Medford Shoe Co., DIRRAVT IS DOOMED. The Snpreme Caort Affirms the Decision of the California Court. Has just received a shipment of L a d ie ’ s G reen S ho es .... W ashington , N ov . 8.—The Unit­ ed States supreme court today “7 6 ” S c h o o l S hoes , affirmed the decision of the circuit Just what you are looking for. Call court of California refusing a writ and see sampe and the workmanship of habeas corpus to William Henry Theodore Durrant, under sentence AT THE ‘-RACKET,” MEDFORD, ORE. of death for the murder of Miss The hews at San Franrisro. Blanche Lamont at San Francisco, ±111111: Jlllllh in April, 1895. S an F rancisco , N ov 8.—The The case has attracted attention throughout the whole United States, news that the United States su­ and today’s decision permits the preme court decided not to interfere law to take its course with the con­ with the execution of Durrant spread quickly over the city today demned man. That I have the largest and best selected stock of furniture, Chief Justice Fuller anuounced and crowds of interested people carpets, wall paper and window shades to be found in South­ the court’s decision but made no re­ read the announcement eagerly ern Oregon marks save to cite a few authorities from the newspaper bulletin boards. on which the court based the de­ The decision was not unexpected ESCAPE Y our A t t e n t i o n ^ 4 ^ - ^ here. District Attorney Barites, cision. If you are a prospective purchaser you will find my goods The decision of the Durrant case who conducted the sensational trial, the highest in grade and the LOWEST IN PRICE. Under­ was in response to the motion of the result of which was the convic­ taking in connection. Attorney-General Fitzgerald to dis­ tion of Durrant for the murder of miss the case or affirm the decision Blanche Lamont, was much pleased of the court below. The chief jus­ with the decision of the supreme tice, in rendering the opinion of the court. It paves the way for the M ED FO R D , ORE. court, indulged in no comment execution of five other murderers anni: -mur? whatever, merely remarking that who have been sentenced to death, J. E. OLSON. H. B. OLSON. the order of the circuit court was but whose execution has been de­ affirmed on the authority of the de­ ferred pending a decision in the cisions of the court in previous Durrant case. Are Prepared to Fill All * cases. Orders Promptly in Durrant Hot Surprised. Attorney-General Fitzgerald was present in the courtroom when the S an F rancisco , N ov . 8.—Captain ¡opinion was rendered, and said it Edgar, acting warden at San Quen­ would insure Durrant’s hanging. Rustic, Ceiling, Flooring, Wainscoating, Moulding. In fact, anything tin in Warden Hale’s absence today As soon as the opinion of the in the line of building material. Also wood, any length. chief justice was known, Attorney- notified Theodore Durrant of the Orders delivered if desired. Address, General Fitzgerald telegraphed the supreme court decision at Wash­ fact to the district attorney in ington. Durrant did not display charge of the case, and it will de­ any emotion, and remarked that volve upon the latter officer when he did not expect anything else. Durrant shall be brought before pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt’s the superior court for resentence. Small Little Early Risers cure billiousness, It will not be necessary, Mr. Fitz- constipation, sick headache.—Allison & geral says, to await the receipt of Go. the formal mandate from the su­ MINING NEWS. preme court, which is usually handed down in about 30 days Prospectors are quite numerous from the time of the decision. This on upper Sardine creek these days. Our many customers keep us hustling these days, fact, he says, was established in the hut we still have time to show intending pur­ Maguire case, brought to the su­ King and Herd are busy getting the Sulphur spring mine ofi Sar­ chasers the best bargains ever ottered in Grocer­ preme court from New York. dine creek ready for the winters run. ies. Call and see ns aud you will surely come The attorney-general further says that the statutory rule of 60 days J. H. Beeman has just complet again ........................................ not apply in the case of a resentence ed a five days run on rock taken of a murderer, and that Durrant from the Beta mine. The cleanup may be executed without delay, was very satisfactory. Durrant, he says, will be promptly M EDFORD, OREGON resentenced and the time of execu­ Miners are all busy these days as the rains will soon set in. The tion fixed by the superior court. prospects are that great strikes will Mr. Fitzgerald would not express be made this winter in southern an opiniod as to how soon he Oregon. • thought the penalty would he im­ Suren Bros, have their place« posed. WHAT? Whv, that Underwear we spoke of last week, and ground on Sardine equipped with Concerning the possibility of any as cheap as ever, despite the McKinley tariff. We boast of • • • pipe, flumes and giant and are now the most complete line of ladies’, gent’s and children's under­ legal steps by Durrant’s counsel to secure further delay in the execution ¡waiting a supply of water for wear to be found in Southern Oregon..... of the death sentence, Mr. Fitzger- l^e HeaH0,)8 run- D, ’ Y We have ladies’ and children’s Oneita Union aid said: A crew will start work the firal •DI* suits in all qualities. Just think of chil- “The question of any further de­ of the week on the Red Oak mine dren’s cotton union suits for 25 cents each. Call and examine before buying. lay by judicial intervention will of J. H. Beeman. The Red Oak is rest solely with the United States i on Galls creek and shows some judges in California. They are promising prospects. Also new goods in men’s wear. famous We have the Medford Shoe Co., DON'T L et the F act I. A . W e b b , O lson B rothers Rough and Dressed Lumber, O lson B rothers , MEDFORD, OREGON. S till o n t h e J u m p .... 1 authorized by the decisions of the United States supreme court to re­ fuse absolutely to entertain or make any order upon a second application for a writ of habeas corpus in this case, for it has been repeatedly held by the court that the United States circuit and district courts may in their discretion refuse a state pris­ oner the remedy by habeas corpus, and put him to his writ of error.” D avis & G ilkey THEY HAVE A R RIVED...... 11 ? THE “RACKET,” Medford, Or.