yourself. A nother thing: D on’t item m erely be­ 8« cause you hav en ’t the full story or the exact facts; it is our business to h u n t up the facts. You m ay g;« know ju st w hat we have failed to xl find out and you m ay be the only S« one who knows it. gx; “ Don’t forget the editor when you have an item. If your wife whips z* you, let us know and we w ill set I ivn ( you rig h t before the public, If you have com pany, tell us, if you are 05« not asham ed of your visitors. If a 0XX OB ec /. youngster arrives a t your house LAA»\ and dem ands food and raim ent, iS« buy a q u a rte r’s w orth of cigars and 3KÎ CSfe/1 come around, and if you are a cash subscriber we will furnish a name W stt ô A kx for him or her as circum stances TF'.t w arrant. If you have a social Sat gathering of a few friends, bring around a big cake, six or seven P::‘ G old H ill N ews . fail to give us an A Newspaper—Not an Organ. Fnblishid Every Friday Afternoon. News Printing Company, publishers . S u b « c r ip tio ii K a te s . INVARIABLY IN ADVANCB 'One Year, S ix M onths, - - - - - $1 50 80 X X ir A dvertising rates on ap ­ plication All advertisem ents and business locals will be run until ordered out unless otherwise con­ tracted for- FRIDAY, JAN. 21), 1897 » «»S i » « » s k a C la r k W illia m s , DEfldEK IN Groceries AND i IXSi sra »3S J»S -,:>2 Provisions T he L e a d in g H o u se in t h e T o w n . UNION HOTEL, I. E. DESOY, P rcpr . The Tables are Supplied with the BEST the Affords. Everything in Season. M a rk e t THE BEST GOODS --------AT THE------- Lowest - Living - Prices. —-T~ r-Q-H-D-T]— sag «æ! Goods D elivered F ree. SSS sag! S>sg[ RESTAl KANT »58 Stt H eadquarters GOLD H IL L , OR. M ining R a te s t h e H o s t R e a s o n a b le . IN .. CONNECTION, ä BARBER SHOP : I for G O L D HILL, O R E . sag in Connection. ¡lies and a h a m —not necessarily to J. E. OLSON. eat, but as a guarantee of good faith. You needn’t bother to invite us, P O u r M a rk e t R e p o rt *3j [unless you earnestly desire us to » Corrected Weekly by Clic k WllUams <3 he present,] as it m ay be a little PROEUCE. too cool for our wardrobe. We H av, baled, per ton $10. Loose, $7. and j $8. per ton. m ention these th in g s because we W heat, 73c per busliel. w ant the news.” II. B. OLSON. O lson B rothers . S pecial Offer.»==3o D ays. Barley, Doc per hundred. Oats, 60c per bushel. Flour, $2.40 per hundred. Corn Meal, 10 lb sacks 25 cents. Potatoes, $1.00 per hundred. Onions, $2.00 per hundred. B utter, 2 lb rolls, 40 @ 50c. Eggs, 12X cents per doz. Are Prepared to F ill All Orders P rom ptly in Rough and Dressed Lumb PP o i 5 ■ R ustic, Ceiling, Flooring, W ainscoating, M oulding. In fact., anything In order to introduce the N ews in the line of building m aterial. Also wood, any length. to the reading public, we have de­ Orders delivered if desired. Address, The cd vent of a newspaper, u n ­ cided to m ake a special price on der the most auspicious conditions, a n n u a l subscriptions for the next MEATS. alw ays calls forth the query, ‘‘will th irty days," placing th e price at Bacon ami sides per ft 10c. $1.00. Cash w ith order. On and it pity?” This question was the! H am s, choice per ft lie . after M arch 1st 1897 the regular Shoulder, per ft 7c. first to presold itself to the pros­ price of $1.50 will be resum ed. We L ard, 7c @ 8c per ft. pective publisher, and it is safe to P R O V IS IO N S . have several reasons for m aking surm ise th a t we have considered this special offer. One of them Dry G ranulated Sugar (»’.fc per pound. well the field before undertak ing to being th a t we have been to a great Coffee, 20c @ 40c per pound. m ake a practical trial. Some tim e Rice, Ohjc ]>er pound. deal of expense in getting moved Beans, 3c per pound. ago, our attention was called to and located a n d need a few dollars » K i t » . F R U IT . your city by one of your w ideaw ake C o n v e y a n c er a n d C ollecting A gent, to p u t us on our feet. A gain, we Apples, 6,1 ,'c per pound. business men, to the field which this j feel th a t there are a num ber who Peaches, 8c per pound. locality ¡»resents