t Scrofula Makes life misery to thousands of people. It manifests itself iu many different wavs, like goitre, swelling's, running sores, boils, salt rheum and pimples ami other eruptions. Scarce- ly a man is wholly trie from it, in some form, it clings tenacious!) until the la-t vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparilla, th Get your neighbor to subscribe for the N ews . L. F. Pate and W. C. Hubbard returned from Crescent City last Wednesday, Harry fIarW returned home yesterday from an extended trip east of the m ountains, E oyden & N icholson _=SN v /T he harew are m e n We are now in our new quarters, and we have by fur the best stocked hadware store in Southern Oregon. Among our special lines are -*= Blue Flame Oil Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Hand Loaded Shells and Fishing Tackle.. . . •Y» E. W. Starr and family of Med­ One True Blood Purifier. ford were the guests of his daugh­ a rhousands of voluntary testimonials ter, Mrs. Churchill, Sunday hist. tell of suffering from scrofula, often B. F. Nagee and wife of Apple- inherited and most tenacious, positive­ V e have a large stock of I niversal Stoves and Ranges, also a full gate, accompanied by Mr. Goodin, ly, perfectly and permanently cured by We were in the city the first of the line of everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store. do all kinds of pipe-fitting and plumbing. (’all and see our line of week. guns and sporting goods. : : : : : : : : Mrs. \\ . II. Beidler and sons re­ R e m em b er w e are in the A d k in s b u ild in g , turned from Cottage Grove where next d o o r to H a s k in s ’ D ru g S to re , they have been visiting friends ami relatives several weeks; hence the MEDFORD, O RE. Prepared only by«'. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. broad smile of brother B. iast Sat­ He sure to p t H oop’s and only ltoon's. urday morning. ¿imu a ninth l i t l i - ¡"••’ the best atter-dlnaer fT O O L t S I i I Its piils. aid digestion. ¿5c. ! > „ . n T . ______________ _____ _ Cast Saturday Dr. I,. T. Brock extracted a tuberculous growth of BOYS AND GIRLS $1 the gland of the neck of Mrs. L. B. in Cash, Given A w ay * hurchill, assisted by Dr. Stanlcv. On August 7th, 1 will give $1 in 1 lie work was done in a most skill­ cash to the boy or girl who has ful manner and Mrs. C. is getting That 1 have th e largest and best selected stock of fu rn itu re, read aloud the following advertise­ along nicely. carpets. wall paper and window shades to he found in S outh­ ment, to the greatest number of ern Oregon C. Allison was in the city the! persons. Rule: The advertisement must first of the week looking after his E scape Y our A t t e n t io n ^ ^ = — be read aloud to one person at a business here. He is highly ideas-I If you arc a prospective p u rch aser you will find my goods time, and certified to by their sig­ with the prospects and returned! th e h ighest in grade an d th e LOW EST IN P R IC E . Cnder- natures to a paper headed as fol­ home determined to stock his store' tak in g in connection. here with the mast complete lines lows: of drugs in Southern Oregon. This is to certify th a t------------- read aloud to me the following ad­ Tiie N ews this week is the pro­ duct of one person, who on account . vertisement: X 1 K 1 )R < ) N l ), O R X . Eastman, the druggist, wants ! *>f sickness, acts as editor in chief sunn: iiinrr you to know that he lias the best foreman, compositor, proof-reader, value in writing paper, tablets, galley slave, reporter and last but T H E 5 3 pens, ink, ets., ever shown in Gold n°t least, the devil; desides being Hill. nurse in the hospital. To do j ----------n---------- all the work required has taken 1 H AS M ORE N EW GOODS Geo. Nelson went to Jackson- considerable time, so if any one has been overlooked this week they j L adies’ w hite vests, 5c ami u p : ladies sh irt w aists, 45c and tip; ville yesterday. ladies’ good cor et. 45c a i d u p ; ladies’ belts ami buckles, shirt must excuse us. waist ets—cuff buttons, collar buttons, etc. Palm leaf fans, Dr. Brock's family arrived the two fo ru e ; feather and gauze faun. By m istake a few pieces Yesterday an exciting incident first of the week. of Percale suiting—at a bargain. We can Stive you money on occurred in Justice Hammersleys m any o th e r articles too num erous to m ention. Our prices are C. H. Beiderman went to Med­ always the lowest. cour. II. C. Hough was arraigned ford Wednesday. for carrying concealed weapons, An Ill-F ittin g Shoe Mrs. Gabe M. Davis is on the ft seems according to the evidence! is like a had conscience—it is al­ sick list this week. and rumors on the street that one I ways troubling you. You wiil not know you have an y th in g on your Miss Sadie Dehoy returned from Mrs. Murphy had left her husband V feet if you got a pair of our Herfoct some time ago and having a broken 1 Portland yesterday. fitting conscientious sh ies. Re­ I / ■ m em ber th e place rgpDGE pistol, gave it to defendant to get C. H. Dalrymple, our attorney, repaired. Then about the IStli of R A C K E T is in Portland this week. of this month Hough, Mrs. Murphy ■ S '-' Work was begun on the hotel and her little 3-year-old daughter- G. L. W EBB, Propr., addition Monday morning. left Josephine county, and have fledford, Oregon Our town was covered with circus since been hanging out, about Woodville. Hough was fined $14/ posters the first of the week. H B. OLSON. and while the judge was straight­ L E. OLSON. Mrs. Phelps and Mears drove up ening matters, Mr. Murpliv grabb­ to Ashland the first of the week. ed bis child ami tied on the run, Are P r 'pareil to Pill E. J. Eastman made a business while the judge, attorneys and con­ <)rders Promptly in trip to Grants Pass one day this stable divided the spoils, (lor cal attorney Joe. got the woman'? week. six-shooter, which he prizes very Mrs. Lucy Whittington was up highly. He says it wont stand visiting her husband the first of Rustic, Ceiling, Flooring, Wainscott!¡ng. Moulding. In fad, anything cocked and lie cannot get it off. in the line of building material. Also wood, any length. the week. Orders delivered if desired. Address, BORN Miss Elsie Yantis, who has been visiting Misss Jessie Betts several PATTERSON At Central Point, days returned to her home in July 17, 1897, to Dr. and Mrs. Alex. Patterson, a daughter. Grants Pass last night • ? S a rsa p a rilla FREE! DON 1» L et i • the • W F act o M > i >, RACKET t O lson B rothers Rough and Dressed Lumber, O lson B rothers , MEDFORD, - OREGON,