mmm soasaos Brooklyn school children are G old H ill N ews . taught to sing to the tune of “Yankee A Newspaper—Not an Organ. Published Every Friday Afternosn. News P rin tin g Company, PUBLISHERS. F. K. CHURCHILL, Editor and Manager. Doodle”: “Do not spit upon the street, in cars or public places; this is far from being neat, and leaves unwholesome traces.” There is another verse, but one is enough to warn expectoratoas that high hats are not monopolizing public atten­ tion. C lark W illiam s, It is said that Canada will retal­ iate upon us for excluding her im­ migrants by shutting Americans out of the British Columbia mines. So much the better for the mines of Oregon and Washington. We do not send laborers into Canada, anyway, but capitalists, promoters and industrial experts whom we would rather keep at home. One Year, Six Months, . . . THE BEST GOODS $1 Advertising rates on ap­ plication All advertisements and business locsls will he run until ordered out unless otherwise con traded for. f FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1897 Special O ffer.— 30 D ays. In order to introduce the N ews to the reading public, we have de­ cided to make a special price on annual subscriptions for the next thirty days, placing the price at $1.00. Cash with order. On and after March 1st 1897 the regular price of $1.50 will he resumed. Never Say "Just as Good." In Italy there is a law providing that any circus which does not per­ form every act promised in the irinted programme, or which mis- eads the public by means of pict­ ures, is liable to a line of $2,500, for each and every offense. If there was a law in this country compell­ ing politicians to live up to election promises, the legislature members from this county we understand would be in a bad fix. in the T own . UNION HOTEL, O B A U B R IN Groceries I. E. DEBOY, P ropr . AND • The Tables are Supplied w ith the BEST the Market < Affords. Everything in Season. Provisions ttu h itc r 1 p t i o i i H a t e a . INVARIABLY IN ADVANCB f T he L eading H ouse -A T T U E - Lowest - Living - Prices. H eadquarters for M ining M E N .-— Goods Delivered Free. RESTAURANT IN .. CONNECTION, Rates the Host Reasonable. GOLD HILL, OR. ixxxxixx xouuuu r w W W W W V y BARBER SHOP In Connection. J. E. OLSON. ► O u r M a rk e t R e p o rt ¡» GOLD HILL, ORE. h . B. OLSON. O lson B rothers Corrected Weekly by Clark Williams 1 Are Prepared to Fill All PROEVCE. Hay, baled, per ton $10. Loose, $7. and Orders Promptly in $8, per ton. W heat, 73c per bushel. Earley, 05c per hundred. Oats, 50c per bushel. Flour, $2.40 per hundred. Corn Meal, 10 lb sacks 25 cents. Potatoes, $1.25 per hundred. Rustic, Ceiling, Flooring, Wainscoating, Moulding. In fact, anything Onions, $1.50 per hundred. At Peoria, 111., they are turning Butter, 2 lb rolls, 40 in the line of building material. Also wood, any length. immense quantities of soft corn in­ Eggs, 10 cents per doz. to hard whisky. The softness of corn is no bar to it. The Iowa Central, which runs from Masom City through Marshalltown, Grin­ nell, Oskaloosa and Ottumwa, into the Illinois whisky market, recent­ ly delivered over sixty cars of soft corn from Iowa to that market It is strange enough that the good prohibitionists of those Iowa towns will sell their corn for such a pur­ pose. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Orders delivered if desired. M EA TS. Bacon and sides per It 10c. Hams, choice per ib lie. Shoulder, per it 7c. Lard, 8 ^ c @ 0c per It. PROVISIONS. Dry Granulated Sugar 6c per pound. Coffee, 20c (ui 40c per pound. Rice, 6 ^ c per pound. Beans, 3c per pound. D R IE D F R U IT . Apples, 6’^c per pound. Peaches, 8c per pound. Currants, 10c per pound. Raisins, 10c per pound. CANNED G O O D S. Address, O lson B rothers , GOLD HILL, - OREGON. D a n R ic h a rd s , Real Estate Agent, Notary Public, Corn 10c, Tomatoes 10c, Peas 10c, Ber­ t Conveyancer and Collecting Agent, ries 15c, Peaches 15»'—flat 10c. If a man wants to buy something Coal Oil, bulk per gallon, 25c. Per case Gold Hill, Ja ck so n C ounty, Oregon. Many of the members who are [2 five gallon cans] $3.00. you haven’t got, telljiim frankly L I V E S T O C K .» b u y l u g . you haven’t got it, and also tell 1 responsible for the legislature hold­ B u sin e ss in m y L in e T ran sacted w ith D isp atch Beef Cattle on foot 2c.—dressed 4c. him where he can get it, if you up by refusing to be sworn in and Pork, dressed, 4c. an d a t R easonable R ates. $1.50 (S' $1.75. know. Don’t spring the “some­ help make a quorum, begin to real­ Mutton, Hides, green 3c.—dry 5c per pound, Residence, Business and Farm Property For Sale. thing just as good’’ on him, and ize they have made a mistake. P O I 'L T R V . urge him to buy it. Even if it be They know they cannot make a Chickens, $1.50 @ $2.00 per dozen. Turkeys 7c per pound. just as good, he will have his doubts satisfactory explanation to their about it and always feel that he constituents for the position they BAD ROADS. didn’t get the best. I t’s all right have taken with Bourne and Simon ¿IIIIIHHP ""Mlii'lHIIÜ: enough to tell him what you have, and would willingly do their duty, Oregon is noted all over creation what its qualities are, and why it’s but they are confronted by the fear for its bad roads. No state in the a good thing. But stop there, and that if they now change their tactics Union has such fearful roads. Peo­ let him do his own choosing. Don’t they will he accused of doubledeal­ ple do not seem to care. Any one urge him to buy on the “just as ing. They believe they will be doing roadwork, including farmers damned if they do and damned if does as little as possibel not stop­ good” plan.