Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1902)
THE GOLD T h e only paper published in the famous G old H ill M in in g District. VOL. G O LD 5. O F F IC IA L I D IR E C T O R Y H K P T K M B K It A . EVENTS OF THE DAY P . UATHLKED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE E S T A B R O O K 0 — a jg o — — - TWO HEMISPHERES. a * Comprehensive Review ol the Import ant Happenings of the Paat Week, _______ — 9 Presented In Line of Drugs, Druggists' Sundries, Stationery. . City Orij tod Tnnafar. Opp. Depot School Books, School Supplies, Perfumes, B p o y 001.0 HILL. OR. KELLOGG ft DARLING. Imported Proprietor! W ines and and Domestic Liquors Cigars, for ■ H ig h-G rade M edicinal Nehn crim inal who is e m u ls ify -o irry Trecy. ever kept in the city. w ill not complain to Germany about the sinking of the Firm iniat gun boat. H a y tf Order« for bu««lee, carrta««« •urrejra, haea» and riding baraoa p ru iu p llj filled Pres, ol Council................... A. C. Stanley IC . F. Young, W . i i . Caine, Councilmen <0. C. .McClendon, (A . K. Kelloeg; Recorder ................. Geo. II. Hatnmeraly Marshal ............................. J .W , Haya Treasurer...............................J. I„ Harvey Attorney ................... J. L. Ilaiuinersley Council meets 1st Monday In each The National Candy company has been incorporated in New Jersey with a capital of $9,000,000. A. P. ESTA B R O O K fiorami fed by thn month, wank or day a t reaaouable prlcoa The beat of car«« taken to prevent aeeidoot«, and w ill not be raapouathle for any th a t m ay o c c u r . I Deboy’s m o n th . N O T IC E S G old Hill, O rejjon. WS SHAVING.... * PARLORS ' v w n O TO K ello«« A D arling for a ll klade of "■ blacksm lt hl ng. home ehoe I ng, wagon ®nd T n - ciana workmen employed carila«« work r Kfrst end I n a ll il work «uaranteed guan * a t reasonable prices. Shop «on D street H a ir C u t t in g & S h a v in g U I B H l N t l T A C K L .R of the beat q u a lity la * great variety Hee I F. Deboy about It. hundred and tw en ty scree on Foot creek m ining d is tric t, ' good - g» buildings must lie eold. here la e bargain T a lk to Geo H Mnm ineraly the heart of the piacer ------«_ -• n ; rea in - line c ------ u ltiv a tio 5 • Pool P a p e rs T ttb lo . an d L u tn a t P e r io d ic a ls A M ROGUE K IV E K A ll President Roosevelt has been made an honorary member of the Brother hood of laxximotive Firemen of Chatta nooga, Tenn. An army surgeon who has just re-- tarried from M anila says a good lain is the only remedy for the epidemic of cholera now prevalent on the islands. <Jra h a m F lo u r » - ft o r ii ••••» The Democratic state campaign has been opened in Ohio. V ir a l eeeeee A cloudburst at El Paso, T e x ., caused considerable damage. F lo u r J Harness, Saddlery, Leather, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Etc. King Edward visited Andrew Carne gie at Kkibo castle, Scotland. ■ * .• * • * ■ -so. QUARTZ, J and PLACER ¿ MINE LOCATION ft V G w 1 RDER O F PEND O . D E Q R E E O F HONOR. Paradise Txxlge No. 71 Degree of Honor, meet« every Tuesday in School H a ll. V is itin g members cordially invited to attend M r» T ild a H am m ersly, C. of H.; M a rtin McDouough recorder. V IR K D E P A R TM E N T. Gold H ill Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 meets on the first Tuesday evening In each month. O rris Crawford, president; w A C a rter, secretary, C a rl Phelps, foreman. | W. A. CARTER ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimniiiiiHiu | ! 