W hy u p o n tu e u o iiz o u is o o n e iu c ic u a good “ sucker” a n d “played” ac­ | S tate N ew s N otes, s cordingly. He is received with S [Form our Exchanges.] open arm s and shown the “ only ” aiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimirc I Do people buy H ood’s Sarsaparilla in m ine in the cam p, and th eir con­ The registrar of A m herst college preference to any o th er,— In fact alm ost versation with him is devoted more says th a t a Forest Grove boy has to th e exclusion of all others? to ill reports about their neighbors property than to describing their taken the highest rank in chem istry of any m an a t the college. ¿p own and the m erits of the M alheur county m ust be well Such treatm en t They know from actual use th a t Hood's camp generally. la th e best, 1. e., it cures when others fail. will invariably drive a m an of com ­ supplied w ith provender for the FAC-SIMILE Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is still made under th e personal supervision of th e educated mon sense out of the country, th o r­ w inter, judging from the price pharm acists who originated it. oughly disgusted w ith the whole which hay com m ands, only $3 a . SIGNATURE AVege tabic Preparation for A s­ The question of best is just as positively similating the Food and R egula­ decided in favor of H ood’s as th e question section, and his story when told, ton. ----- O F ------ of com parative sales. ting the Stomachs and Bowels o f keeps others away. J. W . Blake, of Condon, Gilliam A nother th in g : Every advertisem ent j Only a m an whose whole Lie is county, has taken a contract to of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is tru e, is honest m easured m erely by consecutive buy 2000 head of cattle for a Mon- Promote s Digestion, Cheerful­ , birthdays, and whose knowledge of ta n a firm. M any buyers are on n ess and Rest.Contains neither the workl is 8Hined through a peep | the lookout for cattle from 1 to 3 Opium.Morpliine n o r Mineral. hole, so sm all th a t the ex ten t o f ! years old. Twenty-five or th irty IS ON TH E N ot N ä h c o t ic . his vision would scarcely cover a thousand doUara w in ,)0 paid for Is the One True Blood I’urifiCB. AH dnigg’sts. si. tw enty acie placer claim, exhibits cattle in G illiam county w ithin the Z ia /w 6 f O ld ItrSAM CELPirCIIER Prepareilonly byC. 1. flood fit Co.. Lowell, Mass. such a sp irit—and where such men next few m onths, says the A rling­ Pum pkin S e i d “ .» r t i t i are til» only pills to tako exist there can never he progress or dUx. Senna + ton Record, liv ery steer or heifer tlO O lJ S r* l 1 lS with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Jloc/itUc Salie — . OF EVERY prosperity. ylniec Seed. ♦ th a t will he sold for the m arket J\ppcm u n t - Lack of harm ony, p e ttry spite price will he bought and shipped iZ/z Curò‘tnateSatiate Warm S e e d - BOTTLE OP and m aliciousness never b uilt up a out of the county. The result will I ImhcS. Suepm « If zriAz}//«‘/z Haror> m ining cam p and such elem ents he a big dem and for cattle, so the Apcrfect Remedy fo r Constipa­ m ust he elim inated before there is Record thinks. tion, S o u r Stom ach.Diarrhoea, any decided im provem ent in the Worms .ConvulsionsTeverish- The county court of G illiam , a t Prejudice Against Southern Oregou Mines, j com m unity. n c -s and L O S S O F SLEEP. its last term , m ade the following and Some of Its Causes. Then there are others; m en who Facsimile Signature of e n try upon its docket, in m atters have come in here w ith very little of coyote bounty: “ The Sheepm en’s “gray m a tte r” , some capital, but Oastoria is put up In one-cizo bottles only. It NEW YORK. Protective U nion of G illiam county T h a t there exists a strong p reju ­ no practical knowledge of m ining; is not sold in bnlk. Don't allow anyone to 5611 is hereby notified th a t the offer of yon anything else cn the plea or promise that it dice against South Oregon as a men who have spent half th eir for­ the county court to pay $1 bounty is “jnst as good” and "will anew-r every pur­ tunes in debauchery, an d spread pose.” -OS- gee that yon get 0-A-S-T-0-fi-I-A. m ining section none can deny on coyote scalps still holds good; The iso- ----- the balance out so th in th a t they and th a t th a t prejudice is w ithhold­ simile y * zz. 1«» th a t said paym ent will be m ade in EXACT C 0 P V OF W R A P PE R . could accom plish n othing b u t a 1 sljoituroi ing capital from coming here and w rap p 8?. the future as in the past, on certifi­ of little surface work, and when developing the m any v a lu a b lep ro p -j ;<5roke’^ cation of the union, showing th a t a coun- erties which here exist is evidenced j like am ount has been paid by them . I try. by the deplorable condition of our In view of the fact th a t the coun­ O thers too have been here. Those ty court cannot law fully offer less m ines. R o g u e • with unlim ited nerve ; some little th an $1 per scalp bounty, it is I m ake the assertion w ithout © © 9 knowledge of m in in g ; p len ty of fear of contradiction th at there is no suggested th a t the union reconsider jaw hone, h u t not a d o llar save snot on the face of the globe of . ... . ... , . . th eir action taken December 19, R O L L G R M iL L S , 1 , , . th a t existing m a wild and fantas equal area, where gold is m ore pro- . . . . , , . 