Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, June 04, 1898, Image 3

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The heart of the Public, by our mammoth granite
ware prizes with Baking Powder. Price per can 50c.
New York Full Cream Cheese per lb 18c.
Cow Brand Soda 4c per package.
Quart Cups 8c each.
Pint Cups 4c each.
Vegetable grater 10c. 4qt Stew Kettle 13c
Just arrived, ail elegant line of wool and felt hats.
Boys Tennis Shoes GOc. Calico per yard 31c.
Gold Hill, Ore.
See MACKEY a t Medford, for
Photos and E nlarging of all des­
criptions. All w ork strictly first-
class. C. H. M ackey Propr.
Job Printing,
Give us a Trial.
Go to T. J. Downing for Under- j
takers goods.
Wood taken on subscription at
the N ews office.
Mining Blanks of all kinds at
News Printing Co.,
the N ews office.
Gold Hill, Oregon
Encourage home industry by
using Rogue River flour.
Elwood the Medford Jeweler and
Optician, tests eyes free.
All kinds of temperance drinks
in season at Kahler’s news stand. *
Send your laundry to the Salem
Steam Laundry.—E. J. Eastman,
You will need some
Paper. All the
Send your watch work to E. D.
latest designs at rock
Elwood the Medford Jeweler and
bottom prices.
T. P. Kahler carries an excellent
Emery J. Eastman,
line of candies, nuts and cigars at
the News Stand.
T H E D R U G G IS T ,
T. J. Downing handles Rogue
River flour also'hay feed and choice Gold Hill
groceries. Try him.
The finest line of writing tablets
and paper in the city can be found
All parties knowing themselves
at Kahler’s news stand.
to be indebted to the N ews are
The N. Y. Racket store for bar­ hereby requested to settle as soon
gains also the best flour in the as possible as we contemplate mak­
market. They keep Rogue River. * ing some changes in our business
---------- x----------
and need the money due us.
N ews P rinting C o .
Fusion or Union Ticket.
— — . x----------
Senator—T. J. Howell, Ashland. There is no need of little children be­
Representatives—E. A. Sherwin, ing tortured by scald head, eczema and
Ashland, dem; Z. Cameron, Union- skin erbptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
town, silver-rep; G. C. Cully, Salve gives instant relief and cures per­
manently.—Allison & Co.
Steamboat, pop.
Sheriff — Ralph Dean, Cental
Point, dem.
Clerk—J. W. Marksbury, Gold
H ill, pop.
For Infants and Children.
County Commissioner—W. W.
Scott, Central Point, pop.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Recorder—J. R. Hardin, Med­
Bears the
ford, pop.
School Superintendent—J. A. Signature of
Harvey, Gold Hill, silver-rep.
Assessor—A. Gall, Sams Valley,
There are three little things w’hich do
Treasurer—L. L. Jacobs, Jack­ more work than any other three little
things created—They are the ant, the
sonville, dem.
Coroner—J. B. Wait, Medford, the bee and DeWitt’s Little Early Risers
the last being the famous little nills for
stomach and liver trouble. Solo by C.
Surveyor—W. F. Chase, pop.
Allison & Co.
“Saved Her Life.”
The Spanish fleet dodged once too
A large portion of the Republican
when it doeged into the har­
ticket will he elected in Jackson
Santiago. It found getting
county next Monday, if not all.
into the harbor an easy task, hut
There are reasons to believe that the ships composing the fleet will
the first shots to reach the Spanish never get out again, unless they are
brought out under the American
ships will catch her in the stern.
flag. That harbor is shaped like a
Don’t stay at home Monday but veiy large bottle with a very small
gte out to the polls and vote for the mouth. Our warships are outside
men you think will best till the of­ that mouth and will not have the
slightest trouble in destroying the ;
fices they aspire.
Spanish ships as fast as they at­
------------- x--------------
Since the war began somebody tempt to come out. It is possible
has always been getting “bottled- that our ships may decide to go in
up,” but only by the astute Dewey after them, but it is not at all
has any occupied bottle been found. necessary that they should, as a
R9. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson.
comparatively small force can keep
Wls., than whom none 13 more highly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
Those Cubans who were to de­ them where they are until they are
1 b 90 I had a severe attack of LaOrlppo
vastate the islands and drive the starved out, and it may lie consid­ “In
and at the end of four months, in spite of a ll
Spaniards into the sea the moment ered good policy to follow the lat­ physicians, friends and good nursing could
my lungs heart and nervous system were-
American support was sure seem to ter course and use our fleets for do,
so completely wrecked, my life was de­
have changed their minds.
