I Scrofula Makes life misery to thousands of people. It manifests itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings, running sores, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarce­ ly a man is wholly free from it, it some form. It clings tenaciousl) until tlie last vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicated by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the O n e T r u e B lo o d P u r i f i e r . Thousands of voluntary testimonials tell of suffering from scrofula, often inherited and most tenacious, positive­ ly, perfectly and permanently cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla P re p a re d only by C. I. H ood & Co., L o w e ll. M ass. Be sure to ge t H o o n ’s and only H o o d ’ s . llO O tl S r lllS » re th e best a fter-d in n e r p ills , a id digestion. 2bc. Tilt Sugar Beet.x of Jackson Conity. this c n y is much higher than in any of the states named and a test of the yield in Jackson county shows beets to average 20 tons to the acre, and in some cases the yield went as high as Jo tons, while these in California average hut ittons, and in Utah l l i tons. Mr. Shaw says that only one coun­ ty in Oregon can cope with Jack- son in the production of beets and natural resources for the produc- , tion of beet sugar. Beets with an average of 14 per cent are $4 a ton at the factory and with the yield of 20 tons to the acre, gives a pretty good income for the farmers who engage in the en­ terprise. Mr. Shaw will remain here to­ morrow and will endeavor to visit a number of others who are grow­ ing beets in this vicinity. Brobst "f,eak *.n‘J 8®t out ° f orde.r: $an b® and lowered at will. Autom atic Bobbin U inder— For filling the bobbin automatically and perfectly smooth without holding the thread. Machine does not run while w inding bobhiu. L ig h t R unning— Machine is easy to run, does not fatigue thenper- •for, m akes little noise and sews rapidly. Stitch is a double lock stitch, the sam e ou bulb aides, will not ravel and ean be changed without stopping the machine. Tension is a flat sp itn g teu Vu11'*?n18.90 cash and coupon. A No. 9 0 3 4 we will ship the above-described m achine anyw here securely packed ano crated, and guarantee safe delivery. A ten years’ written warranty sn ft with ' 8»OO each machine. Money refunded if not as represented after thirty days test > FOR trial. We will ship C. O. D. for >19.«50 with privilege o f tw enty days' trial on ’ I f »eat with order J receipt o f >5.00 as a guarantee o f good faith and charges. If you prefer thirty days’ trial before paying, send for our large illustrated catalogue w ith tea ti- tor Arlington ■ on lals, explaining fully how we ship sew ing machines auywhere to an y­ 1 SawIngM.cMn« I one at the lowest manufacturer's priees without asking one cent in advance. No 66 The best plan is to send all cash with order, as you then save the >1.00 dis­ count. Remember the coupon must be sent with order. S5.0tti ADDRESS (IN P U LL) CASH BUYERS’ UNION, 8« » 8 3 4 158164 W. VAN RUREN ST.. CHICAGO. ILL. ------- _o---------- AGENTS WANTED ! * * * „r«Al Subscribe for the News. / L. E. PATE T ]{ E E22T=EITTER. GOLD HILL, ORE. j T S ' - V; Low est P ric e s . Best G oods. / ~ ”