GOLD HILL A Vol. 3.—-No. 115. J. L. 11 \M3JEKNLEY, N E W SPA PE R , NOT AN ORGAN. GOLD HILL, OREGON, JULY 15. 1899. BEK HIVES EXfWiEB TO HOT Ml)!. f l l AIT M E TELL WHY? Subscription SI STATE NEWS NOTES. Thin hives placed directly in the A brooklet is a little brook It is estimated that $275,000 ha- sun during the warmest part of the Cour«ing down the shady dell; , , . .. A booklet is a little book— been paid Heppner woolgrowers for season are tn danger of destruction | Tak>H (>f ,ove they tel). W i l l p r . i i ' t i r v i l l a ll III»* c o u rts o f wool since .June 1. t h e s ta te . O llie » -in Beem an b u ild in g , by the combs melting down in a A streamlet is a little stream Have you lifted the lamp tor other« < io h l H i l l , O re g o n . John M. Tice, of Canby, holds a heap. A temporary shade of some Which reflects the summer’s sky; T h a t I iuh guided your own glad feet? kind should I xj used during the But a bullet is not a little bull— carrier pigeon that came to hi- Have you echoed the loving message warmest part of the day, and Can any one tell why? farm Monday. The bird wears a A. N. SOL1SS, T hat Heemed to you no sweet? H arper’« Bazar. silver band, on which is the num­ F. It. Havcrgal. a Itoard placed in such position Attorney aud C o u nsello r-at-Law . ber R 2511. as to shield the hive at this partic­ YfilJti MOTHERS. Practice* in .Hl I he c o u rt« of the state. The tyrant, it has been said, is ular time. Croup in the terror of thousands, of N otary Public in otiicc. At Cottage Grove a proposal to young mother« because it« outbreak ih h u ta slave turned inside out. vote an 8-mill school tax for the pur­ JurliMMville, Orrxon no agonizing and frequently fatal, ( oort lloaxr, SCALY LEGS. Samuel Smiles. i Shiloh’« Cough and (Jonsumption Cure pose of carrying on an eight bke magic in cases of Croup. It Healy legs can he cured rearlilv iw'ts never been known to fail. The months’ school was defeated by a K E IA E & III IINE'IT. Education is a capital to the Put a little soda into warm water, ' has worst case« relieved immediately. Price vote of 58 to 19. poor man, and an interest to the with this wash the legs thoroughly 25 eta., 50 eta. and $1.00. Gold Hill Drug 1 Fire destroyed the grist mill of rich man.—Horace Mann. by the aid of a stiff brush and some William Eriono, two miles from good soap. Do this daily, and after I There are to be several lectures Silverton, Wednesday. The loss is A remedy for caked hag that will MtUFOkt). ORE. O fflc * AJkln-Ouel Block. not taint the milk is composed of each washing dry the legs thorough-j at the Chautauqua July 11-22 any $4000, with $2500 insurance. equal parts of lard and honey; heat ly and rub on a mixture of vase- one of which would richly repay Cause of fire unknown. line and zinc ointment, or use a every teacher to hear. Iftheteach- EASY SHAVE, and rub in well. The Salem Orphans’ Home wiil mixture, viz; Three ounces of sweet ers of the county are to advance be closed. The managers will find a Stylish hair cut, When in Grants Pass, and your oil and one ounce of sulphur. Fol-1 with the general public and keep homes for the children now in their go to Dehoy’s Shav- eyes need the sendees of a first-class low this up until the legs are cured, ¡ahead of the bright young people. . . , ing Parlor, 2 doors ()Cculist, do not forget to call on To keep the legs of fowls and | they must take advantage of such I Y**6 *.n 1 en 4 an ° n 1 ew ork- east of the Post t)r. n. H Evan« chicks clean and bright in color, t opportunities to broaden their is ac ion was ma e necessary on Office. use the sulphur and sweet oil as views. Hear Sam Jones, Frank aCC°Un 0 ac ° un . Gold H ill, Oregon. The only faith that wears well often as once every two weeks on Beard or John De Witt Miller. Get Willie, the oldest son of Rev. J. and holds its color in all weathers | every chick in the yard, old and among the intelligent and culti-' V. Milligan, formerly of Ashland, is that which is woven of convic­ young. A. J. MURPHY, vated people such as gather at the recently arrived in China, after a tion and set with the sharp mor­ TIIE PBOFKMHtOWAl« ~ Chautauqua and you will feel the 'ong and dangerous voyage. He dant of experience.