work elsewhere, that promises bet­ spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could
only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs
--------- o---------
ter resuitr with less risk to our end heart pained me terribly and my cough
Look out for campaign lies men and ships. The long and nar­ was most aggravating. I could not Ho In
position but a short time and not on my
sprung on the eve of election. Dis­ row channel to Santiago harbor is one
left side at all. My husband brought me
regard them, as they arealwaysun­ known to be heavily mined and for Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Heart Cure and I be­
gan taking them. When I had taken a half
worthy of belief. No matter which our ships to go in there would be bottle
of each I was much better and contin­
party springs them. We are op­ extremely hazardous. The same uing persistently I took about a dozen hot­
ties and was completely restored to health to
posed to this method of obtaining result can be obtained by keeping the
surprise of all.’’
votes at the last moment.
Dr. Miles’ Remedies
the Spanish fleet shut up there; are
sold by all drug­
therefore it is more probable that gists under a positive
The whole of the Republican leg­
guarantee, first bottle
the latter plan will be followed.
benefits or money re­
islative ticket in this county must
funded. Book on dis­
be elected and the county saved
M issionary D ay .—Next Sunday eases of the heart and
the odium of being connected with June 5th will be missionary day nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL GO., Elkhart, Ind.
another “hold-up” legislature, as for the M. E. Church in Gold Hill.
may possibly be the case should A missianary sermon will be preach­
the fusion candidates be successful. ed by the pastar, Rev. J. S. McCain,
Jackson County wants no more at 11 o’clock a. m. A missionary
$10,000 Howsers or his promotors rally will be held in the evening at
and abettors to disgrace her in the 8 o’clock, consisting of music, short
Buy your Campaign
Oregon legislature.
addresses, etc. A collection will be
Cigars of
taken at the evening service for the
In 1894 the Salem Capital Jour­
cause of missions. An earnest re­
nal circulated a petition requesting
quest is made of all the people of
Propr. of the
county superintendents to vote Gold Hill to attend these services.
against a change of text books. J.
Medford Cigar Factory.
H. Ackerman, republican candidate
Americans are the most inventive
for superintendent of public in­ propel on earth. To them have
struction, who was county superin­ been issued nearly 600,000 patents,
I also handle a complete
tendent of Multnomah, voted in ac­ or more than one-third of all the line of Chewing and Smoke-
cordance with the prayer of the patents issued in the world. No
Journals petition. Now the Jour­ discovery of modern years has been ing Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc.
nal condemns him for the act, say­ of greater benefit to mankind than
ing that Ackerman’s vote on the Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Cigar Clippings 30c per lb.
text book question showed him to Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done
be a friend of the American Book more to relieve pain and suffering.
Co, Mr. Ackerman was oppesed, J. W. Naugn, of Oakton Ky., says:
and is opposed now, to an unneces­ “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic.
sary change of books, but Mr. Ly­ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in
man the union candidate has al­ my family for several years, and
Successor to Beldler A Son.
ways been in favor of a change, find it to be the best medicine I
and is now pledged to bring about ever used for cramps in the stomach
All Kinds of Fresh and
a change if elected. A vote for Ly­ and bowels. For sale by Gold Hill
. Salted Meats, Sausage, Bo­
man is a vote to change every text Drug Co.
logna. Lard, Etc., Con-
book in the state, which will cost
stacitly on Hand.
school patrons a vast amount of
Lung Troubles tod Consumption Can be
Pioneer Heat Market,
Main St., Gold Hill, Ore.
Remember that J. C. Pendleton,
The distinguished chemist, T. A. I
candidate on the republican ticket Slocum, of New York City, demon­ b lllll^ sllll^ llll^ lllls^ llH i
for Assessor is the gentlemen who strating his discovery of a reliable
for Consumption (Pulmonary ^ii!i=^iiiii=iiii=iiiirf7=iiiirrF
has been so vigorous for the past cure
lung and
three years in helping to bring the chest troubles, bronchial,
N o tic e for P u b lic a tio n .
Jackson county fair up to its pres­ catarrhal affections, general coughs,
ent high standard. Mr. Pendleton and weakness, Joss of flesh, and
Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.
April 18, 1898.
is a thorough business man, ener­ conditions of wasting away, will
getic in everything he undertakes, send T hree F ree Born.Es (all dif­ Notice is hereby given th at in compli­
ance with the provisions of tiie act of
is one of the most successful far­
of his New Discoveries to Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An
mers in the county, and a first class ferent)
any afflicted reader of this paper act for tiie sale of timber lands in the
judge of property values.
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
for them.
