If Spain had broken off negotiations G olii H ill N ews . she would have lost at once not ■only the Philippines, hut the Caro- I line islands, and the $20,000,000 Forms Close Friday Afternoon. now offered her; she would have risked, too, the seizure of the Cana­ News P rinting Company, ries and the bombardment of her PUBLISHERS. home seaports. She can make no F. K. CHURCHILL, resistance, for she is without money E ditor and Manager. and without a seaworthy navy. A Newspaper—Not an Organ. S u b s c r ip tio n K a te « . IN V A R IA B L Y IN AOVANCB One Year, Six Months, . . . $1 00 50 _ _ Advertising rates on ap­ plication All advertisements and business locals will be run until ordered out unless otherwise con­ tracted for. Saturday, Dec. 3, 1898. Prosperity has struck Lebanon, that stronghold of men of populistic faith despite the facts that Lebanon is the home of M. A. Miller, would- be-running mate of Billie Bryan, and that the country is still strug­ gling along under the “accursed gold standard’’ Lebanon mer­ chants report trade better this fall than ever before.—Oregonian. U ndergoing R epairs ,—Monday morning the N ews man and force started in to remodel and fix up the office more conveniently for the large amount of work which requires more room. The shop is now completed and we are prepared to do all classes of printing, except the poor kind, on short notice. Call and see our samples and get our prices. » n e r in >alc. rnui fibaiunAD gaiwb . By virtue of an execution issued out of t h e Circuit court of the state of Ore­ W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D., gon, for the county of Jackson, on the 19th day of November, 1898. On a judg­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ment duly rendered and docketed in the Clerks office of said court on the 13th day of September, 1898, in favor of F. M. Tryer, plaintiff, ami against Luther L. Votaw, defendant, for the sum of Office in Caine’s Drug Store, forty-four dollars ($44.00), with interest G old H ill , O regon . thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per an­ num from the 13th day of September, 1898, and accruing costs, I did on the 21st day of November, 1898, duly levy J. L. HAMMERSLEY, upon and will sell, as the law directs, at the door of the Court House of Send your watch work to E. D. said front Counsellor and Attorney-at-Law. county, in the town of Jacksonville, Elwood the Medford Jeweler and Oregon, on _ Will practice in all the courts of Optician. tf. Saturday, December 31, 1898, the state. Office in Beeman building, Gold Hill, Oregon. at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. of said A ssaying D one in G old H ill .— day, the following described property One day this week C. H. Dalrym­ to-wit: H. DALRYMPLE, A mine in the south-west quarter (4^) ple moved his furniture out of the of section 19, in township 38, south, 4 west of the Willamette Meridian ATTORNEY and back rooms of his office to make range in Jackson county, Oregon. The ore COUNCELLOR-AT-LAW. room for an assaying plant which that is on the dump at the mine; also Arastra and the ore that is at the will be put in immediately. An the Collections Given Prompt At­ Arastra, and a suitable amount of expert chemist will be in charge. ground necessary for the convenient use tention. occupation thereof. All of said Our mining men will soon be able and property being in Jackson county, Or­ Gold Hill, Or. ALEX ORME, to accertain what their mines con­ egon. Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. tain without sending to the city. Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, Novem­ KEENE & BURNETT. o---------------- ber 25th, 1898. 86 0 The destruction by fire of the Baldwin hotel, in San Francisco, proved a greater tragedy than at / The G o ld H U I N e w » j In th e o n ly p a p e r i n th e , first was supposed. Quite a num­ j) c o u n ty , p u h lin h ed w n - ber of dead bodies have been found d e r itn o w n r o o f. j in the ruins. It is a wonder that Notice for the location of placer more of the guests in the hotel did J . M. KEENE, D. D. S. and quartz mines, etc., for sale at not perish in the flames. The Who makes a happy home makes Operative Dentistry building was wooden and a verita­ T he N ews office. for some one a happy world. A Specialty. L. J A S M A M M ble death trap. M ining P roperty W anted .