LOG RAFT GOES TO SEA. One of the smallest wills ever' A HAI!II EM’ERIEME. filed for probate was entered last Lipkiiii Robertson’s Huge Figar Towed Out week in the surrogate’s office in Forty-Eight Hours in the Road With From Astoria. Broken Leg. For Infants and Children. Brooklyn. The will was made by John It. Sullivan, who died on A storia , Aug. 15 ( 'a plain Rob- Tim Manning was riding horse ertson’s big raft of logs went to sea March 19 last at Ins borne, GO Van back about IB miles from Placerville, this afternoon. It will be met out- \ oorhis street. Fie bequeaths 50 Idaho. The horse fell on him and -ide by the collier Progreso, and ce>lts, to be divided equally between i pinione(] him beneath his body, t< wed to San Francisco. Ihew eath- .wo brothers and one sister. I he ¡M anning found th at if the horse the eheriff’s office when one oc- «■r tins evening was threatening, testator appointed his wife. Mary struggled to get up it would be|curs. hut, as the raft is very strongly J. Sullivan, testatrix, but she is I likely to injure him seriously, and constructed, it will doubtless reach not living, l’he will was dated so be drew his pistol and shot the R oseburg , Or., Aug. 14.— A March 5, 189(5, and was drawn by y anim al dead. young man giving the nam e of San Francisco in safety. He then worked aw yei, Frank D. O Brien, 1 he himself from under the bodv, but! Frank Dixon, and his companion While staving one night at a ! document is regular in every res- when lie got free he found his leg ltichar Kut a climax was reached last cutting off about one-third of his the grave day and night, for it is and the family went to bed Early Monday m orning in these affairs tongue, and tearing the liesh of his known th at a large sum has been face into shreds. on Saturday morning, Dutcher, i wlffch will probably «top the d ep re-. offered for the bodv, and it may be A doctor was called to patch up who had taken his riffe to his room, dations for some time, says the “ snatched” at any time. A phy­ was awakened by a renewal of the Cottage Grove Leader. E arly in the injured hoy, and will he able to sician offered $500 for it, and a col­ trouble, and saw Schofield chasing the m orning Mr. Veatch was save his life, though he will be lege was willing to pay $1000 for bis wife around the yard with a awakened by a noise in hia smoke-j i’1“ *'7 dlshgure' 1’ a " '} II 1S ^ ubtful the remains. shotgun in bis hands. Io protect house, and, on looking out, he saw ' lu e' er e a > e to ta v hav- ing lost so much of his tongue, ami Nearly 70D0 teachers of the puh- her life. Dutcher tired, the ball sim eone lighting matches inside, the roof of bis mouth being so bad­ lie ran and secured his winches­ li ■ schools of California will he u n ­ striking Schofield just over the eye ly shattered. and killing him. ter. and as he came out the back able tu draw any pay for their ser­ 1 be confessions are generally be- door lie saw someone starting across j I T c h r i h i i : A ccident .—It is a terrible vi ces until the next session of the legislature. Such is the opinion of lieved. and general satisfaction is the fields, who, when commanded accident to be b u rn e d o r sc a ld e d ; b u t Mr . ! ligiirenieiits X those versed in the school laws of expressed that the mystery has i t0 halt, only ran the faster. can be quickly overcome Fhe exam ination Veatch then took a shot a t th e j w ithout leaving a scar by using DeW itt's ,i . , -el ■ . • . been cleared up the state I Ins is owing to the fact / W itch Hazel Salve. Allison A Co. was postponed to Tue-dav next. thief, which resulted in him drop­ th a t G o v ern o r B udd saw fit to veto ping a side of bacon as he went the appropriation lor the state Length of Legs. h a n 't Tobacco >i»it uml b u ir I.Uc Awn}. over the fence, w hich he had stolen, ! printing office. In consequence, T o Q uit tobacco easily a n ’. fo re ic r. be tnat? fu ll of tile, nerve and i r, take No T o and with which he was making his I One of the current magazine has the school registers, which are req­ • ib h u i lc, \ th e vom it r v . r . th .it Irak« s w ra.. mi n uisite nudcr the present laws, can­ stro n g . AH ti.-iiv • sts, r,tk-or f 1. Cureguar-an« escape. E xam ination later in the an elaborate treatise on genius and t« ’ »1 B ooklet ane \\ itt « l.ittb - E .irlv lii-ia -. Allison A Co. would bring him out in the -pring. given power to fill the vacancy in reach from his body to the g ro u n d ." CASTOR IA $ J »