Our Washington Lettor Washington, who is Mrs. May-j IIOW TO FIND OUT. brick’s attorney, says he has no of- j ficial information, but has other kill a bottle or common glass qq < rp . Special to th e N ews from our regular reasons for believing that she will whh urine and let it stand twenty- LOFFPG 3110 iP R C orrespondent. be He thinks thinb-a she * he released. released. He she would I f ° h o u r s ; a sediment or settling unhea indicates an unhealthy condition We are particular in select- W ashington , D. C., N ov . 8.— have been pardoned upon President of the kidneys. When urine stains our coffees and teas. We McKinley’s request that it be done linens it is evidence of kidney 1 he elections have been the princi­ as an international courtesy, had keep them fresh and up to trouble. Too frequent desire to pal topic of conversation in Wash­ not that request been so speedily urinate or pain in the back, is also the standard of strength and ington this week. The results of­ followed by Secretary Sherman’s convincing proof that the kidneys quality. If not exactly right fer new proof of the uncertainty sharp note on the seal question. and bladder are out of order. any time, bring it back, and WHAT TO DO. of tilings political in this country. He also calls attention to the fact we wiH make it right or re­ There is comfort in the knowl­ The administration men try to con­ that this government has always turn your money. When so often expressed, that Dr. sole themselves by saying it was acted upon the belief that Mrs. edge we learn just what you pre­ Kilmer,s Swamp-Root, the great merely a case in which off year po­ Maybrick had by her foreign mar­ kidney remedy fulfils every wish fer, you’ll get it every time. litical history repeated itself, but riage forfeited her American citi­ in relieving pain in the back, kid­ they only partially succeed, because zenship and made it impossible for neys, liver, bladder and every part Good Coffee 15c a lb. they are perfectly well aware that this government to act under the of the urinary passages. It cor­ u rects inability to hold urine and special efforts were made to prevent law, directing the President to de­ scalding pain in passing it, or bad Tea 25c a lb. the usual off year results, and yet mand the reasons for the imprison­ effects following use of liquor, wine We keep everything a gro­ Kentucky and Nebraska were lost ment of an American citizen, and or beer, and overcomes that un­ cery store should have. and Ohio only barely saved, while if in his judgment they are wrong­ pleasant necessity of being com­ the party vote fell off everywhere. ful to demand the release of the pelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild The machine politicians of all par­ prisoner. Judge Yarrell contends and the extraordinary effect of ties are pleased with the success of that Mrs. Maybrick has not forfeit­ Swamp-Root is soon realized. It A. R. MERRITT, Propr. Tammany in New York, because ed her citizenship and some time stands the highest for its wonder­ the success of Low would have en­ ago filed, with President McKinley, ful cures of the most dsstressing Gold Hill, Oregon. couraged the »practice of running a list of authorities supporting his cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by anti-machine candidates in other contention, and he says of the pres­ druggists, price fifty cents and one OUR CLUBBING LIST. places, to the consequent loss of ent status of the matter: “The Pres­ dollar. You may have a sample The N ews and the Toledo Week­ prestige of the machines and their ident has referred the authorities bottle and pamphlet both sent free ly Blade, both one year for $1.25 candidates.- Democratic rejoicing and my argument on the citizen by mail. Medtion Gold Hill N ews cash in advance. over the gains made by their party ship question to the State Depart­ and send your address to Dr. Kil­ The N ews and the St. Louis Re­ mer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The is tempered by their regret over the ment, with the request that they be proprietors of this paper guarantee public, (twice-a-week) 156 papers a year for $1.50. licking administered to Senator further examined and reported up­ the genuiheness of this offer. The N ews and the New York Gorman in Maryland. The silver on. and 1 am awaiting the result men are pleased because the gains of their research. President Mc­ You c a n ’t afford to risk your life by World, (thrice-a-week edition) 36 pages aweek 208 papers a year all were large in all thestatesin which Kinley has shown himself in this allow ing a cold to develop into pneum o­ for $1.75, enough to paper vour n ia or consum ption. In sta n t relief and the democrats made the free coin­ matter a true American, and I have certain cure are effected by One M inute cabin twice, or light fires a whole year. age of silver the leading issue of the yet to believe him afraid to meet cough cure.—Allison & Co. campaign. Republicans find satis­ the question of citizenship squarely faction in the knowledge that they and to decide it according to our make a gain of one Senator—Gor­ laws.” man’s successor. It is noted that the professional There will be more men in army friends of Cuba, who talk but do bands and more pay for them, if not risk their lives, are more work The authorized agent for Snowy Butte flour in Gold Secretary Alger can persuade Con­ ed up over the serious offer of au­ gress to adopt some of the recom­ tonomy that Spain has made to Hill will hereafter he A. R. Merritt, to whom the local mendations contained in hisannual Cuba than are the Cubans them­ trade and the public is respectfully referred for the lead­ report, and army bands will not be selves. In fact, it seems very ev­ ing brand on the market. allowed to play for pay for private ident that many of those who are HOLMES BROS. parties. Forty years ago the law talking up free Cuban, whether for Proprietors of the Eagle Point Mills. authorizing the formation of army sentiment or for pay cannot be pos­ bands and regulating the pay of itively said, are afraid that the Cu­ the musicians was enacted. Ac­ bans may accept what Spain offers cording to that law the musicians them and end the war on the island, are only private soldiers, detailed which would certainly take all the for baud service, and they only re­ wind out of the sails of the free ceive privates pay, about $15 a Cuba shouters in the U. S. and de­ On Flues, W alls, or month. Secretary Alger wants prive them of what seems to be con­ any other k in d of B rick W ork. them enlisted as musicians and genial employment. Those who their pay increased. All of the ought to lie best informed, do not labor organizations will probably believe there is one chance out of favor these recommendations, as one hundred that Spain can suc­ THE many of them have repeatedly ceed in bringing about peace in BRICK • • • sent protests to Washington against Cuba and at the same time retain MASON, government bands beinj^allowed to its control of the island. Still, Gold H ill, - Oregon. compete with private bands. they will watch the experiments Public interest in the case of now being made by Gen. Blanco Mrs. Maybrick, the American born with interest. There are lots of woman who is undergoing a life men who do not believe the Cubans sentence in an English prison as a could govern themselves a year, if R O L L 6 R M IL L S , result of having been convicted, un­ their independence was given them HOUCK & SIQ-NOROTTI. P roprs. justly most people believe, of poi­ bv Spain; its crop of professional soning her husband, was revived revolutionists is too large. A Complete Line of Flour, Corn Meal, Graham. Bran by the publication of a statement Shorts and Mill Feed Constantly on Hand. that she was shortlv to l>e pardon­ F d n r m e T o n r B o w e l« W i t h Mill One-Half Mile East of Town ('«thartic, cure constipation forever. ed. Judge L. 1). Yarrell, now in 10c. Candy 23c If C. C. C fail, druggists refund money. Real Good The Cash Store SNOWY BUTTE FLOUR. CAN’T BE BEAT........ w . H. STICKEL, Rogue .:. R ver COLD HILL, - . OREGON.