1)R. CHAS. E. MORRILL I Attorney at Law | | S 3 Will practice in all the court« of = the «tate. Gtftce at Residence. (¡O LD H IL L ............... OREGON | e e Physician & Surgeon = S | Office at Residence, = s GOLD H I L L ................. OREGON wiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiH. .witiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini atllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllll'IIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU gmiiimiiiiiiiHMiiiiHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiu Wagon Work a Sprriallv . AT T IB NEWS OFFICE J Gold HUI Oregon J Oro Flno Council N o » 7 , Order of Pendo, m eet* nt the I. O. O. F H a ll every other frhuredny w a ite r Dungey. Councilor; A l fred Lew ie, Secretary. O M E N 'S R E L I E F CORPS = B L A C K S M IT H . ( Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltk : H A Y S 35c Per Dozen P K O E E S S IO N A L TAILOR GOLD HILL. G Nugget Ixxlge N o RO, A O. U. w . meets every Monday uight In Schoolhouse H a ll VlR ttin« brothers co rdially invited to at tend J A H arvey, m aster workman, w. H Harvey, recorder Geo. R. Hammersly & Sons } R A N D A R M Y OK T H Ï R E P U B F .IC . < N C I E N T O R D E R O F U N IT E D WORK M EN ----- Agency at the office of the Gold H ill News, Gold H ill, Or. r Blanks A Thoroughly Up to Date in All Things essential to the prompt execution ol First-Class Work at rates not to lie lowered by any other estableshment far or near a -»■ ■». J a wire L u ttre ll women's R e lief Corps of Gold H ill, Or , meete in the School H e il on flrai eed third F rid a y In each month. N e llie D arling, p re e ; Mr» Ihinkln; senior vice- pree , M rs Ca Ine, junior vice pre* . Mra. Curry, secretary, Mr» M y ra M c N e ill, treas. A G EN C Y W . _ vn-> Jam rx L u ttre ll Poet No Tl, Q A R , of Gold m i l < » rrtg o n . n i r t f t « t h e Aral S aturday In each month F. webb . oommaodrr; .1 J Htaeey. vice com'dr; J w Ih in kln jun I nr vice coin dr; Henry M c N e il. « m , A. J Sm ith, adju tan t STEAM LAUNDRY j. J F R A T E R N A L Geo. R. Hammersly & Co. MERCHANT # w GRFGOV I GEO. Kodoli R. HAMMERSLY | j Notary Public 1 1 Office : Gold H ill New« | E. B. DUFUR A ttorney at Law | i 3 W ill practice in all the corn ta of 3 = = (¡O LD H I L L ................. OREGON | Oregon and in U. S. court« 5 lor diatrict of Oregon Z GOLD H I L L .................OREGON | | ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiji ¡yiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiig F R A N K E. A L L E Y Dyspepsia Cure a p i' i1 i» A R C H IT E C T «„ A BSTR A C TER h A b strac t of t it le to deeded land. Papers prepared for filing on gofftrnm ent land. Blue prints of township maps showing a ll vacant lands for II eaoh. Plans auu u ltim ate« for a ll kinds of b u ild ing«. flweclal design« for office fix ture«. N o ta ry Publlo in offloa. PacwB <11 Mirks lolldlBg, tmbnrg, Orefti 1 Digests w hat yon eat. T h l» preparation contains a ll o f the digestunts and digests a ll kinds of food. I t gives in stan t relief and never falls to cure. I t allows you to eat all the food you w ant. T hem o stscn sitlvo stomachs can take It . Fly its use many thousands o f dyspeptics have been cured a fte r everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. C h ild ren w ith w eak stomachs th riv e on It. F ir s t dose relieve». Adletunnecessary. Oures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. 0. I> k W it t ACo.. Chicage T b « S l. b u ttle eon Value tliu c s th e hOu. else. A. P. ESTAB KOOK,—G old H il l O mc . I I • HR HOLM, M. I Physician & Surgeon . B ! 2 JOSEPH L. HAMMERSLY! = | | Counsellor 5 The coalminers’ trouble in West Virginia is over and most of the man have returned to work One perron was killed and two aeri. ft ously injured in an automobile acci dent at Vineland, N . J. --------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------- T o w n P ro p e rty Sold or R ented. F a r m in g L an d s, M ines o r o th er p ro p e rty Sold on C om m ission. C o l lections m ade. P ro m p t R em ittances. Reasonable Charges.................................... A. J. M E S S N E R w -*■ J C > ' { A F u ll S u p p ly of U n d e rta k in g Goods. F u n e ra l C a r to those who i W a n t I t . South Side, G o ld H i l l , Oregon. • REAL ESTATE J •egon J > Sooth SldR, Gold Hill, Oregon 1 Manufacturer and Dealer In O bkgon C all and. see m e I Now Fall and W inter Patterns in Domestic and Imported Goods. Well Made, Perfectly Fitting Styl ish Garments at Reasonable Prices w W IL L IA M C A H E Y T h e H esto f W ines, Liquors and Ciqars a « ’ Oold Hill, Orason. w ft a • A c rn t fo r « . F . a n d F o r t-* p a n e l D a ily P a p e rs . , S a m u e l M orris, w F u r n itu r e and 2 n d g M F " Good«. H arness and F u r n itu r e R e p a irin g . 