COLD HILL NEWS. S V IR T P V B L IS n B D GOLD HILL IA T V R D À T . . IBÍ NEWS Oí mi WEEK J u w p r v h e m iT « R e v i » * * f t h e I m p o r t ­ a a t H a p p e n in g * o f t u e V a s t W eek C a l l e d F r o m t h o T e le g r a p h C o lu o ea o - Russia and Japan may come to wai as a result of the Boxers movement. General »’io del Pilar, the Filjpino leader, was captured by Americans six miles east of Manila. Two men were instantly killed am. eight seriously injured by the explosioi of a boiler at a brick works at Annis­ ton, Ala. The Boxer movement is spreading throughout China. Russia gives notice that if the powers do not act she will go it alone. An explosion, caused by mining fuses at the customs d etrim en t, at Oporto, Portugal, killed two persons and injured. 13. Harry Dekker, a well known pro­ moter of Western railroad projierties, •hot and killed himself in his apart­ ments at New York City. One man was killed and four hurt by the falling of a freight elevator in the Nichols & Shepherd Implement building at Kansas City. A fire in the oil refining and salt­ peter district of Hamburg, Germany, destroyed property to the value of 4,000,000 marks, including many dwellings. A tannery owned by Fayette, Shaw & Co., at Miller, Wis., was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $100,000. Nine hundred men were thrown out o! employment. The investigation of the affairs of Adolph A. Kuhn, junior member of the firm of Kuhn Bros., brokers, of Chi­ cago, shows he has left a shortage o: 11,000,000. The president has approved the find­ ings and sentence in the case of Cap­ tain Deming, of Buffalo, assistant com­ missary of subsistence, U. 8. V., tried at San Francisco on a charge of forgery and embezzling public funds. Alexander Stevenson, a line repairer •f the Utah Electric Light & Power Company, of Salt Lake, was instantly killed by electricity on Third South and Main streetp. He went up a pole to do some work, and took bold of c lire wire. His body hung suspended in the network of wires in the presence of hundreds of people. Indiana Democrats indorsed Bryan. Robert’s army is resting at Pretoria. Democrats of Missouri indorsed tht Chicago platform. End of the Chicago labor trouble! seems to be in sight. Wolverton’s plurality for supreme judge of Oregon is more than 10,000. Affairs in China are gradually work Ing up a crisis of the first magnitude. The legislature of Oregon will be Re­ publican on joint ballot by a majority of 24. Chicago people contributed $5,000 toward the relief of the Indian famine sufferers. A Christian journal in Japan has been suspended for showing disrespect to the imperial house. Alexander M. Dockery, of Gallatin county, Missouri, has been nominated by the Democrats for governor. Fire at Susanville, Cal., destroyed three blocks of stores, containing forty buildings, entailing a large loss. London papers think that the Brit­ ish squadron is recognized as inferior to the Russian as well as the Japanese. Chinese soldiers attacked the Boxers near Peking, and in the engagement which followed many were killed on both sides. A dispatch from Cucnta, department of Santander, Venezuela, say that after 13 days of fighting, ihe Colombian revolutionists have routed the govern­ ment forces near Buracamauga, captur­ ing a number of prisoners, including General Peuasolan. Secretary Long has issued an order for an experiment of the utmost im­ portance. The purpose is to see how much time would be occupied in put­ ting into condition for active naval service a part of the United States Heet to meet an emergency. Judge Morrow, of the United States circuit court at San Francisco, on com­ plaint made by Jew Ho, has granted an order temporarily restraining the board of health and chief of police from prohibiting the surgeons employed by the Chinese to care for their dead, entering the quarantine line. Steps have been taken to organize a national Negro party in Philadelphia. Prominent negroes—bishops, ministers, editors and lawyers—at a meeting de­ cided to place a presidential ticket in the field with negro candidates. The plan is to organize the party in every state of the Union, and nominate can­ didates for state and congressional offices. L A I kR NEWS. E«IHS W H BRIN FIRE IN A COOPERAGE. T h r e e M e n K i l l e d e n d M ig h t R n ru e d OS REBEL S M W IAKÍN Fifteen hundred Boeis surrendered to M a im e d . General Brabaut. New York, June 14.