Stationery C. ALLISON & Co, Eagle Point Items. (BY WILL.) Miss T. Howlett spent Sunday in the Point. liKCElVEIt A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TABLETS. ENVELOPES AND PENS. BEST VALLE FOR THE MONEY. FALL AND INSPECT IT, Will Bea! spent a few days in Eagle Point this week. The late rains in this locality spoiled considerable hay. (hi soap we can satisfy vou from Schoo! closed in district No. 37, 2 cakes for a nickel to the highest just below here, last Friday. j priced. Porter and Walter Robinett went Our squirrel poison is a standard to Medford one day last week. I article and selling steadily come Rosa Matthews is stopping with and see us. Yours for Trade, '5 Mrs. Jeff Johnston since her illness.! Frank Brown and wife made Medford a business trip a few days since. Mr. Bish who is teaching in the; DRUGGIST * 1 ^aton District spent Sunday at Mr. .....1 Johnston's. Bold Hill. Oregon. A tte n tio n ! Beef E a te rs D ruggists. Prescriptions a Specialty. EASTMAN THE . B : I W, H. CAINE, Pharmacist, 1 , Gold Hill, - Oregon. We have Beef that cannot fail to please the most fastidious beef ('pit tires. Dh. the ju ic e .’ Best tonic after the Grip. BEIDLER & SON’S MARKET. Gold Bill. Oregon. \\ . Lewis, of Elk creek is spend-; SU N ing a few days in the Point visit­ sas® q y ta ra y - tarea» «— »a I tt t h e C i r c u i t C o u r t ib i a n d f o r f l i c £ L aco n ical E v en ts. * ing his brother James. < o u n I y o f J u < h s o n a n c t .M a t t o f D re g o n , ' COLD HILL SALOON, Misses Tilda and Martha Black 1 Louisa R. Parker, Plaintiff, C. P. PARKER. Her. are spending a few days on the I vs. Four of a Kind. C alifornia WineH, Bourbon Black ranch at Flounce rock. E. J. Knowles and Mrs. W hiskies, Im ported and Do­ “ Four of a kind beats two pair,” Jack and Frank Nichols and E. J. Knowles, Defendants' m estic Cigars. Billiard ami Card Tables in Connection. In the name of the State of Ore- is an old saying among the b o y s/( ieo. Daley made a run to Central gon, you are hereby required to ap­ which is verified in the Walter L. Point Sunday on their wheels, Tim Best Place in th e City to pear and answer the complaint of Spend Your Leisure Teme. the above named plaintiff in the Main great shows. Among all the E. F. Simmons and family stop- above entitled court, now on tile other attractions of this greatest ped at Eagle Point a few days to (jiv e Us a Call. with the clerk of said Circuit Court, of circuses is a family of lions— rest and visit while on their way to within ten days from the date of $ GOLD HILL, OREGON. father, mother and four babies—the i Fort Klamath where they expect the service of this summons upon cutest, neatest, sweetest, pretties to locate. you. if served in Jackson County, Oregon, hut if served in anv o t h e r ' and most attractive quadruple ----------o--------- - quadrupedal attraction seen in any [ Sick headache can be quickly and coni- County in the State of Oregon then j with in 20 days from the date of show'. Everybody will have a j pletely overcome by using those famous said service of this summons upon i little pills known as “ De W itt’s L ittle chance to see these young Ameri- i Early Risers.” Allison A ( !o. vou, or if served on you out of the can princes at (»rants Pass on Sat- j State of Oregon or by publication i luci’ d ran k ; Always drank urday, July 31, which is the date of [ George Lewis, who lives in lower then by the first day of ensuing Made from Pure A rtesian Sept ember term of said Court to the enormous show The little fel- j Albina, has a great curiosity at his Wat« r. wit: Monday the 13th day of Sept­ lows, as nice an attraction as they place on Mississippi avenue, near ember A. D. 1897; and you are a re, however, make hut one of a Russel! St., in the form of a five- hereby notified that if you fail to thousand attractions with the mon-j legged sheep, which was brought appear and answer said complaint sler shows There is a feature from the Willamette valley amon as hereby required the plaintiff will D r i n k s never before seen in captivity on a band of 500. It was with a hand [ take judgment against you for the) sum of Seventy-tv o Dollars am! all the traced earth, a huge, living. purchased of Eink & Lacey. Il bitty t'ents with interest from May Fresh F rtits , C an­ wonderful, awful hovalapus; a was first noticed on account of a 1st 1897 at 10 per cent and foreost- dies, N uts, Cigars, monster who lives alike in water or peculiar protuberance from its right and disbursements of the above en­ and Tobaccos’ al* mi land, the largest of his queer, shoulder. It was caught and on titled action. This summons is published in w ays on H and. rare species, and the only one on examination it was found the sheep the Goto 11 ill N ews by order oi exhibition in the world. There are had a fifth well-developed leg. 11. L. Hanna one of the judges of fS F " B E S T LINE Ol STATIONERY a couple of coal-black tigers, then I It is 2 years old and a fine animal said court made on the 30th dav IN TOWN. hundreds of rare, handsome wild I lie leg is useless and hangs down of June A. I). 1897. Hammond and Vawter, heasts: there is the Great 3-Ring from its right shoulder. It is fully Plaintiff's Attorneys developed, and is articulated close r • • • . ■ • ••' ■ . ' ’ > to the other leg on the shoulder. The Stationer ami Confectioner. |A «£. The foot is perfectly formed, the Some for ten, some for tw enty ami •me for th irty years have suffered from ; same as the other feet. i piles and then have been quickly and GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. Albany Soda^= Temperance BAKER -k A -A e i perm anently cured by using D eW itt’s great rem edy skin diseases. Il you w i li one o l the positio n s m the governm ent ser­ v ice , th is Bureau can advise you how to protec d to secure it , and tit you fo r passing the requ ire d C iv il S e r v ic e e x a m in a tio n th e re fo r. K n e rv y , ta c t and a com m on school education are a ll the requirements» needed. W itch ll izi‘1 Salve, th e Fruit wrappers at the N ewp of- | ! for piles ami all forms of tice. Allison A Co. telegraph and telephone poles An egg which measures 7} inches are the latest development in the in length and (i.J inches in cireum- Circus, the Five-Continent Menag-J line of manufactures from paper, j ferance was laid by a black Minor- erie. the real Roman hippodrome, Thev are made of pulp in which a «•a hen, the property of T. F. Ben­ and many things new strange and small amount of borax, tallow and nett, in Eugene last week. The wonderful. See the great free street parade, a mile of gold and glitter. other ingredients are mixed. These Register wants to hear of another Two shows, one at 2 and one at are cast in a mould in the form of like it. x ___________ 8 p. m. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. a hollow rod of the desired length “ rh(?V arc; ilandieH ” H iliil Thos. H o w iT ? The poles are claimed to be lighter m. Apply to S. P. agent for rates. «if th e ( ’ro cke t, Texan, E n te rp ris e , w h ile 1 -4 .1 i- i and stronger than wood, and it is v ^ r i t t ir i j x