U O LD H IL L A EW S. Friday, December 17, 1897. Incorporation papers of the Trib­ une 1 rinting Company were filed in the secretary of state’s office today; W i t t 1 U I THE I U 1 N U objects, to do general printing, pub­ A Uoulil-Be Yukoner Turns His Attention lish and circulate newspapers in to Southern Oregon. Portland; capital, $10,000, divided into shares of $100; incorporators, T acoma , Wash., Dec. 10.—Eghart N. W. Rountree, Robert Glen and MacMillian, of Chicago, who came A. H. Ballard. to the coast logo to the Yukon coun­ try, but who, on account of his in ­ W arning ¡—Persons who suffer from coughs an d colds should heed th e w arn­ ability to cross the passes, has been ings of danger an d save them selves suff­ staying in this city for the past two erin g and fatal results by using One -Minute cough cure. I t is an infallible months, has decided to leave for rem edy for coughs, colds, croup and all the gold fields of Southern Oregon. th ro a t an d lung troubles.—Allison & Co. Mr. MacMillian said the reason he 1 he Rogue River Telephone Com­ was going to turn his attention to pany has men at work taking down that district was on account of a one of the two wires formerly in statistical article th at appeared in use between G rants Pass and Ash- The Oregonian, showing that Ore­ and. The two wires were required gon produced more gold than has with the old metallic circuit, but so far come out of the Klondike. the ground circuit is now in use, “ When I read th at article,” he which does away with one wire. said, “ I was very much surprised, S crofula is th e advertisem ent of foul as, being a stranger to the coast, I blood. I t m ay be en tirely driven from had no idea that gold in such large th e system by th e faithful use of Hood’s th e X d . ’ W ‘ thorou«hly P ^ f i e s quantities was to be found so near civilization. I made a trip to these H o o o ’s P ills are easy to take, easy to diggings, and, from what I have or.’W** 1 P' ^ Ure indigestion, billiousness. seen of them —and I have spent Last Saturday the Antelope and two weeks t h e r e - I think I stand Prineville stage, from The Dalles, an equal chance of making a stake did not leave until after 9 o’clock, with any one going to the inhospit­ owing to the large am ount of mail able regions of the north. I am of which had to go to those places. - the opinion that if the thousands There were in all 23 sacks, and the of adventurous goldseekers who will regular stage could not be used, so come to the coast this spring know a small farm wagon had to be sub of the wonderful richness of these stituted. gold fields and the ease with which D isfigurem ent for life by burns or they can lie reached they could . ca.ds m ay beavoided by using D eW itt’s easily be induced to work them in W itch Haze Salve, th e great remedy for piles and all kinds of sores and skin preference to the placer claims of troubles.—Allison & Co. the north.” Mr. Arnold Sommer, who lives ^1 CURE CONSTIPATION 10 < 25 ♦ 50 i ALL ------------, u u u Î? fBre * » f <’«"eof rnnstipstion. Csscareta Ready for Autumn Business Don’t be persuaded into buying linim ents without reputation or m erit—Cham berlain’s Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the folk, . ing, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: “ The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Cham berlain’s Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for several vears.” It cures rheum atism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by Gold llill Drug Co B n . ». A. Williams Dead. south of Santiam, has left for parts unknow, says the Santiam News, leaving his farm and the accumula­ tion of years behind him. He was prosperous, honest, hard-working and a good citizen. About a year nt weak E very b o d y Say« So. M kdfokd , Or., Dec, 12.—Rev. M. See Mackey’s ad in another col­ A. \\ illiam s, the pioneer m inister Pendleton, Saturday night, when a of Rogue river valley, died at his bulldog th at was sleeping in the umn. There is n o need of little children be­ home two miles south of Medford shop was waked by the noise made ing tortured by scald head, eczema ami by the burglar in breaking the lock yesterday. He was 86 years of age. Hk,n erbptm ns. Ih-W itt’s W itch Hazel of a door. The dag slipped out by t idve gives in stan t relief and cures per and had lived in Southern Oregon 1 since the early 50. He was one of another door and grabbed the bur­ m a n e n tly .-A lliso n A Co. After hearing some friends con-1 the best-known pioneers of this glar from the rear and threw him in a mud puddle, and began chew­ Colic A / ’raisi^ , Chamlierlain’s part of the state, and was one of L >I k t holera and Diarrhoea Rem­ ing on him says the Pendleton Jackson county’s most honored Tribune, ( harles Hammond, who edy. Curtis Heck, of Anaheim, Cal­ citizens. Funeral service will lie sleeps over the shop, was waked by ifornia, purchased a hottie of it for held in the Presbyterian church, in the rumpus, and went down and his own use and is n«w as enthusi­ Jacksonville, tomorrow, and the re­ called off the dog. He let the bur­ astic over its wonderful work ns mains will be laid to rest in the glar go. as he thought the m arauder anyone can lie. The 25 and 50 <’ent sizes for ’‘»ie by Gold Hill had i-een sufficiently punished cemetery at that place. Drug Co. T . Cure Const! p;,t i on Fnr«ver. i V. . ' V ' . ’ ' ‘w ' •’■•I» ; , raa lu l l .u c u re . . ir u g „ . » u n fu b u m u te r f You Cath“rti''- the most won- I «en u l inetlical diseoverv of the age nieai ant and refreshing to the lame, aa'gently "c. d ii B? 1,1 °klet and sample or »'• free Address ffuaran- X L ’»"nt Vthey ° u ,ki,lnevs- »ver »«d biwela* Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. cleansing the entire system, dispel colds I bihnusnems habitual ‘ onstlpatloii A burglar was attem pting to and an l DDionsness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Soft break into Nagle Bros.’ shops in guaranteed to cure by all druggists. rito!-' ' p L iv *fí ’ip¡" ’ best pilL ^ ’W itt’s i.iu it i-.arlj Kisers cure billiousness einist.patm n, sick h e u d a e h e . - Ä can be cured if y?u *uffer from *"r ° r the i L* I B 1 if I k K o ■ ,“ en- com' * ° ‘ he oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, i « « ■ . S F J ORO* W * «081 Market S t Estd 1 8 8 1 1 * ? "**“ ,Bd “ «««die , _a m e n who are suffering from the effects o f youthful indiscretions or ex- , y' / r‘ - N ' " ou« * " d Physical 1 iffTir,11 * ' •’ ’" '••’' • “ «’T «-«•» M a n h o o d p r o L iL ’i"0,1" “on»; h p r r s i s t o r r h i r a , Ph i m I | I I G n u n rrh rP B wmtheailX°f Vmedie*-°f c his u ra « tiv S a t it u k? 5 hP £ " » e '" r» le w n - t that it k 111 not o nly afford im m ediate relief but D erfm m '"tC “ '|e’ ? he Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Phys,man and Surgeon, pre-em inent 1 NxVi.’n'ii'J'-0 *"«’»»«’" or Men. «ro-n the M e will (.uarantr, a P O SlTIV E C C X E tn 1 ® “ T fre e ■res. h 1A* o i & ? (A valuable or b>'Je“ CT- ,,u p Send for Look o f M a r r ia g e book for men.J **** V I N IT D R . JOKI>AN*ft , h - W C ,m e la r8 P i “ 1 world" 1 « e ^ r o f A n a to m y “ “ »"» o f •«« kind in the ^ £ lOElMarkel Street. San Francisco, Csl.