—Three men were killed, eight so badly burned or Half the town of Frances, Wash., Another Battalion Falls Into maimed that they are iu the hospitui General Grant Reports Cap­ was destroyed l»y tire. three other men are missiug as the ture of San Miguel. San Franolsoo'a Chinatown w ill be the Hands of the Dutch. aud result of a fire in the coo pc rage estab­ released from quaiantiue June 23. lishment of Paul Weidmann, at North France talks of joining Russia and Eleventh street ami Wythe avenue, NO AMERICAN CASUALTIES RO BERTS’ C O M M U N IC A TIO N CUT Germany to restore order in China. Williamsburg, Brooklyn, tonight. The property loss is variously estimated at Boers have evacuated Laiug’s Nek, and Buller is eucaui|>ed on Joubert’s D is a s te r to t h e D e r b y s h ir e R e g im e n t from $75,000 to 250,000. The dead Im p o r t a n t T n g a l L e a d e rs H a v e B e e * are: farm. C a p tu r e d D l l * H p ea k s o f Ih e D a s lr - In I h e K iig a g e in e n t a t R o o d e v a l— August Benedict. 60 yeurs old, u f t h e F ilip in o s f u r K d u c a llo u San Francisco Chinese have won an­ T w o O H Ie e rs K i l l e d . burned so badly that he died soon after other case against the hoard of health being taken from the building. of that city. Manila, June 14.—General Grant, London, June 13.—Lieutenant-Gen­ John M. Lockwood, 66 yeurs old, The steamer China arrived at San eral Sir Frederick Forestier-Walker, died from being crushed by falling tim­ who led reinforcements with artillery Francisco from the Orient with 650 iu conunaud of the lines of couimuui- ber. against the insurgents iu the moun­ Chinese merchants. tains eMt of Han Miguel, reports the jatiou iu South Africa, reports that in Unknown man burued t.i death. capture of the rebel stronghold after the disaster to the British troopa on Mrs. George H. Baker, widow of the The building was four stories high poet and ex-minister to Russia, is dead Juue ?, at Roodeval, where the ltoera and there were over 100 employes iu four hours’ fighting. The robels were cut Roberta’ line of communication, the place at the time. Many of these scattered aud the Americans are pur­ at her home in Philadelphia. the Fourth battalion of the rank and leaped from the windows, it is said suing them. General Grant’s column Postmaster Graham, of Salt Lake file of the Derbyshire regiment were at least two-score of people dropped had no casualties. City, Utah, was convicted of unlawful all killed, wounded or made prisoners, before the firemen had arrived. When R o g e r to I. e a r n , ♦ cohabitation and fined $260. except six enlisted men. Two officers they came many were hanging from Washington, Juue 14.—During Gen­ Americans at Chin Kiang are iu and 15 met ere killed and five officers the apper windows. August Benedict, need of protection, as a large number and 72 men wounded, many of them a cooper, was hanging out of one of the eral Otis’ afteruixm at the war depart­ ment, in conference with the heads of of Boxers have halted at that place. severely. The Boers returned the windows with all of his clothing the various departments in regutd to Russian authority says the present wounded to the British. Officers killed aflame. He held on to the ledge while the condition and needs of their de­ trouble iu China w ill be put down, but were: Lieutenant-Colonel Baird-Doug­ the ladder was being run up to him. partments in the Philippines, fie hail lass and Lieuteuaut Hawley. The i He was so badly burned when he was many questions to answer iu his inter­ a terrible upheaval will come later. wounded tucluded Colonel Wilkinson 1 taken down that he died half an hour course with his friends respecting pres- Mine. Augusta Lehmann, once a singer of international reputation, is and Lieutenant Blanchard, of the Cana­ afterward. John M. Lockwood had ent aud future conditions in the Philip­ dead at Santa Cruz, Cal., aged 80 dian infantry. Forestier-Walker’s dis- his chest crushed by a fulling tirulier pines, aud of these lie talked freely. patch in full is as follows: aud died in the Eastern District hos­ He made one statement in jwrticular years. “ CsE>e Town, June 18.