I GOLD HILL NEWS. “ A N EW SP A P ER —NOT AN ORGAN.” VoJ. 1.—No. 50. GOLD HILL, OREGON, JANUARY 7. 1898. L. L. JE W E L L , Pres. Subscriptoin SI -A.. M. JE W E L L . Secy. The Jewell Hardware Company. ......... G R E A T .: . D E P O T : .,.. For all Mining Supplies, Hardware, Etc., Etc. Lowest Prices on Hy draulic Pipe and Giants. Our Prices Speak for Themselves. 7 GOLD DUST CASHED. GRANTS PASS, ORE. J. BERRAST STRETl HES HEMP. Mrs. Fannie Birdsey has been in subscription expires. Thanks Mr. VERT ROOD COIATERFEIT. This Morning at 10:35 The Trap was Sprang R^ ord*he past week o r ten days Rowe. Your early attention in and He Drops to His Doom. ! V18lt,n8 her parents Mr. and Mrs.;this matter is greatly appreciated We Have 19,000 of Them in Our iV tD fs -------- ! Compson. and will long be remembered. Sow. As we go to gress we learn that Miss Libbie Pendleton, our pri-i It is reported that T. II. B. Tay- W ashington , Jan. 3.—The clev Durrant was hanged at the hour mary teacher is still on the sick lor. the sage of Evans creek, has stated above. Thus ends the life list. Miss Martha Cardwell is been appointed U. S. statistician erest specimen of counterfeit paper J for southern Oregon at a salary of money ever seen at the treasury de of one of the most inhuman brutes teaching her room. partment was brought in today by that ever breathed. Mrs. James E. White, who h a s $1600 perannuni- an official of the subtreasury in been visiting her son in this vicini- Mrs. 0. C. Purkeypile and chil- Philadelphia. It is a $100 bill, so , Worden Must Hang. ty returned to her home in Ashland dren came down from Central Point perfectly executed that experts o f Thursday night to join her husband W ashington , Jan. 3.—The Su Sunday morning. the secret service, after thorough preme court of the U. S. today ren T. Shattuck, ex-sheriff of j 08e. 'vho was removed to this city by examination, were divided regard phine county gave an entertainment the S‘ I>- Co” to act aB station agent, ing its genuineness. Chief Hazen dered its decision in the case of Quite a crowd attended the at last* demonstrated the false char Worden of California, sentenced to at Bailey’s hall Wednesday night to a crowded house. ! Oyster supper at the school house acter of the note. The color of the be hanged. The court affirms the A. Messner who has been visiting hall last Saturday night. It was seal, that first aroused suspicion, is decision of the lower court, which means that Worden must suffer the his brother and nephew in this enj°yed by a “few” of the invited lighter than the genuine. Banks city left for his home in North Kuests and the orders which gave have been freely accepting it. extreme penalty. 1 \ .. V . one a day this .1 . . 1» A a-k X — _ * I 4 the entertainment. , Dakota week. A. J. Pope, H. E. Addis and An Attouiptfd Murder. Monday night was the regular ^’onner> °f the Hotel Oregon Abraham Isaaks, publishers of the E ugene , Jan. 4.—An unknown meeting night for the city council.!in Ashland, will open the Wi 11am- Firebrand of Portland were con The regular routine business was Ctte ,loteI at Salem in Eebi February. victed of publishing and sending person shot twice at Miss Daisy Under his mana gement this house through the U. S. Mails obscene, transacted, bills audited, etc. Dillard through a window this eve wiI1 soon regain the prestige it lost immoral literature. ert Case and family of Salem, during the management of A. I. ning, about 7 o’clock, wounding her arrived in the city Sunday on their Wagner in the arm. Condon has no marshal, and the way to Sams Valley where they W. S. Crowell, county judge of town is run wide open. Recently C. W. C’ottam of Oakland, Cal., will visit relatives a few weeks. this county was in Salem last the town council ordered the marsh the shirt salesman, ’ is i J. ......... W. Markshury appear before the state al to stop all games of chance and . . . well-known . iirto Lruugui, has v n e bought the week to vu npjttHti ueiore me in ja il at Oregon City, for refusing butcher business of W. H. Beidler equalization hoard in behalf of the gambling, and clear the town of all to pay a $25 fine for peddling with- & Son and will continue the husi- county taxpayers. He made tin-horns. The marshal, not wish out a license. He will lest the or- ness at the old stand on MViin street, a strong plea for the work of ing to depopulate the town, handed finance I in his resignation.— Prineville n , T ti. ' Miss Maud Houck returned to C°Unty b°ard t0 8tand 38 U wa8' Journal. tw o hnva • \ . " i i ' \ 1 c ' F ' her school duties at Jacksonville Miss Junie Stewart of Medford, -______ o ___ raigned ’ ’before “ Justice' SchneM d0”^ ^ 7 8f ®"ttH® h° '‘ * ,th® h°me °f her parents’’ JameB Mitchell, of San Jose, ('al. this evening for defacing the Park- P*™ 18 a" d fri<nd,h * SteWarton New W“8 CaUght in th8 »ct of burglary’ place school building. The jury C. A. Bailey will call for your Par8 ' iy- V’,® m°?t e8tin,i‘bl<’ hist night. He has served seven brought in a verdict of guilty, and J aundry and deliver same free of ^OU”g a a< ” ''n for a few terms in the penitentiary already they were fined $25 each.—Tribume charge. He is agent for the Salem we< 8 W ,t,a se\ere attack of ty- and will probably get a life sen- < -■ Lon, « R oll ‘ he P e “ ““ ' ” nera ' ______ A ( r o n i t h f t o ^ :^ r i r this county for the crime of rape. Hammersley mine where he has ‘ P , . laFy fror" <his coun- ¡ng-cough will do well to read w • H ew assentencedtothreeyears.lt been running the mill the first of * ' . ’ g ,way ru,’l>ery several Hr. R. E. Rohev of Glnev M .. was manifest that he was a scape- the week. He rej.orts the work ar8 8”’ce •u” was pardoned he- on this subject.'’ He writes:’ “ For goat for other individuals, however, progressing nicely with satisfactory .°r®, “J8. e*P,red> 18 aKa>n in years we have used Chamberlain's hence the pardon. Hall Barclay re8URs- rou i e in Portland, charged with p ough Remedy, and always keep it . i . stealing an overcoat. It is also In the house. It is regarded in our than anv if th t >e ni° re gudG J-R . P. Rowe, of Sams Valley, supposed that he was connected fa"dG a» a specific for all kinds of n a n y o the rest, and forfeited writes the N ews editor to continue with a gang which had been steal cold8 and cough<. The 25 and ins bonds, is still at large. I his paper another year when his ing bicycles in m L c ^ , " " D ru g ^ ’