ì “ Thou Shalt Not Steal.” See MACKEY at Medford, for Photos and Enlarging of all des­ criptions. All work strictly first- class. C. H. Mackey Propr. But yon may keep a good deal of your money, that usuall goes to other people, in your own pocket by looking at the prices we otter, before paying more Lye packed in sifting-top cans money for the same tiling elsewhere. is pure granulated potash. Ask for PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. is plain. The he meth- Galvanized W ater Pail . . 20c. Red Rev. Seal. J. S. McCain will preach in /¡» HE od way is un-mistakahle. The way and manner of build­ Gold Hiil next Sunday evening at Granite Iron Dish Pan . . . 37c. 7:30 ing up a business in any comniu- o’clock. _ , in ity is th a t of mutual aid. The Large Tin Dish Pan . . . . 36c. Joseph Hammersley and W. C. fanner8 of a counlry are interepted Coffee Pots (medium size) . 15c. Hubbard were in Jacksonville one, in having a good and reliable mar- week. | ket town near them where they can Granite Iron Pie Pans . . . 7c. ( ay One t week from next Thursday always find a ready sale for their County court will open bids for products for cash, when they want Cotton Clothes Lines . . . 13c. the printing. to raise a few dollars for immediate Lion Coffee, per pound, . . . 13c. the Mrs. county use in case of immergency. The J. E. Harvey returned Fri­ larger the town, the more produce evening from an extended visit Roast Coffee, bulk 15c lb, 71b 1.00 day will be used. with relatives in California. To build up a town the farmers Best Roasted Coffee, per lb . 20c. Preaching at the school house must encourage its growth by as K. C. Baking Powder, large . 20c. next Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. extensive pationage as practicable Editor went down to the within their needs, ability and Sardines, Good Quality . . . 5c. Pass The Wednesday to deliver the new economic means, and not when you just completed for the new «'ant some article that can he sent Seweng Society Needle Book 3c. register Hotel Layton. through the mails, send to New W anted-Red headed girl and j York’ Chicago or other eastern white horse to distribute the pre. c,tye f”r >*, because you can get it miums given away with Hoe Cake a few ve,,tH cheaPer than at your GOLD HILL, ■ OREGON. soap. Apply “nit.” I country town, as is the practice of ;♦ l i - h i . u . l • a large number of people in and i . , around Gold Hill. Think, monev S trictly v ular monthly session one week I „„„ , , , J# y F irst-C lass. t X , J • „ vou send abroad never rtjfirns to from Monday, in the buck bulk- , . , . , r. II. t , rx , . .circulate at home. It Is . a c ear ing of f C. Dalrymple. I. t J r j loss, for remember, it IS the circu- Hoe Cake soap wrappers arc lation of money in a community worth a cent apiece. Save them that gives life to business. One and ask for premium hook. Gold dollar in active circulation is of far R. A. CARTER, Propr., Hill Mercantile Co. greater benefit to the people where i 3» SOUTH SIDE, The miners are all preparing for d circulates than a million dollars f MEALS 2 5 CENTS. The B e s t th e M arket A ffords. GOLD HILL, OREGON. J a center rush as soon as the water hoarded or lying idle in a hank, comes in sufficient quantities. Now, when you want an article The only laundry soap in this \ lna|,uf‘i'ture ask your country IF YOUR market made under U. S. patent is lr,erchant to get it for you, even Hoe Cake. Try it. Gold Hill , °Ug 1 U C08ts a few cents m< »re. ay y°u you encourage the Mere«mil» In 1,1 *8 way Thanksgiving Dinner Mercantile Co. ' Gold Hill continues to grow. growth of your local business or Jas. Burns, says he got a drink markets which u in turn win will increase t Chas. Sanders is improving nice- of water from the muzzle of his ,i i , , , Does Not Agree With You Take • , i . . , Cie demand for what you have to 1 ly. giant this week, ’ and is feeling good. < sell _n and > thus ., ,, a Dose of ultimately benefit C. F. Young has his residence Yesterdays California Express yourself, for a thrifty growing town well under way. was nearly three hours late on ac- is always the liest market for farm count of the ditching of the south products. Reciprocity in all kinds Everything is lively in Grants bound freight near Draim Wednes- of business is the true philosophy Pass these days. Relieve In Five Minutes. day night. of success. When a people are J. B. Dungan was trading in Disfigurement for life by burns or p ro sp ero u s th e y w ill con su m e m ore Medford Monday. For Sale Only by scalds m ay be avoided by using DeW itt’s th a n w hen th e y a re not A home A it,ill nnl Salve, 1 th e great . a __ rem _ edy . .1 _ Z U itch I-I Hazel for Mrs. Joe Owens returned from piles an d all kinds id sores and skin market is always the best as the Medford Saturday. troubles.—Allison & Co. expenses of freight and middlemen Emery J. Eastman, Remember the Projectoscope to- A M agnificent D inner .—The are saved. It is good policy to , night at Bailey’s Hall. dinner at the Union Hotel Thurs­ patronize home trade and home enterprise. The Cut Rate Druggist, The winter wheat through the day was simply immense. Every­ thing was got up iu the most pal­ County is looking fine. C. A. Bailey informs us that he atable style. Oregon. Congress convenes one week from W'B give a grand Masquerade Ball C. A. Bailey nas bought the stock Christmas eve. He expects to se­ Monday, December 5th. VXt ANTED— TRUSTWORTHY a n ;. ACTIVE of goods from Ritter Bros. He will cure the best musical talent possi- ” gentlem en or ladles to travel for r.sp m - Everybody got Turkey at the •tl'Ie. established house in Oregon. Monthly $(1S. open up a line of new fresh grocer- hie for this occasion and that the aixl expenses. l’o-Clon steady. lt. fi ¡‘. me. Enclose self-addressed stam ped envelope The Turkey shoot yesterday. ies and conduct the business at the lovers of dancing will have a good Dominion Company, dept. Y Chicago. «a The hall at Bailey’s Hall was old stand of C. V illians. time is assured. .1. M. T hirsw end, of Grosbeek, Texas, says th a t when he lias a spell of indiges­ well attended last night. The N ews , from now until Janii- Dona r,,i>m roN|,it un.i Kmuke Hur i it,. a ,., ,. tion, and feels bad ami sluggish, he takes 1, 1 K9!l, for one dollar; now is To l,ul* e i r iiy u»u ton - r. t,< m .-., tw o of D eW itts I.ittle E arly Kisers at A football team was organized in t ary h e t i m e t,> a ii b u e r i l m . . I l l ’,eUo- ,,in °* Ilf«. nervo and v l c i , In . N To. n ig h t, and he is all right th e next m or­ ItH. time to subscribe. 1 ou Will Bac, th e w onder-w orker, th a t m an es wenk mm ning. Many thousands of o thers do th e this city last Friday night. When g e t all our holiday numbers then l'lrons- ah d n i» g is ts ,» 0 or II. C o rf runru.i- sam e th in g . Do you ?—Allison A Co. frep of charop Eced Booklet and sam ple free. Add rem may we expect a game, hoys? Geo. E. Nichols, the Neu? Yorh Racket Man. G old H ill R estaurant , BREVITIES. Jotmson's Dyspepsia Tablets. G o ld H ill, * | Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Yorfc