GOLD HILL NEWS T he F u tu re P ro s p e rity o f Gold H ill, D epends E n tire ly U pon th e E n te rp ris e o f Our C itizens. F irs t ¥ m r S in g le t o p ic , ä C e n is . GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OKKOON, MAY 28, 1887. The Grant’s Pass Fire. Brazil ia taking steps to strengthen her navy. The P resident will ask Con­ gress to approprirte money for (he pur- i chase of one ironclad, two cruisers and Chased By Spaniards. Ni u n i h r r IH H ü h n e r ! p i i » » a l . M ). The strike of Glass W orks Union which was iuauguraten four years ago ------------ has been declared off. Of 7500 men connected with the American Klint Loss About Twelve Thousand, About 'f^ ’ ,tw rp vd o b ',H,’i - Exciting Experience of British Glassworkers’ Union 1900 struck. The Runs Home for His Big Gun to n , , f f It I 8 i A tre a ty has been signed by Brazil Hi»! ui ll insured. and Peru to replace iho boundary land- s trik e cost the glassworkers over Fruit Steamer. Make an Arrest. $1,000,000. _______ , m arks. Five small boys were drow ned in th a t R eports have reached Rio Janeiro, G sant ’ s P ass , Or., May 26.—The P h il a d e l p h ia , May 23.— After portion of the south branch of the Chi- , Last M onday evening there Brazil, th a t th e G overnm ent troops tire this m orning destroyed the Odd have again met defeat at the hands of being chased twice by Spanish gun- cago river known ns Mud lake while curred on our streets a scene which Fellows’ hall, Terrel & T on’s fu rn i­ the fanatics n e a r ffanudo. I t is re­ boats and passing through a perfect ' iq’se"/™?/ ' hU stieam 0,111,1 i,nPro_ we regret to report. There has been ture store, Jew ett & Douge’s a g ri­ ported th a t Ju a n B randas, one of the storm of shot, which splashed in j Circuit Judge Adams of Chicago up- truuble brewing for some tim e he- leaders of the fanatics; is dead. I t is c u ltu ra l im plem ent warehouse and stated th a t th e vanguard of the Gov­ the water across the vessel’s how, held the constitutionality of the Act of tween our M arshal, his fam ily anti W. J. Rogers’ bicycle store. The ern m ent troops has been destroyed. the British fru it steam er E thelred ,lf's ‘ " 11 v!i I ™akes the city liable f o r ' a widow lady, who keepe a sm all l f riot, n .lt «»l,.1 awarded 1 . 1 the * 1 ... , , ,oss caused hv anil loss is covered with insurance of M atthew Laflin, one of the oldest passed . through i the exciting restaurant in this city. According ordeal Manhattan Company »150 for two about 50 cents on the dollar. It is residents of Chicago and one of the unscathed, and arrived at this port of cem ent destroyed on the Panhandle evidence produced in court Tiles- . n . , . ,. founders of w hat is now the Laflin-' supposed th a t the fire is of incendi- Hn|ll, Powder Company, is dead, aged tonight, after a five d ay s’ run from ,riu'l;s darin g tae strike of 1,94. Suits day, our m arshal acknowledged to ary origin. 94 years. 1 ort Antonio, Jam aica. brought by the railroads. this lady th a t he had said that he The Mntsqui di ke burst in Fraser W hen the E thelred left here M ay ' G eneral J. Drummond, a British sub- ' WOllld t a r a n d fe ilth e r h e r > °ne valley, B. C., and flooded a portion of 12, it was the intention of Captain ject, w bo led (he revolution at Puerto Geo. Nelson who is boarding with the large M atsqui district, devoted to H onduras, ami who was cap- i her, and ride them out of town on ranching and dairying. Owing to con­ H art to accom pany her, but he was I . . „ , , ± tured w hile wounded and conveyed to -, ., tinued excessively hot w eather the The senate naval affairs committee F raser is still rising in an alarm ing arrested fts he was about to step on | San Pedro, was released on the eve of “ r a l ,‘ At tlus tl,e wldow slugged has agreed to fix the rate to be paid m anner. the gangplank to go aboard. As it | llis execution upon the dem and of the the M arshal in the mug, and he re- tor arm or plate at $400 per ton. was, his invalid daughter was a com m ander of the English war ship