Gold Hill Mercantile Co. D F R i F P g IN G eneral M erchandise Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Etc. FARM PROCUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ALL GRADES OF LUMBER IN STOCK, HARNESS, ETC. AGENTS FOR Kim balls Fam ous Pianos and. Organs. A gricultural Im plements, E xtras, Binding Twine, Etc. Also OUR FREE DELIVERY. Galls creek, T hursday Sardine creek, Tuesday Foots creek, S aturday Sams Valley, Monday Kanes creek, Tolo, Etc., W ednesday. Gold Hill every day. TH E GOLD H IL L MERCANTILE Co., GOLD H ILL, OREGON. A leading member of the senate The latest report from the newly The Annexation Treaty. committee of foreign relations said discovered gold fields on Elk creek Everybody Should have a S h a k e .^ : — that two plans are under consider­ are not as flattering as at first, ex­ ation by the administration. One cept as to the extent of territory Assistant Secretary Day and Minister is to annex the islands and admit covered by the digings. Quarz has them into the Union as the territo­ Hatch Preparing It. Not with ( hills «ml been found up Elk creek for a dis­ ry of Hawaii. The other is to tance of 12 miles, and the territory Fever, hut one of make them a county of California. W ashington , June 14.—A draft No decision has yet been reached. is about two miles wide. those Elegant Milk Decomposed quartz and porphyry The treaty is on the general lines of a treaty for the annexation of Shakes you can get exists in large quantities in this Hawaii to the United States is be­ of the treaty negotiated during the territory, but it is of low grade, and ing prepared by Judge Day, the as­ administration of President Har­ the reports say that it will only g > sistant secretary of state, and Mr. rison, and withdrawn by Cleveland. about $4 to a ton. It will require If you want a fine Hatch, the Hawaiian minister to It provides for annexatitn without a large amount of capital to get exacting conditions on the part of Washington. It will l»e presented Cigar or some good Hawaii as to the form of govern­ machinery on the ground to work to President McKinley for approval the ore, hut the Pearl Mining Com­ Candy or Soda, go to soon after he returns to the city. It ment to he vouchsafed to Hawaii, pany, of Central Point, which was Baker sand yon can does not follow, however, that the leaving that question to be disposed incorporated last week for the pur­ treaty will lie immediately sent to of by the government of the United pose of developing these mines, will get them. States. the senote. On the contrary, the attempt to put in machinery in a president will adhere to his deter­ The United States will agree to short time. About 300claims have mination not to complicate the tar­ assume the debt of the present been located, and there are now at iff situation by the introduction of Hawaiian government, hut will least 200 men on the ground, and The Stationer and Confectioner. come into possession of all the any foreign questions. more are going every day. The propose«! new treaty will not Hawaiian crown lands and other He Had Hopes. possessions. contain any provision for a pension Not only piles of the very worst kind to the late queen, or a gift of mon­ Several senators have received can be cured by DeWill’s Witch Hazel Henpeck—Is this the office of ey to the princess, hut it will prob­ definite information concerning the Salve, hut eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, “Quigley’s Quick Cure” ? ably he provide«! that the princess existence of the treaty, and are well qoils, ulcers and all other skin troubles Patent Medicine Man—Yes. can be instantly relievee by the same shall receive a pension out of the acquainted with the terms, though remedy. Allison & Co. Gimme six hotties for my wife.” they refuse to discuss the matter. territorial revenues. “ Tried all other remedies without It is interesting to know that the Knowledge of the existence of the The Elgin Recorder says: "This success, eh?” treaty has been communicated to propositien to pension ex-Queen section can boast of a young lady "No, she isn't sick at all; hut 1 Liliuokalani «lid not come from the I members of the foreign relations ami finance committees. In the who would he a treasure for some saw in your advertisement where a Hawaiian commissioners, hut was! suggested hv the then secretary of republican caucus the subject of lazy man. She hauls a load of ties woman wrote after taking six bot­ state. Poster. The same is true in the treaty had been hinted at, but to ti'wn almost every day, and un­ tles, ‘I am a different woman,’ and a vague manner. loads them by herself, and does it I have hopes.”—Tit-Bits. regard to the gift of money to Prin­ in rathar ----------------o--------------- quicker than the average male tie- -------- X-------- cess Kaitilani. R ipaus T ab u les: for sour stom ach. hauler.’’ Do you take the N ews ? At BAKER’S. BAKER