—I Congress meets next Monday. W hat’s the matter with our citi­ am in correspondence with capital­ The session will last until March DR. ROBERT BURNETT, zens? Why not have a public ists who want to invest in good 4 th. Mechanical Dentistry Christmas tree for the young folks placer and quartz mines. All own-! Is the place to get the best An elevator trust has been form­ in the church or school house? ers of mining properties are request­ A Specialty. Wines, Liquors and Cigars in ed in the East. There shouldn’t be \\ ho will be first to take steps in ed to bring in samples and list their O ffice Adkin-D uel Block, M edford , O re . Jackson county. any difficulty in such a combina­ the matter? We will gladly lend property with me. C. H. Dalrym­ J. W. ODGERS, tion raising and lowering things— our assistance. ple. tt. prices included. South Side, two doors west of D 6 N T IS T Livery Stable, W Horace Greeley’s abvice to the A C hange in B usiness .—One day A club at Trarbach, in Germany, South to “ raise more cotton and this week the firm of Reames Bros. offered a prize of a barrel of wine less hell” has only been half taken. & Co. changed hands. E. A. L. lor the best song, and received 2149 It is, indeed, raising more cotton, Smith having retired from the firm responses. They must be a very but alas! it is also raising more which will be known hereafter as poetic or a very thirsty lot over: hell, especially in the Carolinaa.— Reames Bros. The company hav­ »there. Ex. PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. ing been chopped off. Hobson is to go back to Annapo­ Merle Kelogg spent a part of the The delinquent tax list is being Kame and Merley, of Medford past week at Woodville. lis, there to become an instructor. | published in the Ashland Tidings. Certainly this will be a more profit­ It is much smaller than usual and are reaching out after some of the Henry Earhart was absent Thurs­ Office over able line of employment than rais­ goes to show that times are better holiday trade of the readers of the day. Henry is always missed Van Dyke's Store, Medford, Ore. ing sunken warships for other peo­ and money more plenty this year N ews . Their ad may be seen in among the little folks. this paper on another page. ple to wreck again. than for many years past. Harry Cox is with us again after Russia says she will not interfere an absence of several weeks. Every­ A man who says that times are TWO PONTE» QUESTIONS ANSWERED. with our taking the Philippines, not better today than they were a body is glad to see Harry at school W hat is the use of making a bet­ again. but gives us to understand th at she year ago either forsakes the truth ter article than your competitor if ------ : on will be displeased. That is bad, or is too lazy to work.--Canby In ­ you can not get a better price for Stanley Eastmen spent a part of E. D. ELWOOD, certainly, but perhaps we can bear dependent. the day Wednesday in our school. it? up under it if we try real hard. Ans.—As there is no difference He is always a pleasant caller and The Medford Jeweler and Optician. S ee the N ew A ds .—This week Buy at home ami give your Reames Bros, have something to in the price the public will buy his visits are fully appreciated. Ben Hays has entered the seventh neighbors a chance to return your say to you in regard to canned only the better, so that while our money to you in exchange for some­ goods, Geo. E. Nichols tells you of profits may he smaller on a single grade and Addie Hays and John thing you have to sell whether la -: some of his bargains and about two sale they will be much greater in Cox the fifth; Lulu Newton has also entered the teacher’s class, making bor or goods. Portland merchants ■ Christmas presents he will give to the aggregate. How can you get the public to four new pupils this week. are not going to either give you em -' his customers. Geo. Kurtz has the John and Jimmie Moon were ployment or purchase goods of you. best line of cigars, pipes, etc., in know your make is the best? If bot h articles are brought prom­ absent Tuesday. Their absence will Kissing a baby may result in de-1 Medford and has something to sav inently before the public both are need no explanation to Gold Hill He carries a complete stock and makes forming its nose or bringing on j to our readers in his new ad this certain to he tried and the public of repairing Watches, mount­ people as the greater part of