1 Give me ■ call w The tiansport Buford has arrived at San Francisco from M anila with 900 men. J. I i . M c C lkhiion ’ Prop. G old H ill , J J 2 M a g a z in e s, P e r io d ic a ls . v F lu r F a m ily PR O SPE C T SALOON w e have (Si acres In the auburha of oold H i l l • I s hergaln'* ; : Fresh F ru it. In Season ; t All kind« of Soft Drink« w J . J . H O I C K , V l a i i a x r r ................ V o id H i l l , O re g o n Gold tllll. Or Call and see me. O O I) farm on G a ll creek; beat In that section; cheap. Geo It H am m erely w ill sell It. CO NFECTIONERY ST O R E „mint. C IG A R S C IG A R E T T E S C A N D IE S a n d NU TS. v I. E. I)EBOY, G ood O N Io F w And BICYCLE EXTRAS. ESTA TE U o R T Y ACRKM. nkw novnc .. r section i «*. township » 14 m iles from V a lle y poet office. m ile from school, livin g w ater, good well, good barn, em ail bearing or chard and th irty acres w ell Improved In q u ire of «ara W ebber on Good Pasture place or Goo G P. H am m -raly A Hon. Gold H i l l, or«. v • w inn.... I'«•<•<!... JEWELRY, FISHING TACKLE, em ail bearla« orchard, house, barn and o u t buildings. nell very rich, a ll under feaee. good out range adjoining, this placa at a bargain sain If ir sold «ton, inquire or I) Horn on the pi Usee or a t the offiee of The New«. • w I C A R R Y IN C O NNECTIO N A N IC E i im ; 0« I f IN IS F A P M of li« aeree m l lee from Gold -I H U I, on G a ll creek, on aeree la c u ltiv a tio n ; J w lln r lc y Done with neatness and dispatch. u l l A V K f I t a lr c u t! Your watch cleaned or P* your bicycle rep aired♦ I K Dehoy does a ll the«e things and does them w ell end cheaply. 0 w A Share of the Patronage of the P u b lic is R espectfully Solicited I (M 'A T tO N blanks ronformlDg to the requ I ra id un-nts of the new m ining law of Oregon foi eele nt the office of The Newa The sum of gold now in the United States iieasury exceeds that of any p re v iiu s tim e in the history o l the country. ■ y K o llr d rpi< KMPAKN oottree printed and on hand for J sale a t the publication office of T h e New a New Jersey gamblers whose houses were recently raided have been fined from $1,009 to $5,000. o € One D oor E as t o f H a y s * B la c k s m ith S h o p * T b * lit tle special «ollee «ad the reg u lar ad are game. T h ey're cheap, ead p ialo to look a t, hut they get there J uet the seme " Ttie situation in Morocco Is becoming aerie ua. Eighteen St. lamia legialators mart a war tc the charge of taking boodle. Purposes, T O W N o r G O L D H IL L R E A L Condcnncd t u r m . M u«l Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. H as the Largest, Cleanest, Cheapest and Best CO UNTY Hkeriff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joa. Hailer Jiulira .................................. Charles Prim t l e r k .........................................John O rth Hsronlsr .......................Peter A pplegata Treasurer............................. Dave M llier Assessor................... ..........W ilber Jones Purveyor ................... S,........... dart Jones Hcliool Hupt. ........................ I*. II. Daily C'uuiniiasluuere. ............Patterson, Kiley NO. lt M ) 2 . T h e L e a d in g D r u g g is t of H old H ill. (jacaeuaviLta, Gousir Hast) S P E C IA L 13, CUBAN industry revived . 280. NEWS OF OREGON Sugar Production on the In c r u M —Other la.Lw , Uaeltal) Governor.................................. T. T. Geer Beeretary ol H ta ta .,, .......... F. 1* Dunbar Htata Treasurer ................... O. B. Moore Hupt. Public Instruction J. t l. Ackerman Atty Q enaral........... 