GOLD HILL NEWS. A N E W S P A P E R . N O T A N j O R G A N . GOLII HILL, OKKOON. SATURDAY, Al 01 ST 25, 1800. Vol. 4.—No. 173. ■Mf* _v. - •V' Subscription *¿1 - THE JURORS SELECTED, wouldn’t be obliged to ask me Mr H. E. Huntington will be the money ” next president of the Southern Pa­ The following are the jury list î C it y U k k ic ia i . s . ~ “ I know it, mister,” answered Eire hat* destroyed 200 acre« of cific Company. It has not been for the September term of Court: Meandering Mike, ‘‘but I wouldn t COUMUII.MKN. timber 11 mile« north of Klamath officially announced, nor will those Ashland—C. H. Poley, W. E. Con­ of missed de distinguished pleasure W. H. ('uin«. Chairman, j who are high in the management ner, H. L. Whited, Jacob Thomson, of dis conversation fur anyt’ing'’ A , C. Stanley, 2 Falls. T. J. Ifciwwinjz, E At Eugene, the flouring mill ha« 1 of the company admit that any- William Fox, W. A. Patrick, J. R. Win. T. Iteatne», x E 11. C. Pur key pile. g bought 9000 bushels of wheat, pay­ thing has lieen done toward elect­ It Helped Wia Battb*. Casey and D. R. Minkler. Medford; ing a successor to Collis P. Hunt­ .. ._______ ,___ _ ____ Twenty-nine officere and men E. W. Starr, Fred Barneburg, T. H. A. E. Kellogg, Rdbonlet. « ing 60 cents. ington, but it has been learned from a A. J. (Mwii, Marshal. g Gilson, M.G.^hearer. Jacksonville, wrote from the Front to say that At an auction «ale in Fossil, Sat­ a source that leaves no room for Alex. Thomson. Geo. Lewis. Cen- for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, urday, work horse« brought from doubt that the matter has been tral Point, J. W. Merritt. Willow 1 Wounds, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, W. P. CHISHOLM, M. IL, $50 to $85 per head, «pot cash. nettled and there is nothing more Springs, Grant Rawlings and J. W. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is the l*st Douglas County’« delinquent PHYSICIAN AND 8D R 0M N . to do than to call a meeting of the Ingram. Eagle Point, H. R. ;Von 1 in the world. Same for Burns, i taxes amount to $24,181, and 3 per directors.—San Francisco (’all. der Hellen. Sams Valley, Ed. Ship- Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25 cts. Offim in Caiae’s Drag Store, cent penalty is now added, making ■o (¿OLD HILI.. OREGON. lev and Horace Pelton. Meadows; a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by the tax burden unusually heavy. A recently married editor in E. J. Eastman, druggist. The Lakeview Rustler has this Grant County prints this bit of Frank Davis. Applegate; O. E. --------- o ' — Or. CHAS. E. MORRILL, about the rebuilding of it» town: advice: “ Here and now we want to Rose. Union; William Ray, Jr., The Brooklyn bridge pays the PUÏSJCIAN AND SURGEON. ‘ Nine brick building» are being say to our ‘old bach’ friends that it Jahn W. White. Lake Creek; W. city a profit of $150,000 a year, or constructed, and with the four is not half living to live single,and C. Daley. Barron; Geo. Barron. $400 per day. - ■' -O «Hire at Resilience, ' damaged brick« repaired and the we venture, on behalf of our lietter Dunn; William Meyer. Woodville; GOLD HILL, OREGON Charles White and J. M. Whipple. Kansas will in 1904 celebrate the concrete, Lakeview is «ure of 14 half, the same conclusion to ‘old Roxy; Will ¡an Stewart. fiftieth anniversary of her admis- fireproof building«, besides those maid’ friends.” J. M. KEENE, l>. IL 8. , , , . , 'sion into the Union as a Territory covered with iron plate. We pre­ II would b .m .h th.^ ¡BUr.g u ,e Mposi. dict that by the Fall of 1901 Lake- Pretested A Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs “dime novel from the household view will almost l>e rebuilt.” and present their children with a M w o « d , O»B. Says the Albany Herald; A man George Long, of New Straitsville, year’s subscription to some good O M k e A4kln l>u»l H k x k , Mr. Kawdle—I wish you wouldn't coming up from Portland a few Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful paper, there would be less crime ¡nterrUpt me every time I try to IIAMMERSLEY & (’AKTER, day« ago, said he was bulking for a cough had long kept her awake committed. Better go without 8ay 8on)ething. Do 1 ever break in steady job. He had l»een working every night. She had tried many books and papers than read harm- wbeQ yoU are taiking? Counsellors and Attorneys-W-Liw. in Eastern Oregon where he «aid, remedies and doctors but steadily ful and degrading literature, which j^r8 j£awT> pwted . bi„ , are always I Only keen everything a m iner needs. j Nervous Headaches. They mat e l i a y X ' d R o e k W M . ¡rm News Printing Company, F o r S a le by i hack if not cured. Sold by E. J. Boyden & Nicholson remarked the pedestrian, “you Lock Box 116, Gold Hill, Oregon. E. J. Eastman, Gold Hill, Oregon East man, Druggist. STATE NEWS ITEMS. JIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIHUUIIIIIUUIIIIUUMIIIIIIIMUMMIIU B D E N T IS T t Attorney • at • Law * : THE MOST POPULAR Rogue Rivet Milling Company, Anything You W a n t.... J Tfcs Hardware » « . • Medford. Orrger