G old H ill N ews Friday, Decani er lo, 1897. At Four Score. Or. Mile«’ Nervine Restores Health. MINES AND M INING . P r o g r e ss and D o ng» In an d A b o u t th e M in es o f th e C oast. The Argonaut mill, Amador county, was started on its initial run last week. W« Dennis has sold the American j mine, Amador county, to San Francisco parties for $30,000. |i i i i ! j ^ i i i ^ .... .. I « 1 Clothing ! Clothing J Clothing!! i At the (riiffith Con., Diamond Springs, El Dorado county, ore in both shoo s assays »18 per ton. The Merced Company, Mariposa county, have struck a rich chamber in the Mary Harrison mine. F. McNearof Oakland, operating the An Elegant Assortment of those i Buckhorn mine Calaveras county, is said to be getting high-grade qnari« OREGON WOOLENS which have | from the tunnel workings. He is also operating the Heinshoff mines on the been attracting so much atten- | townsite lines. of late. = W. R. Pearson recently examined the old Mt. Hope mine at Grizzly Flat, El Dorado county; it has been decided A few exclusive designs in CHEVIOTS and | to begin operations. A tunnel Io tap the ledge much lower than the old one CASSIMERE GOODS, nicely tailored, best Italian = is already under way. Linings, and in fact, a suit you may feel proud of S Superintendent Gavley is pushing at $10. If you have not seen ’em call in and I work on the Bright Hope, El Dorado county, and adjoining maims. A four- brighten up. NOLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, assessor and stamp double battery is expected to be P. H. HARTH & SON, | tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has in operation soon. M passed the £0th life mile stone, says: It is stated on good authorty that the "Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine has done a last monthly clean-up at the Massachu­ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes. 1 great deal of good. I suffered for years from setts Hill mine, Nevada county, Sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble. amouted to over $100,000. ^ H M ""ll»H IIIH IIIh||lllllllllllll|||||||||lllll|||||||||||||||||||,|,,,,|,,,,i,,,,,|,|l,||,, Would feel weary and used up lu the morn­ The Moius mine, Inyo county, is be­ ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' ing worked. The main incline is down Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under 180 feet with drifts thirty feet westerly protest as I had tried so many remedies un­ and sixty feet easterly. The ore show­ successfully, I thought It no use. But It ing is good. gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and Assessment work was begun last restored me to energetic health. It Is a grand good medicine, and I will gladly write week on the Pine Mountain group, The Baltic mine gives anyono inquiring, full particulars of my sat­ Inyo county. On Flues, Walls, or average assays of 87 ounces of siiyer, isfactory experience.” — any other kind of Dr. Miles' Romedies 68 per cent lead, $0 in gold. are sold by all drug­ Brick Work. ThePinmore, Kern county, is taking gists under a positive out twenty-live Ions of ore per day and guarantee, first bottle milling it at Garlock. The first mill­ benefits or money re­ ing ran something over $8 per ton, and funded. Book on dis­ the second over $15. eases of the heart and THE Serves free. Address, — A strike is reported in the Warring­ BRICK DR. MILES MEDICAL UO., Elkhart, la d • • • ton mine, Haviiah, Kern county, a MASON, 9-foot ledge being developed on the F un at the T rain .— Monday 560-foot level. The Los Angeles Gold Gold Hill, - Oregon. Mining Company recently bonded the morning constable Parker was look­ mine and has been develowing it for ing for E. A. L. Sm ith, for whom the last month. The Lu Belle, Willow Valley, Nevada ONE GIVES RELIEF. he had a w arrant for his arrest for county, is being developed. The tun­ assault and battery. Smith m an­ nel is in 400 feet; from it aro four up­ aged to conceal himself until the raises. . The ledge averages about 18 inches in thickness and the crusiiings m- rning train came in, when he now being taken out will mill $25 a ton. boarded it for Medford where he The new hoisting and pumping rig at for had im portant business to transact. the Texas mine in Willow Valley, Nevada county, has started. The three- Parker spied his man and proceed­ compartment shalt will be continued ed to arrest him. But Smith was down and drifts run. determined to go to Medford and At the Maryland, Nevada county, until you have tried tried to e«cape. He managed to the developments on the 1000 level during the past week have been such get on the opposite side of the train as to warrant putting in place again from the constable and played the machinery that was taken out peak-a-boo for a while, when final­ awhile ago. The preseut indications are very favorable for this mine. ly Parker succeeded in crossing John Costello made a rich strike in over and both proceeded to run a quartz on Indian creek, Siskyou county, foot race. Finally Parker cap tu r­ uncovering a ledge 18 inches in width’ winch he estimates will go at least $50 ed his m an, bu he was permitted per ton. to go to the city on his own recog- Nearly 300 mining locations were You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons uition. filed from Jan. 1st to Nov. I-t in San Bernardino county. There are 220 stamps, of which 145 are dropping. OUR CLUBBING LIST. no. U put np to xr»IJfjr t h . nnlTw wl pr»»n« d n u n d for • t o » prtoa An announcement o f the consolida­ * t The N ews and the Toledo Week­ tion of the Union National and Hide If you don’t find this sort of and Leather National banks at Chicago ly Blade, both one year for $1.25 will probably be made before the end cash in advance. of the week. If the m gotialions are The N ews and the St. Louis Re­ Consummated the understanding is that Union National bank will carry on public, (twice-a-week) 156 papers the the business. 0 CAN’T BE BEAT........ W. H. STICKEL, Don’t Spend a Dollar Medicine Ten Tabules for Five Cents. u year for $1,50. The N ews and the New York World, (thriee-a-week edition) 36 pages a week 208 papers a year all for $1.75, enough to paper your cabin twice, or light fires a whole year. The Annexation Treaty. W ashington , Dec. 7.—Senator Davis, chairm an of the committee on foreign relations, said he would tomorrow ask the senate to take up the Hawaiian annexation treaty. I Ripans Tabules At the Druggist’s ■AM I Send F ive Cents to T h e R ip a n s C h e m ic a l C o m p a n y , N o . io Spruce St., New \ o r k , and they w ill be sent to you by m ail- or ia carton, w ill be mailed fo r 4S cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripans Tabulea are the very m edicine you need.