G old H ill N ews . Lung Friday, September 3, 1897. THE WONBEBS OF SCIENCE. T roubles and C onsum ption Can Cured. B oyden & N icholson _=< sv .T he h a r ew a r e m en The distinguished chemist, T. A. W e are now in our new q u arte rs, an d we have by far th e Slocum, of New York City, demon­ Among our special lines strating his discovery of a reliable h a dw are store in S outhern Oregon. ! cure for Consumption (Pulmonary se»- ' Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and ; Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Ichest troubles, stubborn coughs, I NEW SOFTHË WORLD. i h N> brnska Hep uiicans held >n lust week. J ; > ir ■ rencli e n e li cn c a b in e t lias refused to | c a ta rrh a l affections, general décliné rnn d ilv th e d u ty on cereals. ; and weakness, loss of flesh, and all Lv best stocked are $ tik Ice Cream Freezers, Hand Loaded Shells and Fishing Tackle.. . . conditions of wasting away, will | been pronounced unconstitutional. send T hree F ree B ottles (all dif-, Cholera has broken out in one of th e ferent) of his New Discoveries to I BriiisL regim ents a t Bombay, In d ia. my afflicted reader of this paper j We have a large stock of Universal Stoves and Ranges, also a f u l l Princess C hiinaj and Rigo, th e v io -| writing for them. ; line of everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store. We linist, have sta rte d tor the W est Indies. His "New Scientific Treatment do all kinds of pipe-fitting and plumbing.; Call and see our l i n e of A collision of freight tra in s n e a r has cured thousands permanently ’ , guns and sporting goods. Eiion, Ala., in ju re d seven men, five by its timely use, and he considers family. it a simply professional duty to R e m em b er w e a re in the A d k in s b u ild in g , fhe D aughters of th e G rand Arm y suffering humatity to donate atrial next d o o r to H a s k in s ’ D ru g S to re , of th e Rebulbic v eterans m et in Buffalo of his infallible cure. last week. Science daily develops new won­ M E D F O R D , . . . O RE. In a political roit a t Y ucatan, M ex., ders, and this great chemist, pa­ tiie police fired on a crowd a n d killed tiently experimenting for years, has tw elve men. :nmt produced results as beneficial to tu iiiii: Jo h n M cCullagh has been appointed humanity as can be claimed by any ch ief of the New York police, vice modern genius. His assertion that P eter Conlin, retired. lung troubles and consumption are L atest advices from H onolulu sta te curable in any climate is proven th a t all is quiet. The A m erican flag i by "heartfelt letters of gratitude,” has not been hoisted. filed in his American and Europead T w enty women were killed by an accident to an ap p a ratu s for raising ! laboratories in thousands from those That I have the largest and best selected stock of furniture, cured in all parts of the world. w ater a t Moncada, Spain. carpets, wall paper and window shades to be found in South­ The dread Consumption, uninter­ The coal m iners who are now strik ­ ern Oregon ing in tlie east say th a t the operators rupted, means speedy and certain death. have n ev er offered to arb itra te. E scape Y our A t t e n t io n ^ ^ ^ - Ogden Goelet, th e New York m illion- d im p l y write to T. A. Slocum, M. Hire, died on his yacht, th e Mayflower, C., 98 Pine street, New York, giv­ If you are a prospective purchaser you will find my goods u t Cowes, Eng., of lung troubles. ing post office and express address, the highest in grade and the LOWEST IN PRICE. Under­ V enezuela has g ran te d to an A m eri- and the free medicine will be taking in connection. can syndicate the control of the w hisky promptly sent direct from his i an d brady business of th a t country. laboratory. I)r. Von H ollehen, th e P ersian m in ­ Sufferers should take instant ad-| ister a t S tu ttg a rt, W u rte n b u iy , lias vantage of his generous proposition. been selected for th e post of G erm an Please tell the Doctor that you .x M E D F O R D , O R E . em bassador to th e U nited States. saw this in the N ews . Tlie official call for th e six th national THIIII" ~~~ZT' ilmi; l e: nsyl V ania’s new alie n law h as DON’T L et