turned the blow. Then Nelson E. S. Fleischer was robbed and m nr- i i i . . Intrepid. . . . . The senate passed a q u a rte t of Cal­ j dared on ins way home a t Pittsburg, i passenger. It is supposed th a t I „ 4l . . . >r. ! who was standing in his door step- ifornia m easures ia-t week, chief of Pa. The crime was com m itted on Lin* *. e . i o • 1 r o r the first lime a Missouri woman « . , , , , coin-avenue bridge. After robbimr I T ® " f. S Pa n ls h P W e rn in e t 11, has been found guilty of m urder in the l'ed OUt> . P h k e d UP 1 1 rot’k > 111111 which was Perkins’ O akland public hriilge. After rubbing building bill, appropriating $350,000 Fleischer his assailant threw him over th is city h ad notified th e S p an ish first degree, and will he sentenced to i s ta rte d for th e scene, to sep arate lor the purchase of a site and th e erec­ the bridge into the ravine, ninety feet be hanged. She is Pearl W aters, col- i the two. This enfuriated the ‘‘big authorities at H avana th a t H a r t' ored, , who , deliberately , tion ol a building. W hite’s measure, below. killed Lilian j m an,” and he whirled round, using giving the State ol California 5 per cent would b e e n the vessel, hence the j W addell, a negress. ol th e sale price of public lands for 'language not found in Sunday j effort to hold up the E thelred in school purposes, was also passed, as Cuban waters. j school hooks, and made a h asty re­ were the m easures for the American register (or l he l.arkentine Sharpshoot­ treat for home, to get his i‘gu n .’’ The first encounter with the er and for the reap p o in tm en t of John — - In a m inute he again appeared on Clyde Sullivan as p aym aster with tile HOW afl Intelligent BlftCAbird SolVfiS ' \ l ' l v " i 'i,1,i t | " T ’S V u " ed " ,f C a p e A Pugelistic Encounter. NEW S OF THE WORLD. Strack a Soft Snap. Mr. Tongue Injured. Maysi on the trip down. J u s ta fte r dusk, on Sunday evening, May 16. national exposition decided to report ---------- a gunboat w ithout any lights shot aimmpnaGim o f S w ‘tb rth f proper' O ut in the northw estern part of out from under the Maysi capes, representation of this governm ent at town a num ber of blackbirds have and, crowding on all steam, steered the Faris exposition in 1900. their abode in the trees and shrub- directly for the fruit vessel. 1 lie president has made th e follo w - ; bery on some of the large double After steam ing for an hour with- mg appointm ents: Joseph Gaines to be i i i .i r -i ,i , a Hurney for the U nited sta te s for the I l,locks there- Llke other birds, out gam ing an m eh, the gunboat district of Wi st Virginia; Charles I*, they retu rn to roost early, hut one ! turned a searchlight on the other A kers to be secretary of Arizona; A,- ' of them th a t has a fam ily to pro- vessel. All steam possible was tb u r 1. Ureelev of Aew H am pshire, now -i / , , , , exam iner-in-chief of the p a te n t office, V1< e ^or was kept out later than crowded on the E thelred, which to he assistant commissioner of patents; ( usual one night h u n tin g for belated was beginning to show a clean pair lh o m u - G. Kieward of Illinois, now worms and accidentally tum bled of heels to the Spaniard, u ntil a ran k of lieutenant-com m ander. The senate com m ittee on the inter- to be exam iner-in-chief. The q u a rte rm a ste r a t W est Point, N. V., made th e sta rtlin g discovery that tlm M iS ^ n ^ l^ G e n e « ^ ^ I ’ Hard 111116 PfObliilD. into a soft snap, 1 he family on or j near whose grounds this bird has its nest are great lovers of birds, and afford them every protection, cloud of smoke belched from the j cruiser’s side and a second later a solid shot cut the water a half mile ahead of her hows. Then came a had l>een stolen. The cannon had lain A m em ber of the fam ily has an old ; second and th ird shot each nearer for nearly h alf a century on the bmfl and favorite dog, which is alw ays ! th an the others. Captain Israel ,,,, , , , , , . , fed in the back yard after dinner a t kept on his course, and after an 1 he contm aker’s branch of the Gar- . . „ . , ment W orkers’ Union to the num ber . out 1 P‘ ln- 1 hour 8 chase the S paniard dropped of 200 joined the garment workers’ ! The n ight tiie blackbird was out i from the race. u X ' . I’" n '» > » « ''« '".co v ered , I,. dog eating! The eeennd e l „ „ happened I . . I Knocked Down by a Cable-Car J[> i the scene flourishing a large six shooter, of about a 45 caliber, ami Washington. rushed a t the couple who were W ashington , May 21.