the a i n specialty g stones, nuggets, etc,, and testing near- sightedness. The safest plan week. will very quickly pass judgmenton town were on the river hank in and fitting eyes with glasses. Eves test- is not to kiss a baby of the feminine ed FREE. Sign of the big clock". them and use only the better one. search of John that morning. The finest line of writing tablets n E D IO R D , . OREGON. persuasion until it attains the age This explains the large sale on and paper in the city can he found The public school will give an of 16 years. The cartilage of the I at Kahler’s news stand. * Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The, entertainment on Dec. 23rd for the FOR AN EASY SHAVE, nose is much strongen then, says | people have been using it for years purpose of raising funds for the a Stylish hair cut, the Milton Eagle man who is an E arly M orning E xcitement .— and have found that it can always Library. A programme will appeur a hot or cold hath, authority on the. subject. Last Tuesday morning some hoys he depended upon. They may oc­ in these columns later. We hope go to Dehov’s Shav­ ing Parlor, 2 doors Sam Jones, in common with oth­ started the story that one of the casionally take up with some fash- 1 that everybody in the district will east of the Post ers that we are acquainted with, Moon boys had fallen into the riv­ ionahle novelty put forth with ex­ take an interest in this effor^ and Office. decries divorce. Evidently Mr. er and drowned. I t was only a aggerated claims, hut are certain to lend a helping hand. few moments until the river was Gold H ill, Oregon. return to the one remedy that they j Jones is better versed in dogmatical F or S ale .-—A N o . 7 Ross Feed line«! with people eager to render know to lie reliable, and for coughs, problems than with human nature Cutter, only used a short time, as 'as she is.” Does the gentleman assistance when the supposed colds and croup there is nothing good as new. For particulars call wish to compel people unsuited by drowned hoy appeared on the scene equal to Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ at this office. W h ittin g to n ’s temperament and disposition to and inquired what the excitement edy. For sale by Gold Hill Drug Mens black overalls .75 at the N. Co. or Ben Haymon at Rock Point. Y. Racket store. live together as man and wife? If was all about. Bakerv so what will the issue he? 1 I I t K E E P YOUR If you Relish a Good Meal go to Ì I S fi A newspaper whose colum ns overflow with advertisem ents of business men has more influence in ittriieting the attention to and building up a city or town than any other agency th at could in*em­ ployed. People go where there is in enterprising com m unity. No power on earth is a strong to build up a town as a newspaper well p a t­ ronized, and its power should he ippieeiated. Spain lias accepted (u n d er pro­ test) the proposition of the A m eri­ can peace com m issioners at Paris. T his action of Spain was generally ..(iitieipated, for it would have been vitt.ei folly to take aiiy other course. Next to Your Wife, >our undershirt is your nearest and warmest friend. It may be tomorrow, or a week lienee, when your little thin shirt ami un­ der pants must give way to heavier weights—-no shivering, no freezing, when you put something warm next to your skin. We sell a good ami sightly suit of underwear for S1.00 that retails at SI.25 all over the county. We sell the best SI. ami S1.50 suits of underwear that can be put up for the price. We also have a Complete line ol Ladies* ami Children’s Union Suits. XV. H. H E E K E R & Co., Sh- Medford, Oregon and R estaurant, Mrs. XYkitf tnsfon, Prop. F S tre et Gold Hill, Orc. P o lic e For P u b lic a tio n . Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, November 16, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the follow­ ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support, of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made b fore \\ . S. (. rowell,comity judge of Jackson county, Oregon, at Jackson­ ville, Oregon, on December31,1898, viz: u a v id z , b r id l e r , on H. ... No. 8076, for the se1^ seff, sec. 32, tp. » >., r. 2 west. lie ti.unv< the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J,-,."»«cey, Jam es R. P. Rowe, Jo h n Æ . B. W illiams and Jacob Culey, all of banit? \ alley, Oregon. J. T. B ridges , Register. in