Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1900)
. . M. HILL N E W S 1 ’A P E R , N OT ORGAN . GOLD DILL, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER IN T W O ! ¡«posed of 1500 ewes at $3.60 per -3 he county commisHioners’ court lead. He sould do little better ¡it at its meeting hint week ordered hat time with the remainder of the payment of an additional $200 Laundered Shirts 25c lit* flock bo held them. It will to the Sugar Pine Company on ac-! 2 W. H. Caine, Chairman, A. C. C. stanlev. Stanley, thuH he »een that McKinley’s sue-,count of the bridge across upper § A. T. J. Ilowning, H In-laundered Shirts 50c cess, or at least that is what th e ‘ Rogue river near Flounce Rock, = VVrn. T. Kearnes, 5 O. C. Purkeypile. ~ Panto fur $1 per pair that purchasers allow credit for the ad- disposing of a controversy of over a S A. E. Kelhani, Recorder. 5 form erly sold for two to vance in prices, bettered Mr. Slier- year's standing. The county court Stickle, Marshal. = lock s fortune the sum of $1600. entered into a written contract four times the price now nilllNINIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHIIHiUlltlltHI liitit W. H. Norcross of Central Point, w>th the Sugur Pine Company asked. We have a broken is packing his apple crop of 3500 whereby it was to pay thecompany line of coats ami vests for boxes, which he sold for 75 cents $500 for throwing open to public half the original cost. ,a-r box. The product was guth- UHe *l8 new bridge across the river ered from a ten acre orchard. The Hie point named. The court P om e in and see what we And they are competent judg varieties are Hpitzenbergs and Ben tendered the contract amount to have to offer you w hether es when it comes to confection — " *■ ** V * , Davis. • the company on the completion of you buy or not ery. We carry the most com “— “■ u —— th e b rid g e blK. th e e n m n a n v r e fn a u A plete line of C um *C£ vanuieo a;iii Just Saved His Life. lit and demanded a larger sum, nuts in the city. As we make It was a thrilling escape that which the court declined to pay. a specialty in these lines our ¡Charles Davis of Bowerston, 0., At the recent term of court the stock is always fresh. Give matter was brought before the court us a call and get a box of fine ro r two years a severe lung trouble again, the company being repre Chocolate Creams for your lady constantly grew worse until it sented by its attorney, ex-Judge friend She would enjoy it. seemed he must die of Consumption. Wm. 8. Crowell, and the comprom-! McDONOUGH & SAMUELS, Then he liegan to use Dr. Kings ise agreed upon OREGON NOTES Beeman Bldg., Gold Hiii, ore I New Discovery and lately wrote: c The juror« subpoenaed for the " • •• — ' - - i - ■■ ■ ' ------------------------------- We have just finished burning The Ashland Normal team will ¡•‘It gave instant relief and effected December term of circuit court for a large kiln of brick, just easl a permanent cure.” Such wonder Lakmew Stage BeM Ip. of the new quartz mill and are 1 lay football today with the Eagle ful cures have for 25 years, proven Jackson county, which convened! . , ... ,,, ... A lone highwayman held up now ready to serve your wants Point eleven. in Jacksonville, were dis- « t -v . x . 1 it’s power to cure all Throat. Chest Monday . , , Harry Yount, on the stage three D. W. Andrus and A. M. Wood X M U tc STilBINEB, Cold Hill. Orrcnn charged Monday evemng. .\ u gran<rini|e>tllisii(le Q , L„ ketjew g and Lung troubles. Price 50c and ford are figuring on putting in a m Mou<, He $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. jury wa. drawn and no jury tr.a . , o,c|ock gas-lighting system at Gold Hill. were set for the term, and the busi- .. . Trial bottle free at Eastman’s drug . .. . , the mail sacks of their contents and William Lane, of Comstock, who store. ness of the present session confined i , .... secured very little. There is no mysteriously disap,>eare<l recently to civil proceedings. I , , , W E H A V E ’E M ______ ®______ I clue but the operator was a novice. SU G A R P IN E has showed up at Azalen, where he Albert Mizner, living eight miles S H IN G L E S . The United States senate passed There were no passengers.