r- GOLD HILL NEWS. A N EW SPA PER , NOT AN Why not send Sampson and Schley over to China and see once PHYSICIAN AND BURO ION. Sixty six Japanese are working and for nil which is the better man? on the railroad at Spicer. — Ex. ’ •tlkw in Uaiau's Drug Kl«,re, GOLD H ILL. OKKOON. The first load of l'.MKI wheat ha* “ Whom the gods wish to destroy lieen received at Eugene, and they first make mad.” From the weighed 60 pounds to the buahel. indications all the gods in the cat­ Dr. UHAN. K. MORRILL, egory are after China.—Ex. Antelope has a new paper, the FIYSICIAN AND SUBS SOU. Republican, launched by A. M. F. Many of the newspapers of Ore­ Kirchheimer. It is a neatly print­ gon print letters from men who < »Hice *t Residence, GOLD H ILL, OfcRGON ed eight-page quarto. Subscription have gone to Cape Nome — all warning their friends to stay away. $1 per year. J. M. KEENE, 0 .1 ). N. Nebraska has an esteemed citizen The Philadelphia Press says the named Bagwind, hut there is a electoriai vote in November will more distinguished citizen of that stand McKinley 277, Bryan 157, state who in the estimation of many ! with Kentuckey’* thirteen in doubt. Mceeoso. Osa. . is lietter entitled to it. The most careful estimates made HAMMERKLEY l CARTER, Herbert Winslow, the Klamath from present conditions very but jail-breaker, made a second and little from these figure«. Ceaisellon aid AUorujt-ai-Uv. successful effort sawing off an iron “Twenty dollars a month on a < g T W ill pra. ti.-e in all tlie courts of bar with a nicked pocket-knife. It farm, is very much better than $35 th<* state. Oft)«« in Beenian huildiitg, i is thought he reached California. a month in a city store. As a gen­ Gold Hill, Oregon. Chan Burgdorf, an old time resi eral thing at the end of 9 months dent of Clamath county, who 'ives the former ha» $160 in cash, three C. B. WATSON, on a large rance eighteen miles pairs of overalls, a pair of gallusee’ ATTORNEY AT-LAW, from Klamath Falls, committed[ and a straw hat. while the latter Olfiece—Up staiis, Opera House Block, suicide last Thursday by hanging.; has two or three suits of clothe», a ASHLAND, OREGON. Harney County'» Clerk advertis-! PM’r °f 8°^ HOC^S an^ f U *n the ! ee a list of warrants, which will la* hole. Yet there are 75 applications [cancelled if not called for in 60 for the latter job to one for the for- * 8. 8. PENTZ, rrg«n and C a l- F The cash receipts 4 Komia. SpcHal attrnilufl ( I v m to M in in g . A 1 bacon to sell advertises that “grouse ; Patent office. . Corporation. Probat« and Family ta w • . 'will ripen in the Blue M ountains1 have been $1,358,228.35 a larger F Notary P u b lk In ( the world. A inside <>f another month, and rolled ■ in flour and fried in bacon juice fiscal year. The number of patents issued is also the largest in the his- thev are delicious.” A LITTLE MIXTURE. D E N T IS T t A ttorney - at - Law t J FOR AN EASY SHAVE, «KrM th,,t th . « . l - ï y o , ‘h e “ ffi“ ’ "“"'berin« 26’540 There has been a corresponding in I lapse at Nome is about as great a Stylish hair cut, i crease in the number of trademarks, go to Dehoy’s Shav­ ( and sodden as.the rise at d spread 1 patents and labels registered. Th« ing Parlor, 6 doors I of the boom. Thousands are more : increase in the numlter of applies west of the Post anxious to leave that n gion than tions for letters patents and caveats, Office. they were a few months ago to get 'and registration of trademarks, G obi H ill, Oregon. there. i labels and prints is 5,000 over tliai This is a had season in Eastern i of the previous fiscal year and ag- Washington for the hoi»». Farmers , gregates 46,000. in tne Palouse country are report­ -------- -------------- Flour tloen’iit grow in ed to he hiring not only every The Appetite ef a Goal • a lied, but is ground i available man who come« along, Is envied by all whose Stomgch at our mill. Fresh­ ! hut are watching freight trains to and Liver are out of order. Bui the “tourist” from boxcar and such should know that Dr. King’r ness is a leading char­ 'rout [ break beam with an offer of entic New Life Pills, give a splendid ap­ acteristic. !ing wages to work in harvest fields petite, sound digestion and a regu lar bodily habit that insures perfect . and help save the wheat crop. health and great energy. Only 25c There may be no exactly “ up-to at E. J. Eastman’s Drug Store. J. J. HOUCK Manager dale” newspajiers in Pekin, but the GOLD HILL, - OREGON. I Pekin Gazette is said to be the Was It aa Errar? oldest newspaper in the world, At a time when every man, wo­ though journalistically it is not ot man and child in Colorado Springs the yellow variety. It has been was investing in mining stock and issued regularly since A. D. 1351, almost every man, woman and In the way of Hardware, Tools and Implements, you cau find and publishes exclusive court re­ child had been badly bitten.it hap­ at our Store. ports, that are not for sale to for­ pened that a certain mine-owner eign journals at any price.