1896, reducing the bounty to 50 H O U C K & SIG N O R O T T I, P ro p rs. 1 ’ , , tastic im agination, leased good iuselv and evenly distributed . . . . ,, , . cents, and either authorize the con­ • , im ines; staved their men oft for two throughout the form ation than right tinuance of the bounty of $1, or fix A Complete Line of Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, Bran, or three m onths labor, and a t a some definite date after which no here in Jackson county. Shorts and Mill Feed Constantly on Hand. favorable o p p o rtu n ity , pocketed the bounty will he given.” There are as good if not better “clean-up” and skipped out of the Mill One-Half .Mile East of Town. surface indications here today than The departm ent of justice has country. ever m ade a Cripple creek or Boss- OREGON. G igantic corporations have been come to an agreem ent w ith the GO LD H IL L , land yet no determ ined effort has organized for m ine developm ents; Union Pacific reorganization com­ ever been m ade to fathom these M edford N ew slets. Sclendfio Amalean purchase a few acres of placer m ittee, clearly representing the rich prospects and gain the vast Agcrcy for ground, which if worked to its u t­ V anderbilt interest, by which it is AV. J . K ing left for C alifornia wealth which surely exists beneath. most capacity could not pay' a one to receive nearly $46,000,000 in N early all the gulches among the per cent dividend upon one tenth cash for its lien upon the Union F riday. lllt ll L d D l L U I o stock; llH .j i, ii • r» . • num erous hills are exceedingly rich of their capital have b l l t e i a l t t: «1 i . ] r r L..B. W arner, the n urserym an, e , i • , a n d K a n sa s P acific sy stem s, l nclucl- is visiting in Stockton, Cal. in gold, of local origin, hut nothing few laboring men o u t of llieir hard . earned wages ; filed a few “ p ro m is-I1' 1« the accum ulated sinking fund. CAVEATS* has been done, save a little surface es to pay” w ith a few credulous i I he principal of this lien is about T!?APE m a r k s , I. W . Vaw ter, grand m aster, is D esign p a t e n t s , scratching, to develop the lodes m erchants; “sk in n ed ” a few “suck- $38,000,000, and the interest paid now in the W illam ette country vis­ C O PYH IC H T8, dtc.l F o r Inform ation an-I froe Uacdboolc w rit« to which have fed them for centuries. ebs” by stock m an ipulations and by the governm ent about $44,000,- iting Odd Fellow lodges. MUNN & CO.. ;>61 B roadway , N ew Y or ». Oldest bureau fo r »©curing potent« In America. gone into inocuous desiuetuile. Every p a te n t taken o u t by us H brought before And why this neglect ? 000. The sinking fund is about the public by a notice given frto of charge in thu The H am lin and Rostel blocks W ith such a history, is it any It requires capital to develop a $17,000,000. So the paym ent will wonder th a t a strong prejudice ex­ are now alm ost completed and mine, and capital being very inde­ ists ? And u n til th at prejudice is more than meet the m atu rin g bonds, rooms are being rented in same. La-W.-t etrcTilatton o f any sclentinr p n r« r in th e pendent, will not go into a cam p, overcome the m ines of Jackson though little of the m oney th a t has w.n-1,1. St leittlldlr Illustrated. No In toll m an should bo w ithout It. W eek!?. v ;j A cem ent pavem ent is being con­ against which there exists a strong county will rem ain un-developed. 5 '? r: s.1.5'1 tlx m onth* Arttln»,% A CO.. been paid out for interest will be Vvai.isiii.u3. lit,I Broudwuy ,r York Cit7, S. D onald J ones . structed around the “ Hotel N ash” prejudice. recovered. P erhaps this is the best To he sure Southern Oregon as a , thing the governm ent could do. It under the supervision of Theo. I W a n t s d - f i n I d e a E v an s C reek E v en ts. | is an interesting fact th a t the Dunn. m ining section is practically un-! P rotect tout Ideas; th ey m ay bring you w ealth. W rite JOHN WKODBRBVBN A C o ig p ite n t Attor- [ B y G ypsy .] known off the Pacific Slope, a n d 1 O ur grocerym an M r. Lum sden neys, W ashington, D. C., fo r the!? jll.SUP prix© otter V anderbilts are going to buy the and Het of tw o hundred Inventions w anted. one has only to talk with m ining who has been on the sick list for Mrs. J . L. Scott and