for an enterprising Gold d ill, Ja ck so n C ounty, Oregon. can am i will be w illing to tak e the C urrants, 10c per pound. newsy paper, and having visited Eu.sin.css in m y L in e T ra n sac ted w ith D isp atch paper a t $1.00 who would o th er­ Raisins, 10c per pound. your city some tim e ago, and m ak­ C A N N E D G O O DS. a n d a t R easo n ab le R ates. wise feel th a t they were not able a t ing a thorough investigation, we Corn 10c, Tomatoes 10c, Peas 10c, Ber­ $ 1.50. Now is the tim e to subscribe. ries 15c, Peaches 15«•—flat 10c. have decided to cast our lot among Residence, Business and Farm Property For Get in on the ground floor. Coal Gil, hulk per gallon, 28c. P e r case you, convinced th a t energetic work [2 Live gallon cans] $3.00. will be appreciated anti repaid. We L I V E S T O C K .— b u y i n g . Do not advertise and stop, ¡impose to work for Gold H ill’s in ­ Beef C attle on foot 2c.—dressed 4c. But advertise a.'.u stay, For those who read your ad last week Pork, dressed, 4c. terests, and entertain a hope of be­ A re w h a t y o ur GEO. LIMIN, Prepp. (j M utton, $1.50 @ $1.75. W ill look ior it to dav. com ing identified with her future P h y sician counts H ides, green 3c.—dry 5c per pound. California W ines, Bourbon In more ways th an one. We have W hiskies, Im jorted ami Do­ P O U E T R i ’. W e w ant the patronage of every on when he writes located here w ith the definite p u r­ mestic Cigars. Billiard and m an in Gold H ill, no m atte r w hat Chickens, $1.50 @ $2.00 per dozen. Card Tables in Connection. pose of establishing anti m a in ta in ­ your Prescriptions, his occupation, politics, or religion Turkeys 7c per pound. ing a paper which shall fairly pre­ The Best Place in the City to m ay he, as well as those of the coun­ and you do not sent the cu rren t news in the best Spend Your Leisure Terne. HOW’S THIS? try surrounding. The News works get the full benefit m anner of which we are capable. W e offer Due H undred Dollars Reward Give Us a Call. «j for all. The advancem ent of Gobi for any » use of C atarrh t tint can not he Political questions of sufficient of his skill if the Hill and the highest grow th and cured by H all’s C atarrh Cure. GOLD HILL, OREGON. im portance to interest the general F. .1. C heney & <’«>., Props., Toledo, O. >«9» developm ent of its contiguous te r­ d ru g s a re n o t W e the undersigned, have known F..1. public will be considered in a sp irit i tS t Ä i £Ss Æà «sfiïïà Cheney for the last 15 years, ami believe ritory is the end it has in view pure. of fairness and candor. As the him perfectly honorable in all business quite ns m uch as th e betterm en t of transactions ami financially able to car­ ?■ F’.vs depends directly on the pub­ its p u b lish er’s financial condition. r y o u t any obligations made by their W e G u a ra n te e O urs^ lic for success or failure, it will en­ ii’rm. 'Vest A T ruax, Wholesale Drug­ he in n e r gists, Teledo, O. W alding, K innan A deavor to please the public even if M aryin, W holesale Druggists, Toledo, O. How it S h o u ld be D one. H as the Largest Stock of Stoves, Tin­ l»v so doing it m ay offend the polil- H all’s Ci’ta a rh Cure is taken internal­ ware, ¿m u n itio n , Fishing Tackle, Picks, ly, acting directly upon the blood and iiinu. The quickest and best way to ihnei ms ,airfares'of the system. Price Shovels, ami in fact everything kept in The general policy of the N ews open up the m ines of Southern 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. a first-class [W. H. CAINE, Pharmacist,] will bec neervative. (independent.) Oregon, would be for the m ining Testim onials free. H all's Family Pills are the best. lut. ardware to r e N«>:> i - presented for publication, men to ¡yet together and organize not in the natu re of advertisem ents an association of some kin d , to And his prices arc as Low as the Ixjweet N E E D S O F T H E H O U R. on first quality Goods. Give will be «•».»