—The follow­ pital about 11 o’clock tonight. The which came as a distinct surprise, in The president has issued a proclama­ ing telegram has lieen received from unknown man was taken from the tion formally announcing the establish­ Colonel Knox: ‘Kroonstad—The fol- I burued building late tonight and the view of the fact that he has spent a ment of reciprocity agreement with lowing casualties are reported from body was so badly charred that identi­ year and a half in fighting the Fili­ pinos, for he declared that these same Portugal. Roodeval, under date of Rhenoster fication was impossible. Filipinos were without question the A score of passengers were injured, river, Juue 8, received here by Hag of I very liest of any of the Asiatic races SEVEN WERE DROWNED. some severely, by the derailing of a truce on Juue 10: The Fourth bat- j living on the Pacific coast aud islands. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ train on the Great Northern, near Sum­ talion of the Derbyshire regiment, the He paid a high tribute to their acquisi­ Sherwood Foresters: Killed, Lieuten­ F a t e o f a P a r t y H o u n il f u r t h e L o w e r mit, Mont. tiveness, saying that young and old Yukon. General Otis says the Filipinos are ant Baird-Douglass aud Lieutenant Seattle, Wash., Jnne »4.—The were alike anxious to learn from the qmck and anxious to learn and suggests Hawley aud 15 of the rank and file; minor of a wholesale drowning on Americans, aud quick to do so if given that an educational system be adopted wounded. Colonel Wilkinson, Captain Windy aim, Lake Bennett, is told iu an opjiortunity. The demand for Bailey, Lieutenants Hall, Lawder aud in the islands. schools on the American plan was in­ Blanchard, and 50 of the rank and file; the latest Alaska papers arriving by General MacArthur reports the cap­ the Shropshire light infantry, one; the steamer Rosalie today. Seven satiable. It had not been possible to ture of Rbizon, near Mexico, and Ca- Cape Pioneer Railroad regiment, seven; were in one party, who are believed to secure a sufficient supply of Spanish- restanv at Alcala, both important, the Ammunition Park, Royal murines and have gone down about the first of the American text books, the market hav­ latter a very important leader of the Imperial Telegaphs, one each; Post- month, iu the overturning of a scow. ing been denuded of such. When the book-hungry Filipinos The news was telegrauhed from Tugish guerrillas in Pingasinan proviucee, Lu­ office corps, one.’ were told this, they begged for Ameri­ zon. “ Stoneham reports that many were to Skagway by a mounted police officer. can schixil hooks, and declared that According to information which was The Yaqui Indians are causing trouble severely wounded aud the remaining their children could learn from them received at Skagway, it is said that the fourth of the Derbyshire aud details for the Mexicans. They occupy the even withont the Spanish text an I impassable Bacatete mountains, a range are prisoner's, except six of the rank names of the people who may have translations. General Otis found to been in the scow are as follows: W. aud file, who are in his camp. All the 50 miles in length, and it requires the his astonishment that such was tlm utmost vigilance on the part of Gen­ wounded are in hia camp, lately occu­ G. Mergeau, Mrs. Warner, Joe Rose, case, and says that in tlie course of a Mrs. Playmate, C. E. I’ealxxly, and eral Torres’ 6,000 troops to hold them pied by the Fourth Derbyshires. In­ very few months the Filipino children quiries are being made as to the two men whose names could not be in check. pick up a fair knowledge of English. learned. All were from Skagway. The United States navy will build names. ” Even the old native« con the text Ixxiks It is inferred the Boeni captured over ) Six head of cattle and a quantity of warships aggregating over $100,000,'- in the effort to fix English phrases in provisions made np the cargo with 500 men, aud as late as June 10, held 000 in cost as soon as the builders are which the craft was loaded. It is said their minds. There was a dearth of prepared to undertake the great pro­ positions cutting off the British forces that the scow was t