* Per­ and stock manipulator died sud­ haps in the near future some en­ denly. The local paper held the terprising American can secure it press to put in an account of bis and change its “policy.” death, headed, “ Death Loves a A mule that can sing “ Peek-a- Shining Mark,” but when it came Boo” and “Home, Sweet, Home,” out the people with whom he had is one of the proferred attractions had his business dealing« were sur­ for the Portland Street Fair and prised and pleased to read.” “ Death Carnival. Its owner writes to the Love« a Mining Shark.” — S. F. Oregonian from Baker City as fol­ Wave. lows: White laa Tamed Yellow. “ I have an attraction that might Great consternation was felt by lie a good thing for the Klks’ street fair in your city, in September, and the friends of M. A. Hogarty of ARE YOU GOiNG MINING ? I would like to know the proper Lexington, Ky., when they saw he See our stock of Tools ami Supplies was turning yellow. His skin before you make your purchases. We person to write to in regard to it. slowly changed color, also bis eyes, keep everything a miner needs. I have a mule that is a regular Tne Celebrated SIMONDS Saws—pos­ and he suffered terribly. His mal­ itively the best Cross-cut Raw made, for I steam calliope. He will bray every ady was Yellow Jaundice. He was »ale by ; time you twist his tail, and by Boyden & Nicholson 1 practice I have got so I can play treated by the best doctors, but such simple tunes as ‘Peek-a-Hoo,-’ without benefit. Then he Was ad­ Th Hardware Men. Medford. ftrrgor 1‘Home, Sweet Home,’ etc.. All 1 vised to try Electric Bitters, the ' would ask would lie my expenses wonderful Stomach and Liver rem­ for myself and mule to Portland and back. Please let the know the edy, and he writes: “After taking two hotties I was wholly cured ” A proper iierson td write about it. W E HAVE ’EM “J ames W illiams .” trial proves its matchless merit for SUGAR P IN E all Stomach, Liver and Kidney SHINGLES. Subscrita: for the S. F. Bulletin I troubles. Only 50c. Sold by E. J. Eastman, dritg^itit. T he N. Y. R ack et Store Latest news service, 50c mouth. THE MOST POPULAR Rogue River Milling Company, Anything You W a n t.... SHINGLES ! Sobocription GOLD HILL, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1900. Vol. t —No. 169. W. P. UH INHOLM, M. I)., ORGAN. mm i 11 «ordering the animals taken to Se­ attle in preparation of a trip to A rich strike has juat been made China. The 395 mule» were all in by Corliss A Kush on Lucky Queen excellent shape when reaching Ash­ H ill, about 10 miles from Grant« land last evening. The cars in Pass. It is on the Double Eagle , which they are shipped, are especi­ claim, which was purchased last ally provided for their shipment, year for a very low figure. * The , containing feed boxes, water troughs strike is in the nature of a very ' on the side, and other convenience rich seam, one to two inches thick, for animal care. - - Wednesday’s with a body of quarts on either ¡Tidings. side. The gold is all through the Of the allied army of 82,000 that seam, which is easily pounded up, and runs $10 to $16 to the pan. will move on Pekin by the middle The samples brought to town ap­ of August, the United States will peared to be plastered with gold. A furnish 11,000, Japan 25,000, Eng­ shaft has been sunk 80 feet on the land 15,000, France 12,000, Ger­ property, and the seam grows wider, many about 8000 and Russia an showing five feet at the bottom. army corps of 22,000 men, while at The quartz walls are also rich, the least 25,000 Russians are marching 10 tone on the dump being worth on Pekin from the north. Our $50 per ton. The strike is in a forcee in China and en route and rich quartz district, and, as both under orders amount to a little banging and lower walls are clearly more than 11,000 men. defined, may prove to be very Ned Burt, a young brakeman valuable, as it is