Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, March 18, 1899, Image 5

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    This Week Only!
he thinks most about the style of his shoes; when he has been married
a year he begins to ask about their durability.
The advantage in buy­
ing Hermann’s Fine Shoes is that you get both style and durability for
the one price.
They are always up to date in shape and workmanship,
and they’ll fit your pocketbook as well as they do your feet.
them from $ 1 .6 5 to $ 3 .5 0 .
We have
Which is your size ?
S. R o s e n t h a l ,
! 1
I. O . O . F . B r i c l < B l o c k ,
G o ld
H ill, O re .
P U R E L Y JP E R S O N A L .
Do You
Know ..
That you can
get Absolutely
the best .. ..
G ro c e rie s ,
V e g e ta b le s ,
C a n n e d G o o d s,
Smoked Meats, Fresh and Dried
F ru its and E verything kept
in a First-class Stock a t
Farm Produce Bought and Sold
C u t t in g
About our Knives, Scissors, Razors,
etc., are in order. They are keen
goods and call for sharp talk.
Our cutlery department contains
a particularly fine assortment of
high class articles. The cutting
parts are made of the finest steel
and will retain their keeness for
The prices are less than such
high grade articles should sell for.
t The Hardware Men, Medford, Ore
If you need a good blood purifier
take Eastman’s Extract of Sarsa­
parilla 128 doses for 11.
Look for carpets, mattings, win­
dow shades, etc. in about 10 days
at Rosenthals.
Stayton a small town in Marion
county is soon to have a broom
factory. The machinery has been
ordered from the east and a suffici­
ent amount of brodm corn to keep
the factory running until the new
crop is on the market.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the
English Baptist Church at Miners­
ville. Pa., when suffering with rheu­
matism w was advised to try Cham­
berlain’s Pain Balm. He says; “ A
few applications of this liniment
proved of great service to me. It
subdued the inflamation and reliev­
ed the pain. Should any sufferer
profit hv giving Pain Balm a trial
it will please me.” For sale bv
Emery J. Eastman, Hold Hill, or
Ben Haymon, Rock Point.
E. Earhart wentto Medford Wed­
nesday on business.
Arthur Fitzgerald re-opened the
Union Hotel Wednesday.
H. A. Shorey went to Grants Pass
on business last Saturday.
J. H. Beeman was at Grants Pass
last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Phelps went to Med­
ford Monday to do some trading.
A. E. Kellogg was down from
Jacksonville the first of the week.
C. F. Young went to Ashland
Sunday morning on the overland.
N. E. Graves and wife, of Apple-
gate, were in the city last Tuesday.
Geo. E. Nichols was in the Pass
Saturday night with the rest of the
E. C. Wells and wife went to the
Pass last Saturday night on tiie ex­
T. W. Stephens, of Ashland, was
registered at the Gold Hill last
There was thirty tickets sold for
the excursion to Grants Pass last
Saturday night.
Carl Phelps was among the Gold
Hill visitors at Grants Pass last
Saturday night.
Mrs. A. L. Harvey went to Med­
ford Thursday morning to visit rel­
atives a day or so.
Remember the Hamlin’s Wizard
Oil show Monday night. Admis­
sion only 15 cents.
I. M. Muller and wife were among
the Gold Hill visitors at Grants
Pass last Saturday night.
John Osborne moved out to the
Braden mine so as to be nearer his
work, the first of the week.
W. H. Caine went to Grants Pass
to help institute the grand order of
Orients last Saturday night.
The invitations of the Y.-P. S. C.
E. for their hard times social was
sent out last Sunday morning.
D. L. Wilson, of Woodville was
in the city last Sunday night trans­
acting business with our merchants.
Deputy county assessor Kellogg
has been busying himself this week
taking assessment of the citizens oi
this place.
W. T. Ileames and wife were
among those who went on the ex­
cursion last Saturday night to
Grants Pass.