Twenty years in general farming writing
and Washington Territory,” James U.
of Gold Hill, County of Jackson,
and stock raising, and five years in
cured thousands permanently Smith
State of Oregon has this day filed in this
mercantile business gives him a has
nttice his sworn statem ent No. (S02, for
knowledge of values that few men by its timely use, and he considers the
purchase of the SW‘4 8WW,of Sec­
it a simply professional duty to
T o C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r .
possess, and which will be of great suffering
tion No. 32, in Township No. 358.
Take Cascarets CanCv Cathartic. 10c orK c
As W hite A s S now .—That is, use to the county in enabling him
Range No. 8W, and will offer proof to
II C. C. C. fail to rare. dmrtriet« refund money
of his infallible cure.
show that tiie lnnd sought is more val­
after they havs been sent to the Sa­ to quickly determine many cases
Science daily develops new won-, uable for its timls-r or stone than for
Populist Ticket.
lem Steam Laundry. Shirts, col­ of difficult property valuation. ders, and this great chemist, pa- j agricultural purposes, and to establish
While the residents of the county
his claim to said land Is-foro the Regis­
Senator—S. M. Nealon, Table lars and Cuffs.—E. J. Eastman will be dealt with equally and fair­ tiently experimenting for years, has ter and Receiver of this office at Rose­
produced results as beneficial to;
ly, the outside holders of values humanity as can be claimed by any burg, Oregon, on Monday the 27 day of
June, 1898.
----------O— ------
Representatives—J. D. Williams,
will receive the attention they de­
He names as witnesses: William H.
Soda Springs, E. E. Schlausner, W hat pleasure is there in life with a > serve and contribute their proper modern genius. His assertion tha Newton,
Charles Rachler, William J.
Woodville, R. G. Jeffrey, Medford. headache, constipation and hilliousncss? share to the tax fund of the county.
Smith ami A rthur W. Williams, all of
[ curable in any cl’mate is proven, Gold Hill, Oregon.
Commissioner—D.Cingcade, Cen­ Thousands experience them who could
N o tic e fo r P u b lic a tio n . by “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” Any and all persons claiming adverse­
become perfectly healthy by using De­
tral Point.
tiled in his American and Europead ly the above-described lands are request-
Sheriff—J. W. Wiley, Medford.: W itt's Little Early Risers, the famous
Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.,
ed to file their claims in this office on or
Clerk—W. B. Jackson, Jackson-, little pills. Sold by C. Allison A Co.
May 4, 1898. laboratories in thousands from those liefore said 27” day of June, 1898,
Notice is hereby given that the fol­
R. M. V’ katcii , Register.
r "V
settler has tiled notice of
The dread Consumption, uninter­
Recorder—Emmett O’Brien, Ap­ The Rev. W. H. Weaver, pastor lowing-named
his intention to make final proof in sup­ rupted, means speedy and certain
of the U. B. Church. Dillsburg, Pa., port
of his claim, and that said proof
Supt. Schools—Allen Holt, Phoe­ recognizes the value of Chamber­ wili be made liefore W. 8. Crowell, coun­ death.
Judge of Jackson county, Oregon, at Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M.|
Hut they slme horses—because th at
lain’s Cough Remedy, and does not ty
on June 11, 1898, | C., 98 Pine street, New York, giv-,
Assessor—Wella Beeson, Talent. hesitate to tell others about it. “ I viz: Charles Oregon,
is their business. I-et me prove to
O. Vincent on If. E. No. ■ ng post office and express address,!
Coroner—D. M. Brower, Ashland.
7273 for the SEl£ of sec. 18, Tp 33 8, R. and the free medicine will be
you that I have learned every detail
Surveyor—G. Elksnat, Jackson­ have used Chamberlain's Cough 2 east.
the trade. There isn’t a branch
lie names the following witnesses to promptly sent direct from hint
Remedy,” he says, “and find it an
in blacksmithing th at I do not un­
Treasurer—Rufus Cox, Medford excellent medicine tor colds, coughs cultivation of said land, viz: A. H.
derstand. My prices will not crip­
Sufferers should take instant ad­
ple your purse, neither will the
I do any kind of mounting of and hoarseness.” So does every­ Boothby and S. 8. Aiken, of Prospect, vantage of his generous proposition.
Oregon, U. Cordon, of Trail, Oregon and
shoes 1 set (Tipple your horses,
Please tell the Doctor that you
stones, nuggets etc. E. D. Elwood, one who gives it a trial. Sold by W. R. Gray, of M edford, Oregon.
saw (his in the N ews ,
R. M. V match , Register.
J. W . Hays,
the Mediord Jeweler and Optician.! Gold Hill Drug Co.
• * Wnl