little grand- road. T hat will m ake a continuous men in any of our coast cities to . . . . some tim e is reported rap id ly im ­ ughtei a , ,i • , is : very unfavorably „„t.i,, i daughter Alvie, are visiting o rela- line under one m anagem ent from lenrn th a t . it » proving. New York to Ogden. L ater the ! tives at G lendale. known on the slope. V anderbilts probably will try to Our new recorder elect W . W. In a conversation a few m onths Miss M ary H illis, of W im er, is icquire the C entral Pacific, and Stanfield has taken his seat in of-1 { ago with a prom inent M ining E n - , visiting her sister, Mrs. C. F. Tay- perliaps t he g h o rt Linp am l thp 0 lice assisted by his daughter who j 5 j Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and ail Pat-? ginecr in [San Francisco, 1 a c cu -1 lor in G rants Pass. ! | t & N T his ¡s the n|Ogt rpn)ark. je n t business conducted for M o d e r a t e F e e s . J will keep the books. S o u n O f f ic e is O p p o s it e U . S . P a t e n t O fe ' ic e ? rately described one of the m any Owing to the scarcity of water, able m anifestation yet of the ten d ­ „ . , tt o , t i ia n d we can secure patent in less tim e th an those J S. A. Owing and II. Dutches Will I {rem ote from W ashington. J good ledges in the countiy. ” *' , the m iners of Jum p-aff-Joe have ency to railroad consolidation Lx. i ' , , ! S Send model, drawing or photo., with de,crip-i soon open a tem perance b illiard Itio a . W e advise, if patentable or not, free o f t was deeply interested, and said it plpn(y of sparp tinie. , . . . . . I {charge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured. S 'h a ll and confectionery store in the 5 a pamphut . “ Howto obtain Patents" with would he a very easy m atter to cost of same in the U© S. and foreign countries* D on ' t W ouky about vour h e a lth , TT ,, , Ben Perry, of G rants Pass, spent Keep Cscnt free. Address, 2 your blood pure by tak in g I ne' ’ U am lin l> oek. secure sufficient capital to open uj S aturdav and S unday with his sis- such a mine, and asked for a w rit , Hood s S arsaparilla and you need Medford being the location for ten report upon the property. E v-1ter’ Mrp- M’ Sco 1 of th ,s P ,a c e ’ O pr . P a t e n t O f f ic e , W a s h in g t o n . O. c . 5 not fear the grip, colds bronchitis, | thp d istrict fair hereafter ig now a9. pneum onia or tvphoid fever. , . , . Wir.. H errio tt, our genial saw­ ervthing was clear sailing, until 1 _ sured, and preparations are lieing H o o d s I ’ i i . i s are th e f a v o r ite ! ,UiU[c to begin w ork on th e g ro u n d s has some indication of the return had to tell him the geographical m ill men, is having p art of his farm of prosperity. location, then a little smile of in ­ cleared and the im provem ent is fam ily cathartic, easy to take easy soon. .a ,» I ! to operate. 4 1 credulity played for a moment very . noticeable. Mr. and Mrs. M arksberry have Miss E lla Meeker, daughter of i ° ' about the corners of his m outh as leased the W estern Hotel and have The dance Mr. and Mrs. J . Meeker of this city anee given a t Wocxlvilb w ootlvuie “ How soon do they elect a Presi- he rem arked: “ that is a very good last S aturday n ig h t was not very , fient a g a in ? ” fitted it w ith new furniture, and is and Mr. Andrew J . Anderson wei fairy tale. W on’t you jilease tell well attended a n d consequently did “ Not for four years. W h y ? ” now open open for for th the accom m modation of m arried on the 20th inst. now e accom odation of Rev me another ?” not am ount to very m uch. “ Dear me! I wish they elected the public. Edw. G iltner officiating. T h e h a p - There are a num ber of causes for J. A. Messner, of W oodville, is '»ne every year. W hen my husband | On last S unday most of our citi- f c o u Ple took th eir d eparture for the existanee of such prejudices, having a new building erected near f a m e home election night he was boi zens could l>e found on the sunny ^ Iek a> C alifornia, T hursday, hut the blam e lies m ostly with the his blacksm ith shoj' which when excitetl he kissed me! side of the buildings enjoying th e ' W hile our city now known as p e o p le who own the mines. As a ° warm sun shine which was about “ le m etropolis of Jackson <;ountv rule their experience has been con- i complete«! will be used for a saloon, Have you seen the Dustless floor, thp firgt upppnrance for ponie tim p , « enjoying the lienefit of som e v al- lined to Jackson county and a hole Miss Rena l’vburn, of W oodville, prep aratio n ? No dust when vou* , uable im provem ents being done te n feet deeji on a lode from eight who was throw n from a horse and sweep. N om opj.ing. Price 1 cent I Y ork Jone8’ tl,e Real E state even now, we are looking forw ard P u t on by F ra n k ! Loan fln d . In?uranee Brokers reP- " ¿ f e T l ‘v ’¿ n " ?