POSTAL f MI«. century has been a daily. I t now publishes three editions a day, and in order to prevent cheating by the venders, prints them on paper of different colors, the first being yel­ low, the second white, and the last gray. The United States uses in one year 500,000,000 ordinary postal cards, 400,000 paid reply cards and 4.700 international postals. On the whole the postal card is a con­ --------- , n - .. venience we can hardly imagine E ugene , Dec. 23.— Roy Liver­ ourselves doing without. It is only twenty six years, on October 1, more died last night, the result of a siuce Austria issued the world’s football accident. He was only 15 first postal card. In a little over a yeers of age, and played on the pub­ quarter of a century this innovation lic school team in a game about a has become a practical necessity to month ago, and received a severe every civilized country, has supplied injury, which brought on brain collectors with another fad, and fever, which caused his death. incidentally has recorded much Mrs. C. F. Young and her sister history—special im prints often be­ will go to Ashland tomorrow to ing issued to celebrate some event spend New Years day with rela­ of great national importance. Thus tives. the Canadian government has iss­ ued 7,000,000 cards of a new design As we go to press we are informed, to commemorate the queen’s jubilee. that work will begin on the church In this case, where the issue is so Monday morning and rushed to numerous, the collectors are little completion. interested. Several countries, how­ Miss Ella Griffith who is em­ ever, with one eye on the pockets of ployed in the Ashland school re­ collectors, have at various times turned home Thursday evening to put forth very limited special iss­ spend the holidays. ues. These being froced to a facti­ Miss Pendleton, one of the teach­ tious value very many times in ers of our school has been sick for excess of their stam ped price, have several days. H er room has been generally proved a profitable spec­ in charge of Mrs. Bacon. ulation to the governments issuing them . Dr. Marks left Friday night for Halsey where he expects to locate A Remarkable tase. We regret that the Dr. has decided to leave us but wish him success Saturday Drs Morse, Shaw, in his new field. Pierce, Byrd and Frank Sm ith, of the corps of visiting physicians at the Salem hospital, performed a very successful and difficult surgi­ cal operation when they removed 109 gall stones from Mrs Roberts. Of the 109 stones, all were pyram i­ dal in form, 25 being alm ost as large as the end of the fourth finger, the remaining 84 being considerable smaller. The patient stood the operation rem arkably well and promises to recover. It is not often th a t the innocent sheep will turn upon his persecutor, the coyote. When the temper of an old buck becomes aroused, how­ ever, over the slaughter of his off­ spring by these cunning brutes, which are now very plentiful, it is well for the safety of the coyote to keep out of a corner, says the East Oregonian. At the Adams & Wells, sheep ranch on McKay creek a night or two ago, a lone coyote was actually butted to death by some bucks before he could escape from a sheep shed into which his maur- adiug instincte led him. Pekin’s Kin Pan is the oldest newspaper in the world, having been published continuously for nearly a thousand years. It began as a m onthly, became a weekly in 1W1, and since the beginning of the Rev. J. S. McCain will preach in the school house hall next Sunday, Jan. 2, at 11 o’clock a. m.. There will also be service at 7:30 in the evening. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to attend. BORN. Sheep killed a Coyote. The Oldest Vwspaptr. The editor returned home T hurs­ day after a weeks visit with Salem friends and relatives. He also vis­ ited Portland laying in a supply of paper and stationery. It is worth a great deal to us to have you try Schillings Best baking powder and tea.” Money-back says “ We have a great deal of confidence in your good faith and in Schillings Best baking powder and tea.” S c h illin g s B e s t baking powder a n d tea are .because they are money-back. What is the missing word?—not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers’; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets #2000.00; if several find it, #2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1S98 pocket calendar—no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: Î0M M O N EY -B A C K , SA N FR A N C ISC O . Medford 5hoe Co., Has all kinds of Rubber Boots, both Long and Short, Boys and Mens’. Gents, and Ladids Rubbers. All of first-class material. Genuine first-class Rubber. Medford Shoe Co., Rogue • • R O L L G R AT TH E ‘ RACKET,” MEDFORD, ORE. • M IL U S, H O U C K & S IG N O R O T T I, P ro p rs . Complete Line of Flour, Com Meal. Graham, Bran, Shorts ami Mill Feed Constantly on Hand. Mill One-Half Mile Fast of Town. G O L D H IL L , OREGON. How to Prevent Pnennioiu. Don’t Let Your W ALK ER.—At M oonville,Dec.29’ At this time of the year a cold is to Mr. and Mrs. G. K. W alker a very easily contracted, and if left Toes Stick Gut to run its course without the aid of daughter. L. F. Pate will some reliable cough medicine is li­ able to result in that dread disease* Mend your Shoes so Cheap M A RBI ED. pneumonia. We know of no better you cannot afford to. remedy to cure a cough or cold than HAYMON D —H ECKATHOR N.— Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. We w In Jacksonville Dec. 22,1897, by have used it quite extensiyely and |» Hen. W. S. Crowell, county judge it has always given entire satisfac- > » W. B. Haymond of Woodville tio n —Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy th at is I w and Miss Gladys Heckathorn. known to he a certain preventive i « — _ _ _ — w PER R Y — RO BERTS— In Ja ck ­ of pneumonia. Among the m any * CAVEATS, DESIGNS, TRADE-MARKS.* sonville, Dec. 22. 1897, M artin thousands who hsve used it for I s>'nd » model or rough pencil X $ Perry, of Sams Valley and Miss colds and la grippe, we have never $ yet learned of a single case havine i Guideor How toGet m Lulu J. Roberts. i.j * a rnipiit, sent tree Z resulted in pneumonia. Persons ¿O'FARRFII FfiW! PR & n'MDOCI I » NORBY— DUN KIN.—In Jackson­ who have weak lungs or have rei- 2 U 'nnntLL, rUWlcr! & 0 FSRRELL, 2 ville, Tuesday, December 28, 1897 son to fear an attack of pneumonia. J •nd * ----------- pneumonia, Miss Rosa D unkinto Paul Norhy should keep the remedy at hand. ..... .......... 1425 N. Y. AVE., WA3KINGT0N, D. C. Rev. Stratford of the M. E. I he 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale bv 2 "hen writing mention this paper. Gold H ill Drug Co. ' Church officiating. t , Z 'WTANTED— TRUSTWORTHY am » ACTIVE Both bride and groom are well o X l« t e S ' known in this city and have the H„Jf i i 8onr OSZ < Pr?p£ etor8 of «">-• * & W Hotel Lea} ton, of G ra n ts Pass r* fire are l n .1 , h ' xp ’!r