I C onnseilor & A tto rn e y 1 10,112,772 pounds. Tlie report savs county, were today shot and killed. factory price«, 1 9 1 X c lee«. ABSTR A C TER P h y sic ia n & S u rg eo n | S W ill practice in nil the courts of = that the actual net cost of the service They put op a strong fight, firing seve­ T h is preparation con tain s all o f th e Butter— Fancy creamery, 3 0 > 3 2 X c ral volleys, but none of the deputies per ponnd; extras, 80c; dairy, 20 d lg csta n to and d ig e sts a ll k in d s of was ♦2,245,625. I t is estimated that = the state. Office Postotiicebuilding = food. I t glvoa In stan t relief and never Casey and Hirns were plan­ 9 2 2 X c ; store, 1 6 9 18 . the sum of |5,»01,175 was received by was h it. G O LD H I L L ................. OREGON f fa lls t o cure. I t allow s you to e a t all = G O LD H I L L ................. OREG O N 5 ning the release ot George Moran, an­ Eggs— 26930c per dozen. tlie department an postage on articles tb e food you w ant. T h e m ost se n sitiv e HilMMIIII.....Hllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliiiilllllimilü Hope— New crop, 2 2 9 26 c per pound. Tiiiiiiiiillllliiiilllllllliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiin exchanged with all foreign countries. other of th e ir nnmber, now on tria l at stom achs can tak e IL Dy Its use m any A b atrao t of ( It i« to doflded land. F « p « rt Lawton for murder. Wool— V alley, 1 2 X 9 1 6 c ; Eastern nrnpared for fllln g o n govom m onl land. th ou san d s o f dyspeptics have been Illu o p rln lH o f lowntihip rnapn ahowlng Oregon, 8 9 1 4 X c ; m ohair, 26928c. cured a fter everyth in g else failed. Is He was a Robber BoM. a ll vacant landa for I I eaoh. P lana Submarine Boat on Trial. Beef— Gross, cows, 3 9 3 X e per unequalled for th e stom ach. C h ild­ and ORtlmatoR for a li kln d n o f bulld- C lin to r, la ., Nov. 5. — A burglar J San Francisco, Nov. 6 .— Tbe Holland ln«R. Special designa for offlea d a ­ A. E. K E L L O G G ren w ith w eak stom achs th riv e on IL GOLD H IL L DRUG CO entered the residence of Editor C. A. submarine boat Grampus had her first pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 697o. tura«. N o t a r / Publio lo offioa. F ir st dose relieves. A d ie t unnecessary. V e a l- 7 X 9 8 X o . Fay, took a pistol from under Fay's surface tria l trip today, and, so far as FULL U l t i OF N o ta ry P u b lic M utton — Gross, 3c per ponnd; Paoni 415 head, covered Fay and his wife with the test went, proved a success. She D rugs, P a te n t M edicines Reni Estnte, Insurance. Collec­ Cures a ll stomaoh troubles the gun and compelled them to give up made nine knots, a knot more speed dressed, 6c. tions, Etc. Office on D St. Lambs — Gross, JXe per poowd; Marti Bnlldlng, Sesebnrg, Ortgoi pE'J’4I?‘i o,llr by E- D«WiTrkOo.. Chic*«« PAINTS, OILS, GLASS money and diamonds valued at ♦1,300. than the contract call« for, and, ao far Th« t l . buttle contains SM tl mas the Me. sink dressed, 6 X c . ’ The robber was cool, and joked with as steering gear and driving machinery G O LD H I L L . . ..O R E G O N P R E S C R IP TIO N S — S P E C IA L T Y Hogs— Grore, 6 X 9 f l X c i * r pouuC, A . P. B 8TA BRO O K, —G old H ill u aa. his victims. are concerned, gave every satisfaction. dreseed, 7 9 7 X e. (■», Uapiiai) COMMISStONFJt G o w n o r ................................... T. T. Oser Bcvrttary ol Htnt»............... F, L. lJUiit»r S 'Ä estabr G o ld J ok H ill, O r e g o n . Deboy’s SHAVING.... © PARLORS R O G U E R IV E R M I H a ir C u ttin g & S h a v in g Tirai...... < JEWELRY, FISHING TACKLE, , P R O SP E C T R E A rE ST A T E W IL L IA M J Harnsss, Saddlery, Leather, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Etc. Blanks Geo. R. Hammersly & Co. STEAM LAUNDRY n» A. A A A A A A A A A AkM : A .J .M E S S N E R J MERCHANT TAILOR Geo. R. Hammersly & Sons r Î B L A C K S M IT H F R A N K E. A L L E Y Kodol Digests what you eat. C A R E Y , . . j new um SAVS TIM.