further developed. while off on a vacation at Shasta Retreat had bis leg amputated last IX IT UCHT Per u Editor to ItotMiBMid htost ledi- Wednesday evening while trying to. kweif board a light engine bound for From Sylvan Valley News, Brev­ Dunsmuir and running at about ard, N. C. eighteen miles an hour. It may be a question whether the SOUTH «KEHON «OLD. editor of a newspaper has the right Spain wisely declines to send to publicly recommend any of the \ warships or men to China, where various proprietary medicines she has no interests. She has given which flood the market, yet as a over getting into rows merely lor preventive of suffering we feel it a the fun of the thing. duty to say a good word for Cham­ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ Best double strength vinegar 3D rhoea Remedy. We have known cents a gallon at Kenney’s. and used this medicine in our fam­ ily for twen,ty years and have An Epidemic ef Biarrhaea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from ilways found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would Cocoa nut Grove, Fla.,»ays there ha» -ave hours of suffeaing with a phy been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack an«l ■ ician is awaited. We do not be was cured by four doses of Cham­ ieve in depending implicitly on berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ iny medicine for acure, but we do rhoea Remedy. He says he ab > lajlieve that if a bottle of Chamber- recommended it to others and they »ay it is the best medicine they l a t n ’s Diarrhoea Remedy were kept ever used. For sale by Emery .J. on hand and administered at the Eastman, Gold Hill or Ben H ay­ inception of an attack much suffer­ mond, Rock Point. ' ing might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a phy­ The Ledgerette Bill File is an sician would not be required. At easy, simple, convenient, labor and least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For paper saving device ior keeping in sale by K. J. Eastman, Gold H ill, a systematic order, accounts of a or Ben Haymond, Rock Point. »mall or trn»'«ient nature. ■ — -o---------- K illed I n a R unaway . — Last Thursday morning Mrs D. N. Fish who has the contract to carry the mail, from Glendale to Stsrvout was in waiting at the train for the mail when her horse became fright­ It is just the thing to ur-e where ened at a light engine which was customers come in and buy a few standing on the siding and started articles “till Saturday evening” or to run. The unfortunate Jady was “till next week,” or till they come thrown from the buggyj her head to town again. striking on one of the iron rails, Summing it all up. It is India- breaking her neck in the fall, and ed, arranging th«' bills alphabetic- smashing the buggy to pieces. This ally. It is Convenient. It is Eco­ sad fatility caused much sorrow in nomical, saving many times its the quiet little town. cost in blank books, bills, time, la­ . . — o .... bor, etc., because inasmuch as the M ules fob C hina .— Fifteen cars items are written hut once, there is of mules were on the 8. P. freight no posting of books, no buying of which readied Ashland last even­ statements, nor making out of iten-- ing from the south. They were ixen bills. It is simple, can be un­ destined for Seattle, from which derstood at a glance. Books are port they will be sent on a U. S. always posted 7 bills «re always transport to China. The mules ready. It is durable and inexpen­ had served Uncle Sam in Cuba for sive. Write for prices. the past year. They were recently News Printing Company, shipped to New York, where they Lock Box 116, Gold H ill, Oregon. were kept several days, when Agent -------------------- X --------------------- Darrell of the Quartermaster’s De­ W anted several persons foh partment received orders to report district Office Managers in this with them nt Manila in the Philip state to represent me in their own pines. This special train contain­ and surrounding counties. W ill­ ing the tnttles. being drawn by two ing to pay yearly $600, payable engines, left Washington, D. C. at weekly. Desiruhle employment, 5:30 o’clock on the afternoon of July with unusual opportunities. Ref­ 11th. At Ogden telegraphic orders erences exchanged. Enclose self- were received by Mr, Darrell re­ addressee stamped envelope. 8. A . scinding the Philippine order and Park, 320 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. r ••