longs to the attorney. While the pros­ G old H ill N ews . pector is considered as a very reliable __ (ANDY CATHARTIC man his story is regarded as a “jolly.” Fear of yellow fever has lead to vio­ lence near Jackson, Miss. The people, irritated beyond measure at the rail- i road’s disregard of the quarantine rules for the protection of Jackson, SPANISH AUTHORITIES PREPARING tore up a section of the Alabama and FOR WAR W ITH UNCLE SAM. ' Vicksburg railway a short distance west of the city and burned a trestle jl Y e l l o w F e v e r F i n d i n g M a n y V ic t im s on the same road. The governor has and S p r e a d in g R a p i d l y — P e a c e , called out troops to protect railroad ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED r,,r* Caarareta »re (he Ideal Laxa*| I property. / T r e a t y S ig n e d l l y G r e e c e a n d T u r k e y Jj>l. and booklet free. Ad. ETERI,,XQ R E n E D ^ ^ M ^ - M o L t r V . L — M e x i c a n L t n c h e r x t o b y P u n is h e d . j A report comes from across the At­ lantic to the effect that Spain fc busy , with plans of conflict for war with the John Sartain, the venerable Philad­ j United States. The Spanish war de­ elphia artist, is dying. He is 89 years partment is holding special meetings old. and is said to be perfecting the most Guatemalan revolutionists have cap­ minute details of expected battles. tured the city of Ocos, a seaport town Public insults to America are becoming «>u the Pacific coast. very common, and Spain’s neighbors An appare^Hv well-planned revolu­ consider war inevitable. Washington I tion has b r o k e r out in Nicaragua. The officials do not consider Spain’s action rebels attacked two important cities worthy of notice. simultaneously. The recent visit of the Duke and L o w e s t The Spanish cabinet is expected to Duchess of York to Ireland has again resign, owing to the excommunication revived reports of the Queen’s inten­ P r i c e s . of the minister of finance for taking tion to establish a royal residence on the Emerald isle and to abolish the possession of a church. B est A wire nail works and two lamp Viceroyalty to which the Irish so ob­ ject. Should the government take this G oods. chimney plants have resumed opera­ tions at Anderson, Ind., giving employ­ action it is probable that Muckross castle, Killarney, will be purchased ment to some 1600 men. for the royal residence. It has been THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. By the burning of Preston Howards proposed to give the eldest son of the home at Port Alma, Out., three of his British heir apparant the hereditary daughters, aged 16, 10 and 6 years, title of the “Prince of Ireland.” Lung Troubles and Consumption Can be were burned to death. Cured. The rebellion in Guatemala is reach­ The peace treaty between the g o v ­ ing a very serious stage. The leaders ernment of Uruguay and the insur­ are men of great wealth and influence The distinguished chemist, T. A. Once drank ; AlwayB drank gents has been signed, and their is and are gaining strength each day. A Slocum, of New Vork City, demon­ great rejoicing among the citizens. Made from Pure Artesiai Ng battle was fought at Guezaltenango strating his discovery of a reliable Water. 1 he treaty of peace between Greece on September 13th. Three thousand cure for Consumption (Pulmonary and Turkey has been signed. The rebels attacked the garrison there and Greeks consider the terms exceedingly fought for two days without capturinv Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, hard, and accept the result with mourn the city. catarrhal affections, general decline ful resignation. During the Independence day pro­ and weakness, loss of flesh, and all Five men were instantly killed and three were badly injured in a head- cession in the City of Mexico, Ignacio conditions of wasting away, will Fresh Frtits, Can­ end collision of freight trains on the Anulfo, a violent character, assaulted send T hree F ree B ottles (all dif­ Wisconsin Central railroad near How­ I resident Diaz, intending to murder ferent) of his New Discoveries to dies, Nuts, Cigars, him. He was arrested before he did ard, Wis. any harm. The prisoner was placed in any afflicted reader of this paper and Tobaccos’ al­ 1 atrick Griffin, a miner, was knocked jail and the following day a naob broke writing for them. down a 1400-loot shaft at a mine in info the jail, took Arroyo oat and His “New Scientific Treatment” ways on Hand. Butte, Mont., and instantly killed. His lynched him. has cured thousands permanently £ ^ " B E S T LINE OF STATIONERY was the fifth violent death at Butte Ex-Congressman William Lvne Wil­ by its timely use, and he considers