— R epre­ sentative Thom as II. Tongue, of Oregon, was struck by a cable-car near the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth street and p ain ­ fully injured. He received a n u m ­ ber of severe cuts and bruises. Mr. Tongue had ju st returned from a trip with a num ber of senators and representatives to C harlotteville and Monticello. He was taken to Providence hospital, where it was found he had sustained a cut on the left cheek, and another over the left eye. No serious consequences are apprehended. walking leisurely toward th eir place of business, when they were about in front of Sm ith it P arkers Livery Stable the M arshal overtook them and placed Nelson under a r ­ rest. L ater in the evening the City Recorder arrived in town from hi» work and the ‘‘Bold M arshal” brought in his prisoner charging him with assault. 'The case was docketed and the trial set for 1(1 o’clock the next day. Nelson was released with a promise to appear at th a t hour. IN TIIE COURT. W hen the case was called th e prosecuting witness, M arshal H uh hard laid in his com plaint and Jeff Hotighan was called to the stand as a witness for the prosecution as was hie wife, Mrs. H otighan. A ft"r hearing the evidence of the prosecu­ tion side the City A ttorney moved th a t the case he dismissed as he considered the evidence insufficient. The Recorder sustaining the m o tio n ordered the prisoner released. The congress conferees on the su n ­ dry civil appropriation bill have agreed The most im portant am endm ent to the th e contractors accede to th e dem ands hl9 <1)11,,er> and, concluding th a t Thursday in the exact spot where bill was th a t revoking tho order ot th ere will be 7000 to 8000 garm ent there m ight be pickings for her the first attem pt to hold up the President Cleveland of F ebruary 22, week* 8 On stnkt1 by ,be end ot tl,e : after he was done, and know ing vessel occurred. J u s ta s th e E th e l- 1897, setting a p a rt 21,0 10,000 acres ol lands of forest reservations. This is A bill was introduced in the Illinois ,h a t she was P«rfectly welcome red rounded Cape M aysi, a big changed to provide ttiat tho lands em ­ legislature providing th a t a city may a t 1 about the place, she waited till the Spanish gunboat of the newest type braced in the reservations not disposed of before March 1, 1898, shall again he w II extend existing street ra ilw a y , old dog was done, and then flew started from the cape and gave subject to tiie operations of tho order franchises fifty years. , . r ” 1 _ , . ’ ' i down and exam ined his dish. The chase to the EtheQred. For two of February 22d, or as they may he mollified by the president. The aj>- --------- o . ... — P iotective As-eciatioi. in St. Louis and re s u lt was so satisfactory th a t she hours the chase was kept up, en- propriation for Pearl Iiarbor, H aw aii, Kansns city have been suspended for returned again the next evening, livened n o w a n d then by a solid Is reduced to $10,000. 'The senate A Day ot Rest. piirticipHiion in the recent rum p con­ and feasted. After th a t her visits fhot throw ing up a sheet of white am endm ent for im proving Salmon Lav, ten tio n of th e order held in St. Louis. W ash., is stricken out. The appropri­ C leveland , ()., May 23.