1*. It. N. Blackburn btato Printer .......................W . H . leads JA C K SO N O K K O O N , WEBEBaGOSOaOi L iv e r y , F eed , T r a n sfe r STABLES STA TE OF OREGON H IL L , NEWS. A new a paper devoted to the th e | m in in g and ag ric u ltu ral inter eats of Southern O regon. J N o n -p a rtfu tn in politics. A Attorney | W ill practice in all the courts of 3 3 the state. Office Poatoflice building 3 | G O LD H I L L .................OREGON | The salmon pack of the Fraser river, B. C ., is, in round numbers, 252,000 cases. The pack of the entire province is al>out 500,000 casei. In te re s ts P ic k in g Up. Washington, Kept. 10.— In its final ITFMS OP INTEREST FROM A U PARTS settlement regarding the commerce ol OP THE STATE. C|jha the bureau of inaolar affairs of the war department dwells particularly on the sugar and tobacco industry of the Paat Week Briet Review of the the island, and preeenta some interest Orewtla and Development of Vartoa« ing facts regarding the production of Indaatrtea Throaghoot Oar Common- these two commodities. After showing that sugar constituted one-half o l the exports of the island lor 1901, and pre TbaBenb tax roll shews an dicting that it w ill continue to be the of $80.000 leading product. the statement k made that there are other interests which 1,1 portance to the future prosper ity of the island. By far the greatest of these ia tobacco, o l which in its different forms there was exported in 1901 $25,000,000 worth. The report reviews the history of Cuban sugar growing, which first assumed importance in 1840, when the crop amounted to 200,000 tons. The production steadily increased up to the time ol the “ Ten Years’ W a r,” when it had reached 749,000 tons. A t the close of the war the sugar crop had fal len to 533,000 tons. During the last 10 year« of Spanish occupancy, the production varied greatly, exceeding 10,00,000 tons in 1894 and 1895, and aftei the beginning of the insurrection running as low as 212,000 tons in 1897. The average for this decade was about 860,000 tons. The exportation ol sugar for the calendar year 1899 was in ronnd num bers 317,000 tons; in 1900 287,000 »ns, gnu in 1901 590,000 tons, and during the entire period of American occupa tion more than 1,400,000 tons. It is estimated by good authorities that a lo u t 2,000,000 acres, or one-four teenth of the entire acreage ol the island, is devoted to the culture of sugar cane. W ith the establish ment of new plants, equipped with the latest appliances, the planters secured from violence, and a removal of the enormous burdens of the varions taxes formerly impoeed by the government of Spain, the acreage in cane may be greatly increased and the cost of pro duction be reduced to a minim um . BERTI PROBABLY DEFEATED. in the Cracker creek district. The Montexoma Gold M ining Com pany, of Sumpter, has been incorporat ed with a capital of $1,000,000. A move for a new armory for the Oregon C ity national guard is on foot. The county is asked for aid in the matter. Four hundred tead of sheep were shot by 25 masked man, who are sup posed to have been miners, on the Grant county range. Hop growers in Polk connty say that while as a rnle the crop is lighter than last year, a number of yards will run considerably- heavier. The report of the Benton connty clerk for the past two years shows that he lacks $13.48 of turning over to bis successor as much as he received. Secretary of State Dan bar has ordered a warrant drawn for $1,500 in favor of Maurice Smith and others, being tbe reward offered for the capture and re turn of H arry Tracy. Five masked men entered a store at Prairie C ity, Grant county, blew open tbe safe, and secured $70 in coin and gold duet. A lot of checks and county warrants were also taken. Tbe Southern Pacific Company has commenced the construction of a 2,500,000 gallon steel oil tank in its yards at Ashland. The tank w ill be one of tbe largest on tbe coast. Hugh C. Bellinger, nominated for a cadetship at the Annapolis naval acad emy, failed to qualify in the recent examinations at that institution and w ill therefore not be able to enter. As none of tbe alternates took tbe examin ation, there may be an Oregon vacancy. Farmers near Eugene are greatly in censed over what is believed to be tbe work of an incendiary. A number 0« residences and barns have been de Panama, Colombia, Sept. JO.