I GOLD lllL L NhWb. A Newspaper—Not an Organ. PUBLISHERS. F. K. CHURCHILL, Editor and Manager. H a lf« . IN V A R IA B L Y IN A PV A N l'B $1 (X) 50 O ne Y ear, S ix M onths, Saturday. Sept. 15, 1900. I T he G o ld H ill X etes $ i s th e o n ly p a y e e in th e j) e o u n ty , p u td is h e d a n - j d e e i ts tu rn ro o f. IlY YIIK BUNwr OOCIM A SHASTA RCUTU Democrats have begun their fa­ vorite amusement, that of carrying every state in the union in advance. —Eugene Register. f f will not be one for long speeches. In order to make money plenti­ ful, there must be business to cir­ culate it. The past four years have proved that there is enough money if there is enough business. Mr. Bryan does not object to the honest accumulation of wealth this year, hut he reserves the right to contend that wealth can he honest­ ly accumulated only on the lecture platform. Wm. M c K in l e y , of onio. For Vice-President, THEO. RO O SEV ELT, OF NEW YORK. Bryan asserts that the title to a I people cannot be acquired by pur­ chase. If he is right his friend Jefferson must have gone after ' Louisiana with a dark lantern and a six-shooter. o/ t Trains leave Gold Hill for Portland tuul way station* at 3:44 a.m. and 5 :30 p.lll dully. 1 atuve Portland S :30 a.m . s : 3 0 p m . «1 Gold Hill 1 1 : 1 4 p . m . i o 11 a.m. Arrive Ashland 12:33 u.m. 1:00 u. in. 44 Sacramento 5:10 p.m. 4:3ft u.m. 44 San Fratu'isct 7 :45 p.m. H:15 K.Hi­ 4 4 5:15 a.m. 11 45 ll.I I I . Ogden 44 » :(MI a.m 0 :00 u.m. Denver - 44 Kansas City 7 :25 a.m. 7 :25 u.m. 44 7 :45 a.m. » :30 a.m . Chicago ” 4 4 I.os Angeles 1 2 0 p.m. 7 :00 it.m. 44 0 :00 p.m. < 1 : 0 0 p.m. El Paso 44 Fort Worth H:.'IO a.m. 0 :30 u.m. 44 City Mexico 0 W a.m. » :55 a.m. 44 Houston - 4 :00 a in. 4 :00 a.m. 44 New < Irlcans il :25 p.m. « :2ft p.m. 44 Washington 0 .42 a.m. « 42 u.m. 1 44 New York 12 43 p.m. 12:13 p.m. The next official notification the 7 Democratic candidates receive will F he in November, and the occasion THE WINNING TICKET For President, EAST AND SOI Til The trouble with the Chinese situation is that the powers are all in the field instead of nt the hat. ¡I... . ■ China’s foreign debt amounts to $3,(XX),000.000. .lust at present she will allow her creditors to do tile worrying._________ News Printing Company, 8 u b » r r ip tto n TRANSPORTATION COLUMN. trust, then the country may cop- m,ethat ,|e„loCrttey ì» sincere in its “ pledge.’’ ____ Pullman and Tourist car* ' on Î H ltll trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og­ den uml El Paso, und tourist cars to Chicago, St. I-on Is, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San i riunisco with sev- I eral steam ship lines tur Honolulu, Japan, C h in a , Phlllipines, Central and South j America. G. A. GURNEA See Ü. C. l’urkeypile, agent at Gold , Hill station or address C. II. M a k k u am , G. F. & P. A. Carries the best selected stock ofj POHTI,A M I, OltKUON. Dry Goods, Notions, Tin and Gran­ ite Ware, China ami Glass Ware, SIMMONS. Toys ami Musical Instruments, such as Mandolins, Guitars ami Violins 1 In the Justice Court for the District of at half the price usually asked at ...» E. C. Wells, plaintiff, other stores. ('hilddrs Block, MEhFOKD.OKE)'1- It has taken forty years to con­ vince the Democrats that Lincoln's principles are good things to con­ jure with. Now they ft re convinced and are making up for lost time with all their might and main. 1 For Presidential Electors. i hand and wife de- TILMAN FORD,. Marion county ; fendants. Lincoln said something like this: i To Geo. L. Huston and Mary Huston, J . C. FULLERTON, Douglas “You can fool some of the people husband and wife, the above named W. J. FURNISH,. . Umatilla “ defendants: all the time; you can fool all people Help one along In life. It Is not what you pay for clothes In the name of the state of Oregon, O. F. PAXTON,. Multnomah “ so much as what you get for your money. To show our you and each of "you are lierebv required some of the time; hut you can’t - is • a pleasure, • to show our i goods and ■ -x it i--------1 Is a real .,|eaMUre pi to appear at my office in said District on fool all the people all the time.” New Suits. M ay we W a it on Y o i ? the lfttth day of August, BMX), at the In speaking of maintaining a Maybe