. ....... TRANSPORTATION COLUMN. M axim ilian B hinburn, the bank 1 1 IL L I n T j u □. burgiar who ettca^d from the New .EAST AND SOUTH j H am pshire state prison no leas A Newspaper—Not an Organ. ----- : Hv TiiK :----- than 35 years ago, has hut just now News P rin tin g Company, l>een recaptured. It may reasona­ PU BLISH ERS. bly be doubted if there is an other F. K. CHURCHILL, ' ease on record where success bus Editor and Manager. finally rewarded so long a search n u b a r r lp tlw u H u t» « . for an escaped convict, or for any INVAKItHLY IN AI>VAti«B other kind of a fugitive from ju st­ $1 00 O ne Y ear, Trains leave Gold Hill for Portland 50 ice. In this case the credit of the S ix M onths, and way stations a t 3:44 a.m. and 6:30 recapture is probably due to the p.nr. daily. ___ wonderful persistency of the Amer­ Ixsave Portland 6:80 a.m . 8:30 p in. “ Gold Hill 11:14 p.m. 10:44 a.m. ican Bankers’ Association, which Arrive Ashland 12:33 a.ill. l:0 0 a .iu . has a fund for the detection and “ Sacramento 5:10 p.m. 4:35 a.in. “ San Francisco 7 :45 p.m. »:16 a.m. punishm ent of these offenders, no “ Ogden • 6 :4ft a.m . 11:46 a.iu. '* Denver - »:00 a.m. 9 :00 a.m. m atter how prolonged or hopeless “ Kansas City 7:25 a.m. 7:26 a.m. the pursuit or how heavy the ex-1 Chicago - 7 :4ft a.m. 9:30 a.m. 1.<>s Angeles 1:90 p.m. 7 :00 a.in. pense involved in conducting it < N ,u n V J O Ju U H i l l \ TW W \ I Our Clubbing Rates. AND GOLD HILL NEWS Both One Year for $2. Saturday, Dec. 1, •‘A Housewife’s Delight, a Nicely Arranged Table.,’ 4 Buy your goods us and get a sot of this 4 HAND PAINTED (’HINA FREE. Ask for 4 Coupons with all cash purchases. < of El Paso - 6 :00 p.m. « :00p.m. Fort W orth 6:30 a.m. « :80 a.m. City Mexico 9:6ft a.m . 9 :55 a.m. The population of Oregon as of­ Houston - 4 :00 a in. 4 :00 a.m. ficially announced Tuesday by the New Orleans «1:25 p.m. 6:26 p.m. census office at W ashington is 418,-, W ashington «:42 a.m. 6:42 a.m. 536, as against 313,767 for 1890. j ____ New York 12:43 p.m. 12:43 pan. < AT S. ROSENTHAL’S 4 < Oris Crawford, Manager This is an increase 99,769, or 31 7 per cent. Of the counties in X the state Jackson ranks twelfth Chicago, St. New Orleans and with a population of 13,698, an in- Washington. Livery, Feed and Transfer Stables crease over the figures of 1890 of Connecting at San Francisco with sev- of WEEKLY OREGONIAN FREE ° 1900. I. O . O . F. NEW B R IC K B L O C K , Pullman ami Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og- den and El Paso, and tourist cars tu Louis, t G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N A A 194 per cent.—a most substantial eral steam ship lines for Honolulu, Japm 1 1 China, Phillipines, Central and South growth. The following are the America. figures of the p« puiation of Jackson O. C. Purkeypile, agent at Gold county in the past five census re- Hill station or address tu r n 8 . ‘ 0 . H. M akmham , G. F. AP. A. „ RIÜBI.R STAMPS. PORTLAND, OREGON. 1760.......................................... 3,«36 1870.......................................... 4,778 -— ———— —— — — KELLOGG & DARLING Proprietors R ubber stam ps are all right in 1880.......................................... 8,154 SUMMONS S p e c ia l A tte n tio n G iv e n to C o m m e rc ia l M en . th e rig h t place, b u t th a t place ¡8 ¡« J> .......................................... IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT of the State 1900.......................................... 43,698 of Oregon ( for ,jie County of Jackson. First-class Bigs and Ci refill Drivers. Baggage and Freight of all kind« not at the top of a letter or on the . * , , . N athan Damewood, forwarded prom ptly to all points in the Valley at reasonable rates. The K londike gold outp u t is. Plaintiff corner of an envelope.—Advertising ► Suit for divorce estim ated at $20,000.000 for this . V8 . World. I J 1 a . C ruvi f Minnie Damewood, Defendant , y year, e a r, n and n u nearly u m i i , $15,000,000 of , Before you can get people to a ,nount |,a8 already reached 7 9 MINNIE DAMEWOOD die above D B A .L E C H IN ta lk about you, you m ust do some United States. Meanwhile named Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon : talking yourself—in the columns California, Oregon, Colorado and You are hereby required to appear ami of a good newspaper. Idaho are tu rn in g out an increasing answer the complaint of the above nam ­ FLO U R , FEED , ETC. Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, ■■■ volume of the yellow m etal, and ed now on file with the Clerk of said Court, Highest M arket Brices Baid for Eggs and Broduce of all kinds, I>o Parisian omnibusses are to lie the gold stream from the Transvaal within ten «lays from the «late of service not buy Groceries w ithout getting my prices. this Summons upou you, if served in propelled by compressed air. T h at is bound to resume its former pro- of Jackson County, Oregon : but if served T. J . DOW NING’S OLD STAND, is nothing tnough. The world has P°rt 10(18 8ooner or lat«r - AH oi in any other county in the State of Ore­ or if on you out of the State of South Side GOLD HILL, OREGON. , , which goes to show th e suprem e gon, Oregon, or by "publication, then by the already known of m any an e n te r-1 folly of the predictions about a first day of the ensuing December term prise run principally on wind’. “gold fam ine” which used to be of said Court, to-wit: the 10th day of Deceml»er, 1900. Ami you are hereby sent out broadcast. notified th at if you fail to appear and The French Deputy who has in ­ answer said complaint as hereby requir­ ed, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court ÇUAZTZ, | « 38« P«' B«“ » troduced a legislative m easure to A Cmprnu. for a default judgment against you and tax all old bachelors for the lu x u ry T lb h e e first first money m o n ev spent s n e n t in in auver ad ver- plajnt for t,,e reIi»f demanded in said C0111- {or a decree (liMolvin„ of single blessedness m ust have an tising a general aritele is like a the *«—»-— j - of'matrimony -*>— ------ - heretofore .mi bonds atnl now existing between Plaintiff and I>e- Ì Cold Hill, Oregon J pier under water upon which a interesting family of m arriageable fendant, and for the care and custody of structure is to be raised. The pier the minor children, to-wit: Mabie, Wil­ «laughters. is not seen.but it is there, and it is liam and George Damewood. This publication is made by order of The house committee has agreed indispensable.—Advisor. Hon. H. K. Jlanna, one of the. Judges W . II. K E N N E Y G roceries and P rovisions i ¡¡ss, blanks jt. ........... to the repeal of the stam p tax, which will effect a reduction of $33,000,000 of revenue annually. The taxes on beer and tobacco will be allowed to remain. A Keen Clear Brain. Y our best feelings, your social position or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your Stomach and Liver. Dr. King's New Life Bills give increas- . ed strengtli, a keen, clear brain, A grand stand collapsed a t a nigh ambition. A 25 cent box will S .anish bullfight the other day make you feel like a new being. , , , , Sold by E . J . Eastm an, Druggist. and twelve persons were killed. in some respects a Spanish bull- tight is almost as dangerous as an 'lie signature is on every boa o f th e gonuia< American football game. Laxative Bromo*Quinine Tablet. * * The M innesata astronom er who says that he has secured the photo­ graph of an asteroid which is th irty four million miles away from the earth, isn’t in it with us; we have •A a photograph of Gold H ill and we ho remedy that «-nr«-» a m »M !■ — * «»«y J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. D E N T IS T Office Adkln-Duel Block, M edford , O re , wasn’t a mile away when we se­ NOTICE OP SALE OP PROPERTY cured it. IN TH E PROBATE COURT for Jack- The tragedy at Jocksonville, in ­ volving m urder and suicide, seems to be one of those happenings which hum an foresight cannot pro­ vide against, since the insanity th a t leads up to it is of a type thut cannot be proven until too late for sllch proof to he of service in sav­ ing life. If there is a redeeming ftalure in this crime, it is found in I lie fact that, the m urderer's pistol was e<|itally effective when, aftei -hooting his victim dead, lie ¿urn- 1 cond cause of action and in all for the full sum of <59.90, and costs and disbursments. M anufacturer of and Dealer in This publication is made by order of Hon. II. K. H anna, one of the Judges of H a r n e s s , S a d d l e s , L e a t h e r , W h i p s , R o b es, H o rse Hie above entitled Court, at Jackson­ B la n k e ts , B r u s h e s , C u r r y C o m b s, B its , S p u r s ville, Oregon, and dattsl Nov. 3, 1900. Hammersley «Sc Carter. a n d a ll K in d s o f S a d d le ry G o o d s. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of first publication R E P A IR IN G O F A L L K IN D S A S P E C IA L T Y . November 3, 1900, A L arge S hipment son County, Oregon. In the m atter of the estate of Joseph ( Soldsworthy. deceased. Bv virtue of an order of Hon. Chas. Prim, County Judge of Jackson County, Oregon, made 011 the 9th day of Novem­ ber, 1900. nt Jacksonville, Oregon. Notice is hereby given th at the under­ signed adm inistrator of the estate of Joseph Goldsworty, deceased, will 011 or after December 20t,h, 1900, sell at p riv ate sale, on the sai