Hamlin’s Wizard Oil Co, every
night next week at Bailey’s Hall.
Admission 15 cents. Be out early
and get good seats.
F. Jasmann and wife went to
their old home in Grants Pass last
Saturday night. Mrs. J. visited
over Sunday with her parents.
Emery J. Eastman, our enter­
prising druggist went to Grants
Pass last Saturday evening remain­
ing over until Monday on business.
We Will Sell
Cabot W Muslin at 4 ’c
All 5c Calicos at 4 cents
Canned Tomatoes $1.05 per Dozen
Corn, 1.10 per Dozen
Tomato Catsup per Bottle 15 cts.
1 lb Shillings Best Soda 7 cents
1 1-2 lb Can Shillings Best Baking
Powders for 80 cents.
Rubber Lined Duck Coat $2.
N. Y. Racket Store,
Gold Hill, Oregon
The editor was in the Pass last
J. H. Miller gave a free dance to
the boys of the town Monday night. Saturday night witnessing the per­
In every town and city in this
The event Iteing in honor of his formances of the “Orients.” The
country there are old men who
wedding which came off last week. meeting was a failure on account of
have the same story to tell. They
L. C. Lame and wife left last the actions of some of the Grants point out valuable pieces of proper­
Wednesday night for Portland Pass boys who had indulged in the ty and say, “ when I was a hoy that
where they will reside for a few excessive use of intioxicants. We, property was away out of town. It
hope the boys will repent of their
years prior to their going east.
was nothing hut a farm. I could
before holding another
A. Friel, of Central Point was in
have bought it then for $10 or $20
the city the first of the week look­ meeting, as it spoils not only their i an acre. Now it is worth $10,000.
ing for a position as teacher. We fun but mars the pleasure of those | But I never thought the town would
understand that he succeeded in who spend their time and money to i grow out that far. If I had known
as much then as I do now, I would
getting a school somewhere on Galls he present on these occasions.
l>e a rich man.”
onday ’ s C onvention . — There
You have met these old men and
W. H. Beidler returned from a
how they could have had
business trip to Oakland last Thurs­
such poor judgment, hut did you
day morning. Mr. B. says there
ever stop to think that your judg­
were four inches of snow on the j Monday night for the purpose of ment is no better ? Who can tell
a ticket to he voted on how big Gold Hill will he by the
ground in Oakland the night he nominating
at the coming election in April. A. time you are old and gray-headed ?
left for home.
R. Merritt was selected as chair­
1 am in the real estate business,
^Walter Churchill who has been man of the meeting and W. A. Car­
in connection with the N ews . Pri­
in the city visiting with his brother ter secretary. J. H. Beeman, J. B. ces are very low now. This very
returned to his home in Salem R Morelock and J. W. Marksbury day is the best time to avoid the
where he is employed as candy were selected as tellers. I. E. mistakes spoken of inYlie above old
Dehoy, II. C. McNeil, A. S. Moon,
maker in the Spa the leading con­ W. H. Runnells, J. W. Marksbury, man’s story.
1 have a house and lot in one of
fectionery house of that city last Sam Tweedy, T. J. Downing and
the most desiruhle locations in town,
W. H. Stickel were placed on nom- and is constantly occupied at $4.00
L. F. Pate received a letter from i ination for trustees. On taking per month, which is ten per cent
some relatives in Kansas last Wed­ j the vote the ballot stood as follows: interest on four hundred and eighty
Dehoy 37, McNeil 40, Moon 32,
nesday niglit and anticipates going Runnells 20, Marksbury 3(5, Twee­ dollars. Tills property can he had
there to live in a month or so to en­ dy 32, Downing 39, Stickel 22 and for a trifle more than half that
amaunt. 'Phis is one of those bar­
gage in the shoe business with his I scattering votes 3. Moon and gains referred to in the old man's
son-in-law. Mr. Pate thoroughly Tweedy being tied a second ballot story so often related. For partic­
understands this business and will was taken of which Moon received ulars call on or address
20 votes and Tweedy 33. For Re­
F. K. CiirRCHii.i,
do well.
corder W. A. Carter received 49
(¡old Hill, Oregon.