—Brains, New York. Carry a full and complete stock they don’t. But are they not mis­ ping to think that bod roads are a Our business men will do well to taken? If they get together, elect cause of great expense in way of of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Pat­ ïîllilllllhiiiilllillllllirr remember one very important con­ a senator, abolish the commission, wear and tear on w’agons, harness ent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Ar­ dition which confronts the town of pass a few good laws, cut down the and horses. The county courts ticles and all goods usually carried Gold llill at the present time. The appropriation and adjourn, their should give strict instructions to business situation is by no means actions will meet the approval of the road supervisors to do their in our line. secure. 1 he territory which is n a t-, the people and they will be reward- work properly. There is an abund­ urally tributary to Gold Hill and j ed, but if their present course is fol- ance of fine road material (gravel) helongs here is large and represents lowed they will certainly be con-' every where, which should be haul- This Space Reserved Prescriptions a Specialty. wealth of vast proportions and great demned. | ed on the roads. If only or e mile variety. This makes it a tempting [V. H. CAINE, Pharm acist,] can he fixed up properly in each field for other towns of ambition to THE LEGISLATURE. district every year, fix that mile .F o r T h e enter with roads and facilities for properly and stop shoveling loose easy transportation. In order to) Today, Friday, and then the 19th dirt into the bottomless mudholes build up a town its business houses biennial session is at an end. That in a haphazard way. The work must not only be in a position to ’s to 81l-v t,,day *8 fortieth day should be done in the fall when meet the trade thatcomes, hut they joi the •eH8ion- ll,ld provided some- farmers and miners are not busy will ever 1 m , on the outlook to bring Gring big does not happen mean at their farms or mines. The leg­ additional trade from every possible while (and of course something will islature should pass a law, compell­ Is ft wonderland of source and in every possible way. happen) the session will come to ing all road supervisors, county •amleur, beauty and an end midnight tonight. r This is particularly true in a coun- ba argains. Fresh with W hat has been accomplished du- judges and county commissioners, goods from home and try yet undeveloped as is the case: rj„g the thirty-nine days that have each to drive a loaded four horse abroad. A vast variety in this section. Simply to wait for passed? to select from. Many team over their respective roads, articles and styles not to the country to grow and the buyers J Nothing. once a month. You would see fine be found anywhere else. to come is a policy of slow and' - hat pledges u,ade'..before the roads in no time and it would not Easy opportunities to GEO. LYMAN, Propr. election have been fulfilled see everything. No s o cost the people any more than it sure suicide. Wide awake effort is None. California Wines, Bourbon llcitations to buy. No now. Get a move on yourself needed at this present time as at What remedial legislation has does Whiskies, Imported and Do­ compulsion to keep after in the right direction. mestic Cigars. Billiard and you nave bought, if not no former period of our existence been enacted ? Card Tables :n Connection. satisfied. Perfect satis­ ns a town. Echo answers. faction with qualities. HOWS THIS? What useless commissions have Perfect confidence that The Best Place in the City to We offer One Hundred Itollars Rew ard prices are lowest. Uncle Sam’s present pay roll is a ^*£1? alxdished . Spend Your Leisure Teme. for anv ease of Catarrh that van not be , , , . i 1 he taxpayers of the state pause cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. very robust document, according to ( a , j , 1. J. C iiknkv A Co., Props.. Toledo, O ., \ V \ l C D V IT T Give U b a Call. the figures furnished in the latest AU why has irothing been done? We the undersign'd, have known F.J. 1 A . 1 \. .»I L , l \ I 1 , GOLD HILL, OREGON. . for the last 15 years, and lielieve | ieport of the civil service commie- The answer is easy: Because a Cheney him perfectly honorable in all business , _ -ion. It shows 178,717 positions minority—a mere handful of pop- transactions and financially able to car- G e n C l 'c t l in the civil branch of the govern- ulists.dom ocratsandSim onrepub- ry out any obligations made by their I Ripaus Tabules. firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Drug-| N T O T C lliA . l i d i s t ? Rlpans Tabules cure nausea. ment, and an annual output on ac- -under the lash of the gists, Teledo, O. Waiding, Rinnan A Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. Bourne-Scott-Simon combine, and Wholesale Druggists,Ttiledo.O. ! count of their salaries of about urged from duty by a Corbettenn , Marvin, Rlpans Tabules cure headache. Hall s Cntaarh Cure is taken internal- GOLD HILL, OREGON. Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. 1100.000,000.: sack, have refused and neglected toI lv, acting directly upon the blood a n d --------------------- Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. take the oath of office and perform up1 1 " 0'1 ’ *urI‘ees of the system. Price) nipans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. , h . J u .il. « bub .b e y u e re e lc - te j | J * “ ! S ” “ £ 2 " Ripaus Tabules cure torpid liver. The N ews is the newsiest paper Rlpans Tabules assist digestion. i Testimonials free. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. I to i*erform. ‘ " Jack soi) county. Hall’s Famllv Pills are the liest. lui. Rlpans Tabules cure constipation. OALUSONTC o ^ Druggists. Gold Hill, - t Oregon. O ur Store As You See it_To-day P. R y. ' GOLD HILL SALOON, 1 I I Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. f