GOLD HILL NEWS A N EW SPA PER , NOT AN ORGAN. GOLD HILL, OREGON, NOVEMBER 19, 1898. Voi. 2.—No. 81. Subscriptoin $1 R etired F rom B usiness .—L. F. M1N1NG_NOTES. Pate has sold his stock of leather There is talk of organizing an­ Now begins the soaking drizzle M edford Shoe Co., and fiedings to H. Dehoy and re­ other militia company in Marsh­ And the southern winds do blow: tired. We carry B uekinham Hecht’s field. The moisture drips down our collar M iners’ Shoe Boots in all styles. Who says times are not improv­ F or S ale .—A No. 7 Ross Feed And our webs begin to grow. Cutter, only used a short time, as John Morgan left for Bumble Bee ing? Salem’s leading jeweler re­ good as new. For particulars call creek Wednesday to work his placer cently sold an $800 diamond set.— at this office. claim, the wet weather having set R u bb er Good« and W o on sock et Journal. N otice .—All parties knowing in. L eather Sole Boot«. The Myrtle Point Enterprise has themselves indebted to this office N ext door west of Deuel & Stevens. E. A. L. Smith shipped 10 tons entered upon its fourth year. The will please arrange to settle their of ore from his Uncle Sam mine paper is well patronized and seems 1 E IIF O K D , - OREGON. accounts at once as we have a few near this city to the Ashland mills to be in a flourishing condition. bills to meet and must have our to be reduced. It is stated that with the 21,000,- money. Kubli Bros, made a clean-up one 000 pounds of wool produced in T he M onkey and the B ear .— day last week on a short run and Oregon this season it beat any State Monday a family of digger Indians in the United States as a wool pro­ shipped about $1,500 in dust to was in town gathering up nickels San Francisco. In its opinion of our Hardware sell­ ducer. and dimes by making their hear Should the heavy rains of the ing. Some believe that our popu­ John Nichols, of Bonanza, Klam­ and monkey dance for a few spec­ larity is due to the excellent quality ath county, will be 101 years old tators w ho gathered around to see past few days continue any length of time, great activity will begin of the goods, others that our success next January, says the Examiner. the fun. among our miners. was due to our moderate prices. He is now cutting his third set of C ity B oard M et T hutsday teeth. Anyone can see that it comes from J. E. Jackson, superintendant of N ioht .—Last Thursday night the both. Without good quality, the Dr. Mullinix, a physician well town trustees met in special session the Jackson mine on Galls creek price no matter how small, is high. known in southern Oregon, fell and granted license to L. Jasmann will soon put a force of men to work We give much more than the us­ down a long flight of stairs at Port­ to sell liquors in less quantities developing this property. James P. Lee has leased the ual value in all lines and our stock land on the 10th and sustained than one gallon. Mr. J. will open Black Channel on Galls creek and is always complete and up-to-date. painful injuries. his new saloon this evening. will begin operating same Monday Some 5000 acres of Eastern Ore­ 2 //^ S mall B laze .—Sunday evening Boyden & Nicholson, gon lands will be sown to flax this a shed in the rear end of the butch­ with a large force of men. The Hardware Men, Medford, Oregon. season, as it is the opinion of ex­ er shop caught fire between the Articles of incorporation have perts that the bunchgrass prairies ceiling and the roof from a spark been filed with the secretary of of Morrow, Gilliam and Sherman from a jumper which caught from state for the Bridge Point Ditch Co counties will grow the plants to the stove. Mr. Wells the butcher by \V. G. Oldaker, Kelly Fields, J. perfection. was working near by seen it and H. Lewman and others. The capi­ “You m ight as well be out of the world The Eugene cannery sold its out put it out before any damage was tal stock has been placed at $10, (XX I and Grants Pass is the corporation’s put of Italian prunes, amounting done. as out of the fashion.” to 90,000 pounds to a St. Louis I mprovements C ontinue . — On principal place of business. Nothing in one’s apparel counts for more than firm this week. The price paid was every hand we notice marks of im­ George R. Fields representing a good fitting suit of clothes. You can find them at 4j cents per pound all around with­ the Risdon iron and locomotive provement in this city. This week TH E out grading, 3 cents per pound cash A. C. Cunningham began grading works, of San Francisco, who came and the rest when the prunes are for the new switch, Joe Owens is to Middletown yesterday, has con­ 7tli Street, MEDFORD, OREGON disposed of by the firm. They will putting rustic on his dwelling, the tracted with the American Tube A be shipped to Chicago. lumber has arrived for new Bide Iron Company for u large amount A dispatch to the Oregonian trom walks to the school house and other of special pipe to lie used for the Jacksonville says that the gold out­ work is being done to improve the purpose of pumping out the Com­ stock lode, nt Virginia, Nevada. W ho L ived in a Shoe, put for Jackson county for this looks of things in our city. She had so m any children, year is $1,200,000, two-fifths less W ater S upply S hort .