POISON I Caine’s Squirrel and gopher poi­ Quick silver at C. Allison & Co’s. son at C. Allison & Co’s. Every Only 75 cents per pound. can guaranteed. Only 30 cents per Miss Nellie Ray was a passenger can. for Ashland last Wednesday. Now is the time to kill the Squir The merchants of Medford order­ Prof. Day Parker was the guest rels and Gophers. ed 300 pounds of sugar beet seed of his parents the first of the week. which will be distributed among The tax rolls of Jackson county the farmers of this valley. were turned over to Sheriff Barnes The Headquarters For The managers of the school house for collection yesterday. are arranging for a ball on St. Pat­ Poisoned Wheat ----- : is at :------ EASTMAN’S Miss Ada Welch returned to her home in Central Point Sunday, after a weeks visit with her grand­ father, L. F. Pate. Lee Minkler and wife who have resided in this city for some time left for Ashland last week where they will make their future home. Maud Houck raturned D rug S tore , her Miss studies at the sisters school G old H ill , O r . " W W W Laconical W W W Events. Poisoned wheat at Eastman’s. Quicksilver 75 cents a pound at E astman ’ s . J. J. Houck went to Medford on business Monday. Dan Richards had business in Medford Monday. J. W. O’Donnel left for Salem Wednesday night. J. J. Ullman went to Medford on business yesterday. Peter Applegate returned to Cen­ tral Point Monday. J. E. Olson paid Medford a busi­ ness call last Monday. Henry Shotwell was registered at the Union Hotel Monday. M. M. Obenchain was a passen­ ger for Central Point Sunday. to in Jacksonville Monday after spend­ ing a few days at her home with her parents. Geo. Lyman left Tuesday for Redding, Cal. Mr. Lyman says he expects to have the N ews as a reg­ ular weekly visitor as soon as he gets located. The Best Neatest Cleanest And Artistic ricks Day, March 17th. It will be a grand affair. Everybody who enjoys triping the light fantastic toe should take this in. The sup­ per will be served at Williams’ res- tanrant. The Medford Brewery and Cold Storage plant has been purchased by E. Merz, of Portland. The plant has been operated for the last three years by G. W. Bashford & Son, who purchased it at receiver's sale. It is the only brewing and ice plant south of Albany, and has a large territory to draw from. It contains the latest improved machinery and is valued at $15,000.—Miner. The subscription list of the N ews is having a marvelous growth un­ Mrs. D. C. Herren stopped off Monday to see her husband who der our new plan. All we have was in the city organizing an A. O. consulted in the matter have ex­ U. W. order. Tuesday she again pressed themselves in favor of this boorded the southbound overland ' method. The N ews does not send papers unless they are paid for in for Ashland. advance. And as soon as the time The supply of Government gar­ expires the paper stops. If you like den seeds struck this city Tuesday. this method send in your name We feel greatly slited as we were with a silver quarter and get the omitted from the list and the ma­ N ews three months on trial. We jority of the large packages were know you will be pleased with it addressed to old bachelors. and renew again. A short time ago Mr. Swiker, Central Point Pointers. proprietor of the Gold Hill Hotel, set out a few shade trees in front of his property. The fever spread Mrs. C. W. Luver is on the sick list. and this week a number of our en­ Frank Scott is able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Dean visited Gold terprising citizens did likewise. Hill last week. In Jackson County Can be Had at The NEWS Office. ¿ O u r C harges Reasonable. Gold Hill, Oregon W W W V V I R evival S ervices .