Southern Oregon dis­ G old H ill N ews . trict The fair second at Roseburg closed S atur­ A Newspaper—N ot an Organ. Published Every Friday Afternoou. News Printing Company, day. As far as exhibits and amuse­ ments are concerned, the fair was a success. The financial outcome is not yet known. Start Right V I » IV I IN D EPEN D EN T ORDER OF ODD FELLOW S, No. 129. Meets every Saturday night at 7:30 p. m. Visiting members cordially invited to ateend. J. I., II VM.MEKSLY N. G. M akk B akek , Rec. Secy. I then Go Ahead PUBLISHERS. A law case in Missouri known on the dockets as that Noah Kings­ F. K. CHURCHILL, Editor and Manager. bury vs. John Simmer, over a $10 pig, was decided last Saturday after­ S u b s c r ip tio n ll n t r a . noon after a long and expensive INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE One Year, - - $1 00 suit. As fianal outcome, the $10 Six .Months, - - 50 pig cost the defendant $4000. 1 M H I1 .I The Only Way to Start Right is to buy Your Station­ ery, Cigars, To­ bacco and Candy, IA S . LUTTERELL POST No. 71, G. ** A. R. Meets on the first Saturday of each month, at 2 o’clock p. in. All Visiting Veterans welcomed. W. H. B eidlek , Commander. V fU G G E T LODGE NO. 80, A. O. U. L ’ W. Meets every Monday night at 8 o’clock in I. O. O. F. Hall. Visit­ ing members cordially invited. W ii . i . A. C ahtkk , M. W. The river Yukon is frozen this year somewhat earlier than usual.' • there will be no further com m uni­ AT BAKER’S. p O G U E RIVER TENT NO. K. (). cation by river with the mines of' T. M. of the World, meets every the Upper Yukon till June. Nor will it he possible to m aintain any Temperance Drinks Altuatis Friday night in School House Hall, at 8 o’clock. All Sir Knights happening in regular communication between ' o n H a n d our city on these occasions are cordially Friday, October 22, 1897. ’ them and Dyea during the winter— j ______ t invited to visit the Tent. though some persons may get | v w w w w w » F. K. Cm KciiiLL, Record Keeper.. The Ashland Advertiser publish­ through. The distance from Dyea r 'T'r, «É I ¡1C ed by W. Y. Crowson comes out to Dawson—nearly 800 miles—is PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a f this week a four column folio. It too great to he covered in a frigid jk \ climate by more than occasionally A l l O f is neatly printed and is full of good Q H. DALRYMPLE, small parties. So, virtually, there ' £ L i v i n g 1 things. will lie no communication with the Klondike mines from November ATTORNEY and and living well, is in ju ­ People should never he judged by till April. dicious marketing. CO UNCE L LO R -A T -L A W. Where you buy is of as appearances, for a shabby old coat “I always did ^ ^ “Collections Given Prom pt A t­ dislike men who j much imjiortance as what may contain an editor, while the tention. have no ear for m usic,” » said one you buy and what you man wearing a high-toned plug hat girl, “and now I dislike them more pay for it, when it comes Gold Hill, Or. may he a delinquent subscriber.— than ever. Charley Nevergo called to food. You want to Truth to see me yesterday evening. At know the surroundings 11 o clock 1 went to the piano.” of the things you are go­ ing to eat. Notice the “ Everybody to their taste’’—this “And played ’Home, Sweet Hom e'?” said the other girl. “ Yes. First 1 cleanliness of our store. is what the old woman said when played it as a balled. He d idn’t | Everything is fresh and she kissed the cow. A subscriber move. Then I played it us a waltz attractive and our prices of the Medford Mail is quoted as and next as a polka, and then as a are always right. saying thet the Mail is to Southern jig.” “And what did he do?” “ He One Price to all, Strictly for Cash. Oregon papers what the Oregonian said: ‘Gracious, Miss Jones, what a jolly lot of tunes you know! And is to the other dailies of the state, all so different.’ ” Now comes a subscriber to the Gold RITTER BROS., Hill N ews ; who takes the Mail, HOW TO FIND OUT. »old H ill, - Oregon Monitor-Miner, Times, Tidings and Horse Shoeing, Plow, Wagon the Valley Record; anil says the Fill a bottle or common glass ="@*!!"! """!! ! " !! ""! and Carriage work. I weld with urine and let it stand twenty- i N ews is the best paper in the hunch, 01020202010100020101000201 both high and low grade steel four hours; a sediment or settling j ; although much smaller in size. to steel, or iron to steel, also indicates an unhealthy condition I I A t t e T t i O R ’ malable iron. I do not weld >f the kidneys. When urine stains Alt Editor Speaks. cast iron. linens it is evidence of k id n ey ! After you get angry and stop trouble. Too frequent desire to I A ll W o rk G u a ra n te e d . your paper, just poke your finger urinate or pain in the back, is also! convincing proof that the kidneys into the water pull it out, and look Rates Reasonable for Cash. and bladder are out of order. at the hole. Then you We have Beef W HAT TO DO. sadly you are missed. A man who There is comfort in the knowl­ that cannot fail thinks a paper cannot thrive w ith­ edge so often expressed, th a t D r .! to please the out his support, ought to go off and Kilmer,s Swamp-Root, the great s . V. M cFA R R E N , most fastidious stay a while. When becomes hack kidney remedy fulfils every wish half his friends will not know he in relieving pain in the hack, kid­ beef epicures. was gone, and the other half will neys, liver, bladder and every part Oil, the ju ic e ! of the urinary passages. it cor­ not earc, while the world at large rects inability to hold urine and kept no account of his movements. scalding pain in passing it, or bad Bust tonic after the and :• You will find things you can not effects following use of liquor, wine i < » rip. indorse in every paper. The “ Book or beer, and overcomes th a t u n ­ pleasant necessity of being com­ BEIDLEK & SON’S g of Books” is often very plain and pelled to get up m any times during hits some hard raps hut if you were the night to urinate. The mild MARKET, to get mad and burn your Bible, and the extraordinary effect of Gold Hill. Oregon. = Bl.-H KSHITliS IMI MiT lAKIi WITHIES, It I he hundreda of presses would still Swamp-Root is soon realized. stands the highest for its wonder­ billlllllllllllllllllllllllllilillilliijii Hii^ go on printing it. So when you ful cures of the most dsstressing stop your paper and call the editor But they shoe horses—because th at eases. If you need a medicine von names, the paper will he published, should have the best. Sold by * is their business. Let me prove to and what is more, you will read it druggists, price fifty cents and one l you that I have learned every detail dollar. You may have a sample on the s lv .— Sisson Mirror. of the trade. There isn’t a branch For Infants and Children. hottie and pam phlet both sent free in blacksmithing th at I do not un­ by mail. Medtion G dd Hill N ews Th« f»e- The Ashland iron works are derstand. My prices will not crip­ liB il« and send your address to Dr. K il­ Ujuta» * I« 8» working on a $1600 order for pul •wry ple your purse, neither will the mer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The ■ »»«fpw. leys, shafting, etc., from the Sissons proprietors of this paper guarantee siioes I set cripple your horses. Lumber it Mercantile Company. the genuiheness of this offer. Advertising rates on ap­ plication All advertisements and business locals will be run until ordered out unless otherwise con­ tracted for. GRIFFIS T he B uilder . Restaurant in Connection. A llround B lack sm ith 7^ Beef Eaters I. W. Cox, «•“ Watches, JEWELRY, Gold Hill, - Oregon. C ASTORIA J - W - Hays, (aun HILI., (Irfgoii,