— The stroyed by fire. A meeting was held government General Morales Berti, last week and a reward offered for the w ho has been besieged by the insurgent apprehension And vonriction of the forces under General Herrera a t Agua crim inal. Dulce, has probably been defeated. A large amount of fru it is being The gorernm mt gunboats returned shipped from The Dalles to Eastern cities. here last night from an exploring expe dition. Officers from the expedition The Gaston flooring m ill is running report having landed at Yegula, where day and night, and farmers are bring the insurgent ganison was defeated ing in th eir wheat very rapidly. Colom bian ( k . e rn m e n t Forces Ui John I^rsen, who attempted to loop It j t d A goa D olce. the Inop a t the Portland Elks’ carnival, fell from the loop, slightly injuring four |wrsons, but esiwping unhurt .him self. M r. Leishman, United States minis ter at Constantinople, has reached a satisfactory understanding w ith the porte sb to the questions which buve been the subject of negotiations for several years. No settlement of the Pennsylvania strike is in view. after a slight skirmish. A few insur President Roosevelt has started on gent prisoners were raptured and it is his southern tour. from these men that the news of the Iowa Democrats w ill run ex-Governor Boies against Speaker Henderson for a government defeat at Agua Dulce has been obtained. place in congress. General Berti has been besieged Boer leaders and Colonial Secretary The troops of his Chamberlain held an important con since July 28. command must have suffered terribly ference in London. from lack of supplies during the last A shingle combine is being formed io days of the Beige, and it is said they Maine that proposes to take over all of were compelled to eat horse flesh. U p the largest firms in that state. to August 30 General Berti had not The W hite Star steamship company surrendered, but since that date he is has placed an order for the building of believed to have either done so or to have lorced his way out of Agua Dulce. the largest steamer in the world. The Lewis and Clark fair committee POWDER MAOAZINE BLEW UP. has chosen the tract of land at the foot of W illam ette heights for the 1905 ex Killed One or More, Damaged a Fort and position site. Shook Up Boston. Farmers of the Northwest are raising Boston, Sept. 10. — One of the powder more hogs each year and before a great while w ill be able to supply the de magazines at old Fort W inthrop, on Governor's island, u p p e r Boston har mand on this coast. The lives of half a m illion people are bor, blew cp this evening with a de imperiled by the threatened destruction tonation that was heard 20 miles away. of Martinique. Nearly 2,000 have been One man was killed and five others killed by the recent eruptions. were injured, all having flesh wounds, The national mining congress w ill and two are missing. The cause of meet in Portland in 1904. the explosion is not known. Wisconsin Democrats have nominated The force of the explosion was shown David B. Rose for governor. by the fai t that great granite blocks were hurled iuto the air several Mineowners refuse to arbitrate the hundred yards, one of the largest com strike in the anthracite region. ing down through the center of the Violent storms sweeping England, fort, making a hole large enough to Wales and Ireland caused great damage drive a team of horses through. A ll over the island the effects of the ex to property. plosion are visible, while in East The cruiser Brooklyn ran on a rock Boston, Booth Boston and in the city in Bnzznrd's bay and it is thought her proper, the concussion was severe bottom is seriously injured. enough to break windows and shake buildings to their foundations. An enoi mous glacier swept a Russian valley, entirely destroying 20 villages Jamaica Wants to Join Canada. and killin g nearly 700 people. Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 10.