—J. R. Lowell. “I have used Chamberlain s influence for a year. Wrile to G. was out of sight of land for 1G" Cough Remedy years and always in witi7Ro»H"reEyults’’! F Rill5n^ ’ ofA8hland’ for a pro- days, and the yeseel was supposed “ Water the garden with a rake” Has opened a shop in Gold Hill may with profit be changed to says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, f?ram then turn y°ur {ace toward to be lost. and desires a share ot your pat­ “ Water the orchard with a harrow.” Cal. ‘‘For small children we find the cool shade and sparkling water The ranks of the pioneers of ronage. You »’an find him in the. it especially effective.” For sale by of the beautiful Chautauqua Southern Oregon have thinned out right-hand corner room of the During dry weather it will pay to Ben Hayrnon, Rock Point, or grounds. more rapidly than ever during the I frequently run the harrow through Emery J. Eastman, Gold Hill. Gold Hill Saloon. „ “ ° ~ past year. Of the eight people the orchard. Counsellor and Attorney a t-L a w . D E N T IS T S BARBER FOR WARTS. S pecial R ate » to P ortland . - bum d ¡„ J acksonvil | e „¡, Fowls that have been allowed to Salicylic acid, fifteen grains; lac­ become overrun with lice, and left tic acid, fifteen minims; flexible in that condition for months, will collodion, two drachms. Mix and Cougars are said to be danger- be a losing investment to their apply night and morning. 0U8^ nnmerous in Columbia coun- owner and a disgrace to the prem­ ty this year. Persons traveling the ises; they will become poor and YOL TRY IT. roads at night have had narrow es- bloodless, moult will be retarded if Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption caP«s from the animals. Farmer- Has re-opened his shoe shop and their condition will be such as Cur»*, which is «old lor the small price reP°rt lo8s of stock from the dePr»" on the south side, where he to invite any or all the ills to which of 25 cts., 50 »its, and $1.00, does not 1 dations of the cougars. will he pleased to meet his cure take the bottle back and we will re­ poultrydom is subject. fund your money. Sold for over fifty JIA.YY A LOVER Ole Olson was convicted in Ju s­ old or new customers. ----------o — years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. Has turned with disgust from an other­ tice Miller’s court, at Roseburg, 1 When hogs are being fattened in and 60 cts. Gold Hill Drug Co. wise lovable girl with an offensive breath ------------ o Friday, of unlawfully transporting K arl’ Clover Root Tea purifies the pens, there should always he two breath by it6 action on the bowels, etc., deer hides. Before purchasing jewelry else­ L. Deach, proprietor apartm ents—one for feeding, the I. w . C O X , 1 as nothing else will. Sold for years on where call on I. E. Dehoy and ex­ absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and of the Roseburg tannery, was con­ other for sleeping. The one should G eneral B lao k sm ith in g , 50 cts. Gold Hill Drug Co. 1 amine his new stock of Rolled plate victed of unlawfully handling and be cleaned daily and the other well and Gold filled goods, each article converting them into merchandise. W a g o n and littered with straw, and the straw A quiet wedding took place at is guaranteed to wear for three It is said that other arrests will fol- removed as often as it becomes years. Carriage W ork. the parsonage of Rev. Adolph Hab- dirty. A rubbing post in the in- ----- - > + O ----- erly, Presbyterian minister, Sunday ; closure will be of advantage. Also A good, cheap and effective in- afternoon at 1 o’clock. The bride, I A frightful train wreck occurred H O R SE SH O E IN G place in a trough, under shelter, a sect powder can be made as follows: Miss Anna Rebecca Gilber , is a at ^ ewman. near Los Angeles,Cal.. A S P E C IA L T Y . mixture of pulverized charcoal, Two pounds of tobacco dust, two Jackson county girl, though she on *n which two If I shoe your horses I will guaran­ were killed and eight wounded, ashes and salt. pounds of sulphur, one ounce of has for several years resided at tee them not to interfere or go lame some fatally. The train was a carbolic acid. Mix and allow to Crescent City, Cal., where she grad- All work done in a mechanical like Stewed Cucumbers, — Pare the stand twenty-four hours, when it uated from the high school and special from St. Louis bringing manner, at reasonable prices for large cucumbers, cut lengthwise can be pulverized and be ready for afterwards taught for five years delegates to the National Educa­ oash. GOLD HILL, OREGON. into four parts, and remove