Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, November 26, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. 2 .-N 0 . 82.
Snbscriptoin SI
if. or the last 10 years of his life con-
BY S l i e r . O . A. URBQOBY.
I fined him a helpless invalid to his
Baker City is to have an ice
lie d lo r d S h o e Co.,
I chair. He came to Oregon in 1883 Mias Lydia Owens is teaching th e In ­
skating rink, 200 by 500 feet.
to try a new climate. The Hag on dependence school.
Jfe carry B u c k in h a m
H echt’s
M in ers’ Shoe Boots in a ll styles. The Canyon City relief fund be- the city flagstaff is displayed at We acknowledge the receipt of a com­
m unication from district No. GS, near
i ing raised by Baker City people half-mast in his honor. The funeral W alkins.
amounted Sunday to nearly $400. was held Monday from the Presby­ Miss Nellie Towne is dispensing wis-
terian church, under the auspices
loin to quite a flock of pupils in the hills
R u b b er G oods a n d W o o n so ck et
Grants Pass lodge, No. 84, A. F. south of T alent.
The wheat crop of Uriah Servies,
L e a th e r S o le R o o ts.
! ;i Californian, in Sherman county, A A .M .
Miss Ella Burnell closed a very su c ­
Next door west of Deuel & Stevens
netted him $1900, with which he
cessful term of school in the Lone Oak
Ella—Where does Bella get her district November 18th.
N E U FO R »,
O R E G O N . i returned to the land of drought.
good looks from—her father or her A hasty call at the Talent school found
Stella Stidham and A. T. H olt at their
A 116-pound squash, raised by mother?
Stella—From her father, He posts. More tim e will be spent th ere
J. W. Wimer, is on exhibition in
the Roseburg Review window. He keeps a drug store.
The superintendent will not he at his
had 36 tons of squashes on three-
on those Saturdays when there is
A down town shoemaker has the
, ,,
, . , .
. ,
| a local in stitu te at any place. As th e n
In its opinion of our Hardware sell­ quarters of an acre.
I following n card in his window; A n J y ' 1.
.. , date
, , for these it will be
. nee-
■ is no fixed
ing Some believe that our popu­
What an enviable place for
essary to read one of th e county papers
larity isd u eto th e excellent quality
to ! can bave a fit in this store.—Ex.
and thus keep informed.
of the goods, others that our success
The work in M yer district, No. 8, is in
murderers, mail
was due to our moderate prices.
All kinds of temperance drinks the hands of Mr. Talcott, who is not only
Anyone can see that it comes from
in season at Kahler’s news stand. * thoroughly qualified hut has tact anil
enthusiasm . The school board did the
both. Without good quality, the have their own way without any
proper th ing by employing Mr. Talcott
price no matter bow small, is high. fear of disturbance.—Coast Mail.
for the spring term before the fall term
We give much more than the us­
“ What is the first thing to do in closes.
William Riley, a middle-aged
ual value in all lines and our stock man, who has been at work on a order to equip myself for services Every one ought to lx* a subscriber to
is always complete and up-to-date. ditch in Harney county, was found in our navy?” inquired the Spanish a county paper. T here are several of
| | them in this county, representing all the
last Saturday in an unconscious youth.
Boyden & Nicholson,
“ Well.” replied a member of the! leading political parties, and all staunch
condition at his camp. It is thought
supporters of the public schools. The
Medford, Oregon. he had a stroke of paralysis or a Ht. Cabinet, “for a starter I should ad- sllperintendent will have som ething to
The Hardware Men,
vise you to take swimming lessons. 8ay to you in vour paper.
The Ashland-Klamath Falls stage
P upils of district 2ft say they linve not
j contractor, Grant Ames, was arrest-
forgotten the su p erintendent’s talk on
| ed Sunday, for cruelty to animals,
The following is a list of jurors English.
, .
, They are trying to speak as
correctly as possible and find
in driving horses on the line which
, •
and profit m doing so.
“Yon m ight as well be out of the world were unfit to lie taken out of the drawn for the December term of the much . pleasure
circuit court: Ashland D. \\ . 'p|iat ¡8 right. K eep it up in school and
as out of the fashion.”
stable or pasture.
He pleaded Kincaid, J. M. Tyler, Henry Judge,. out of school. You can do very much in
Nothing in one’s apparel counts for more than guilty; sentence was suspended P. E. Fitzwater, Robert Leonard,• the way of reading good English during
a good fitting suit of clothes. You can find them at pending the doing of certain things .John E. Pelton. Eagle Point—A. j the long w inter when there is no sellimi
proper for the welfare of the stage Hoyt. Medford—Edwin Worman,
T he T eachers M eet .—The rain
II. G. Wortman, Henry Klippel,
last Saturday made the roads quite
MEDFORD, OREGON The Beaver Coal Company, late Wallace Woods. Rock Point—Cy­ I sloppy and doubtless kept quite a
7th Street,
rus Vroman, J. W. Thompson, R.