—Record. is employed. north of Forest Grove, brought in a T h e N . Y . R a c k e t S to re A Chinaman of Grants Pass was sack of big potatoes last week, says an act Tuesday providing that entry At the annual meeting of the ’.ined $50 for keeping an opium ibe Times The sack weighed 100 men, under the homestead laws, stockholders of the Oregon Midland j lint. The money was added to pounds, and contained only thirty who served in the United States Railway Co. held at Klamath Falls FOR AN EASY SHAVE, the school fund. po tato es, making an average weight army, navy or marine corps during last week, the following directors the Spanish war or Philippine in a Stylish hair cut, The citizens of Eagle Point are •f 3A pounds each. were elected: David Horn, of Horn go to Dehoy’s Shav •-ompbiining of the coyotes which surrection, shall have certain ser brook, Cal.; H. L. McWilliams, L. ing Parlor, 6 doors Many persons have had the experience vice deducted from the time requir- W. Van Horne, W. J. Woods and ire quite numerous in that section west of* the Post -ays the coi respondent of one ot >3 Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Strat- e 1 to perfect title under the home J. A. McCall, of Ashland, Or., R. Office. loril, X. H , who says, “ For years 1 suf «te. d laws, as passed. 8. Moore and Geo. T. Baldwin, of Gold Hill, Oregon. >ur exchanges. fered torture from chronic indigestion, The Wolff A Zwicker Iron Works but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a weli The local telephone line between Klamath Falls. The Midland Con and ship building plant, in Port man of me.” It digests what you eat Central Point and Eagle Point has struction Co. of Chicago, who took land, was attached by Chicago ami is a certain cure for dyspepsia and l>een purchasdd by the Sunset the bonds and undertook the con every form of stomach trouble. It giver Flour does’u t grow in creditors for $60,000. Friday, and relief at once eveu in the worst cases, Company and Tuesday was con struction of the work by letting the can’t help but do yon good. E. J. nected with that company’s Jack- contract for 69 miles from near a bed, but is ground two receivers appointed to carry on and Klamathon to Spencer creek, to Eastman. the business. son county circuit. at our m ill. F resh Hale & Smith of Portland, have ■ — <» ness is a leading char No one can reasonably hope for F. Brown, who has charge of the Frank Raborg, of Republic, has been unable to supply the money jood health unless bis bowels move hatchery on South Coos river, in the aiders of two stags firmly locked with which to build the road. acteristic. once each day. When this is not forms a Marshfield paper this week The animals evidently Rogue River Milling Company, attended to, disorders of the stom that he has 30,000 young salmon together. The Best Plaster. met and engaged in a deadly strug Hatched, and that, in all, aliout ach arise, biliousness, headache, J. J. HOUCK Manager gle for mastery. Their horns be A piece.of flannel dampened with >00,000 young fish will be hatched lyspepsia and piles soon follow. If came interlocked, and, as they GOLD HILL, - OREGON. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and you wish to avoid these ailments by January 1. could not separate, they died on bound to the affected parts is su keep your bowels regular by tak the battle-ground. They must have perior to any plaster When trou Dr. CHAS. E. MORRILL, ing Chamberlain's Stomach and DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are struggled as bong as life lasted, as bled with lame back or pains in dainty little pills, but they never fail to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Liver Tablets when required. They •leanse the liver, remove olptructioas their horns are much worn where the side or chest, give it a* trial and ire so easy to take and mild and and invigorate the system. E J Eastman. they locked. Two strong men can you are certain to be more than Office at Residence, > gentle in effect. not now pull them apart. The pleased with the prompt relief GOLD HILL, OREGON For sale by E. J. Eastman, Gold A hobo Japanese stayed with the horns are in a good state of preser which it affords. Pain Balm