here is the secret of Bryan’s hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of government in the Philippines A “BILED S H IR T ” said day if served in Jackson County, success with some of the people. Is a nuisance tnese days—and a Stock Collar .Means Oregon ; or by publication, then within Bryan says ‘‘the highest obligation six weeks from the date of first publica- Misery U> the wearer. All this hodge-podge almut what . of this country is to be true to ____. .. _ i tion, and answer the complaint of the N O W , G E N T L E M E N , you must come to i - KB alsive named plaintiff, and you and each itself.” Here we agree with Mr. Bryan couldn’t do if elected Presi­ Shirt brings comfort, ease and quickly dissipates that ir -, Qf are hpn>by „„tiffed ’th at If y o u V Bryan: But a country caunot be dent has nothing to do with the table feeling. I-et us ng iTs2\°U^’ * (locsn t ta « t (»»il to appear and answer 4 answer said said complaint eon money the way we are selling. I as hereby lerehy required, the plaint! plaintiff will true to itself unless its subjects are case. What he couldn’t do does edieee Golf S h irts -a ll Grades, Styles and Prices. The Finest Assortment in take Judgm ent against you and each of likewise true to themselves. Mr. not concern us, but what he could N Aegngee tiun ouirvo w i u i «4 v , ▼ you for the «uni of 15.46 and cost« and Jackaon Count«. Drop in and see them . dieburrement«. Bryan urged ratification of the doeB concern us mightly. We treaty with Spain whereby we se­ know what he could do; therefore W. H. M EEK ER &. Co., cured the islands by paying $20,- we are concerned. f t e i t l»~> r t o M ed fo r d M a n h , M W W O B I» , < M J- B. 000,000. If Mr. Bryan, like his - . . ' 1 This summons Is published by order Present indications do not sug­ V I UM L'ft Ul'VnUTV ! J. for B. B It. Moreha'k, IIUM Justice of Htll the constituency, was true to himself »I3l.nt.li BEAVBia. | of p<>ace ai(1 diMtrk.tf le on th„ he would still stand for the treaty gest that much will be heard about day of August, UMX). I “To the mountains our people in I H ammkrmi . ky A C akter , which he helped this country to “ British gold” in the campaign funds of any party this year. The ; increasing numbers yearly look for : jy*1 Attorneys for I‘l'J'n t|f-. secure and not urge this nation to ; those days of relaxation ami recre-. firMt I,ub,,’h“,jn August 11, HMM. W EEKLY OREGONIAN British are rather shy of gold for he disloyal to itself by repudiating ation necessary to maintain the what all the brainy men of the their own use and may have to GOLD H ILL NEWS human machine in fair working country, including Mr. Bryan, be­ come to the United States for more The census shows that Nebraska’s condition. The languorous sloth loans before the year is out. of the seashore proves very seduc­ population has died off since 1890. lieved to be our plain duty and tive while it lasts, hut may have It is suspected people can be talked which no man urged more stren­ Truth crushed to earth in 1900 decided that the artnual outing uously than did the Nebraska will rise again in 1904. That is to Clackamas county, pays $17,000 should provide not only radical to death. statesman. If Bryan could per­ say, it will rise in 1904, if it is not yearly for the same purpose; Mich­ change of air and surroundings,| ~ “° ~ suade himself to be true to Bryan sooner forgotten. Four years ago igan, $27,000, and New York $109,- hut also such stimulation of Hag-1 R<»gue river has been dammed ging energies as will provide brawn I near Grants Pass, by the company be would take a different tack in a certain truth was crushed to earth, 000. and vigor for the return to labor.! supplying the city with water, - his race for the presidency. but because df the sad indisposition The reason why more young men For this they urge the mountain I w|,jt h prevents fish from running The Democratic State Central of circumstances, its rising has been are learning trades in the peniten­ climb and ramble, the- balsam of up the stream. The obstacle should 1 Committee for Oregon is reported indefinitely postponed. Will the tiary tiian outside of it is because the mountain pines, and the clear, l>e removed at once. unadulterated mountain air.” to have no plans