—Last Tues­ V W O u r M a rke t R eport 4 day night Rev. Brown and wife of Corrected Weekly by Clark Williams Sodaville, started a series of meet­ ings at the schoolhouse hall. All I 'lte t.i c i.. Huy, haled, i»er ton $10. Loose, $7. and are cordially invited. F. J. Pape, of the Democratic Mrs. L. L. Freeman visited Medford Times of Jacksonville, made the last Wednesday. Mrs. A. L. Harvey went to Cent­ N ews office a pleasant call Tues­ Dr. Plecher, a Medford dentist, was at ral Point on a visit yesterday. The committee appointed to can­ day. Mr. Pape was in the city the hotel last week. Miss Marguritt Cavender was a looking at the property next to the Mrs. Fries is visiting relatives and vass for donations are busily en­ south bound passenger Wednesday. gaged and their efforts are being N ews office with intentions of buy­ friends here at present. Of the fifteen teacher’s certificates is­ crowned with success. The follow­ Poisoned wheat at Eastman’s. ing it. sued, there are four at Central Point. ing donations were on the list up Quicksilver 75 cents a pound at W. H. Runnells tells us he ex­ Miss Mamie Nicholson, of Medford, to the time of closing the forms E astman ’ s . pects to remodel his store room, was the guest of Miss Downing last Thursday noon: Milo P. Ward was an incoming giving it a new coat of paint inside week. Day Parker.. (Material Inspector) passenger from the south Tuesday I and out. Mr. R. is one of Gold Mrs. A. A. Whitman who has been W. H. Beidler............. . . . . $ 25 H ill’s most enterprising citizens with her husbund in San Francisco has evening. returned home. Olsen Bros................... . . . . 25 and deservs praise for his work in D. C. Herren went to Central Mrs. F. J. McHenry, of Portland, is J. II. Griffis................. .. . . 25 this community. visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. C. P. Parker................ . .. . 25 Point yesterday returning in the Luver this week. The railroad carpenters are in evening. G. W. Steel................. .. . . 25 the city this week making some Prof. Freeman, Misses Cora and Alta B. F. Miller................ . . .. 20 F. M. and C. P. Parker were in needed improvements about the Rogers, and Gus Samuels visited Jack­ Mark Baker................. . . . . 20 Jacksonville one day this week on week. depot, in the way of new platforms. sonville last ---------- o C. E. 8. M iller............ . . . . 15 business, We hope ere long they will be or­ J. Hefnes..................... . . . . 10 Evans Creek Riffles. A case of measles is reported in dered here to erect a large freight L. A. Cater.................. . . . . 10 this vicinity. In Medford there warehouse as the present one is too T. W. Heiriott and sister Nellie, are A. T. Beidler............... . . . . 10 are a numlier of cases. small for the business now, which visiting relatives at Applegate. Clark W illiams.......... . . . . 10 Miss Maud Witt went to Central Point Warren Hubbard has men at is steadily growing. L. F. Pate................... . . . . 10 Sunday to remain for several weeks. work erecting a nice little cottage L. P. Chandler and family of Joshua Neathammer and Misses Ida Warren Hubbard....... . . . . 10 in the lower end of town, Roseburg, arrived at this place by and Edna Sherrill were in Grants Pass W. Deungee............... 9 team Tuesday. Mr. Chandler has Tuesday. C. H. Dalrymple........ . .. . 5 S Rosenthall came down from rented a small cottage in the lower Misses Stella and Lizzie Stidham of 5 6 (X) Francis L. Barnes. . . . Medford Sunday night returning Central Point were here this week in part of town where he and his fam­ 5 00 J. S. Humphrey......... . . . . Monday on the overland. ily will reside while they arc ex­ search of schools. 5 00 W. H. Runnells.......... 0. C. Churchill left Sunday for amining the country to ascertain The farmers are happy during the fine T. J. Thomas............... . . . . 4 00 weather and are all busily engaged in Los Angeles where he expects to whether it is advisable for them to plowing and harrowing. 4 (X) II. C. McNeill.............. find a more tropical climate. make this their future place of res 3 The mine of Henry McKee near here, G. R. Ham m ersley.... . . . . G. W. Matthews, of Bolt, was a idence. 2 is a paying one. After a run of twelve J. A. Nysewaner......... passenger on the overland from this days the clean up amounted to $112. 2 Oris Crawford............. F eed Y our B rain .—It is as nec­ Many of the miners are taking a well F. T. Wheeler............. city to Jacksonville Tuesday. 2 rest as the water is scarce since Oscar Swacker............ 2 Master E. J. Rinehart of Medford essary that you feed your intelect earned thecommencement of the frosty weather. as it is that you eat your dinner. 