the F act I. A . W e b b , irrigation congress has been issued. SU M M O N S. T he session will he held a t Lincoln, T H E it Nell., .September 28th, 29th and 30lh. I l l t ill' C ir c u it ( « u r i iti h i k ! f n r U i e M ayor McKissou of C leveland has l u u lit ) o f J a c k s o n m u l S ta te t t l O r c g . t ia. issued a call to all th e m ayors an d coiiiicilinen of A m erican cities to m eet Louisa R. Parker, Plaintiff, in convention an d discuss m unicipal vs. governm ent. E. J. Knowles and Mrs. L adles’ w hite vests, 5c and u p ; ladies sh irt w aists, 45c an d u v Light persons were poisoned in Callo­ E. J. Knowles, Defendants’ ladies’ good corsets 45c and u p ; ladies’ belts and buckles, sh irt way county, k y ., by eatin g a w ater­ waist sets—cuff b uttons, collar b uttons, etc. Palm leaf fans melon th a t h ad been stolen. Seven of I In the name of the State of Ore- two fo r 5c; feath er and gauze faun. By m istake a few nieces them are dead an d th e o th e r is in a ' gott, you are hereby required to ap- of Percale suiting—a t a bargain. W e can save you m oney on critical condition. m any o th e r art id es too num erous to m ention. ‘ O ur prices are i pear and answer the complaint of always th e lowest. * E. 11. Lloyd, b e tte r know n as "R ufus the above named plaintiff in the S anders,” a dielect w riter, was shot above entitled court, now on file so d killed n ear G reenville, Ala., by A n Ill-F ittin g Shoe with the clerk of said Circuit Court,, Jo h n Gaflbrd. The account says lie within ten days from the date of! was brutally m urdered. is like a bad conscience—it is al­ the service of this summons upon ways troubling you. You will not The S panish a u th o ritie s claim they know you have an y th in g on your have discovered a plot of a n a rch ists you,if served in Jackson County, feet if you get a p air of our serfect to assassinate the Q ueen R egent, in Oregon, hut if served in any other fitting conscientious shoes. Re­ o rd er to revenge th e execution of An- County in the State of Oregon then m em ber th e place gloiillo, the assassin of C anavos del with in 20 days from the date of ( ’astiilo. said service of this summons upon T II E ¡R A C K E T Carl F rench and H elen H unt, young you, or if served on you out of the lovers not yet out ol th e ir teens, ju m p ­ State of Oregon or by publication ed over a t precipice a t N ashville, then by the first day of ensuing T eam , and were in stan tly killed. T liv r September term of said Court to fle d ford, Oregon. p aren ts would not perm it them to wit: Monday the 13th day of Sept- m arry and th ey decided to l0lllllllt ember A. D. 1897; and you ¡ire J. E. OLSON. suicide. H. B. OLSON. i hereby notified that if you fail to Jn u n Id in rte Borda, p resid e n t o f th e ' appear and answer said complaint republic of U ruguay, was shot ami killed by an ussa-sin as lie was leaving as hereby required the plaintiff will Are Prepared to Fill.All tlie calliedral at M ontevideo, w here lit* take judgment against you fur the I Orders Promptly in had been atte n d in g tlie national in d e­ | sum of Seventy-two Dollars and pendence day ju b ilee service. Two thirty Cents with interest from M shots wore fired at him , one striking 1st 1897 tit ID per cent and for him in the breast causing instant and disbursements of the abov d eath . 1 lie assassin is A vclino A rre­ titled action. dondo, am i officer in th e U ruguayan This summons is published in Rustic, Ceiling, Flooring, Wainscoating, Moulding. In fact, anything arm y. He declares his crim e was m>t in the line of building material. Also wood, any length. inspired by an y th in g more th a n per­ the (loi n H ili . N ews by order of Orders delivered if desired. Address. 11. K. Hanna one of the judges of sonal h atre d lor the president. In tlie e x c ite m e n t following tlie shooting sev­ said court made on the 30th day eral persons were tram p led to d eath of June A. D. 1897. Py tlie crowd and o th ers injured. Hammond and Vawter, RACKET” H AS M ORE N E W GOODS O lson B rothers 5 Rough and Dressed Lumber, O lson B rothers , S ubscribe for the N ews Plaintiff's Attorneys. MEDFORD, OREGON.