» GOLD The Future Prosperity of Gold Hill, Depends Enthuly Upon the Enterprise of Our Citizens. JLï F ir s t Y e a r Miiitflc Copies 5 Cent»» Broke Jail Easily. Haw T, yj Prisoners Gained Freedom at Jacksonville. J acksonville , Jan. 31.—J. C. Hopkins and Frank Murphy, held for burglarizing the store of D. D. Minkler, in Ashland, three weeks ago, and who were confined in the county jail awaiting the action of the grand jury, broke jail last night, and have not been recaptur­ ed. They were in the corridor, and could go in and out of the cells at pleasure. They succeeded in re­ moving the staple which held the bar in the lockbox, and as the low­ er bar was not locked, they bad only to slide it out of the way and the door was open. The staple was removed, it appears, by reaching the band through a section of the latticework and sliding a thin piece of wood or iron along beneath the staple and lifting it up, when it would turn over and fall out of the bar,thus relieving it and leaving it free to he drawn out, and the door opened without farther hindrance. Once in the open jail, it was an easy matter, with a heavy piece of iron they had wrenched from the building, to burst open the outer door and gain their liberty. Their work shows them to he experts of a dangerous character. Sheriff Barns and several deputies are in hot pur­ suit of them. An adjourned term of the circuit court will begin next Monday, February 8th. Six car loads of wool, aggregating 133,000 pounds, were shipped from Heppner last Friday to Bosten. Secretary of State Kincaid has refused to furnish stamp, codes or other paraphenelia ordered by the Benson faction. Cupid seems eo be taking a lay­ off. Not a marriage license has been issued by the county clerk for two weeks.—Times. The two oldest native-born sons of Oregon are Cyrus II. Walker of Albany and Capt. J. 1). H. Gr f Astoria. The former was hoi n on December 7, 18oS. anu tiie latter on March 29, 1839. Petty 0'Teves are reaping a golden harvest in Myrtle Point. Clothes are being taken from the lines at night; fruit and bacon is disappear­ ing from cellars, and there are chicken thieves galore, says the En­ terprise. Oregonian: The secretary of state will not authorize the printing of hills introduced in what is called the Benson house. This will lie a small loss to the people of the state, hut it will he a grievous thing for the state printer. Wednesday the taxpayers of Du­ fur school-district, in Wasco county decided by a vote of 50 to 9 to bond the district for $1000 for the purpose of building a new school- house. A tax of 7 mills was also voted for school purposes. Twelve carloads of Eagle valley fe ,. Fireman Hendricks having charge , . , . , , heavily vesterday afternoon. H er years. becoming hot made for the mail , " J , . . ,. . lower double compartments forward of the engine. The domestic animal commission car and entered it. Little distur- . *T , , Reaching Sheridan’s Field, Mor­ , , , x, i were stove m, and it was only by is estimated to cost only $7000 for bailee was made, however, the ues- . x . . . ., 7 ris noticed ahead on the track a , , , . , , , .¡tho merest good fortune that the peradoes evidently being fearful of . the ensuing two years. This is man with a red lantern which was ‘ . , . . , big vessel did not sink. 1 his would occupying too much time, inasmuch , , 4 , xl quite a come-down from the figures being waved violently. The engin­ , , . , . , , undoubtedly nave been the result of previous appropriations, viz., as the dynamite explosion and the , . had not her inner compartments eer at once shut off steam, bringing blaze of the burning express car 1889, $12,000; 1891, $15,000; 1893, fully withstood the shock. As it the engine to a stop almost opposite [Continued on last page.] $12, 000; 1895, $8,000 was she was pulled clear of the the man flagging. rocks and is now tied to the big No sooner had the motion been taken off the train than a man, stone icebreakers at Marcus Hook, protected from the heavy ice gorges heavily masked, climbed over the tender, and, leveling two revolvers in midriver. The vessel is seriously damaged, at the engieer, ordered him, under BodÌGS Of tllO LegiSkdh’8 in nnd R is impossible to say when Shipped as a Sailor on a Yessel penalty of his life, to do as told in she will he able to go into active handling the train. Session at the Time. Bsuid for San Francisco. Hendricks, the fireman, with service. At present, she is in no danger of further damage, being quick wit, on seeing the masked robber making his way into the cab, S an F rancisco , Feb. 2.—George The Pennsylvania state capitol protected in the safe anchorage af­ dropped down in t’ n e shadow of the Edward Butler, alies Ashe, the was destroyed by lire Monday after­ forded by the icebreakers. How the accident occurred can only ho tender, and from thence crawled to murderer, whose arrival on the ship noon. The legislative halls are in established by a court of inquiry, the track. Working his was to the Swanhilda was so long expected, is head of the engine, the fireman ruins and a new structure will rise and this, Captain Cook, of the now in the San Francisco jail. started on a dead run to Roseburg, from the ashes of the structure that Brooklyn, has already asked for. The Swanhilda was sighted this two miles being covered in less than has served as a meeting place of The exact place where the vessel morning, coming through the heads 15 minutes. Here he quickly in­ the state legislature sinco 1822. struck was on Schooner ledge rod:, in tow of the tug Acteve. The tug formed the people at the station of The flames, within the short space between Chester and Marcus Hook, blew six whistles, the signal agreed what was going on. of an hour, ate up $1,500,000 worth and the lime about 1:45 o’clock. upon, if Butler was on board, hut Superintendent Field fortunately of property. the detectives waiting lower down happened to be in Roseburg, and J. II. Whitman of Medford was The house was in session and the th? hay did not hear them, and al­ hurriedly gathered a posse of armed senate