1 he amhill county hop crop is G old H ill N ews . estimated at 400 bales by compe­ A Newspaper—Not an Organ. Published Every Friday Ifte riM it. News Printing Company, PUBLISHERS. F. K. CHURCHILL, Editor and Manager. S u b a c r lp lle u K a le * . INVARIABLY IN ADVANCB One Year, Six M onths, $1 00 50 Advertising rates on ap­ plication All advertisements and business locals will be run until ordered out unless otherwise con­ tracted for. Friday, October 1, 1897. There are no snakes in Alaska, but there are two kinds of poison- ous flies. tent persons. I t is worth, at pres­ ent quotations, $100,000. The sig­ nificance of this appears when it is understood th at this is the product of less than 600 acres of ground. Not more than one-fiftieth of the available hop land is being used for hop growing, and the product might be greatly increased if there were no drawbacks to the business. Hon. T. T. Geer declines, with thanks, the appointm ent of Register of the Oregon City land office, for the reason th a t he was a candidate for collector of customs at Portland. Hon. C. B. Moores, of Marion coun­ ty, has been strongly recommended for the land office appointm ent by the Oregon delegation, and will no doubt be appointed by the Presi­ dent. Mexico claims to have discovered rich gold mines in the Yaqui coun­ 1 he potato does not intend to a l­ low all the honors to wheat and try. This river, which flows into corn. I t is getting its eyes open. the Gulf of California, until recent­ ly has been unknown to prospect­ The Hawaiian senate on Sept. 10, ors, because of the hostility of the by unanim ous vote, ratified the savages. But peace is now assured treaty of annexation to the United and the gold region is open, and a States. great exodus from the cities is ex pected. A trip to rich gold fields W ithin a year Mr. Bryan has in Mexico would be more pleasing been through three wrecks—one in than one to the Klondyke. Kansas, one in Florida, and one th a t was generally distributed over The Treasury Departm ent has the country.— Ex. over $145,000,000 of gold in hand, and has had since the McKinley H hat miserable poor wretches adm inistration came in a larger they are up at Klondyke, with gold surplus than at any tim e for nothing but gold, gold in bags, and a long period of years. This is in cans, and kettles. There are occa­ marked contrast with the condit­ sions when there are other things ions during the Democratic adm in­ better than gold. istration, when President Cleveland —-------- ------ was compelled to sell bonds every One of the gillnet fishermen of now and then to keep up the hun­ Astoria, Or., caught a royal chin- dred million reserve. ook salmon that had a hook in its mouth and a cotton line and home No better evidence of the actual made spoon such as Indians use a t­ return of business activity could be tached. The fish weighed thirty found than the official reports of pounds. bank clearances for the week end­ ing September 18. They show the ! 'I he ¡migration law should be so cleaiances to be fifty per cent great­ strong as to prevent the landing of er .................................„ than at this time one Jenr year ago men who are not intelligent enough and seventy-five per cent, in excess f to 1 1 read (**>•> il and U ta i I write nr I. are not of e those . l and J who of . the corresponding week capable of becoming good citizens, two years ago. They . .. . 1 * ------------------- j are greater In all the recent strikes in the coal than at any time since January and coke countries the turbulent 1893. 1 element has come from these for­ HOWS THIS? eign swarms. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don’t Spend a Dollar for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. n u . « « i . put up cheaply to erut.rj «h. uq I t v . 1 preK,nt demand for . I o . p r t » If you don’t find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the D ruggist’s TRADC SD rur/q? V v J ” 15 > L™"3 CHEMICAL COMPANY, No. IO Spruce St., New York, and they will be »ent to you by mail; or one“ th°tnV b' - i ’x 1?d f0r 48 cent’- The chance» are ten to one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need M IL L IN B R Y ? » Mrs. I. H. Cole begs to announce to her friends and valued customers in Gold H ill and vicinity th at she will return to this city about the first of Septem­ ber, with a complete stock of Millinery, including the latest styles of HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS and TRIHMINGS, for the tall and winter trade, which will he sold mucn below city prices. Lessons given in fancy work—Terms reasonable. Remember the place. B o l d I I ill,__ O r e g o n . C1 f II 1 1 1 ! IW k lzA A Ù .« o r t lllil ll. . a _ I 1 Only seven out of 105 is a pretty small percentage of the Noyo's pas­ sengers to get over the Chilcoot pass, vet this is letter fortune than was expected by those whotmw this steam er sail. Snow is coming about *1 1 a * « • — J 4 V V II V, 111 v _\ .. « . . (lie usual tim e th is year in Alaska, blit if w in te r h ad set in a fo rtn ig h t .1 , . , , eat Her h u n dreds who are now going ■ \\ e offer One H undred Dollars Reward for aiiv ease of C a ta rrh th a t can not lie cured by H all’s C atarrh Cure, li .1. CiiKNEv A Co.. Props., Toledo, O. W e the undersigned, have known F .1 < henev for th e last 15 years, and believe loin iH-rfeetly honorable in all business iinurii« transactions and financially able to e a r- ry «mt any obligations m ade by th eir ,ir1,” '- e 'V A lrua!i.- " bolesale Drug- uiMs, 1 e!e«tOj II, \\ aiding, Kimciu .v M arvin, W holesale Druggists. Toledo, O. 1 11:1,1 ' ' a ,a a r{' Dure Is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon th e blood and niurous surfaces of the system . Price j •’' ' ■ l‘,'r -o ld by all Druggists. down the Yukon would have been Testimonials free. forced to t urn back. H all’s Family Pill« ,»re the best. i ’’ured by Hr. nllLim> IAIN “10 ilLLS. ‘ Oue cent a riooe.’* * lm. B A C K h C n Dr. J* Miles u ! .K,' Ey '‘XTlsM relieved N ervo P la sters. A - l l i s s o n vXi C o . , DRUGGISTS, S e lls o n ly P u r e D ru g s, M e d ic in e s . c i l u i i i e r y a n d l o i l e t .A r tic le s . Prescriptions a Specialty. W. H.Caine, Pharmacist Gold Hill, On; H E N E WS 3 Months 25 Cents. Order Now.