the use. This proportion could be with marked success. Her parents tional Association that is holding a large 6eeds. Soak them half an mixed with an equal quantity of were among the early settlers, her convention at Los Angeles. hour in cold water. Cook in boil­ fine road dust and still be strong father having settled here in 1853, Albert Johnson, a youth of West ing salted water to cover until ten­ enough for the purpose. and her mother in 1864. The for- Chehalem, has designed and put der. Drain off the water; add a tunate groom is William Francis into operation a plan for mowing HENRY BAKER, Proprietor little butter, salt and pepper, and, When a splinter has lieen driven Wulf, of Crescent City, one of the hay with pulleys and fork. Th* when well heated, serve on toast; or deeply into the hand it can be ex­ wellknown and successful business i rear end of the rope is hitched to a make a thin white sauce and pour tracted by steam. Nearly fill a men of that place. Mr. and Mrs. windlass, and a man winds it out over them. This is worth trying. wide mouthed bottle with very hot Wulf took the evening train for - as the team pulls. When the load q,, , , . , „ , water, place the injured part over j G rant’s pass, from where they will reaches the highest elevation, the he v ng sow, >red for the first i the luout.h and press it slightly. proceed by stage to Crescent City fork takes a spurt to the point d» - time, should he treated differently Ih e suction thus produced will and begin nousekiteping at once in aired in the hay-mow. The public generally are cordial­ from the matured sow, as regards ¡druw the fle, h down,‘and in a min- a neat home provided by the groom. News was received Tuesday from ly invited to make this house their the amount of feed given. She ute or two the steam will extract headquarters when in town, and should he fed all she will eat up splinter and inflammation together. By special arrarigments we are Bohemia of another rich strike of clean, of shelled oats, shorts, bran are assured of the best service that able of offer the Weekly Oregonian free gold in the Music mine. This and a little oil meal, with about Our baby has been continually and the N ews , l>oth papers one strike was made in the west end <>i can be procured. two ears of corn daily, as there is troubled with colic and cholera in- year for $1.50. The regular price ! No. 2 level, which has 800 feet of little danger of her becoming too ; fantum since his birth, and all that of which is $2.50. This offer is ! tunnel. The vein is four feet wide REMEMBER fat; a greater part of the feed con­ we could do for him did not seem good only until September 1, 1899. , and the gold is visible to the ey» to give more than temporary relief, A Fine. Chicken D in n er j sumed and assimilated going to until we tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Send all orders to the N ews , Gold This find is richer than the Helena. ’ make growth, and to supply nour­ will be served every Sunday. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Hill, Oregon, with money order for as the gold is heavier and solider ishment for her young. than the quartz. This property Since giving that remedy he has same. was recently sold to Montreal aud not been troubled. We want to Portland Beer on draught at give you this testimonial as an evi- Twenty-two different flavors in New York parties for $150,000. I MaLveu’s. 1 deuce of our gratitude, not that you H. Bingham, of Spokane, ha* ’ uteed it to advertise vour meritori- chocolate condies at the Racket charge. The property has abon: Try Dr. Laxative FigIous remedy. - G. M. Law. Keokuk, store. Henry Baker Proprietor 3000 feet of tunnels, and one five Tahlets at. E astm an ’«. I Iowa. For sale by Ben Hayrnon, i Dr. Wond’s Laxative Fig Tahlets Rock Point, or Emery J. Eastman, ! Our candies are always kept and one 10-stnnip mill, which arc GOLD HILL, • OREGON cures constipation. At E uslm an’s. I G» kl llill ! fresh at the Racket Store. in operation day and night. GOLD HILL HOTEL ‘ 0 JJgJ>40 The Gold Hill Hotel The 8. P. Company have made the »pecial low rate o, »9.40 to Port- land and return for all parties who wish to visit the city during the next week when the Second Oregon returns from Manila. These tick- ets are good for three days in the city. For further particulars call on the agent of this city. dQring , he , month near, were d d aett|ere