also Hill, and Ben Haymond, Rock Sonthern Pacific section Japs at vation, but they have the appear Point. cures rheumatism. One appli- J . M. KEEXE. II. D. 8. Jefferson, Wednesday night, and ance of great age. They were found i cation gives relief. The Dalles council has author- the next morning started south about four miles of Republic, near For Bale by E. J. Eastman, Gold D E N T IS T zed the city treasurer to invest along the track, says the Review. the Golden Harvest mine. Hill, and Ben Haymond, Rock Office AJldn-Duel Block, M edford , O re M500 of the municipal funds in He was evidently in an ill humor Point. Alva Kowley was fined $30 at &heeler county warrants. The city about something, for he knocked II A M M E R S I.E Y & C A R T E R , iow has $ 12,800 at interest, which down a signal Hag aDd then took a Klamath Falls last week for curry The superintendent of the Ala rock and exploded a torpedo that ing a concealed weapon, and I. meda county schools has inaugur yields about $70 per month. Counsellors and Attomeys-at-Liw. bad been placed on the track. He Rowley $25 for disorderly conduct. ated a novel method of cutting practice in «11 the courts ol paid dearly for his last act, for Paid Dear For His Leg. j down expenses. Instead of hiring the state. Office in Beeman building. The Indian office lias transmitted a teacher for an outlying thirilv Gold Hill, Oregon. B. 1). Blanton of 3'backerville, three tf his fingers were blown off lex., in two years paid over $300.00 and bis right hand badly mangled. to Congress the treaty recently ne settled district he hires a wagon to Last Saturday morning Silverton gotiated with the Klamath Indians, get the children and brings them C. B. WATSON, to doctors to cure a Running Sore on his leg. Then they wanted to was visited by a quite an extensive whereby they are to relinquish all to another school, thereby saving ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, cut it off, but be cured it with one fire, for which Benjamin Wise and claims to their reservation as de $50 a year on each pupil. Oiliece—Up »tails, Opera House Block, box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. F. Morley are under arrest in Sa scribed in the treaty of. 1864, com ASHLVNP, OREGON Guaranteed cure for Piles. 25 cts. lem for starting. The loss is es i prising 621,824 acres, for which the a box. Sold by E. J. Eastman, mated at about $12,000. A spec govenment is to pay $532,000. ....... . ■ .11. ... - I I I I I- druggist. ial train conveyed a fire engine and S V. M cFarren has in his place ----------o---------- For Infants and Children. crew from Portland to the scene of What is believed to he the high the fire whore it did good work in of business which is onlv about one-third grown. It was caught in The Kind You Have Always Bought pst price paid for a band of m utton saving other properly. W EE K LY OREGONIAN ______ ____ a trap n few miles above town by n Bears the AND on the Pacific coast within the past T he G irls Say It’s All R ight, A . K . M K K R I 'T 'T G e n e ra l M e rch a n d ise, G old H ill l"tdy h”<l ,mm ‘ ,ri8ht,ul dMth RICK!! SHINGLES! THE MOST POPDLAR Oar Clubbing Rates. ten years was received by Charles E. Sherlock, a locifl sheepman, this week at Gazelle, Cal. Thirtec; hundred 1, 2 and 3 year old weth Best double strength vinegar 31 > rs m tied him $4.SO per head cents a gallon at Kenney’s. Just before election Mr. Sherlock GOLD H ILL NEWS Both One Year for $2. CASTOR IA . , , . , * , ; tr a p p e r . T h e a n im a l h as Been at-1 Signature of Help is needed atonee when a person’s . ■■ . , . , • f . . . . , . , ' , tra e ttn g considerable a tte n tio n th is , — . 1 ife is in danger. A neglected cough of 11 . . , , week. cold may soon become serious nhd shoul be stopped at om e. One Minute Cough Good six room residence in Gold ( nre quickly cures coughs and colds and i l ' W ■ g d d B i m B.) > Ws.ii «JM flg* i g K M u n i . „ „ „ a .„:ii „i i the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, H ill, g d 1 <at n , w ill >e sold gripiis ami other throat ami lung trouble. d X ^ i i p T o cheap for cash— a p p ly a t the Nttus i ¡sold ' by E. J. Eastm an. j Md. office for particulars.