—i'd as news items, or work on the principles of a Board him a call when in I ublished in the colum ns devoted' of Trade. If such an o rg a n iz a tio n ’ Otic of the first things discovered Q ’J f S t O l G were effected, and all its m em bers ¡by a business m an, looking for a . to corresjiondence. Communion-J Gold Hill, O regon. tio n -o n city affairs am i p o litic a l! work harm oniously together, a v a s t location, is th e necessity of good y \ S 1 0 U ? G C l l 1 0 -ffflY At questions will l»e published either am ount of good could be accom- fire protection of some Lind. in whole or in ¡»art a t our option;! ¡dished in a very short space F present we have none, and the in- I 1 r. w onderland of grandeur, beauty and Our but as we are legally am i m orally ¡time. Som ething of th is kind surancc rates are enorm ous. bargains. Fresii with responsible for all statem ents made ! should bo done, a n d th e parties to citizens could m ake no better in ­ goods from home and abroad. A vast variety in our colum ns, no corresjiondence take the first step, should be some- vestm ent th an to purchase a I I ook to select from. Many C o t t o l a r d i n c - ^ will l»e published unless the w riter's o n e w h o ih a s m ines, and h as the and Ladder T ruck, well supplied articles and styles not to be found anyw here else. nam e is attached for our inform a­ cause at h eart, then they will be w ith Ladders, Buckets, Hooks, and all such substi­ E asy opj»ortunith s to tion, though if desired it m ay not more liable to m ake it a success. R opes, etc. Then we could organ­ see everything. No so­ tutes for Pure Lard m ay licitations t<» buy. No | be all right in their wav be published with the article. We hope to see someone take a ize a volunteer com pany and pract- compulsion to keep after ; [ and they weigh enough ,{ it is to the interest of the city step in th is direction ere m any ice on runs, etc., and in case of fire you have bought, if not too], but for first-class satisfied. Perfect satis­ we would be in shape to do some­ to su p p o rt a m erchantile in stitu ­ weeks rolls bv. faction with qualities.! baking or cooking you thing. As it now is, we could do tion, it is equully to its interest to Perfect confidence that ' cannot use a substitute prices are lowest. Some- It is a fact w orthy of note th at nothing b u t let things go. su p p o rt a newspaper that endeavors th at will take the place line --------- should be , lib seat th in g along to give full value to every subscrib­ j’tst before Sim on took ..........................„ -o this ----- \ |” DDTTT “ f Pure, U nadulterated I.ard. and give even one- M onday afternoon and read the done. W ho will be the first to take d . R . A i l l K K l l l , er and advertiser, and is constantly th ird as good results. exerting its influence for the good message from the tem porary clerk the step ? of the house th a t he was closeted i W e all like good pastry, and only of the com m unity. G e n e ra l As we ge to press we are official­ • • with Young and U 'R e n , the leading good lard will m ake it. The best • * is none too good. NT e r e h n n d i s e , It was an ly notified from Salem th a t the W e desire to furnish all the news populists of the state. H ouse has not yet organized, but in brief form. You can help us in interesting trio; b u t it is they who W. H. Beldler & Sen., - OREGO N. th a t the Benson house is liable to GOLD H IL L , th a t. If we fail to h u n t you up, are laying the plans for the perpet­ We also carry a choice line of all h u n t us up. W e will not miss a uating of the hold-up of this le g is-, 6° to tho " a11 a t ’voy m om ent, R ipans Tabules euro dyspepsia. kinds of fresh and salt meats. R tpaas Tabules assist digestion. T l1P N ew « is the newsiest paper . -ingle item of interest if we can pos- lature, and thw artin g the will of R tpans Tabules cure constipation. G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N . in Jackson county. ... h’v yivpjd .i t , you m ay assure the people. Statesm an!. CUR PLATFORM. O lson B rothers , . GOLD HILL, OREGON. D a n R ic h a rd s , R eal E state A gent, N otary Public, ev*-' ffl r GOLD HILL SALOON, i Pure Drugs I L W . H. R U N N E L L S , T T , C. ALLISON & Co., Gold Hill, • Oregon. H S Conglomolard, Suetoleum, 7V .