Medford Shoe Co., Disfigurement for life by bums or I scalds may be avoided by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and all kinds of sores and skin troubles.—Allison & Co. Has just received a shipment of L a d ie ’ s G reen S ho es .... •I Also new goods in men’s wear. famous We have the 7 6 ” S c h o o l S hoes , Just what you are looking for. Call and see sampe and the workmanship Medford Shoe Co., ATÆ ) R â KEET’’’ ¿Jimi: Zillllth DON’T L et the F actü That I have the largest and best selected stock of furniture, carpets, wall paper and window shades to be found in South­ ern Oregon A grand jury has been impaneled at Fresno, Cal., with particular instruct­ ions to investigate the conduct of offi­ cers who might have neglected their duty. This ¡»¡directed against the peace officers who have permitted faro ami other proscribed games to be'conducted openly. Some sensational indictments mav be made. | An engine was pushing the Southern I Pacific company’s pay car to a siding at Bakersfield, Cal., ran into an open switch, colliding with an engine. The pay car and engine telescoped. Three men were riding on the engine, one, Charles Lemostus, was killed and the other two were badly injured but will recover. His Leg Broken By a Fall. AGENTS WANTED ! ------ : FOR :------ If- u J'-D.uXi.a Xijj.LLiM iy ------- ¡AND:-------- STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BO O KS By th e W. B. Conkev Com pany, th e largest j : T sh ers and m an u factu rers ol books m ti e United S tates. Finest line of n e w holiday and o th e r subscrip­ tion hooks on th e m arket. A lso , e.ts w anted fo rT IIK sills, th e Mil Vi it t h e la te s t .,n d b e s t to x t-lx io k on s ilv e r question hv tire g reat silver leaders, K x c l u t i i c T e r r i t o r y . I . m - g c t C o rn * „ ■ ■ « s in n « . ■ r.-iccx B e l o w C o m p e titio n . W rite at once for circulars an d special term s, statin g choice of territo ry . W . (I. CONKKY COfflP.IV V , 341 D e a r b o r n S t., 4 'h ic n g o , III. M edford , Or., Oct. 25.—B. N. Bunch, of this city, fell yesterday E scape Y our A t t e n t io n on Sterling creek and his right leg was broken below the knee. He If you are a prospective purchaser you will find my goods and another own a mine in that the highest in grade and the LOWEST IN PRICE. Under­ section, and had just completed ar­ taking in connection. rangements to begin work today. Mr. Bunch took a pan of dirt and started to the creek to wash it. He tripped on a small stick lying across M ED FO R D , ORE. the path and fell. He was brought TtllllC :iiiniï to Medford on a lumber wagon, a J. E. OLSON. jj g OLSON. distance of 14 miles, arriving here late at night, when the fracture was reduced, and he is now resting Are Prepared to Fill All easy. Mr. Bunch is over 60 years Orders Promptly in old, which makes the accident all the more serious. I. A . W e b b , O lson B rothers Rough and Dressed Lumber, Received at the Frnilntiary. Rustic, Ceiling, Flooring, Wainscoating, Moulding. In fact, anything in the line of building material. Also wood, any length. S ai . em , Oct. 26.—George Ilucker, Orders delivered if desired. Address, convicted of larceny, and John Holmes, convicted of assault with intent to commit rape, were received at the penitentiary today from Union country. They are sentenced to one year each. The distingni lied c h e m ist, I'. A. Slocum, of New York City, demon­ strating his dc coverv of a reliable cure for Consum ption (Pulm onary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, -tubborn coughs, catarrhal ¡iff, ctions, general decline and weakne , loss of Mesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will R. W. Gray of Prospect is mak­ send T hree F r : i B otti . i - (all dif­ ing arrangements for the establish­ ferent) of his New Discoveries to ment of a sash and door factory in any afflicted reader of this paper Medford. He will occupy the w riting for them. His ‘‘New - ientifie T reatm ent'’ premises formerly used by G. L. has thousands perm anently Our many customers keep us hustling these days, Schermerhorn for a like purpose. by its cured tim ely use, and he considers ---------o---------- hut we still have time to show intending pur­ it a simply profc-sionsi 1 duty to The big engine of theR. R. V. R. suffering hum a ti tv to donate i trial chasers the best bargains ever offered in Grocer­ has been undergoing repairs of his infallible cine. ies. Call and see us and you will surely come Co. Science daily develops new won­ lately—getting a coat of magnesia a ira in and asbestos lagging put over the ders, and tbi great cbemi t, pa­ tiently c- ; , t i n n - i l l I I I .' for \ , I-Sjlias boiler and a general fixing up— produced results beneficial to and the little double ender has hum anity can he claimed by any been doing duty in its stead.— mod,TO Hi I! that lung trouble-- and consumption ¡ire Times. curable in any clim ate is proven Articles of incorporation have by "hen; felt letter of gratitude,” filed in 1 \meri< in and Enropead been filed in the office of the secre­ laboratorie in tlmu tnd- from those tary of state of the Jewell Hardware cured in all parts f the world. The dread Consumption, u ninter­ Company; objects, to carry on a t ' ■ dy i certain WHAT? Whv, that Underwear we spoke of last week, and general meicantile hardware busi­ rupted, mean death. as cheap as ever, despite the McKinley tariff. We boast of ness and buy and sell gold dust; Slocum, M. the most complete line of ladies’, gent’s and children’s under­ capital $20,000 divided into shares Simply w rite to T C., 98 Pine - t i . , t. New York, giv­ wear to be found in Southern Oregon..... of $5; principal office and place of ing post ollie,■ m d ( \p re - address, F We have ladies’ and children’s Oneita Union business, Grant’s Pass; incorpora­ and the free rn- d iein c will la? suits in all qualities. Just think of chil­ tors, L. L. Jewell, A. L. Jewell and prom ptly sent direct from his dren’s cotton union suits for 25 cents each. laboratory. S. S. PrenUss. Call and examine before buying. Sufferers should take in ta u t a d ­ vantage of bi g e t- n o - proposition* T o C o r e C onfit I p u t Io n T o rn v e r. Plea ,- tell the 1), tor that you T a k e Pa sea re ta Candy C n th a n «. 10c or25c If C. C. C. fail to cure, d ru g g ists refuu u m oney -aw th e in • t.e Nt O lson B rothers , MEDFORI),___ - OR EGON. S till o n t h e J u m p .... D avis & G ilkey M EDFORD, OREGON. THEY HAVE ARRIVED...... W THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. Lung T roubles and C onsum ption Can be Cured. THE "RACKET,” Medford, Or.