HEADED FOR OREliOA. THE COTTAGE, 11. Wilkinson Robs His Employer and Leaves Sacramento, Heading for the North. THAT THE AVcge table Preparation for A s - sim ilating the Food and R e g u la ­ ting the S tomaths andB ow els o f IFAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE --- OF---- I n fa n t s /C hildren Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Itest.Con tai ns neither Optum.Morphine nor Mineral. IS ON THE N o t N a r c o t i c . xuv»<*txdn-SA H V ZLrircH iit WRAPPER A lx.S um * *• M k  A U S J * - OF EVERY Anin ¿nA • Jipnmunt - IKrw W - Cf rtrihai -Sugar . Miuirymn /'A o w ? BOTTLE OP A perfect R em edy fo rC onstipa- tio n . S o u r S tom ach.D iarrhoea, W orm s .C onvulsions .F everish­ n e s s a n d L o s s o f S leep . Facsimile Signature of N EW YORK. A t b rp Ô n I h s ol«tV& , ii,\ ¡ j 1) O S E S - J j 1 1 M S EXACT COPTO1’ W R A P P E R . Oaetori* la pet up la ona-ilze bottlea only. It Jia not add in balk. Don’t allow anyone to aell 1 yon anything elae on the plea or promiaa that it 1 la “ juat aa good" and "wilt anawer every por- J poae.” a»- See that yon get O-A-S-T-O-K-I-A. Tha Uo- alalia — '• “ THE ONLY CANDY FACTORY In Grents Pass, Oregon. Christmas Candies, Toys and Tree Or­ naments. > w-1 J /, 7 'Æ.ftu A Fine Line of Nuts. An Elegant Assortment of Fancy Candy Boxes. S acramento , Dec. 3. —H. W ilk­ inson an employe of a grocery store in this city, last night robbed his employer’s till and skipped for Oregon. He has been in the em­ ploy of the house since the begin­ ning of summer and was considered an exem plary, honest young man. W arning :—Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed th e w arn­ ings of danger an d save them selves suff­ ering and fatal results by using One M inute cough cure. It is an infallible rem edy for coughs, colds, croup and all th ro a t an d lung troubles.—Allison & Co. Mrs. IDA BETTS, IVopr. Two Blocks N orth of Depot, Gold Hill, Oregon. The Best the Market afford». Rates SI.00 per day. Meals 25 Cent«. Good Clean Reds. Mother McKinley lived to a ripe old age, and enjoyed the pleasure Board by the day or week and pride of seeing her son elevated at reasonable rates. to the highest office in the world She has had her cares and sorrows rpH O M A S I. MARKS, M. D. no doubt, but on the whole has lived a happy, successful life. Her PHYSICIAN AND SDRÖE0N. distinguished son has always been L ate of St. V incents H ospital, a model “ boy” in his filial and ten­ P o rtlan d , Oregon. der regard for her, which makes him admired and respected as a GOLD H IL L , OREGON. man, a citizen and a son. These are the states which elect governors next year: Alabama, Ar­ kansas, California, Colorado, Con­ necticut, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan (Pingree’s successor), Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota. Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, North Dakota, Tenney te, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, WjC. j - ing and New York. J. M. KEENE, I). 1). S. Operative Dentistry Specialty. A Teeth Extracted Without Pain. O ffic e A d k in -D u e l Block, M edford , O rp . Don’t Let Your Toes Stick Gut L. F. Pate wiU Mend your Shoes so Cheap you cannot afford to. When the McMinnville, Or., foot­ ball team returned home the other day from Corvallis, where they had played the farmer boys of the Ore- ron agricultural college, they yelled good-naturedly and loudly: “H ay ­ seed, strawseed, pum pkin, squash ! Did they beat us ! Yes, by gosh 1” Jeff Starm er, the pheasant farmer of the Waldo hills, shipped last Wednesday to Homer C. Davenport in New York, a pair of white pheas­ ants. The birds are a cross between the English pheasant and the China pheasant. The white birds are a freak of nature. They are beauti­ ful and will attract attention where- The first attem pt a t playing foot­ ever exhibited. ball by negroes resulted in a fierce riot a t Knoxville, Tenn. The sight Horses have become so cheap in. of a fellow-creature escaping around Fort Scott, K an., th a t a stockman the end with a thing th at looked tas found it profitable to buy them K like a melon was altogether too slaughter them and feed the flesh much for the Southern African to hogs. An attem pt to Btop the We manufacture our own candies and guarantee ev­ alood. erything to he perfectly fresh and pure. The DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. practice brought out the fact th at there is no law th a t prohibits such, iractics. At Linnton, Or., parts of. the horses killed are fed to hogs, and yet there are those who eat hog meat who wouldn’t think of tastingi a tenderloin horsesteak. Mexican policemen who took aart in lynching the prisoner who made an assault upon the president of the republic are to be suspended, says an Eastern paper. As the Opposite corner from the suspension is to be for life and at Palace Hotel. the end of a rope, there will be no The Corvallis ladies play billiards chance for reinstatement. and ten-pins, and the young men J . C. Berry, one of th e heat known go about singing, “ Where is my citizens of Spencer, Mo,, testifies th a t The Gold Hill News has made a j wandering ma tonight?” lie cured him self of the worst klim • i piles by using a few boxes of DeW itt neat register for the Hotel L ay to n .1 F o r I n f a n ts a n d C h ild ren . There’s where they all stop. W itch Hazel Salve. H e had been troul f Brother Churchill is entitled to Hotel Layton, of G rants Pass. The fie ­ led with piles for over th irty years an i The l i a lle ’ ¡in credit for whisking this job out most popular house in Josephine had used m any different kinds of s< - »1 fallare from under the noses of the three county. (f called c u re s; tint D eW itt’s was the one I Grants Pass papers.—Mining Jo u r­ th a t did the work and he will verify this nal. T o f o r e C o M tip n tio n I o r p r e r , Clean beds and good meals at statem ent if an y one wishes to w rite T ak e C asca r e ts Carxlv C¡&*hurtle. 10c or 2fic. h im .—Allison