1 The Hospital Physicians of Port­ E. N. Williams went to Grant’s W A N T E D !_Wo£1’ at vtl,e. N«w. office. For further land will not use Scotts Emulsion. Pass last night. arrangmenta call at office. £ They say it comtains chalk which C. B. Fitzgerald of Sams Valley A was in the city Wednesday. is indigestible. J. B. Wait of Medford came down last evening on professional busi­ For Infants and Children. ness. fu- J. C. Hickman came down from Tta ilalli Sardine creek last Wednesday on business. Eastman’s CASTORIA Society Doings. A A dtr/W Jfc A J SUITS GENTLEMEN’S and OVERCOATS A J IN T H E Washington’s Birthday Ball. Emulsion of Cod Liver Gil Try German Dyes. Colors cot­ Contains nothing harmful and is ton, silk, woolen or feathers. At very pleasant to the taste. Allison & Co. MONDAY, FEBY. 22nd, 1897, Murderer Butler's Baggage. .A T ^ X A F IT U l A R A K T E E D , S an F rancisco , Feb. 15.—That Miss Katie Frres was down from ....: A. J. MESSNER, justice court suit to get possession Central Point last Friday return­ of,the miscellaneous lot of articles in n , ing Saturday. Merchant Tailor, «old Wr«Kuu' found in Butler’s luggage, has be­ Prosecuting Attorney J. A. Jeff­ come a national, and may become Sold Only by Tickets Including Supper 2302484853234848234853534831 ries of Medford came down on le­ an international question. Not gal business last Tuesday evening. only did United States District At­ at C. Williams’ Restaurant Emery J. Eastman, W. E. Case and family left Mon­ torney Foots get telegraphic in­ 11.00. Druggist, Gold Hill, Or. day for Salem where they will visit structions from Attorney-General a few days before leaving for the Harmon to intervene in the extra­ dition proceedings for the purpose east. of having these articles impounded C. P# Parker has just finished BEST MUSIC, L a c o n ic a l E v e n ts . as evidence, but additional instruct­ covering his card tables with fine ions, also by telegraph, have been B E ST FLO O R , material. They are now in good received to proceed against Attorney Miss Sadie Cook shape. BEST ORDER. 3idwell, who brought the suit, for ford Saturday. S. Rosenthal of Medford was in Mrs. Lee Minkler is visiting in the city Wednesday night return­ contempt of court, and for attempt­ ing to obstruct» United States mar­ Ashland this week. H. A. CRYDER, ing to Medford yesterday on the shal in the discharge of his duty ----- ¡T H E :----- . All the standard Patent Medi­ overland. ay process from a state court. Come Everybody and Have a cines at Allison & Co. District Attorney Foote has not Fred Boheim of Albany, repre­ Good Time. J. B. Dunnigan went to Ashland senting the city bottling work was yet decided just how he will pro­ H A NDLES ALL KINEH OF Tuesday on business. in the city one day this week doing ceed to follow these instructions. P lain & Fancy Stationery, He may apply to the circuit court FLOOR MANAGERS: Kirk Parker went to Medford on business. today for a citation against Bidwell, Alex. Orme, of Foots Creek, TABLETS, business last Monday. R. J. Hunter, of Sacramento, was requiring him to show cause why Geo. Wright, of Woodville, I. 0. Fisher was a passenger for in the city Tuesday representing he should not he adjudged in con­ A. Noah, of Sams Valley, the hardware firm of Beker & Ham­ Medford Saturday last. tempt. It is quite likely, however, Public Telephone Statien. C. Knotts, of Kanes Creek, ilton of that city. that this will not be done until the J. J. Ullman went to Medford on L. F. Pate, of Gold Hill. PcstoHice Buihlcng. HOLD H ill, ORE. S. S. Pentz, an attorney-at-law, suit in the justice court is disposed business last Saturday. e -*.-**.-*. ->*. of Medford came down to plead a R. Rowland went to Medford on case in Justice Hammersley’s court of. That there is any contempt of the United States courts in bring­ a O h S ee H ere business last Saturday. Wednesday night. ing this proceedings in the justice Miss Addle Noe was a passenger J. D. Heard went to Medford Tues­ court, Butler’s attorneys stoutly Cheaper than the Chepest 1 for Medford Wednesday. day to attend to some business deny. They insist that the mar­ Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Dan Richards paid Medford matters. Mr H. will return the shal cannot show that at the time Heaters, Lamps, Amunition the suit was brought he held the Fishing Tackles, Garden business call Wednesday. latter part of the week. F Tools, Rogers Triplo Plated property by virtue of any author­ T. Boyd is in the city visiting Miss Ida Pankey, of Central f W are, Etc., at ity, or that there was at the time Mr. Gage his father-in-law. Point was in attendance at the any allegation on record in the J. H. Beeman went to Jackson­ masquerade ball last Friday night proceedings that it was either the QOLD HILL, OREQON. returning home Saturday. ville on business yesterday. proceeds of any crime or evidence The N ews pencil pusher and of the same. Geo. Lyman was a passenger for family will go to Medford today on BLACKSMITHS IMI MIT HAKE WATCHES, Grants Pass Monday evening. the overland to spend the remain­ What He Had Learned. 