for the coming same thing happen to “imperial- fathers are trying to make lawyers, “ In this direction the Shasta campaign. There is only one thing , Om? ____________ A large portion of thewneat thaf^i doctors, and hook keejiers out of Route now affords a wealth of at­ pracdcai to do, and that is to give'! Even the 1 opuli8t»*OeinocrAts cle* material intended for farmers, tractions. The entire line of road has been harvested in the valley * it up . as , , themselves , . . thelmputa- ... blacksmiths, carpenters and various from Ashland to Redding is studded this year is shriveled somewhat, . a . bad . . job. . . Oregon is over-1 fend against with charming and accessible ho­ although otherwise of ail excellent whelmingly Republican; and th a t tion of 1G to 1. They say there is other trades. tels and camps, where are cheer and is the way the election is going in no danger of changes in the finan­ comfort and healing at reasonable quality. November. Our people are willing cial laws unless Bryan majorities 8ubscril»e for the 8. F. Bulletin cost, and where you can hunt, fish, Latest news service, 50c month. to let well enough alone, and they are elected to Congress. That is to ride, loaf, or play with equal facil­ REAL ESTATE TRANSFER ity.” are anxious for all the good things say. we are safe in voting for Bryan, “Or if you look for healing wa­ 0 G Oreiese to G i ameron ; 40 promised by the Republican party becau e he won’t be able to do any ters, none better can he found, hot acres in sec 27, twp 34, 4 w ... 100 00 for the next four years. If Oregon damage. We don’t want a Presi- ’ phrey to Safronia lla v s; or cold, than the springs of Ash­ J Hum lots 13 anil 14, hlk 27, Gold conditions are an index to the con- dent who can’t do any damage, b u t1 For Infants and Children. land, Colestin, Anderson, Bartlett H ill......................................... . 345 00 ■ ditions the country, there is a walk­ one who can do some good. Byron and Paso Robles.” E It Cardwell to J H Beeman; The Kind You Have Always Bought “ Before visiting Europe, the peo­ over in sight for McKinley and t» , blk 30, (told HUI ......... 55 (X) ple of the Northwest should see the W lo Bybee B ears the Roosevelt. The publisher of the Prison Mis­ to B Haymond; m in­ glories of Yosemite Valley, and the sionary at the State Penitentiary Signature of wondrous groves of Mariposa and ing property hi Pleasant creek Adlai E. Stevenson said in his for the past two years finds the in­ Calaveras; the Parisians are likely d istrict....................................... 2(XM) 00 speech at Indianapolis: “The dem­ come of the paper is not equal to to make inquiries concerning these Editor’s Awful Plight. ocrat party stands pledged to an the expenses, and appeals to the attraction resorts.” TO T H E D E \F . unceasing warfare against private charitably inclined for assistance by M. Higgins, Editor Seneca Send to Mr. C. II. Markham,i A rich lady cured of her Deafness monopoly in every form. It de way of new subscriptions, which is and Noises in the Head by I)r. Geheral Passenger Agent, Portland, (Ills.) News, was aillicted for years mauds the enforcement of existing the only source of revenue open to Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drums, for new booklets on Castle Crag. wUh Pi|e(, that no doctor or remedy gave $10.000 Io his Institute, so Shasta. Springs McCloud River. ,)e| , UI(til he trie(, Buck|e„-H laws against trusts and the enact it. ____________ j that deaf people unable to procure Yosemite, and excursion rates' Arnica Salve, the best in the world nient of laws yet more stringent.’ He writes, two boxes wholly cuie<|t . wv. t j the Ear Drums may have them free. thereto.” Democracy ought to apply this doc­ Oregon pays $2200 per year for , A(](|reKK No. 1()578-c. The Nichol- him. Infallible for Piles. les. vine Cure $ trine to the Tammany ice trust am .rolection of game and forests, j flon Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, Get our prices on job printing g|)Arnnteed. Only 25c. Sold by 1<\ »Democratic Chairman Jones’ cottoi '/ittle Rhode Island, not so large as New York, U. 8. A. , J. Eastman, druggist. 22G before placing youx ’Xdjq;.. n GOOD CLOTHES...... Our Clubbing Rates. AMD Both One Year for $2. CASTOR IA 1.