The W. R, C. of this city held a votes and J. R. R. Morelock 6.
meeting and banquet at the school There were three up for the mar-
house hall last Tuesday night. shalship, Walter Dungey received
There were two new members eniti- J 30 vote«, L. F. 1’ate 19, and J. H.
Beeman 4. TI hr leaves the citizens
ated after which a luncheon was ticket as follows: For Trustees, I.
served. Several mentliers of the G. E. Deboy, H. C. McNeil, J. W.
A. II. were present at the banquet. Marksbury, Sam Tweedy and T. J.
That, is just, the am ount
David Z. Beidler, of Sams Valley
! A. Carter. For Marshal, Walter
th a t it will cost you to
was in the city Monday transacting ; Dungey.
Imve two good news-pa­
pers visit your home tlfty-
business among our citizens. Mr.
t wo tim es, The N ews ami
B. has the agency for a patent med­ T hey A re C oming .—Next Mon­
icine known as Liquid Electricity, day night the original Hnmlins’s
Leave your order with the
and we are glad to know that he is Wizard Oil Company will start in
N ews P rinting C o .,
(■old Hill, Oregon.
doing well with it as he is a deserv­ to play at Baileys Hall for the en­
ing man and the medicine he is tire week. The price of admission
is only 15 cents and the perfor­
selling is all right.
Wednesday Geo. E. Nichols re­ mance is equal to that of any 50
cent show on the road. Jerry Sul­
ceived two new bicycles from the livan the little man who is only 40
M ining P roperty W anted .—I
factory in Chicago. Geo. took one inches high will give a show each
of them out to try it that evening. evening which is worth the price of am in correspondence with capital­
The wheel was on top part of the admission alone. Some people im­ ists who want to invest in good
time and some of the time Geo. was agine that because this is a patent I placer and quartz mines. All own­
medicine show that the time will
master of the situation, but Thurs­ he taken up in trying to sell the ers of mining properties are request
day he said he felt like he had been different kinds of remedies they are
ed to bring in samples and list their
placing before the public. This is
through the battle at Manilla.
property with me. C. H. Dalrym­
Clark Williams and family came however a great mistake. The
down from their mountain home writer has had the pleasure of wit­
- ■■■' ' o- ...
nessing this show several times and
last Saturday to lay in some sup­ can say that there is nothing in it
plies. Mr. W. says that, they have that anyone can take offense at, Croup is the terror of thousands, ol
had lots of snow up his way this and only a few minutes is spent in young m others Isicausc its outbreak is
winter, varying in depth from two talking medicine, and this is done so agonizing und frequently fatal.
Shiloh’s <’oiigh ami Consumption ( me
inches to three feet since Christmas. in such a way that it is amusing acts like magic in eases of ( roup. It
to all. If you fail to attend this has never been known to fail. The
show you will miss the best thing worst cases relieved immediate!v. Price
Sehili ng's Best
that has been in (¡old Hill for sev­ 25 cts., 50 cts. and Iff .00. Gold llill Drug
baking powder
flavor-rig extracts
----------x------ ~
and apn ea
F or H ale .—A nice hard wood
are not a cure-all; but the}
bedroom suit in good condition, the
make lile better.
mirror on the bureau is n fine
LEW IS.- To the wife of W. T. French beveled plate glass. ('all
For «ole bv
Lewis, in Sams Valley, March 8, and examine it at the N ews office.
1899, a bouncing 10 pound
N o-T o Ila«- for F ifty ren t».
See Rosenthals Crash Hats before
daughter. The mother and child
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. make* weak
buying elsewhere.
are getting along fine
men atron«. blood pure. fcOc. 11. AU