Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... I l l l l t 015323535348232348535300485323003053532348534848894853 Geo. Lyman is in the city trans­ 3223485302015353532348535348485332532348239023484823 acting business. E. N. Williams is up on the Ap­ plegate this week. B. W. Dennis returned from Jacksonville yesterday. D ^ H v o u w a n t your Pre- ec- prong put up exactly as t ie doctor o -Je-s, take them to East mart th e D ruggist, bo ld H ill, Oregon, Clark Williams and wife came down from Asbestos last evening on business. Work was begun on the new brick building of C. H. Dalrymple on the north side the first o f the week. Gold H ill is to have another General Merchandise is a current rumor on the streets. D. R. Hubbard, of Des Moines, Iowa spent several days in this city visiting his brother Warren. iiiRiiiiiinniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui Don’t thin your blood with sassafras or poison it with blue-mass; but aid Nature by using DeW itt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for consti­ pation, billiousness and stomach and liver troubles. They are purely veg­ etable. Allison A Co. Notice the new ad of Mrs. I. H. Cole, this week. She has opened a fine line of Fall and Winter Mil­ linery in this city. I. H. Cole and wife returned from San Francisco last Saturday where Get your neighbor to subscribe they have been several days pur­ for the N ews . chasing a fine stock of Fall Millin­ School opened Monday with a ery. good attendance. P rotect Y ourself against sick­ T. M. Sims has his new residence ness and suffering by keeping your nearly completed. blood rich and pure with Hood’s E. N. Williams went to Medford Sarsaparilla. Weak, thin, impure on business Tuesday. blood is sure to result in disease. F or S ai k .—A blooded bull calf. H ood ’ s P ills are easy to take, Enquire at the N ew * office. easy to operate. Cures indigestion, C. F. Young will move into his biliousness. 25c. new quarters in a few days. Mrs. Sperry has moved her res­ O ur P rinters ’ S truck . — Last week after the paper had been got­ taurant over on the north side. ten out for the preceding week the J. J. Stanley, of Coquille City is editor took a notion to go to the visiting relatives in this vicinity. mountains on a vacation of one Miss Gregory, of Ashland, is in week. After all arrangments were the city visiting friends this week. made the printers, “devil” and all Don’t neglect a cough because the struck. This is the reason the w eather is pleasant; before the next N ews did not appear last Friday storm rolls around it may develope into as usual. a serious difficulty beyond repair. One --------- j Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and T he F irst B rick L aid .—Wed­ will do what its name implies. Allison nesday morning September 1st, the A Co. corner stone and first brick was Ritter Bros, are having a new laid in the first brick building for sign put on their store front this Gold Hill. The work is being week. done by W. H. Stickle for our at­ The Encampment is right on our torney C. H, Dalrymple. The heels. It is going to be a grand building will be ¡20x40 one story high. success. 233 HEN. passed into my store the other day and purchased cigars out of my stock. 1 keep the best Imported and make the best Domestic brands and sell on the closest margins of anyone in Southern Oregon. When a man buys a 10 cent cigar of me he is not buying a 145 cigar— and he knows it . You can fool a man once on a cigar but you cannot the sec­ ond time— AND I KNOW IT. Knowledge is a great thing in business. When visiting Medford give me a call. I will treat you right GEO. KURTZ, Medford Cigar Factory. Mrs. J. W. Short and her sister Mrs. Morey were passengers fcr Medford Wednesday morning. T k p s 'R i k Acc-nwrr.—It is a terrible accide it to be burned or sralded; but the pa m i and it " o u y and the frightful dis- flgure nents « .in lie quickly overcome wit lion eav uz a scar bv using DeWitt’s Witch lla z ti calve, Allison A Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. n . fie­ li all« slfutar* — it os E rtarnte T on r R o w el« W ith C aae® re t a . Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, J5c. If C. C C. fail, druggists refund money. dvertising TTRACTS TTENTION. A B rightens ACCWARD USINESS atches 1RCULATING OIN. C The Gold Hill News will bring you Good Results. Try it Once. You Like to Deal At a Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where clerks are polite and obliging ; where deliveries are made on time ; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fair­ est of prices. That’s the sort of a house we keep. Call and be sure of it. Ah, they are wise who advertise In winter, spring and fall; But wiser yet are they, you bet, Who don’t let up at all. The editor and family returned from their weeks outing feeling much refreshed. A. B. C. OF ADVERTISING. D avis & G ilkey T H E MEDFORD, G RO CERS. - OREGON. W ool G oods A re A dvancing ! ! The new Tariff Law, now in effect, will cause an increase in the price of all fabrics made of wool. We have a large and well assorted stock of W oo len U nderw ear and W o o len H osiery , Which we aae offering at the old prices. We would urge our friends to supply their needs at once, as prices will be much higher in the near future. Owing to the heavy de­ mand, Manufacturers are being pushed to fill orders, etc. It will he difficult to obtain duplicates when present lines are broken. Get your Woolen Goods now while our stock is complete. W. H. M EEK ER & Co., M edford , - - O regon . I CAN’T BE BEA T......... On Flues, W alls, or any other k ind of B rick W ork. W. H. STICKEL, THE • BRICK • • • MASON, Gold H ill, - Oregon.