G old H ill N ews ; t« w n » » » u » u u Jo h n P. Robertson write« of the A N ew sp ap er—N ot a n O rg a n . terrible national hanks. W hy) doesn’t John P. and his friends or-1 News P rinting Company, ganize a national hank and reap P t 'B U S K E R S . the manifold benefits which he F. K. CHI ItCHlLL, claims the other national banks Xiltl or a ltd Manager. are enjoying? Any five or six men 1 M u b » r r l|* ll< tii It M t r a . with a little capital, can organize a national bank. The field is open. INVAKIKHI.Y IN A D V , N i l The fact is, th at the restrictions 'One Year, Í1 (X) S ix M o n t ili» , 6Ü are so m any, and the incidental e x ­ penses so great, th a t few national are now lieing organized. One na- 4 * % í» tional bank at Salem recently went & x -ft lout of business, though the private 7-H i ^ N s r t' T u r / o ^ / ^ \ < i institutions here have been increas ' - f * |in g their business. In this c it\ ¡there is more capital engaged in private hanking than in national banks. We believe the same is true of Portland. It is true of the 9 cities of this country generally.— Salem Statesm an. THE MOST POPULAR i Saturday, January 27, liKM). Flonr doea’iit grow i i a bed, but is ground at our mill. Fresb- newH is a loading char­ acteristic. T lie K in d Y on H ave A lw ays B o u g h t, and w hich h as been lu use for over 3 0 years, lias borne th e sifrnntnre o f • and has b een m ade under his per» soual supervision since Its Inftuicy. A llow no 0110 to d eceive you In this. A ll C ounterfeits, Im itations and “ Ju st-u s-good ” are hut E xp erim en ts th a t trille w ith and endan ger th e health o f In fan ts and C hildren—E xperience against E xperim ent. Rogue River Milling Company, » J. J. HOUCK Manager GOLD HILL. What is CASTORIA The correlative interests of labor A sm all key will open a large and capital are witnessed when ca­ door. A sm all advertisem ent, if it lam ity overtakes an investment G E N U IN E ALW AYS fits the reader’s requirem ents, will that furnishes em ploym ent to a large num ber of laborers in a com bring satisfactory returns. Bears the Signature of m unitv. The loss by fire of tin “ Coin" H arvey again plunges in- i ’ i i . . , .. I . . . Ashland woolen mills furnishes an to authorship, but the American ,• , ,. . . . . illustration of this tact which will people are reading calam ity litera- tir „ , • . . . , J prove a striking one to the opera- ture nowadays. 1 ;. , , , r _:___________ tives so suddenly thrown out of Most of the men who spend good work. It may lie hoped, in the in- hard money for “ Coin” H arvey’s terests of labor, th a t the invest- last book, know two or three things ment of capital in this enterprise In U s e F or O ver 3 0 Y ea rs.- this year th a t they and their wives proved sufficiently profitable above -▼HK-CcwTauw cow szsy, tt mwwav wtw vorh erw. think they need more th an they do the heavy loss overinsurance to in- his new one.—N. Y. Press. duce the prom pt rebuilding of the m ills.—Oregonian: W ith the democracy split wide 99600 The siege of Lucknow lasted 138 open in K entucky, badly ripped in New York, and ripping more everv days. The siege of Ladysm ith has day, the gold men of M aryland and now been in progress 78 days. New Jersey still unyielding, and Taking into consideration the fact with expansion growing in popu­ that the Boers are better fighters larity, to an im partial spectator aud better equipped for fighting like the Chief it looks m ightily than were the Indian m utineers, like McKinley in 1600.—Comanche the E nglish people should not he Chief-dem. discouraged nor the world surprised at the delay in relieving the Lady­ Representative Tongue says that sm ith garrison. notw ithstanding the unfavorable recommendations of Director Rob­ Pennoyer says lie is out of poli­ erts, tne coinage committee will re­ tics. The wily governor is telling port favorably bills for assay offices the tru th this tim e,as he will learn at Portland and Baker City. He if he tries to get io again.—Ex. has received such assurance from A shland is having an interest­ members of the committee, and be­ lieves th a t the hills have a fair op­ ing time with the saloon question. Onp stock is now complete in every departm ent, A rem onstrance against granting portunity to pass the house. any saloon licenses, signed by 214 with the largest assortm ent o f Ladies ami Men’s Furnish­ In one respect the record of 1899 legal voters and 241 women, was ings, Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, was an unenviable one. The fire presented at the council meeting loss in the United States and C an­ Monday evening. The highest Ever opened in this place for your inspection. ada reached the vast total of $126,- num ber of votes polled at any city 773,000. This was an increase of election was 407. Four applica­ (»(‘lierai Mereliandise, $17,000,000 over th a t of 1898, and tions for renewal of license were be­ of more than $26,000,000 over 1897. fore the council, hut each lacked GOLD HILL, OREGON This does not quite heft the record, the exquisite num ber of legal signa­ hut there have been few vears in tures, according to an ordinance 0202480227000200 which the total was exceeded. It previously passed, and the licenses would seem th a t carefulness arid were not granted. The m atter was prosperity do not go hand in hand held open for further exam ination —theary to the contrary notw ith­ however. Tw o of the saloons which standing. failed to obtain license have closed and the others keep open, hut, it is In an interview with a reporter said, do not sell liquor. If all sa­ of the I ortland Evening Telegram loon licenses shail he refused an recently, A. D. Charlton, of the w w V NF W V V y V W extra tax levy uf mills on prop­ Northern Pacific railroad, while not detracting from Eastern Oregon erty will he necessary. There is a gold fields, gave the public some disposition to raise the license fee points which will hear repetition. from $400 to $600 or $800. CASTORIA B icycles and B icycle Sundries. R e p a ir in g a S p e c ia lty . G-RANTS PASS. TRANSPORTATION COLUMN. EAST AND — ■: Reames Brothers GeneralMerchandise Reames Bros, v “ Sum pter,” he says, “is a wonder­ S . R O S e N T H H L ’S Notices for the location of placer ful camp. There is no question A Complete Assortment of 5, 10, 15 and about that. But while everyone is and quartz mines, etc., for sale at t d king about Sum pter, other mining J.HE N ew s office. 25 cent packages, besides a goo 1 Sup­ districts in Oregon should not ply of Peas, Beans, Sweet Corn, Turnips he forgotten. Keep your eye on and Onion Sets in Bulk. Southern Oregon; that district will mu 5 0 Y EA R S’ Grass Seeds in Bulk at the following boom next.” In speaking about EXPER IEN C E prices: Southern Oregon, Mr. Charlton said the districts around Ashland, W hite Clover, - 25c per pound u G rants Pass. Bohemia, Blue River, Kentucky Blue Grass, 20c “ etc., offered just as fine opportuni­ ÍÍ Mixed Lawn Grass. - 25c “ ties to capital as Sumpter. Many T rade M ark s Alfalfa (Utaii) - 121c “ D e sig n s people were com plaining because C o p y r ig h t s A c . A nyone nenfllrg n r ketch and doRcrlnttnn may they had not located in Sum pter, quickly ascertain o u r opinion free w hether an Invention ffl probably paten tab le. Com mn nida­ previous to the boom. The same tion r strictly confidential. H andbook on P aten ts free. oidoRt ogenev fo r eceurtnerpatents. chances, he said, awaited them in i sent P a ten ts taken through Mur n A Co. receive ► JUST AR R IVED . ipecial notice, wit b o u t c harge, in the Southern Oregon, and in another year they would he upbraiding! A hnnrt,nm pl7 lllti.trntoil wm-klr. Lnriraat clr- culatliiR o f miy eclenttllc Journal. Tcrum. «3 a t hemselves for having let pass other 8o*d b 7 a " n«'»« B uy Y o u r G arden Seeds ► : ATj:- - si,« N r O OOXNASrtASI ROOTtS EXI'KESS O TRAINS LEAVE DAILY. PORTLAND 7 :00 p.ni i Iv P o rtla n d ar ,0 :1 f t 10 ¡Ottani iv Gold itili Iv 7 :4-r> a.in t a r San F ran cisco Iv ft :00 p.ni a r Ogden ar 0 :0ft p.ni a r D enver Iv « ¡40 a.in a r O m ah a ar 7 :1ft p.ni a r ('h icu g n Iv 7 :00 a.m a r b i s Angelette a r H :1ft p.ni a r El Paso ar 4:1ft p.ni a r P ort W orth a r 7 :ftft a.in a r New O rlean s a r Dining Cara I Obscrvation Cara f P u llm an F irut-class am i T o u ri« t attu c lie d tu all th ro u g h traim i. ('ara K< IKE III! KO ,M A1I,— DAILY, H :30 a .m l Iv ft -'Op m i a r P o rtla n d IL.M-huig a r \4:.'{0p.m Iv (7 :S0 a . n Between Portland and Corvallis. WEST SIDE DIVISION. M ail tr a in d a ily ,e x te p t S u n d a y . 7 :30 a .n o Iv l l x f tp .m f a r P o rtla n d C orvullla a r |fi:ft0 Iv zl :2O p.ra p.na A t A lbany am i C orvullia c o n n e c t w ith ( '. A E. tra l m<. INDEI'KNln NCE PAftftKNGLK DAILY, BXCKPY bl NDAY. 4 :f t0 p .m llv P o rtla n d a r iS :2 f ta .m 7 :20 p m • Iv M c.M lnvillc Iv 'ft:5 3 u.m 8 :3 0 p .tn ) a r I n d e p e n d e n c e I v ’ 4 :5 0 » .« D irect c o n n ectio n a t S an F ru n eise» w ith K teunndiip line« for H a w a ii, .h in a n , C h in a , T h e P h ilip p in e« a n d A u stra lia . F o r th ro u g h ticket.« an d ra te « call <« o r ad.lrc«H (). C. I’u rk e y p ile , A g en t, G o ld H ill. K. K oehler , M a n a g e r. PORTLAND, C. II. M arkham G. F. A P . A. OKIGON. J TO SAW WOOD and »ay nothing ¡ h possible if you work with one of the saws from our stock. \ \ e have every size, shape and style of Raw known to tho trade and every one is made of the ¡K « i ’ perfectl)' “ ’■"•’'" • ‘i » " j I he price, are lesa th an euch high grade articles should sell for. BOYDEN A NICHOLSON. 1 he H ardw are Men, Medford, O ra t