2 I. J. Purkepyle........... was in the city Sunday morning Mr. Kern, of Gold Hill, was in this You can do this cheaper and better 1 C. A. Baley.................. returning home on the overland. by subscribing for the N ews than neighborhood recently anti while here S. V. M cFarren.......... 1 Gus Newberry, County School any other way. Try it three months succeeded in obtaining several subscrib­ 1 L. A. K ern................. ers for The G old H ill N e w s . Superintendant was in the city in­ for 25 cents, the price of only one 1 The dance given in the Pleasant creek W. A. Carter............... specting our schools Wednesday dinner. school house Saturday night was a very Sadie Deboy....................... 1 00 morning. enjoyable affair. Good music was fur­ Mre. Cardwell................... 1 00 T he D am is S afe .—One day last nished by John and WillJIillis ami Geo. L. E. Johnston................... The pencil pusher of the N ews 1 00 Scott. Both Woodville and Wimer were went to Medford yesterday on busi­ week, Supt. Rowlins and Secy. well represented. j A. Mackey........................... 1 00 ness. His little son Elmer accom­ Dennis, of the ditch company were Mrs. Ida Redfield expects to leave Bart C arter. panied him and remained for a few up the river insjiecting the compa- soon for Portland at which place she H. H ead .... j ny’s dam at the head of their ditch. will visit for a mt nth or six weeks with IS. Fleming days visiting. Messrs. Rowlins and Dennis report relatives. She will then join her hus­ 1 00 D on ' t W orry about your health the dam all solid except the surface band, who has been in Washington for H. F. Bailey....................... Roliert Fleming................ Keep your blood pure by taking of the crib which was carrien off by severel months. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and you need the high waters, otherwise the dam A. J. Messner.................... At the school election, Monday, Aaron not fear the grip, colds bronchitis, is solid and in good condition. Beck was elected for director and Fred pneumonia or typhoid fever. T otal......................$ 331 00 The Snbscription Still Growing. Minthorm for clerk. W o rk Mrs. Harriett Hoon’s P ills are the favorite Merritt is displaying a fine line Minthom was engaged to teach the en­ New goods arriving family cathartic, easy to take easy of gent-» over shirts. Notice the suing term which is to commence the Merritt’s Cash Store. 16th of this month. show window. $8. per ton. W heat, 70e per bushel. Barley, lloe per hundred. Gats, 50c per bushel. Flour, $2.20 per hundred. Corn .Meal, 10 lb sacks 25 cents. Potahx's. $1.20 per hundred. Guinns, !f 1.60 per hundred. Butter, 2 lit rolls, -10 Eggs, 8L, cents per doz. fllHAT*. Bacon and sides per It» 10c. H am s, choice per II» 11c. Shoulder, per tl> 7c. Lard, 8}^c <<*' flc per 11». P lt O V I S I U N S . Dry G ranulate.I Sugar Or per pound. Coffee, 20c (c 40c per pound. Rice, tlQc per pound. Beans, 3c per pound. D E SIU D IR IIT . Apples, 6Qc per pound. Beaches, 8c per pound. Currants, 10c jter pound. Raisins, 10c per pound. C A N S K t) P O O D S . Corn 10c, Tomatoes 10c, Peas 10c, Ber­ ries 15c, Peaches 15c—flat 10c. Coal Oil, bulk per gallon, 26c. Per case (2 five gallon cans] $3.00. L IV E S T O C K ... b u y i n g . Beef Cattle on foot 2c.—dressed 4c. Pork, dressed, 4c. Mutton, $1.50 $1.75. Hides, green 3r.—dry 5c per pound. POULTRY. Chickens, $1.50 @ $2.00 per dozen. Turkeys 7c per pound. WANTED!-^« office, ammgments cb II n « ws ror further at office. An exchange in describing the belle at a hall given over there the other night, concluded by saying: “And her dainty feet were incased in shoes that resembled fairy boots.” Imagine his horror after the paper was out upon discovering that the blundering printer had set it up in this manner: “And her dirty feet were incased in shoes that resem­ bled ferry boats.” Frank German and Erank An­ drews, who were arrested at Wood­ ville last week, for burglarizing a miner’s cabin two miles north of that place, were taken to Jackson­ ville, and had their preliminary examination la-fore Justice Dunlap Saturday, The articles stolen con­ sisted of clothing, provisions ami a gold ring. They were held to await the action of the grand jury, and in d"f,4ult of hail are now in the county jail. daily at Poisoned wheat at Eastman’s.