- It is became a regular thing, and while «pray just ahead of the^sw ift ves- a tio n for tiie governm ent exhibit at the Alberi M. K insr, a nineteen-year-old announced th a t John D. Rockefeller m essenger of the Boylston National the other birds in the vicinity were pel’s hows. It began to look as if Omaha exposition is left at $200,000. has issued an edict againei Sundav 'i he apropria ion for the im provem ent l a k ol B o sto n , is m issin g , to g e th e r i trying to get to sleep, she was m ak- the S paniard m eant to chase the of the Ism e r Mississippi river is in­ labor hv the men employed on his about $10,900 in cash and a £10 18)1 • i . v . .. i>.i , i , . .. • U nited States certificate. tng a late but sum ptuous dinner. E thelred clear to Delaware capes, creased to $2,933,333 an d is made im ore docks on the upper and lower The Suite N ational Bank of Lo»ans- ’ “^*le >il-,n ROt so t *iat tbe obl when anotl,er steam er w as slighted m ediately available. port, Imi., was ornered closed by the was too long over his dinner she and the gunboat sheered off and 1 Eugeue V. l)clw is going to Chicago lakes. W hile the men areexpected N ational b ank exam iner. would scold at him , and it may he. gave vigorous ( base to the newlv soon in prom ote his soeheistic co-oper­ to respond to calls Io load or unload ative colony si hem e whi -h involves tiie vissele at m y hour of the day or Several immense shipm ents of Am­ said unladylike things, about his discovered steam er. raisfug of an arm y of lUO.UUO unem ­ erican grain have been made to South greediness and slowness, hut when ployed men, a ui m arching tiiem tier ,ss night, t ‘ ey will not he required to Africa recently. the country io some, wesiern or m b - work between m idnight S aturday His Back Broken by a Erakebcam. Serious ami fatal election riots took he had finished she was always on e ru s la te , where a new comtiioiiweaitii and m idnight Sunday. place in various p a n s of H ungary Iasi hand, and after a tim e carried off a Jo h n M. H am ilton, of San F ran is to ho founded. ■ o—-----—. w eek. A to m -p o in t the s o b e r s were nice luncit for'her youngsters, Diana W amliug of Pomeroy, Klpane Tabulcs cure headache. called out and kdied fourteen persons . cisco, is lying in The Dalles with a <)., Mrs. was slut' a n d k ille d by het son >iias ---------- <>- - —• and w ounded th irty . Religious m ailers : A lew since she showed broken back and p a rtly paralyzed. hci a ise'she had dcm uiidid of him a caused (he trouble. tip accom panied by two p lu m p ,1 j Pastor GHnon and Du ¡ml. lis brother George be rode log chain lie hail burrowed of iter. One of a s e rie s o f e x p e d itio n s o f th e half-grown youngsterg, and a soon 'flu- navy dopai tine nt will probably i S an F iiancisi o, May 21. Robert into Tin- Italics one m orning last A m e ric a n m u s e u m o f N a tio n a l H is >ry tts the dog had finished his dinner cl uirtcr ihe Pfieilic CO;asl steam T City started tld week from New York f .r week on a hntkehcatn, they being ot Everett t.111 arry gr; 1 io to 1 unia. N. Lynch, private secretary of Pa. anthropoh gical investigation along lie she led them to the dish and in ­ lsuiud for U m atilla, where they ex tor Gibson, returned yesterday from All tile 1 [■oiitests over tiie Blvtlie N oith Paeilie slope. - d u c e d them to get into it, and thev pected to change cars and take the l ave I k en sot iit rest by < ,ici Louisville, Ky. lb- will act as con­ t Commerce nt h is never shown up. and the moth lore be could get out. fha- train i There is little re a s o n to doubt th a t E a n - a s city, will abs> rh lie biisine-s er bird is too sm art to im part her T«thrr*,rt iihj .Suu/ 1 vriKeTIwity, of die .Metrc»i olilnn National hank, started and be was caught by the President McKinley will m ake a trip To q ttll »• t-tJy i r»»l b* ri.s.if having d'-eiile-l to buy the d e|» « its of discovery to any of her acq u ain t­ through the west during July. brakeis'.iin nn«Udouhied up in stu b neUc. fuUof life, uvrve on ! vl/tt/, No T o th e la tte r n isli'iitio n o u trig h t. B t h ances. Oregonian. 'I lie V anderbilts of New York arc doc. th e w . m W work. r. Ihnt nolo • u*ib in« n a m anner that his hack was broken hank« are am ong the oldest estahiisit- «trc.ijf. All dragee'»», 60c o 11. f '. r r iriiutun- a I >out to sta rt a Dig n a p h th a works at i<'»