—On ac­ The Comstock lode embraces some She d id n ’t know w hat to do. than it was last year on account of count of shortage of water, the Gold 15 mines that once paid large divi­ B ut she found she could clothe them , And feed them and a ll; the great scarcity of water. This Key Syndicate, who are operating dends, but which have been flooded For a sum she considered, exceed­ estimate was obtained from those the Braden, are running only half for years, necessitating suspension ingly small. who buy most of the gold dust, the of their battery at present. They of all operations. These mines will B y trading at M erritt’s. bankers, and is comparatively ac­ are sinking a well however a short now be drained to a depth of 2500 You’ll find it is tr u e : C ash tells ! and he curate. distance from their mill, and it is feet. Pumping will commence J an- Always deals fairly w ith you. The Corvallis Union vouches for hoped water will lie secured in suf­ uary 1, 1899. a curious freak of nature exhibited ficient amounts to start the whole The finest line of writing tablets in a Rambo apple; or at least three- mill when a much larger force of and ¡>aper in the city can be found A t tlie Ca»h Store, GOLD H ILL, OREGON. fourths of it was Rambo, and was men will be put to work. at Kahler’s news stand. * nice yellow in color. The other SHI HEADACHES, quarter was apparently Spitzen- 'Phe county clerk is preparing The curse of overworked w om ankind, berg, and was a bright red. Sodis- are quickly and surely cured by K arl’s the transcript in the railroad-tax into buying unworthly qualities. I could tincily marked was the line separat- Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier case, which has l>een ajqiealed to make more profit out of you today, h u t, ing the red from the yellow, and so and tissue builder. Money refunded if the supreme court. It will be a you’l find it out and have no further use for exact a quarter was the piece, that not satisfactory. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. voumnious document. 1 me. I sell reliable goods only, and sell it appeared to be a slice nicely fitted Gold Hill Drug Co. ----------o---------- them at the lowest possible ¡trices for cash. in by some human agency. Exami­ Some liberal gentleman entered nation, however, proved it to be COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES. (he smoke house of Commissioner K. L. V IN C E N T , BY S U I T . «1. A . OUKOORY. part of the apple. Perry, of Sam.s Valley and took THE GROCER, Gold Hill, Oregon A few days ago H and’s Cigar Miss It. L. W arner is teaching in dis­ away a hog that Perry had salted Store at Rosehury was burglarized tric t No. 7 with good results, down the day previous. Mr. P. and 500 cigars taken. A China­ A. O. Freed has completed a term of says as to his politics he can’t lie man was suspected and shadowed school in 23, Mt. P itt district. sure about, but he knows he was and when he offered to sell Wm. In No, SO, Soda Springs district, W. not a “ pop” or he wouldn’t have Choice Roasts, Lard and everything good ^ an Buren of the Sanate saloon h. Dim m itt was found using good m eth- taken the whole hog. KAME & MERLEY STATE NEWS NOTES. Ladies and Children's Fine Foot Wear. The Town is Divided O xxt o f t ir o W o r l d ____ There Was an Old Woman, A. K. MERRITT, General Merchandise, If I Could Hoodwink You A Good Steak to eat in the meat line—tender and cut ;,,M)unsta,nPetlciKarB’twaHthought, ?lt‘’ On motion of the county court’s ‘ to be a clear case, and be was a r-! ft (’rty WttH «pent in th e school in right. Boiling Beef 7 and 8c. Steaks rested. The cigars were found ? ietri<:t No’ 2’ tou*ht by J ' ?ercy Wel,M attorney the supreme court has ad­ ~ last week. 10 to 124c. Roasts 8 to 10c. vanced the case of Frank Lawrence ! where the Chinaman said they were i Smith, the convicted mhrderer who is confined in the county jail, on the calendar, and it will lie heard on the 21st ¡list. It seems to he ; evidence was insuflicient to hold , ., . ... We have a good Ross Feed Cutter county to the I. O. O. F. Ball in the defendant and he was di.-charg- On out there. It . ouU hardly ¿ " o t l m i the intention to railroad him into No. i, which we would like to dis-j this city next Thursday night, The ed, only to be arrested on the charge wise—good pupils with a good teacher eternity in order to save the cost of Ixiarding him. pose of cheap for cash. Call at the price of tickets including supper is of evading the revenue law. always do well. N ews office and examine it if you $2 hut as this will be a swell affair Susie W. Homes, in 73, has a school The following are the successful are interested. WHAT IS SHIUIH? the price is none too large. which may well laj called a model one , , zt . , , . A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds for a rural district. Home of th e excell- a p p lic a n ts for te a c h e r s ’ c e r tif ic a te s ; J. A. Jeffrey, C. F. Martin and B. ?.r r ''r, ' , a r I* a s 8 a and C onsum ption; used through the e n t things noted were perfect order and Third grade-— Ethelyn Hurley of F. Bonham have formed a law part­ te u lia r b ird , s a y s a M c M in n v ille world for half a century, has cured in- good m anner on the p a rt of the pupils, A s h la n d , A n n a G risso m of C lim a x nership at Salem—a combination p a p e r, w hich he th in k s is a c ro ss num erable cases of incipient consump- self control and reserve power with the . ■ , „ . ' " *U * p UC ° of ex-office holders and small bore betw een a C h in e se p h e a s a n t a n d **on ani' relieved m any in advanced intelligent expression in reading, and . th e O regon b lu e g ro u se. O n ly o n e H you “ re not satisfied with the good singing for opening exercises. The *u c h a “ ‘ A. (). p reel of C e n tr a l politicians.—Record. T h e r e w ill n o d n n h t h e a l a m e k: 1 k „ k l . resnlts we will refund your money. sii|s-rintendent would advise all rural P o in t. I he examination was c o n - no doubt be a Urge s.m.lar bird has been known to Price 25 c t a w t.u> and (.an (Jo „ R,WIld a (lay ducted by Supt. Gregory N H attendance from all parts of the have been killed in this v a lle y . Drug Co. 1 i„ this school. I Clayton a,,d J* M. H of tom Teachers exam ination took place a t W enerwersts, Sausages, Pork and M utton kept in stock, b u t th e y c o u ld n o t lie id e n tifie d , - . ------------ . j drop — i- j , Jacksonville last week b u t results are If • th a t is ---- w l hat you w ant, in and . see and Justice M iller, before whom „ t , , , . , . . . . . r. not known a t this w riting. 1 UK N ew B itcheh . Gold Hill, Ore. the case was tried, decided that the E. C. WELLS, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- , . . - . . . , , A letter from the pupils in Ituch dis-