ly incorporated in Coos county, M. Cook. Central Point—James number of teachers and patrons
with a nominal capital stock of $1,- Fredenburg, John Arnold. Apple- from attending the institute in this
000,000, proposes to engage in the gate—Geo. Wooldridge. Pleasant city. But there was quite a limn-
i her out never the less, and only
building, equipping, maintaining
Now don’t think I mean the “ hoot” that requires force. 1 and operating of a railroad from a Creek — William Hillis, Samuel one topic on the programme was
am no “scrapper” except to high prices and inferior goods, j j point on the Coquille river, near Eachus, Joshua Neathammer. Table omitted. There were ten teachers
Rock—S. H.Glass,C. C. McClendon
The BOOT 1 refer to is of the Gum variety, just what you
need for wet weather. 1 have a large stock to select from,; weaver slough in Coos county, to Jacksonville—C. J. Armstrong, present to aid in the discussion of
and my prices cannot he heat, much less equaled quality a point on Coos bay, at or near Otto Biede. Uniontown — R. J. the various lines of work, and it
considered. Although you might find a “cheaper boot” Empire City; telegraph and tele­ Cameron, (’.R uch. Gold H ill—-I was the unanimous expression that
which would he dearer in the end.
phone lines in the state of Oregon; Mike Foley. Woodville— G. F. much good was done. The visiting
to own and develope coal mines; to Schmitdlein: Eden—Ira Wakefield teachers were all provided for by
own and operate steamboats, steam­ A. J. Stevens. Chimney Rock— our hospitable people. There were
You certainly will need a rain coat or rubbers. If so give ships or any kind of water craft;
a number of hoys and girls of our
Mike Hanley.
me a call. I can fit you out.
school in attendance to learn what
also sawmills and log booms; and
My stock of General Merchandise is constantly being to carry on a general merchandise
they could that would he of use to
replenished. My line of Groceries is the Largest and business.
Consumption is preventable? Science them in their after-life.
Most Complete in the city. Every train brings me new'
has proven th a t, ami also th a t neglect is these, quite a number of the patrons
goods, consequently they are always fresh.
Mr. J. J. Chadwick, one of the suicidal. The worst cold nr cough can of the district were present lending
Give me a call whether you buy or not,
most extensive farmers on the far- lie cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con­ their assistance to the success of the
sum ption Cure. Sold on positive guar­
famed Missouri bottom, near Myrtle antee for over fifty years. Gold Hill meeting. During the afternoon the
¡Creek, says that the people of that Drug Co.
* question of revision of the school
t h e c asi ; store .
Gold Hill, Oregon i section are enjoying a reasonable
laws at the regular session of the
amount of prosperity, owing to the
Oregon is pre-eminently the tur- state legislature was discussed, and
large crops of all kinds, and the key state of the Pacific coast. Doug­ it was unanimously voted by all
ready and profitable sale of their las county takes the lead iu the present that the compulsory educa­
prunes. This latter industry has production of turkeys, and Jackson tion law should lie simplified and
proven very remunerative this year, and Lane counties also market large ! made so plain that it could he easi-
and ihe profits of the growers will I numbers. A few are grown in oth- 1 ly enforced. Also there should hea
in most instances lie large, although i er counties. One firm at Oakland, law enacted, by which all schools
the loss from lack of proper drying Ore.,alone slaughtered 4000 turkeys
I shall he graded and a record kepi
You Want Choice Groceries, give me a call
I will fill
facilities will run into thousands of for the thanksgiving trade, and a n -, by the teacher which shall be th e
your order and deliver it, Town or Country. I also carry
dollars. Mr. Chadwick sold 42,000 other 1500.
basis of classification for teachers
Flour. Feed, Fruit, Vegetables, Window Shades and Bed I pounds of dried prunes, and bis to-
who succeed them.
The Sugar Pine Co. has filed ar­
! tai expense, carefully kept, amount­
ticles of incorporation with the PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS.
ed to only $429.
TA. U . V I N C E N T ,
county clerk. Maggie Giav, R. A.
Harry Harvey was a caller at
Captain Robert Pool died at his Proudfoot and Chas. IL Pierce are
Gold Hill, <)i ‘PgOll home in Grants Pass Saturday. ! the incorporators, capital stock school Wednesday.
— He was horn in Corn wall, England. $5000 and the principal place of
Edna Hays is now numbered
April 19, 1838. When but a lad he business Medford.
among the little folks.
came to the United States, and set
Little Bessie, Gillie and Lilin
tied in Galena, 111., where he pass­ Thirteen hundred pounds of Flippen are very much missed by
ed most of his life. After the out- ducks were shipped from Ashland the pupils of the primary room.
Choice Roasts, Lard and everything good break of the civi ii war he enlisted, i to Portland this week. They came The pupils of the primary room
and was made second lieutenant of I Own Klamath county, where large
to eat in the meat line—tender and cut company
A, Ninety-sixth Illinois I quantities of water fowl are killed have voted to dispense with pencil
lioxes and have taken them home.
right. Roiling Beef 7 and Be. Steaks infantry, lieing subsequently pro J annually for outside markets.
---------- o---------
Duly three dayft of school this
10 to 12.jc. Roasts 8 to 10c.
moted successively to first lieuten­
on account of Thanksgiving.
W enerwersts, Sausages, Pork and Mutton kept in stock. ant and captain.
At Lookout and do your swearing Indore Ham
If th a t is what you w ant, drop in and see
Boys Idack overalls 45 cents at
mountain he received the injury mersley «fir Carter. Office in Bee
T he N ew B utcher .
the N. Y. Racket store.
Gold Hill. Orc. that brought on the paralysis that man building, up stairs.
E. (’. WELLS.
Ladies and Children's Fine Foot Wear.
The Town is Divided
O tit o f t h e
W o flc l
S2 R A C K E T
A Good Steak