0. O. Rowland, the Gramaphone der of the week with relatives. But they shoe horses—because th at man left Monday for Eugene. Sarcasm generally doesn’t pay, is their business. Let me prove to A. R. Merritt has secured the and all such substi­ Jos. Hammersley was called to services of Bert Thomas as head unless it be of the pleasant kind you that I have learned every detail tutes for Pure Lard may used by an Irishman to his em­ Medford on business Wednesday. be all right in their way of tbo trade. There isn’t a branch clerk. Mr. T. has been attending ployer—a coal dealer—who pro­ [and they weigh enough in bla ksmithing th at 1 do not un­ Robert Cook, of Foots creek was school until recently in this city. too], but for first-class posed to discharge him because “be derstand. My prices will not crip­ a passenger for Medford Tuesday. baking or cooking you Messrs. King and Heard of Med­ couldn’t learn anything.” ple your purse, neither will the cannot use a substitute C. M. Frres came down from ford came down Sunday night to “ Well, I ’ve learned one thing shoes I set cripple your horses. that will take the place Central Point Wednesday evening. take charge of the Williams mine since I ’ve been with you,” said P a t of Pure, Unadulterated ™ 1» “What is that?” Lard, and give even one- J. W . Hays, Miss Alice Mathews, of Bolt, was recently purchased up on Sardine creek. third as good results. “That 1,800 makes a ton.” Pat in the city the first of the week was retained. Mr. Schlessinger, of the firm of visiting. We all like good pastry, and only good lard will make it. The best Schlessinger & Co., the San Fran­ Rev. Mrs. Gosline of Glendale is is none too good. I n J ustice C ourt .—Last Wed­ cisco shoe manufasturers and whole­ visiting her father, H. E. Olson at salers was in the city Monday and nesday night Dan Richards was ar­ W . H. Beidler & Son., this place. raigned before Justice Hammersly Tuesday. C. C. Parker of Medford was 'in We also carry a choice line of all Clear Havana and Keywest Cigars, Chas. Nickel, the genial editor of on complaint of J. J. Ullman, Choice brands of Chewing and the city visiting relatives the first the Democratic Times passed charging him with assault with a kinds of fresh and salt meats. Smoking Tobaccos. of the week. GOLD IIILL, OREGON. through the city Tuesday enroute dangerous weapon. After hearing Try Dr. Hendersons Grape Root for the scenes of the legislative hold­ the testimony offered by the states F in e L in e o fS ta tio n e r y . F or a G old H ill C hurch .— witnesses the Judge dismissed the tonic, the best spring medicine, at up at Salem. Monday night a few of our church Gold Hill, Or. Allison & Co. Clark Williams’ team has made defendant of the charge of assault going people gathered at the school with a dangerous weapon, holding Mrs. J. A. Nyswaner went to five trips to the mines this week, him to answer for assault and bat­ house for the purpose of taking S. V. M cFARREN, Phoenix Sunday to visit a few days loaded down with groceries. He tery to appear at 9 o’clock Thurs­ steps towards securing means of always has the best goods at the with her parents. day morning, at which time the building a Union Protestant church lowest living prices and no charge S. D. Jones and Bruce Brough plea of guilty was entered where for our city. Permanent organiza­ for delivering. went to Grants Pass on business upon the Judge imposed a fine of tion was effected and committees V Rev. J. A. Slover, Baptist minis­ $20 and harmony now reigns se­ were appointed to circulate petitions Wednesday night. AND for subscriptions, to formulate ter from Sam’s Valley will preach renely once more. N. E. Robinson of Coles, Cal., plans, etc., and the work will begin at the Dardanelles school house at left this city enroute for his home 11 a. m., and in the school house Allison and Co., have branched at once. This is a step in the right Wednesday noon. hall at 7 p. m. on the 4th Sunday out into new enterprises this week. direction toward building up our Tuesday we added a new corres­ of each month. Everybody invited. Mr. Caine, the manager and phar­ town. No town can flourish with­ pondent from Eagle Point to our out it and we hope our citizens We have just added to our al­ macist has gone into the manufact­ able staff of news gatherers. will contribute liberally to the uring business of compounding a ready well equipped job office a few cause as it is a good one. Grandma Eskew was in the city fonts of new display type and are squirrel poison which he has put yesterday transacting legal business now better prepared to turn out up for years and knows it to lie of DIED. C. F. YOUNG, Proprietor, first class work than ever. When superior qualities. before Notary Public Richards. in our lin<‘ . ... WOODS.—At his home on Kanes Mrs. J. J. Ullman and little in need of anything ,, ... . D on ’ t \V okry about your health creek, near this city, Wednes­ Choicest Line of Wines, Liquors daughter went to Medford last give us a call. \\ e guarantee all | Reep your bJood pur/ by taking day, February 17, 1897, Henry and Cigars in tho City. Wednesday returning in the eve- work to equal any turned o u t., Hood's Sarsaparilla and you need Woods, aged 35 years. ■ either in the country or city print not fear the grip, colds bronchitis, Deceased leaves a loving wife and ning. shops. pneumonia or typhoid fever. child to mourn his demise. The S. A. D. Higgins, the Medford A good family regulator. The H ood ’ s P ills are the favorite funeral was held yesterday and the soda works proprietor was in the G old H ili . N ews . Regular dose family cathartic, easy to take easy remains taken to Ro.:k Point for city Tuesday transacting business. I once a week. i to operate. 4, interment. Gold Hill, Oregon,, 50c Per Bottle. School House Hall. f POSTOFFICE STATIONER. Candies, Nats and Cigars. 11 1 T he B uilder . J A. L. HARVEY'S Conglomolard, Suetoleum, Cottolardine^4; Z BAKER’S FineConfectionery, Watches, JEW ELRY, G o ld H ill, Oregon. ÖfficT :. Saloon, Billiard Parlor in Conueclion.