was about to convene after a commissioned notary public ami though the Swanhilda was coming men, took an engine from the round­ his credentials forwarded him last in, they did not know if Butler was house and hurried back to the point few minutes recess at about 1 Monday. o’clock, when flames were discover­ on board, Suddenly a red light where the robbed train lay. The plant, real estate and liquor ed. Instantly there was a motion flashed out through the darkness. As the relief engine pulled out of to adjourn and all was constcrna- belonging to the Medford Distilling This was another signal, and the Roseburg several heavy shots were tion. In the senate the members and Refining Co., which was put officers knew their man was there. heard and as it approached tl e lip at public auction a second time The custom-house boat Hartley, scene a bright glare was seen in the were lolling about in their seats. brought a considerably Better price and which had been placed at the sky. This proved to he the express The place began to smell of smoke on Saturday. About $1500 more disposal of the police, was hoarded car, the stove of which had been and soon clouhs of smoke came was realized. It is quite probable down the elevator shaft. Fire in haste by six detectives, four shattered by the successive shots of that the sale will he confirmed thia alarms were sent in and the senate newspaper men and four revenue dynamite, the coals setting fire to became a mass of howling men. time. Most of the property was officers, and the little vessel steam­ the car. Train hands were vig­ hid in by B. I*. Theiss, who expects ed rapidly away to the Swanhilda, orously fighting the flames, hut Desks wese being jerked loose and to conduct the distillery. Times. which was met off Fort Point. The their efforts proved for nought, the carried out; the same work going Representative Langell has intro- detectives remained concealed in car with safe, express packages and on in the house chamber. The fire department was slow ■ duced a bill to make Ashland col- the cabin while the revenue officers contents being completely destroy­ in arriving, and men about the lege and normal school a state in- went on hoard the Swanhilda to ed. capitol were doing their best to stitution, to he known as the see if Butler had been put in irons. Following Fireman Hendrick's check the blaze. “.Southern Oregon normal school.” They reported that he had not, and escape, the desperadoes ordered Although there was a heavy rain A hoard of 12 regents is appointed, the detectives then went on th e ' Engineer Morris to “kick” the train and snow fall, the woodwork burn- and tb« ^ nerrtl P0’^ Roveru- ship. hack. This done, the mail and ex­ ,, ,, 1 ment is the same as mr other nor- Butler was pointed out and in a press cars were cut off and hauled ed up like tinder. Soon there was The bill can.icB a second was handcuffed. He de­ ahead some 50 yards, chased by lire in every portion of the build- $16)000 appropriation. nied that he was Butler, hut was Conductor Veatch and Brakeman ing and there was no hope for the positively identified by Detective i Lohe, who shouted to the engineer, historic structure. During the fire The largest single item in tho McIIattie and Conroy, who came inquiring the trouble. several persons were slightly injur-i general appropriation hill is tho here from Australia for that pur- ( Their answer was a fusillade of ed by falling timbers. F o ra tim e1 aggregate estimate for the insane pose. The suspected murderer was shots, and the command to get hack it looked as though the adjoining asylum, amounting to $!30,49('. taken on hoard the Hartley, which to the train. Neither seeming to department buildings would he de- This is certainly an enormous sum, soon landed him at the wharf. A obey quickly enough, another vol­ stroyed, hut the shifting wind saved and one whose every item of detail patrol wagon was in waiting, and ley was fired at them from the en­ them. At 2 o’clock the flames were should he scrutinized by the mem- he was hustled off to prison. gine. The whistling of the bullets under control, tho fire having been hers of tho legislature, i t .a fair Although the arrest was a com­ left no mistake as to the intent of confined to the capitol building. to suppose that a considerable port- plete surprise to the suspected man, the people handling the weapons, --------- u---------- inn ,,f jhjg amount represents ex- he maintained a remarkable calm­ and Veatch and his brakeman heat Six Chinamen—Wong Chung,' penditures which it has been plain»- ness, and calmly puffed a cigarette a retreat to the train. Wong Ah Lin, Mark Lai, Gee Chong ed to avoid in the event of the eon- as he went ashore. The express car was the first ob­ Line Gon and (¿nen La- -were de­ struction of the Eastern Oregon as­ jective point of tho robbers, after ylum. The abandonment of that T he W ay to C ure catarrh is to they had hauled that and the mail ported from Tacoma on the steamer enterprise will not, work a saving purify the blood, ami the surest, car ahead of the train. Receiving Tacoma, Friday. They had been I of the v, hole am.,ant of its propped safest, best w ay to purify the blood no reply to their second command in this country for years and • 'd ¡appropriation. The patients, as is by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, for Messenger Butler tocome out— pre k good English. They failed ¡their numlssr iuer.-as» s, must he the One True Blood Purifier. he having slipped through the ope- 1/ register under the G tary law, I taken care of somewhere. H ood ’ s P ill * are prompt, effic­ site door—a charge of dynamite claiming ignorance as to its exist­ The N ews is the newticet paper ient, always reliable, easy to take, was placed under the ta r and fired. ence, the” Iteing in the mountains i in Jackson county. minim: at the time of its parage. easy to operate 3 The effect was ruinous. Doors were Union Meet Company, of Portland, bought two or three bunches of cat­ tle recently for $2.75 and $2.90 per hundred. Geo. E. Butler Arrested. The Capitol Burned.