Roseburg Review came out G old H ill N ews . like 1 he a new rose in spring time with A New spaper—N ot an Organ. a new dress of type last week. Published Every Friday Afternoon. Start Right PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q then H. DALRYMPLE, In view of the fact that the su­ ATTORNEY and preme court of California which COUNCELLOR-AT-LAW. News P rin tin g Company, was in session at Sacramento, ad­ ^Collections Given Prompt At­ PUBLISHERS. journed Tuesday, until the second tention. F. K. CHURCHILL, Alonday in January. It is consid­ Editor and Manager. The Only Way to Gold Hill, Or. ered probable that Currant will be S u b s c r ip tio n H a te s . Start Right is to on earth to enjoy the holidays, eat INVARIABLY in advancb Christmas turkey, etc., again this buy Your Station One Year, . . . $1 year. He should he given a ban­ Six Months, cry, Cigars, To quet by the California legislature Horse Shoeing, Plow, Wagon bacco and Candy Advertising rates on ap­ and turned loose. ? ? ? and Carriage work. I weld plication All advertisements and both high and low grade steel Another result of the beneficent business locals will he run until to steel, or iron to steel, also »rdered out unless otherwise con effect of the Dingley law is shown malable iron. I do not weld tracted for- cast iron. in a dispatch from Bellaire, Ohio, on the 11th inst., saying that the All Work Guaranteed. Friday, November 19, 1897. steel operators at Benwood, have Temperance Drinks Altuays on Hand. agreed upon an advance of 10 per Rates Reasonable for Cash. The Fossil Journal says that cent in wages to their employes $12.5() is being offered this year after November 15th. Nearly 2,000 02235300020200534848232323232353534848530100532348 for calves in Eastern Oregon. men will he benefited by this in­ crease of wages.—Ex, S . V. M c F A R R E N , Last year, in our commercial re­ lations with Great Britain, the bal­ Durrant is the luckiest villain on Watches, docks, ance ofjrade in our favor was great­ earth. After being sentenced to er than in any previous year in his­ lang last Friday, his attorneys ap­ We have Beef tory. AND plied to the California supreme th a t cannot fail court for a writ of probable cause The latest vessel from the Yukon for the purpose of staying the pro­ to please the district brought hack more human ceedings against his client, upon most fastidious clay than auriferous dust. And the grounds that no official knowl beef epicures. there was also a large assortment edge of the action of the supreme BLACKSMITHS 11« \«T MAKE WATCHES, Oh, the j u ic e ! of blasted hopes on hoard. court of the United States in the But they shoe horses—because th at matter of Durrant’s appeal from Best tonic a fte r the = The comparison between the rail­ the decision of the federal court is their business. Let me prove to Grip. you th at I have learned every detail road earnings and the hank clear­ had yet been received; that the of the trade. There isn’t a branch ances at the presont time and one superior court had acted too hasti­ BEIDLER & SON’S i in blacksmithing that I do not un­ year ago indicates an astonishing ly in sentencing Durrant to be derstand. My prices will not crip­ MARKET, chang in the business of the coun hanged Friday, as the law required ple your purse, neither will the -try. shoes I set cripple your horses. Oregon. = that he he given at least 60 days of i Gold H ill, C O LD H IL L , grace, and consequently that the ^lllillllllllllllllllllflll!IHHIH!IIIIHII^ J. w . Hays, O regon. A well known Seattle Chinese pendency of another appeal in the merchant is authoaity for the state­ ment that gold has been found in supreme court affecting the con­ 4 the mountains in Northern China demned man is of itself sufficient cause of a stay of execution. After The Best Domestic Cigar to in great quantities. The dificulty 4 the arguments were concluded, the be found in Medford. in getting out the ore is the only court took the matter under advise­ drawback. ment, and late Friday afternoon and living well, is in ju- < granted the stay of execution as re dicious marketing. It was a Dakota editor who wrote: Where you buy is of as * "the price of this paper is not in­ quested. The Best Imported Cigars. much importance as what creased by the Dingley bill, but we you buy and what you DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. wish to correct the misapprehension pay for it, when it comes of some of our subscriliers who ap­ by local applications, as they cannot to food. You want to 4 reach the diseased portion of the ear. know the surroundings pear to think it was placed on the There is only one way to cure Deafness, of the things you are go­ free list.” Are all HAND MADE and and th a t is by constitutional remedies’ ing to eat. Notice the Deafness is caused by an inflamed con They are CLEAN. of the mucous lining of the Eu- cleanliness of our store. Mortgages to the extent of $26,- uition stachian Tube. When this tulie tr Everything is fresh and <1 Stets 458 have been released in the inflamed you have a rumbling sound GEO. KURTZ, attractive and our prices hearing, and when it is en- Washington county recorder’s of­ imperfect are always right. tirely closed Deafness is the result, and fice during the month of October. unless the inflammation can be taken One Price to a ll, S trictly for Cash. Medford Cigar Factory. out and this tube restored to its normal This shows that the good price for condition, hearing will be destroyed for­ wheat has done some good for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam­ Washington county farmers.—Ex. ed condition of the mucous surfaces Go Ahead. Allround B lack sm ith s* AT BAKER'S. i A ttention ! ? Beef ; E aters » I. W. Cox, JEWELRY, G o ld H ill, • I MAKE__ O re g o n . I The Art of Living- SE L L ^ MY CIGARS Restaurant in Connection. Bradstreet’s Review says that in spite of the less active trade of Oc­ tober, due to yellow-fever scares, quarantines, etc., the aggregate total for that month was greater than even September’s immense total, marking the heaviest month's total since January, 1893. ~ 1 ■ __ We will give »100.00 for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) th at can­ not be cured by lla ll’s Catarrh Cure. Semi for circulars, free. OH EN EY A Co., Toledo, O. A » bold by Druggists, 75c. r r ni . i. , (, ’ ® ¿ he Medford - ~ ’ "J* 2 ? *” G°ld Hi,1> Dec’ ’ ' ’ 8 and 9th’ Pr®P»red to do fill- lnR> extracting and takeingimpres- sions. Call early and avoid the GOLD HILL SALOON, F. E. PARKER. . Orepon 4 «gr. J ’»1}*’™“ Wines. Bourbon whiskies, Importe«! and Do- meetu- Cigars. Billiard and Lard Tables in Connection. The Best Place in the City Spend Your Leisure Teme. Give Us a Cali. GOLD HILL, R IT T E R B R O S ., Gold Hill, OREGON. NF W W ' PILES W W W i T i l ' 8 suppository ^ Is guaranteed to cure < Piles and or money refunded. 50 D;x. St,„I for testimonials ami < I n i .laraple to M \i.n-, r , ,,,. K(, g _ ” jstered Pf.annarisV I ^ X f o L P ^ < in°|r' 8‘i r T r n ' ' a' llng ,,n ,*fP at8 “ nd < in Gold H ill, Ore., by E m ery J . 4 E astm an. I