IN TOWN. within 12 hours. son, who framed the tarifl' bill which it a simply professional duty to During a dense fog that prevailed bore his name and who was postmast­ suffering humatity to donate a trial off the Newfoundland coast the British steamer Hhodera and the Norwegian er-general in President Cleveland’s last of his infallible cur®. Science daily develops new won­ steamer Eugene went ashore near oabinet, has entered upon his new Cape Kace, and both are total wrecks. duties as president of the Washington ders, and this great chemist, pa­ The Stationer and Confectioner. and Lee university at Lexington, Va. tiently experimenting for years, has Ernest T. Hargrove has resigned the IIIIIIIIHIilllllllliliimillllllHIillu General Acosta has carried out one produced results as beneficial to presidency of the Theosophical Society 0253535302010 of America in order, he says, to enter of the most dashing enterprises ever humanity as can be claimed by any the business world and recoup hia for­ attempted by the Cubans around modern genius. His assertion that Havana. On Friday with 600 men he tunes. attacked Managua, which is scarcely lung troubles and consumption are A son has been born to the Duke and three miles from the capital, raided the curable in any climate is proven Duchess of Marlborough. The mother place and captured all the arms and by “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” was formerly Miss Vanderbilt The ammunition in the Spanish fort after filed in his American and I Europead Prince of Wales has signified his will­ having routed the garrison. laboratories in thousands from those ingness to stand sponsor for the child. A dispatch from Hammerfest, the cured in all parts of the world. We have Beef The yellow fever situation in New town of Europe, in Nor­ The dread Consumption, uninter­ Orleans is growing serious. The disease northern-most way, says that the whaling ship Palk rupted, means speedy and certain that cannot fail is spreading rapidly and many victims has brought there the third pigeon dis­ are dying. lh e plague has reached patch from Professor Andree, who left death. to please the up through the Missiisslppi valley as Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. most fastidious tar as Cairo, III., where two men have the island of Tromsoe in a baloon on C., 98 Pine street, New York, giv­ July 11th in an attempt to cross the the fever in mild form. Strict quaran­ beef epienres. polar regions. The message was dated ing post office and express address, tine has been placed against Alabama, and the free medicine will be July 13th, latitude 82 deg. 2 min. north, Oh. the ju ic e ! Louisiana and Mississippi. longitude 12 deg. 5 min. east, and read promptly sent direct from his President Diaz has given orders that “good voyage eastward. All well.” laboratory. the most rigid inquiry l>e made into Sufferers should take instant ad­ = Best tonic after the the lynching of Arroyo, the man who J- King, a piano tuner and agent, Grip. assaulted him during the celebration in tried to kill B. Casty, a rancher, at All vantage of his generous proposition Please tell the Doctor that you the city of Mexico, and that the guilty pine, San Diego county, Cal., because saw this in the N ews . = BE IDLER & SON’S i parties be severely punished. he insisted on King paying a board Two robbers, masked and armed, bill of 12. MARKET, looted the parish house of Church of The body of J. Robinson, drowned DO YOU the Sacred Heart, at Kansas city, more than ten months ago in the 5 Gold Hill, Oregon, : they secured |75 in cash, a set of sil­ White river, near Tacoma, Wash., has READ ver tableware, a gold and silver chalice )H»t been recover from a sandbar a ^Minnuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib and a watch. The robbers made good mile from where he fell into the river. THE their escape. OOLD E v e r , body Say» So. Frank Lynch was shot snd killed bv J. L Malcom, a Denver, Col., attor­ Joha Ashurst at New Idria, San Benito HILL ney, has just received a letter from a couoty, Cal. Tke men had trouWe miner lie grnbstadod with $3lK) for N EW S? AlaskaUwo years ago, saying that he over rattle two years ago and have been Utter eaemiee since. Lynch in- i IF NOT, has struck it rich and considers himself tended to aeeuult Ashurst at the time worth *8,000,000, one-half of which bc- of o f ( ’ r- p,“*a»e buy and try a box WHY NOT? the shooting. ' guaranteed to cure by a lU ^ g g £ u Mc;J auU Friday, September 24, 1897. NEWSiiF THE WOULD. io« CURE CONSTIPATION j ii jin n J Itfh- „ I L. E. PATE F22T=EITTER SOLD HII2I2, ORE Albany Soda Temperance Drinks of Kinda- BAKER A ttention I Beef E aters