— At a Grand Army men of Portland are en meeting yesterday afternoon of the rep deavoring to have the 1903 national resentative sugar plantera of Jamaica, resolutions were passed condemning encampment held in tnat city. Great B ritain’s neglect of the West The recent eruption of Mount Pelee Indies, resulting almost in ruin to the was much more destructive than that sugar industry, setting forth the total of last May. The inhabitants of the inadequacy of the measures proposed vutnges destroyed had just returned by Great Britain for the relief of her last wack. West Indian sugar plantera, ai.d call ing for federation with Canada as the Great Rritain w ill not treat officially only means of relief. with the Koei generals. Al! preparations are completed for the Baker C ity carnival to be held the week commencing September 16. The schooner Wing and Wing is high and dry on the shore near Florence, where she went while trying to enter the Siuslaw river. Considerable new wheat is coming into The Dalles. The 'giain this year is of a very good quality and perfect satisfaction is expressed on every hand. Clatsop county commissioners w ill endeavor to start a fund for the build ing of a new court house and ja il. The Salem Fourth of July committee has $396.50 on hand, which, by the general desire of the public, w ill be spent in the improvement of M arion square. Hop picking is in full swing througfarwt the W illam ette valley. There seems to be plenty of pickers. The price ranges from 40 to 50 cents per box. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat— W alla W alla, 6 0 X « 6 1 c ; blue- stem, 63K @ 64c; valley, 64c. Barley— Feed, $19.00 per ton. Flour— Best grades, $3.06(93.60 per barrel; graham, $2.95@ 3.20. M illatufia — Bran. $17 per ton; middlings, $21.60; shorts, $18; chop, $17. Oats—No. 1 white, $1.00; gray, 950 Hay — Tim othy, $11(912; clover, $7.60(910; Oregon w ild hay, $5(9« pet ton. Potatoes — Best Burbanks, 60(96 5c par cental; ordinary, 50(355c per cen tal, growers prices; sweets. $2.25 @2.50 par cental. Butter—Creamery, 25<9’ 7 X c ; dairy 1 7 M « 2 0 o ; store. 12H@16c. Eggs— 22 for Oregon. Cheese— Full cream, twins, 12X (91Se;YoungAmerica, 1 3 X @ 1 4 X c ; fac tory prices, 1(9 l X c lees. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, $3.00(9 4.50; hens, $4 50@6.50 per dozen, U @ l l X c per pound; springs, 11(9 l l X c per pound, $2 6)@ 3 00 per do-- en; ducks, $3.00@4.50 per dosen; tur keys, live, 13@14c, dressed, 15@16c per pound; geese, $4.00@6.00 per dosen. Mutton— Grose, 2X@ 3c per ponnd; dressed, 6c per ponnd. Forest Fires in Colorado. The coming Oregon state fair is cer GOLD H I L L ................. OREGON f tain to be better than ever liefore. Lyons, Colo., Sept. 10.— Advices to iïlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllïi ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllK day from Long’s Peak are that fully The national convention of postoffice six forest fires are burning in that clerks is in session in Kansas City. vicinity and are beyond control. Large * V * A wreck on the Mexican Central re areas have already been burned over Hogs— Grose, 8 X c ; dressed, 7@7Xc J GOLD HILL DRUG CO. { sulted in the death of many passengers. and m illions of feet of valuable tin -’ er per pound. A. E. K E L L O G G Veal— 7@8c per pound. . FULL UN K OF Sir Thomas l.ipton is preparing to destroy«!. Notary Public 1 Drugs, Patent Medicines ? is mo a challenge for the America’s Bee!— Grose, cows, 3<93X<*; steers, Wall Paper Factory Burned. , I Real Estate, Inaurance, Collée- À cup. Hackensack, N. J ., Sept. 10.— The 3 X @ 4 X c ; dressed, 7@8c per pound. tlona, Etc. Office on D St. \ PA IN TS, OILS, GLASS \ President Roosevelt has announced plant of the Campbell W all Paper Hope— 18<917c; new crop 20@22c. PR ESCRIPTIO NS—SP E C IA LTY J GOLD H I L L ................. OREGON that he w ill visit Kansas C ity Septem Company at Boston was dest.-oved by Wool— V a lle y ,1 2 X 9 1 6 ¡Eastern Ore ber 29. Are tonight. I-oss, $175,000. gon, 8 9 1 4 X c : mohalt 25926c ponnd, j